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Fraxus Fairy Tail Adventure

Chapter 1

A new girl walked into the Fairy Tail guild hall & asked, "Where is the mage they call Laxus"? Everyone turned to look at the newcomer & their jaws dropped. Natsu said, "Dude, you look like Freed, but if he was a girl"!!! She said, "Why, thank kyuu Fire Dragon. I am delighted to hear that you know of my Younger brother"~

Everyone stopped what they were doing & cried in unison, "SAY WHAT"?!?!?!?!?!!!! Freed's sister laughed & responded, "I am Freed Justine's elder sister, Rosa Justine. It's a pleasure to meet all of you". Master Makarov cleared his throat & said, "Ahem. Miss Justine, might I inquire as to why you are looking for my grandson"?  Rosa paused for a moment & then she said, "I should've known he was your grandson". (glares at Makarov) Rosa took a deep breath & practically screamed, "HE HURT MY BABY BROTHER  & NOBODY HURTS MY LITTLE BROTHER"!!!!!!

Rosa walked over to the stage, made a magical screen appear, while she disappeared & showed everyone a memory from Freed's past.

[Start Memory of Freed's Past]

Freed was enjoying a fun day at the park with his older sister, Rosa, when suddenly…

A nasty group of men grabbed Freed's sister & dragged her into a dark alleyway, where they tried to remove her clothes.

(Cuts back to child Freed in the park) 

Freed had just noticed that his sister was missing, so he started calling for her, "Rosa? Rosa, where are you"?? Freed searched everywhere for his sister, just then he heard Rosa scream HELP!!!!

Freed rushed to his sister's aid; when he arrived Freed found his sister sprawled on the ground missing half her clothes!

Freed's eyes turned red & he cried, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SISTER"!!?!!!! That was the 1st time Freed's powers manifested & the poor boy being as young as he was could not control his powers & went berserk & shortly thereafter he passed out.

When Freed regained consciousness he looked around & the 1st thing he noticed was… The motionless form of his older sister's body!!! Freed crawled over to his sister & began shaking her. He called his sister's name repeatedly, he said, “Rosa? Rosa..? Rosa, Come on, Rosa… Rosa!! Rosa, Please Answer Me!?! ROSA”!!!! Freed lifted his hand from his sister's body & he saw that it was covered… IN BLOOD!!!!! Freed looked down at his sister's body & he saw that Rosa’s entire body was covered in the red liquid…

{As they continued to watch the Memories of Freed’s Past; the members of the Fairy Tail Guild noticed a kind of dark mist forming around mini Freed, & they realized that “the Angrier Freed grew, the Stronger the Dark Mist became”!!}

Freed stared at his blood covered hand & started to cry; tears streamed down Freed’s face as he screamed, “no, No, NO!!! This can’t be happening; THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING”!!!! Freed quickly became angry & he yelled; “They did this! They hurt Rosa!! They Killed My Sister!!! …… THEY MUST PAY FOR STEALING THE ONLY FAMILY I EVER HAD”!!!!!!!

Chapter 2

With these words, the Dark Mist burst & a Monster now stood in Freed’s place & this is what the monster said… (Pop's neck & knuckles) “Aaah~ Finally. It's about Time, that I got out. Now… Let's have some Fun~ Before Mr. Goody-Goody wakes up”~...

[The monster smiled, then the screen went dark & the Female version of Freed reappeared.]

Lucy, Erza, & Mirajane were the 1st ones to react, & they said in perfect sync; “Wait! Your name is Rosa!! Aren’t you supposed to be dead”?!?! Female Freed let out an angelic laugh & said, “Yes & No! Yes, my name is Rosa… But, No, I’m NOT dead, ‘Cause I can use Healing Magic!! BUT, that's besides the point; that's not why I am here!!! The reason as to why I am here is…

Because a certain Blonde haired mage from THIS guild has hurt my younger brother & that jerk MUST PAY FOR HIS SINS”!!!!!!! [A dark aura surrounded Rosa's body as she spoke; & this dark aura scared the other guild members].

(Rosa climbed off the stage, walked gracefully across the floor, & stopped in front of the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor of the Fairy Tail guild hall.)

{Rosa appeared to be contemplating about something.}

After a while, Rosa just shrugged her shoulders, shook her head, & started to climb the stairs. Master Makarov moved to stop Rosa; when he suddenly froze in his tracks & just stared at something on the back of Rosa’s neck. [What Master Makarov saw on the back of Rosa’s neck was… A Gold & Ruby colored Triple S-Class tattoo!!]

Master Makarov immediately backed off & acted like he hadn’t seen anything; which really confused the other guild members, who just stood there & stared, completely dumbfounded. While the others stared at their Guild Master, Rosa had reached the top of the stairs & she had quickly, yet quietly crossed the floor to a slumbering & for some reason shirtless Blonde haired mage. Rosa gently woke the slumbering mage & she asked in a honeycoated voice; “Um… Excuse me..! A- Are you, by any chance… Are you L- Laxus Dreyer…”??

The Blonde haired mage opened 1 eye & said in a bored voice; “(sigh), Yeah, that's me… Now beat it kid. I’m tryin’ ta sleep”... [Laxus rolled over & tried to fall back asleep.]

Rosa’s smile turned into a frown & she thought to herself; {This is the guy that my little brother fell in love with?!?!? Hmph, Lil bro can do way~ better than this thing…!!!}

Rosa kicked the bed out from under Laxus & said with fake innocence; “Oh, I'm sorry~ Did that hurt you”?Rosa feigned innocence for a few moments & then she went wholehog on Laxus & she taught him Quite a few lessons about “How to Treat 1’s Life-long Partner Better” & about “What Happens When Someone Hurts Rosa's Younger Brother”!!!

Not only did Rosa whoop Laxus's butt, but she also made him promise NEVER to hurt her little brother EVER AGAIN, or she would return to the Fairy Tail Guild & give him another painful lesson!!!

[Laxus learned that Rosa may look like an Angel, but she will become a Devil to whomever hurts her family.]

Chapter 3

{Time skip} Several Hours Later…

Rosa descended the stairs with a cowering Laxus Dreyer in tow!!!! Everyone just stood there with their mouths wide open & stared at Rosa in either; Awe, Fear, Amazement, or all 3!!!

Rosa paused at the bottom of the stairs; she looked around, gave everyone a friendly smile, & then she whirled around on her heel & Rosa said in a stern voice, “Now… You WILL go & make amends with my beloved little brother. You WILL tell him YOUR TRUE FeElInGs!! & you will do as I say or… Do I need to teach you another lesson~”??

Laxus’s eyes shot wide with fear & he immediately said, “NO”!!!!

Rosa cocked an eyebrow & Laxus quickly said, “N-no  Ma’am”... Laxus looked at Rosa, then at the ground to hide his embarrassment of “being scared by someone that's shorter than himself”...

Laxus looked at his uncle & asked Rosa in a shaking voice; “(clears throat), Um… Miss Rosa”... Rosa turned towards Laxus, cocked an eyebrow & said; “Yes Laxus. Is there something you need”? Rosa spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice that sent a chill up Laxus's spine. Laxus shook his head & then he spoke as politely as he possibly could. Laxus asked; “Um… Lady Rosa, Wh-What is y-your ranking? I-I mean, what Class are you”?? Rosa smiled sweetly at Laxus & then she said in a playful voice; “Why Laxie-kins~ All you had to do was look at the back of my neck, & you would've seen my Gold & Ruby colored Triple S-Class tattoo~”!! Rosa smiled, turned her back towards Laxus, lifted her hair & waited for everyone's reaction to her Class Ranking... 

Upon seeing Rosa's Ranking tattoo, Laxus's eyes went wide & he stumbled backwards out of fear; while everyone else went wide-eyed, slack-jawed, & some activated their powers out of surprise. Master Makarov looked at Rosa & nodded his head. Rosa smiled tenderly at the Fairy Tail Guild Master. Rosa let her hair slide back into place, then she walked over to the bar counter, gave her old friend a hug, & said; “It's nice to see you again, my friend”. Master Makarov hugged Rosa back & said in a caring voice; “Same to you, my child”.  Makarov pulled away from the hug, he looked Rosa once over & then he added; “I see that time has been kind to you over the years, since last we met”. Rosa blushed & said; “Oh you, old charmer. You still have that silver tongue of yours, I see”. Rosa's eyes flashed Red, then Gold, & then back to Silver. Master Makarov got the hint & he stopped teasing his friend.

Master Makarov got the feeling that they were being watched, so he turned his head & looked over at the other members of his guild & sure enough, everyone & I mean, everyone, including his nephew, Laxus, were staring at himself & Rosa with curious looks on their faces.Master Makarov looked at Rosa & he could tell that the sudden attention was bothering her, so Makarov cleared his throat & said in a booming voice; “What are all of you looking at?! Does this look like a circus act to you!?! Can't a Guild Master catchup with an old friend in peace without being stared at”!?!?!

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