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My Master's Sweetest Blood

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Rain flooded the backstreets of the capital, forcing people who could afford it to hide within their makeshift homes.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
My Lady...
As we walked down the outside streets, the rain pouring down from the heavens, my assistant spoke.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
This operation was a sensitive one.
We stopped in front of a building with my men on standby, and just before we reached earshot, I turned towards him and smiled.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
This is exactly why I should be here.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
This operation is run exclusively by men. I doubt the children will trust anything that a man says...
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
If that was the reason, then we could have sent Kitty!
Kitty was one of my most capable knights, and she happened to be a woman.
However, she was currently on maternity leave with her first child, a child which she was most excited for.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Kitty needs to rest.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Besides, I needed the exercise.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Come on.
I continued walking forward, only for Ashton to give out a huge sigh.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
My Lady...
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
You truly are unstoppable once you've put your mind to something.
I approached the main commander, who immediately bowed upon seeing me.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady, I didn't know that you've be here today...
I smiled at my lifelong friend and commander, Justin Blaine. We've been friends since childhood and his family has been loyal to mine for generations.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
At ease.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
How is the situation?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
We have the place surrounded. Some of the traffickers tried to flee from the roofs but our men caught them all.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
How many people are we talking about?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Twenty children, ten women.
How horrible...
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
And those are only estimates.
I crossed my arms and then nodded.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Get them out.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Have the children and women brought to the Hope Orphanage. They are ready to receive them.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Yes, My Lady.
Commander Blaine bowed before gesturing towards the men to forcefully enter the human trafficking base of operations disguised under an inn.
I stood outside as the men walked in. I heard shouting, and then nothing.
Human Trafficker
Human Trafficker
One more step, and I'll kill this child!
I took one look at Ashton before rushing inside.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
My Lady!
However, it was too late. My eyes suddenly tensed with anger when I saw a man pressing a blade against a crying child's neck.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Human Trafficker
Human Trafficker
Stay back! All of you-
Suddenly, the room dropped in temperature.
Artwork of frost slowly creaked and appeared on the wall, swirling around in all its beauty.
I took a step forward, the frost becoming more and more obvious.
Human Trafficker
Human Trafficker
Human Trafficker
Human Trafficker
You're her! You're the Snow Witch! Stay away or else-
With the click of my fingers, ice engulfed the man, freezing him in an instant.
There was silence amongst the soldiers, who knew exactly what I was capable of.
My fingertips were covered in ice, shivering at the cold. A byproduct of using my magic so suddenly.
The child, who had been untouched by the magic, sniffled as he slid out from his now limp arm and rushed towards me, only to stop in the middle of the room.
He was scared, scared by the magic.
But also, he was curious.
Curious about me.
I knelt down, my eyes becoming soft and trusting.
I opened my arms and smiled sweetly, breaking down the child's defenses.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
You're safe now.
Before anyone could object, the child rushed towards me and lept up into my arms as I held him tightly, smiling.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
There, there. It's okay...
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
You've been through so much...
The child cried in my arms, and I smiled as I gently patted his matted hair.
I looked to my left and noticed more children locked behind cell doors.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
This will be a lot of work...
And I won't stop until every soul responsible for this is either six feet underground or placed in a prison ten times worse than this.
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 2: Special Individual

I remained with the children, surrounding myself with them and telling them stories while they were all safely placed into one wagon that went back and forth from the orphanage.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
From a distance, my assistant crossed his arms while he wanted as I caressed a child on my lap without a care in the world.
Commander Blaine walked in and stood next to him.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
She's quite something, isn't she?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Most noblewoman would never even come here, let alone touch a child from the slums.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
She is something else, isn't she?
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
But sometimes, I worry about her.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
She's a magic user. One of the few in the country.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
And she's... "Sienna".
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Even a magic user can feel overwhelmed.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
And she didn't have her gloves with her today. She's got frostbite all over her fingertips, yet she refused to sit by the fire unless all the children were with her.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
She'd be an amazing mother.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
She would, but I doubt that she'd marry anyone.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Her father's last wish was that she'd have the freedom to choose whoever she wanted.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
And My Lady has already solidified the position of the land with her tactics and contracts.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
I don't know anyone like her...
Sir, I have something to report.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
What is it?
Downstairs, there's a reinforced steel door. It's locked, but we are trying to find a key.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Is it... dangerous?
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Do they trade in wild beasts by chance?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
No. Besides, how could you get a wild beast down there? The hatch is barely big enough to fit an adult, let alone a feral beast.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
What's wrong?
I rose up from my place by the fire that Ashton had set, my eyes concerned by the halted progress.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Nothing, My Lady.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
There is a locked door downstairs, but my men are trying to find the key.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
A locked door?
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Do you want me to freeze the hinges?
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
My Lady, it could be holding something dangerous...
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
It's alright.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
I'm well used to dangerous situations.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Look after the children while I go check it out.
A woman from the orphanage nodded as I descended down into the cellar where they kept all the children.
There, I immediately felt disgust rush up my body.
Cages, whips, chains...
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
How abominable can you be...
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady, over here.
I walked towards the sound of Commander Blaine's voice and sure enough, a reinforced steel door was in front of us.
I motioned the commander to step back before I took a deep breath.
I charged up my magic and unleashed it at a slow rate, avoiding the frostbite.
As I heard the hinges squeal, I stopped. The commander then took the hilt of his sword and hit them, watching the metal shatter to pieces.
The door was then rotated so there was just a gap.
I peered inside, and my mind went blank when I saw a child lying on the ground, unconscious, completely covered in chains.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Oh no...
I quickly used my ice to warp the door even more, giving me and the commander enough space to crawl in.
I rushed over towards the child, who was surrounded by various bones and flies.
He's not breathing...
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady-
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Commander Blaine, he needs medical attention-
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady, step away!
He unsheathed his sword and when I looked down at the child in my arms, his eyes were open.
Big bright red eyes.
He's... a Cursed.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 3: History

The history of the Cursed is hard to tell without talking about the history of the creation of man.
There were once two families.
One family worked during the day, and slept during the night.
Another family worked during the night and slept during the day.
While the one family grew crops and ate from the cow's milk, the other family ate the cow and drank its blood.
Today, the first family are those who are called humans.
The other family who consumed blood so much that they had a dependency on it?
They were called the Cursed.
They hold overpowering strength, hands that can shatter bone with just a little amount of pressure.
They used to be used as warriors until there was an uprising within their ranks.
And the majority of them died at the hands of Cursed Hunters...
Nowadays, they are even more powerful than before and possessing a Cursed is forbidden unless it is placed under a contract that has been approved by the King.
With a contract, a Cursed is allowed to consume the blood of their Master.
Due to the effects of the contract, they may not disobey their Master's orders... ever.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady...
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Step back...
Even a child this size could kill me in an instant.
The child's eyes turned towards the commander's sword and I saw them tense with anger.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Commander, put your sword down.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady...
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Put it down.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
The commander slowly put it away as I looked at the child.
Cursed or not, he needs saving.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
I don't know how to save you...
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
You have to tell me.
He barely looked like he has any life left.
He opened his mouth, but it was so dried that he couldn't say anything.
I knew what he needed.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Blood! Commander, look around here to see if they have any!
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
But My Lady-
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Do it before we lose him, Justin!
He stiffened at the moment I spoke his first name and sighed, biting his lip before rushing out.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Blood. We need blood.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Blood? What's-
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
No, it can't be...
While the commander was rooting through the drawers, Ashton stared at disbelief.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
But there haven't been any new Cursed appearances since... generations.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Well, there is one in there right now.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
And I don't know what Sienna is thinking, but-
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
She called you by your first name, didn't she?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
You can never refuse a request from her when she calls you by your first name. It's always been like that, ever since we were children.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
It's my duty to protect her...
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
How can I do that when she's jumping head first into danger.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Argh, no blood!
Meanwhile, in the cell, I stared at the child's face.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Do you know where they kept blood for you?
He barely had the energy to stay conscious.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Do you want to live?
The child looked up at me, his eyes sharp.
He looked ready to pounce, but I knew he wouldn't hurt me.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
I know that you can only accept blood from a human if you have formed a contract with them.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
So, form one with me...
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady, no!
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
You can't! The King will-
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
The King will understand.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Besides, I'm not going to allow a child to die on my watch. Not again...
Everyone stiffened.
I put out my arm and brought it close enough to his mouth.
I didn't know his answer until he looked at me in an untrusting way.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
All the children upstairs are being brought to my orphanage.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Good people run it, people that I trust.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
I want to save your life... and I promise never to order you to do something you wouldn't like to do.
It took me a moment, and just when I thought he'd refuse, fangs protruded from his mouth and he lept up, biting me on the side of my arm, just below my shoulder.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
Oh no...
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
Great heavens... what have you done now, My Lady?
As the young child took his first suck of blood, his eyes suddenly opened wide.
He took another sip, and another, and I was forced to bite my lip at the discomfort.
Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation on my arm.
Red markings appeared, and I bit my lip through the pain.
Ashton Smith
Ashton Smith
My Lady-
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
No, you can't interrupt it now.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
It's too late.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
As the child continued to feed on my blood, I began to feel a little feint.
I staggered to keep up, and without a care about the Cursed on my lap, Commander Blaine rushed to my side to keep me standing up.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
That's enough!
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
He's going to kill her!
Upon hearing that, the child jumped back licking his lips of any blood that ran down the sides of his mouth.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady, are you alright?
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Yes... I'm fine.
I then looked at the child, who's red eyes were angrily piercing mine.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Are you fine?
I looked at the child in front of me, who refused to answer.
But seeing how much better he looked already, I smiled.
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Good... I'm glad that you're feeling better.
The commander went to help me up, but I ended up realising that I didn't have the energy to properly stand.
He held me up, his face filled with concern.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady!
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
I'm okay...
Sienna Frost
Sienna Frost
Your armour feels cold...
I pressed my face against the side of his armour and closed my eyes.
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
My Lady?
Justin Blaine
Justin Blaine
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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