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Wizamp: The Death's Call To Live

Let's begin

Consider this as one of those FICTIONAL stories you’ve read. Happy reading.

I’m not a professional writer but I’ll try my best to transcribe my story in the easiest way possible. Let’s start with a little introduction.

I am Melissa Bardot, daughter of Cindy Bardot. I know her first name doesn’t go well with her last name but that’s her parent’s fault. And yes, I go with my mother’s family name because my father died before I was born. I don’t even remember his name to be honest and my mother raised me alone, what a brave lady.

You might be thinking there are several single moms out there so what’s so brave about it. But trust me raising me was really a great task, I was the most troublesome child in the whole city or maybe the whole country. Or I was just born with the worst luck because whatever I did, always went wrong.

Let me just tell you one of those b-a-d incidents that happened during my 4th grade. So, we had this parents meet and greet event held at our school and our class prepared a small play for their entertainment which was not entertaining at all.

We were performing a tragic incident of a family who lost their 3 sons in World War II. And I played the eldest son with a square shaped fake brown moustache under my nose, who sneaked into the enemy’s territory to steal information.

So basically I got busted as one of the soldiers caught me stealing the information, and now we were facing each other with wooden swords in hand. Swords right...! Why swords when they had guns during World War II? Only our history teacher knows as she was in charge of this play. So, according to how we practised, after a fierce fight, I kill the enemy guy but later they arrest me after finding traces of his blood on my sword. BUT…… for me, things don’t always go so smoothly.

During our fight when I swung my sword to hit him, it slipped out of my hand and fell backstage hitting the boy, who was holding the huge fort. Due to the hard slap by my wooden sword, his grip loosened making the fort fall over me. Though it was made of cardboards, it had few rods inside to keep it straight. One of the rods fell right on my head, tearing my scalp and making it bleed.

How unfortunate, right? But that’s not even half bad as to how I got the scar on my right ankle from a wild boar during our field trip in 6th grade. And also the time I died.

Yes, you read it correctly. I’m DEAD. And unfortunately, I’m not a ghost or a zombie…. It's way more complicated than that. And if you think these things don’t exist I’d call you a muggle if I was Harry Potter or a mortal if I was Percy Jackson but in our language you’re just HUMAN.

It all started with my death.

Hello peeps! Author here.

Hope you like the story. It's my 1st time posting a story so please do comment below if you any suggestions for improving my work.

Boi boi.


The winter morning was cold as ever and the breeze wheezed through the leaves spreading its scent. In between the mountains I laid motionless with blood dripping through my injuries creeping on my skin.

My eyes were open but cloudy. I could feel myself losing consciousness. I tried moving my body but only my forefinger reacted a little. I felt sharp pain in my head, shoulder and waist taking over my body. The rocky floor slowly turned red with my blood.

My eyes closed, even though I tried my best to keep them open.

'Crack' I heard someone step on a twig. With all the strength left, I opened my eyes and saw a person approaching. I tried opening my mouth to ask for help but failed miserably.

Even my eyes gave up soon. I begged inside and prayed for myself, wanting to live more. Tears dripped out of my closed eyes as I felt a warm hand on my cheek tracing my temple and wiping the tear off.

"Please, save me", my brain was repeating the same words continuously.

"If only you were never born, you wouldn't have died so miserably".

The breeze was strong but I could hear the person’s words. The voice was not clear but it was easy to interpret what they said.

My mind which was begging for help went blank for a second.

I was still trying to understand what they meant but heard footsteps moving away.

"I guess they don't wanna bother. So this is where I die" I forgot what they said as another tear rolled down my eyes.

Few months ago

The day was the same as usual. The teacher was teaching, some students were dozing off while the others were either chatting or scribbling on the last page of their notebook. A little murmur could be heard but the teacher didn't seem to care about it. I glanced out of the window only to find a bunch of old trees with broken branches standing right in front, blocking the view behind it. It was boring as always but the only excitement I had was for the next day which was my best friend's birthday for which I had already planned. I sighed and looked back at the whiteboard trying to understand what the teacher wrote.

The bell rang, all the students marched towards the door right after the teacher left. I grabbed my belongings, stuffed them in my bag and walked out of the classroom, and as always Lucas was already waiting in the corridor. I smiled while walking and tossed my bag at him.

"You always give me the honor to wait for you, don’t you?" He pointed at his watch.

"The pleasure is all yours."

"I wanna give you the same honor sometime." We walked toward the exit.

"No thanks."

"By the way, tomorrow is my birthday so what’s the plan?" He reminded me.

“I'm not wasting my money on some stupid cake and decorations for your birthday." I lied.

"Liar," he giggled.

"You wanna test me?”

"Nah! I don't wanna lose my birthday party."

"By the way, aren't you gonna celebrate your birthday with your parents! I mean it's been more than a year since their last visit so they might come for your birthday this year." I asked nervously although I knew this topic makes him sad but I had to.

"I don't think so! They never come.... They only visit once in a year or 2 so I really don't know! And even if they do...." He turned around facing me. "I won't leave you off the hook, you still have to throw a party for me."

"I know! I know!" I rolled my eyes, "Time to part ways" I stopped at the cross where we separated.

"Ok bye!" He tossed the bag back.

"Remember to come before 12." I winked and ran to the left street.

"I'll be there before 11" he shouted.

Everything was done. We never had any close friends so there weren't any guests to invite. The decor was simple which I did only to get a feel. Mom bought the cake, prepared the dinner and placed everything on the table.

"It's already past 11:30 and he's still not here?" Mom asked.

"Yeah!! Maybe he's engaged in some work." I sighed. This was rare.

Suddenly the door opened and there he was, standing with an apologetic look on his face.

"Hey Mel, hey aunt" he closed the door behind, "I'm really sorry, I'm late for my own birthday.” He came forward apologising.

“It’s ok dear, at least you’re here.” Mom accepted the apology with a bright smile on her face.

“If you were late for 5 more minutes I would’ve cut the cake myself.” I loved teasing him.

“I know you wouldn’t.”

“You bet?” I grabbed the knife and placed it on the cake to cut but the doorbell interrupted.

“Lemme check.” Mom walked towards the door and opened it but couldn’t recognize the people standing in front.

Hope you like it.

Don't forget to comment your thoughts below, so that I can improve.

Birthday boy

Mom walked towards the door and opened it but couldn’t recognize the people standing in front.

“I’m sorry to disturb you so late but is Lucas here by any chance?” The tall man who seemed to be in his late 40s asked. He had a broad bushy moustache under his nose which was hiding his upper lip. His hair was deep brown, quite similar to Lucas’.

“Yes he is... And you are…?” mom asked hesitantly.

“Where are your manners James? Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” The lady standing behind him smacked on his shoulder really hard.

“Ouch!” The man let out a silent scream.

“Sorry for his impoliteness. I am Jenifer, Jenifer Wright, Lucas’ mother. And he is James, my beloved husband.” The lady stretched out her hand for a handshake.

“Oh! Nice to meet you, I’m Cindy, Melissa’s mother.” Mom accepted the handshake and stretched her hand out but as soon as their hands touched Jenifer jumped back with a loud scream which made mom flinch.

“Are you ok?” Mom stepped forward with a worried face.

“I…I…I’m fine. Maybe just a spark due to the cold.” Jenifer shrugged it off. I could witness the scene but the door blocked the view for Lucas. Even if it did not, he wouldn’t care much as he was too busy arranging candles on the cake.

“Ahhh…. Please come in. There’s still a little time for 12.” Mom moved aside, giving them a way to come in.

“Oh thank you.”

“Hey Lucas! Look who’s here for you.” He looked up at mom’s words and his eyes widened as he saw them. He was shocked but his expression was neither of happiness nor disbelief. It was full of anger and disappointment but he changed it before others could notice.

I could understand him. At least I think I could.

“How did you know I was here?” He asked them in a plain tone.

“We asked granny.” Jenifer replied with a smile.

“Please have a seat.” Mom pointed at the empty chairs.

“This is my daughter, Melissa.”

“Oh nice to meet you.” I bowed my head a little.

“She’s really pretty…..just like her necklace….” James said, staring at my necklace giving me chills or creep maybe. “No doubt Lucas wanted to come here instead of celebrating his birthday with us.” He teased him but it didn’t seem to affect him even a little, while I could feel blood rushing through my cheek.

“You’re flattering me uncle.” I replied blushing, playing with my necklace.

“It was her father’s last gift.” Mom said with a sad look on her face.

“Ah! I am really sorry.” The room went silent after James' apology.

By the way, did I mention earlier? Lucas was the guy who was hurt by my wooden sword during our Tragic World War play. We’ve been friends since then. He was so sweet and cute back then. I pretty much had a small crush on him but of course not anymore, or maybe I still have some hard feelings but honestly I don’t think it’s the same as before. He’s seriously not cute anymore.

Okay, back to the story.

After 12 we cut the cake, had dinner and a little chit chat. Then I and Lucas came out to the little yard behind our home giving the elders some space or rather for our personal space.

We sat down beside each other and leaned back with our hands supporting our upper body.

“So you’re finally 18…. An official adult.” I giggled looking up at the sky.

“Yep!” He sighed.

“What’s with that sigh?”


“Come on man, you’re officially an adult now and you’re still sighing?”

“What’s good about being an adult?” He frowned.

“You can do anything you want. You don’t need anybody’s permission and you’re asking me ‘what’s good about it’?” I had a million other reasons lined up.

“You think you can do whatever you want once you’re 18?”

“Yes, of course.”

“You’ll know it soon. Your birthday is just 3 months away. Isn’t it?” He smirked.

“2 months” I corrected him giving a death glare.

“What? Really?” his eyes widened.

“You even forgot my birthday? Aren’t you ashamed to call yourself my best friend?” I raised my hand high, almost ready to punch him.

“Ahhh!” He screamed loudly holding his head with both of his hands.

“I didn’t even touch you.” I pulled my hand down trying to control my laugh at his acting.

He didn’t stop and continued shouting like crazy.

“Quit the act…..Hey! Hey! What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I held his shoulder but he shoved it off roughly and continued to scream or more like groan. His nerves were popping out, clearly visible through his skin. I tried to pull his hand down but it was scorching. Wasn’t he perfectly fine just a minute ago? What’s with this sudden fever? I thought.

He stood up and ran inside, not giving me time to react.

Hope you like this episode 💜

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