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The Fictional Love

first episode

one day a boy haruki who was a teenager he slept he see his fictional girlfriend in the mirror, she was pretty. she was also really beautiful. but she was still not real and so that's why no one liked her, they thought that she wasn't even human. but to him, he loved her, because she looked like an angel. he loved her for her beauty, because it reminded him of what he had lost long ago.

he fell asleep thinking about her as he lay in bed. when he woke up it was late morning and the sun was shining through the curtains. he could hear birds chirping. he felt so warm and comfortable. so at peace. he closed his eyes and went back to sleep dreaming of his girlfriend. he knew that he was still dreaming but he didn’t care. he didn’t want to wake up from this wonderful dream. he just wanted to keep on dreaming forever. he wished he would never wake up though.he didn’t want to wake up from this wonderful dream. he just wanted to keep on dreaming forever. he wished he would never wake up though. for some reason though, he couldn’t get himself out of his comfortable position. and it made him feel uneasy. the uncomfortable feeling only got worse when a knock sounded outside his door. he opened his eyes. his mom was standing there with a concerned look. he sat up. “hi mommy I’m sorry I fell asleep again.” he said. she smiled at him. “it’s okay honey. you can go back to sleep if you want.” she said. he nodded. he laid back down and closed his eyes. he heard his mother leave the room. the only thing Haruki remembered now were the dreams. but he didn't remember them at all. not until he had another nightmare that night. he awoke screaming in the middle of the night because of the terrible nightmare he dreamed.he saw a girl wearing the school uniform. she had short brown hair tied back in a ponytail and piercing gray eyes. she was holding a book. her name was kai, he remembered. he also remembered that he had fallen in love with her during those dreams. he didn’he didn’t remember falling in love with her in reality either. but he did remember falling in love with her when he saw her in his dream. he thought of her often throughout the days after that. he thought of her during class. He thought of her during lunch break. He thought of her during math lessons.he thought of her during PE. he thought of her during volleyball practice. he thought of her during club activities. he thought of her during his last period class before he left to go home. he thought of her every chance he had. he was sure that if she saw him right nowshe wouldn’t recognize him. she probably wouldn’t even know who he was. he hoped that when he finally told her, she would recognize him immediately. he hoped that she would feel the same way. he hoped that he didn’t make a big mistake telling her how he felt. he wasn’

second chapter

He wasn’t sure how she felt, but he was certain that if he confessed, things would become awkward. he didn’t think that he could handle any more awkwardness between him and his best friend. besides, if she knew who he was she would run away, because of course she would. Haruki knew thisbut he had to tell someone. he needed someone to talk to. he couldn’t talk to anyone about this. his friends all thought that he was crazy, or a freak, or a loser. and most importantly, they probably hated him too. he sighed. he wondered who he could talk to about this.he looked up at the ceiling and asked god for guidance. he hoped he could find someone who would listen. god was silent for a while then said “if you love her, give her the book. if you don’t, tell her that you have no intention of giving the book to her.Haruki felt confused, but decided to do as he was told. he took the book and held it tightly against his chest. he waited till his teacher dismissed him to open it. inside the book was a note. he unfolded it and read it. the words seemed to dance around the page and float above the paper.when he finished reading the words appeared. they floated over the pages of the notebook in front of him. he read it again. he was sure that this was real. he was positive that this time, the words would be clearer than before. they were definitely there. he was sure that it wasn’t just wishful thinking.g. when he felt that he was certain enough, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. the room that was previously blurry now seemed clear to him and he saw what he knew all along was right in front of him: the boy who had been on his mind since last week. and for some reason he was not surprised by the sight he saw. the boy was wearing a black hoodie with a red collar that matched the color of the letters in his book. his hair was black too and the same shade as the letters that formed his signature. he looked at the boy with a look in his eyes that he could only describe as pure adoration.he smiled softly and he let out an almost sigh. the boy did not seem to notice him yet, because he was still immersed in the text. “what should I write about… how can I tell him how much I care for him… how do you even begin….” he thought to himself, but“this feels so good… he is actually here… he is looking at me… talking to me… he likes me, too!” he thought to himself, but the thought vanished just as quickly as it came. he realized that maybe he was not the only one feeling like this, though. maybe everyone else was feeling the same way and he just hadn’t recognized it. the thought made him giddy. he knew that he could do something more about it, now that he knew that other people felt the same way. he needed to show them how much he loved them, after all. so, he closed his eyes once again, put down his pen and started writing a letter. he wrote it fast. he didn’t have time for the paper to dry before he finished it, so he folded it in half and stuffed it into the boy’s book. he hoped that the boy would appreciate the gesture and read it later, when he returned home. and then, he started drawing. he drew the boy from the inside out. he was drawn in black ink, which contrasted beautifully with the white paper that he had used. when he finished, he folded it in half again and stuffed it into the book as well. and then he started painting. he decided to paint the inside of the book, instead of the outside.

third chapter

He drew the boy in the same colors, the same style, except for his jacket. the design of the jacket changed with each stroke that he made on the page. Haruki decided to use a different brush, so that it looked less like black ink. he painted the back first, then moved onto the front. He didn’t know when he fell asleep but when he woke up the next morning he found his favorite book on top of him. the name of the book said that it was called ‘The Boy Who Loved Me’. he was touched, even though he was not the first person to discover that title.he carefully placed his hand over the title, then looked at the boy. His face was beautiful. it was like the world itself wanted to compliment him. Haruki smiled to himself, and reached for his phone. he needed help with his plan. he dialed the number that he knew all too well. The phone rang twice, before someone answered. “hello?” the voice spoke. “hi, mom!” Haruki replied brightly. he heard her gasp and her footsteps approaching the phone. he heard her pick it up and put it to her ear. “how many times are you going to call us, Haruki?” she sighed. Haruki laughed sheepishly“sorry, mom. i just wanted to say hi” he said, hoping that his mother wouldn’t ask him how he was doing. “that’s alright” she said, still sounding worried. Haruki sighed. why did she always worry about him? Haruki’s parents were fine, but they didn’t understand him. they thought that he was weird, and they didn’t want to be part of his life. “do you need anything, Haruki? your father and I are getting dinner ready.” Haruki blinked. “oh, yes! thank you. please send it through the mail for me.” “alright. see you later then.” “bye.” Haruki hung up and placed his phone aside. he looked over at the book again, smiling fondly. he picked it up, opened it and began reading it. he knew that he couldn’t get rid of these feelings forever, but it would be worth it. it really would. Haruki thought to himself, and then turned back to his work. he decided to go to class early that day. he wanted to spend the time with the boy who liked him, because the feeling in his stomachgot worse whenever he left class alone.he felt sick with anxiety whenever he thought about being alone in the classroom. so he decided to stay there until the bell rang. It was easy to do, considering that he stayed close enough that he could hear it ringing. he felt guilty for keeping the boy waiting, but it was better to wait for the teacher anyway. if the boy had already left, he might never speak to him again, and he didn’t want that to happen. he didn’t want the boy to think he had forgotten him. Haruki had written a lot of love poems, but he had never written a poem that felt so real. he was not sure what he was supposed to say to the boy, but he kept rereading the lines anyway. he decided to start simple. he started off small, telling the boy about how he admired him. how pretty he was, how smart, how kind. he also told him how much he liked the color of his eyes. he continued with a few compliments and compliments. he wrote more, but stopped once he ran out of compliments. he was starting to feel nervous again. he couldn’t remember what was happening anymore, but he knew that he was supposed to finish his poem. he decided to do a couple more lines and then finish the poem. he went back to where he left off, and began his next line, it must be very difficult for you to make friends. You don’t know anyone except me. you haven’t even seen me. yet, you can tell that you’re attracted to me. I hope we can become friends. Maybe, we can get closer. I have to admit, I enjoy spending time with you. I find it fun, but there’s something else that makes it even more fun. There is something that I can’t put my finger on, but I think that there is something magical about you. I can see your future; I can predict everything about it. You will become famous, you will have a wonderful career, and you will make lots of money. you’ll be able to buy yourself whatever you want. But, there’s one thing that will upset you the most. You won’t be able to see me anymore. I have to leave town for awhile, and then, when I return, you’ll have grown to hate me. You’ll realize that I was only using you. You’ll stop liking me. you will stop loving me. You will forget about me, just like everybody else does. Goodbye, sweetheart. I’ll miss you.”he stopped, took a deep breath and put down the notebook that was resting in his lap. he waited, expecting to hear a response. he waited and listened to silence. “is that all you have to say, sweetheart?” he asked the empty air. there was no answer, but the feeling of emptiness didn’t disappear. it was still there. “I guess that’s all, then. Goodbye” he said and stood up from the bench. he walked towards the gate that led to the school entrance, but suddenly stopped. “where do you live?” he wondered to himself. “what?” he said, but he wasn’t hearing his own voice anymore. he realized that he had spoken out loud, without even realizing it. “what are you saying, sweetheart?” he whispered to himself. the feeling was becoming stronger and stronger. he wanted to scream, but he couldn’t. He felt like crying, but he couldn’t cry either. “where am i?” he wondered to himself. he could hear footsteps behind him and turn around. the girl he had talked to earlier was walking towards him, holding his book in her hands. he knew what she was trying to say, and he knew that she was waiting for him to answer.

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