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I Actually Transmigrated Into A Book


In the wake of the sound of thunder, Ming Liuyi suddenly opened her eyes. However, before her eyes could focus, she felt a wave of dizziness. Her whole body was sore and weak, and she did not even have the strength to raise her little finger.

Before Ming Liuyi could wonder where she was and what had happened to her, a memory that did not belong to her poured into her mind like a spring.

After taking a long time to calm down, Ming Liuyi’s mind finally stopped spinning, and she could sort out her thoughts. Ming Liuyi understood that she had actually transmigrated into a novel that she had read in her free time.

This book was called “The Salvation of the Disabled Boss”. One could guess what kind of novel it was just by looking at the name. It could be said to be very boring… yet appealing.

Ming Liuyi was also drawn by the name. The content was roughly about how the male protagonist, Yao Zizhou, was once a decisive and overbearing CEO, but unexpectedly, he got injured by someone close to him. When he went out for an inspection, he was caught in a man-made landslide, resulting in him losing his vision, and becoming paralyzed in both legs. The Blessed One who had fallen from grace. Yao Zizhou was in denial for a time. He even gave up on himself and became a shut-in, giving up on all treatment, and hoping that the life would be less torturous. He did not expect that his father would arrange a marriage for him on the advice of others, saying that it would bring him good fortune, and that he might get better.

However, the injuries on his body were real. How could it all be offset by a wife?

Mr. Yao was not concerned about this. He thought that even if his son was injured, the Yao family still had their reputation. The new wife could not come from a low family background. Yet in the end, it was Original Ming Liuyi who married into the Yao family.

Original Ming Liuyi already had a lover, but then she was suddenly forced to marry a disabled person. She immediately turned evil and became a vicious female supporting character who persecuted the male protagonist first thing in the morning! Abuse and torture came one after another. The worst was when he was pushed down the stairs, which was the direct cause of Yao Zizhou’s vegetative state.

In the original story, the vegetative male protagonist, whom everyone thought would never wake again, miraculously woke up three months later. The first thing he did when he woke up was to take revenge, and the first person he targeted was his wife!

One could imagine the tragic end, but at this moment, they had not reached the worst part of the story yet. So, there was still hope to turn the tides and mend the whole situation.

By now, Ming Liuyi had managed to sort out her memories, which made her shiver uncontrollably. Her eyes slowly adapted to the light, and she felt as though someone had flipped a switch in her ears as sound began to pour in.

Outside, the rainstorm continued with flashes of lightning and booming thunder, but the atmosphere in the room was even more worrying.

“Mr. Yao’s body is normal, but… he has not regained consciousness yet.” The one who said this should be Yao Zizhou’s attending doctor.

“I just want to know when will he wake up!” An older man asked anxiously.

Ming Liuyi guessed that this person must be the father of Yao Zizhou, Yao Gui.

“This… we can’t be sure. Recovery depends on the individual. If Mister Yao’s will to live is not very strong, then he will probably remain in this state… I hope that all of you prepare yourselves in advance.”

“What do you mean?” Yao Gui suddenly shouted angrily. “You’re saying that my son is going to become a vegetable?”

What followed was a wave of chaotic noises: the advice of the doctors, the consoling of the nurses, and the family members being comforted repeatedly, along with their inquiries, sighing, and faint crying…

Ming Liuyi closed her eyes in understanding. This was a hospital! Of course, she also realized that at this point in the storyline, Original Ming Liuyi had already done all those bad things. How was she going to turn the situation around? In the original story, Original Ming Liuyi had pushed Yao Zizhou down the stairs, but Yao Zizhou would not go down easy. The moment he fell, he grabbed her arm, and the two of them fell together.

Then, one went into a coma, and the other… Suffered light injuries.

What Ming Liuyi was about to face next was the crazy revenge that would take place three months later.

Ming Liuyi sighed helplessly. In actuality, she was not an ordinary person before she transmigrated into the book. After all, ordinary people would not have the protection of a spiritual spring. Moreover, she was the youngest child in her family and had been doted on since she was young. No one could bear to be harsh to her. Therefore, she was disobedient and often went out to play alone.

Maybe the heavens could not stand it anymore and transmigrated her into the book, and even went as far as to put her in the body of a vicious female supporting character with the same name as her. Was this to let her feel the malice of this world?

Your Good Fortune Is Yet To Come

Ming Liuyi tried to examine her body. In an instant, her eyes widened in shock, like seeing thunder on a clear day. What was going on with her spiritual spring? Why was it on the brink of drying up?

Ming Liuyi felt a myriad of emotions in her, but she did feel lucky. After all, the fountain was not completely dried up, which meant she still had hope. Otherwise, there were only two paths left for her. One, kill herself. Two, go mad when the male protagonist took revenge and suffer all kinds of torture in a mental asylum.

But so long as she had the spiritual spring, she still had hope to do something.

“Cough… water… water…” Ming Liuyi pretended to have just woken up and tried to attract everyone’s attention.

But no one paid her any mind! The crowd seemed to have automatically blocked her out.

Ming Liuyi felt a little embarrassed. She tried to move her body and found that the soreness had disappeared. She could now control this body, which did not belong to her.

Her throat burned and she was extremely thirsty. Without a choice, she could only sit up slowly and pick up the kettle on the cabinet beside her. She wanted to pour herself a glass of water, but she had underestimated the weight of the kettle. She ended up using too much force and broke the glass beside her with the kettle spout.


The sound of the glass shattering on the ground instantly drew everyone’s attention. They also finally noticed that Ming Liuyi had woken up.

Ming Liuyi opened her mouth awkwardly, thinking about how to greet them in a manner that fitted Original Ming Liuyi, but then she was met with a wave of angry curses.

Yao Gui was the first to speak, loudly scolding Ming Liuyi, “What kind of care did you give Yao Zizhou? As his wife, you didn’t even ask how he was when you woke up. Instead, you start smashing things! I think it’s all your fault that Zizhou became like this, how dare you! If I had known you were so vicious, I wouldn’t have agreed to letting you marry into the family!” From Yao Gui’s point of view, when the Cai family arranged a substitute for the marriage candidate, saying she was some kind of sister as an excuse, he was already dissatisfied. Now that his son had become like this, he was even more furious.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were focused on Ming Liuyi. From the looks of it, Yao Gui was going to kill her before Yao Zizhou woke up three months later.

“Uncle Gui, please calm down! I’m sure there must be a misunderstanding here. What do you think, Liuyi?” A young man spoke up to dissuade Yao Gui.

Ming Liuyi found the man in the crowd. It was Yao Ziyang, Yao Zizhou’s cousin. Now that Yao Zizhou was a vegetable, Yao Ziyang would completely take over the Yao Corporation. In his heart, he could not wait to applaud Ming Liuyi, so of course he would dissuade his uncle as a favor to her. After all, he had always held the image of a brotherly figure to others.

Yao Gui sighed. “Then tell me, why did all the housekeepers say that they saw you push Zizhou down the stairs?”

Ming Liuyi’s brain worked quickly. She widened her eyes and squeezed out a few drops of tears. She sobbed weakly, “How could I have pushed him? If that’s the case, why did I fall as well? Could it be that I would be willing to sacrifice my own life to harm my husband? I couldn’t control the wheelchair and wanted to pull Zizhou back. In the end, both of us fell down. Now that I’ve opened my eyes, you’re accusing me of this… I almost lost my life…”

Ming Liuyi saw that everyone’s expressions were wavering, so she continued to act even harder. “My feelings for Zizhou are sincere. Now that he’s in trouble, you guys treat me like this… I want a divorce, I want to go home…”

At this point, Ming Liuyi’s tears were real. She was in an unfamiliar environment, and everyone was a stranger to her. The family that she was familiar with and loved was no longer there. She was all alone in facing this dangerous and disastrous plot.

The more Ming Liuyi cried, the more aggrieved she felt. She kept sobbing, making people who watched her feel pity for her.

Seeing this, Yao Gui’s heart also softened, feeling that his tone just now was too harsh. Others might not know this, but he knew that ever since Yao Zizhou was injured, his personality changed greatly. Even towards his closest family members, he would either speak ill of them, or ignore them. Ming Liuyi was a young girl, but she was so sincere to his son. She must have been under a lot of pressure.

He could not help but lower his voice as he said, “In that case, you should live well with Zizhou. He’s just in a coma now, and all the indicators for his body show that everything’s normal. Once he wakes, that’s when your life will turn for the better.”

The air of hostility dissipated instantly, and Ming Liuyi’s grievances had lessened. Since she had already transmigrated into the book, she believed that she would be able to turn the situation around and live the rest of her life in peace.

He Is A Vegetable, Not A Person

Ming Liuyi thought for a while and said, “Father, since all the indicators on Zizhou are normal, and I’m feeling fine, let’s all get discharged from the hospital. After all, how could the hospital be more comfortable than our home? It would also be convenient for me to take care of Zizhou.”

Yao Gui turned to look at the attending doctor.

“With Mr. Yao’s current condition, it is indeed better for him to return home than to stay in the hospital. A familiar environment would help him wake up.”

Yao Gui muttered to himself for a moment before waving his hand and settling the discharge procedures. He then arranged for Ming Liuyi and Yao Zizhou to go home.

After these things were arranged, Yao Gui took the lead and left, with everyone else following behind. In the end, only Ming Liuyi and Yao Zizhou were left in the VIP ward.

Ming Liuyi put on her slippers and slowly walked to Yao Zizhou’s side. Even after she had read the description in the original story, Ming Liu Yi was still shocked by Yao Zizhou’s appearance. Even with his eyes tightly closed, his pale skin and cold face was still drop-dead gorgeous.

Ming Liuyi could not resist reaching her hand out, her fingertips feeling his cold skin, and tracing the outline of his face over and over again. His eye sockets were very deep, the corners of his eyes were raised, the nose bridge was high, and his jawline was perfect…

“Ah!” Ming Liuyi suddenly exclaimed. The moment she touched Yao Zizhou, the dry spiritual spring in her body unexpectedly began to stir. When she moved her hand away, the fluctuations immediately stopped.

Ming Liuyi felt a myriad of emotions. It would appear that all male protagonists were blessed by God. To think, this man was able to affect her spiritual spring when she did not belong to this world in the first place…

This made Ming Liuyi, who had thought about leaving as soon as possible, waver. She could vaguely sense that in this book world, if she wanted to recover her spiritual spring, she had no choice but to rely on the male lead. Besides, Yao Zizhou was going to be in a coma for three months, which meant that she had three months of safety!

After making up her mind, Ming Liuyi said in a low voice, “I’m sorry, Yao Zizhou. I know you must hate me to death now. However, I promise that I will completely disappear before you wake up. So, before that, please put up with me!”

Considering Yao Zizhou’s current situation, the Yao family did not bring him back to the main manor. Instead, they arranged for him to recuperate in a scenic villa. The housekeepers who had been taking care of Yao Zizhou were also transferred over.

At this time, Yao Zizhou was properly placed on the large bed in the master bedroom by the caretakers. If you ignored the indwelling needle on his wrist, he would look like a sleeping prince.

But Ming Liuyi could not calm down. Although they were legally married, and it was normal for them to sleep in the same bed, Ming Liuyi did not want to share a bed with a stranger.

This villa was a last-minute decision for Zizhou to recuperate in. It was already late at night, and there was no time to clean the other rooms. Ming Liuyi looked at the tired housekeepers and sighed before telling them to go rest.

After taking another look at the only large bed in the room, Ming Liuyi turned around and walked to the bathroom. She comforted herself as she showered. He was already in a vegetative state and could not be considered a real man. Of course, as a girl, she would not take advantage of him, either. It was just one night, surely he would not be that petty, right?

Besides, they were husband and wife now. This bed was considered a joint property of the married couple, so she had the right to use half of it, right?

Ming Liuyi finished her shower and felt her heart was more or less prepared. She turned her head and looked at herself in the mirror. Original Min Liuyi’s appearance was a bit similar to her own appearance. She had a small, heart-shaped face with adorable almond eyes, porcelain white skin, a straight nose, and her lips were ruby red. No matter what, she was still a beautiful woman from a humble family.

However, she could tell that Original Ming Liuyi was not one who focused on her appearance. She had the most ordinary long hair, and it was a mess. However, despite the appearance of an airhead, she had a wicked heart.

Ming Liuyi closed her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes casting a shadow under her eyes. She quietly convinced herself that she was fine. ‘He’s a puppet now! He’s already a vegetable, so he’s not a man. He. Is. A. Vegetable. So I’m very safe now… He doesn’t know anything anyway, so it doesn’t matter even if I sleep with him. If he wants to pursue the matter, I’ll run!’

Finally, Ming Liuyi came out from the bathroom with her chest puffed out in confidence.

Yao Zizhou, on the other hand, was still the same as before, without any changes. Perhaps he had also felt that this was no longer a hospital, and he looked much more peaceful than before.

Seeing him like this made it less scary. Ming Liuyi lay against the side of the bed, but did not get close enough to touch the bed, because her wet hair had not been blown dry yet. She thought that it would be better to let it dry naturally. Because she was exhausted, with the anxiety from the first day of her book transmigration, and the fall this body had suffered… she succumbed to sleep in the end.

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