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Episode 1

Kray is Currently at "home"
* Actions ~ Thoughts
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*She wakes slowly blinking her eyes*
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*Sighs as she sits up* so annoying ❄
-After Kray gets cleaned up and dressed she heads downstairs-
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
You called for me Mother? ❄
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*She walks over and slaps Kray* You B**ch!! haven't I told you to have breakfast ready before your Father wakes?!
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*She blinks after the slap, bowing her head* My apologies Mother, I shall start right away. ❄
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*She sighs* Don't even bother he is in his study so don't bother him.
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*head still bowed* as you wish Mother ❄
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*leaves for work* ill be back after work❄ *slams door*
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
~good riddance~ *She leaves having to get started on her chores*
-After a few hours Kray begins making lunch-
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*chopping vegetables to go with the chicken salad she was making*
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
*watches her silently with a look in his eyes*
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*feeling eyes on her she slowly turns towards the feeling* oh... Father.. lunch is almost ready
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
*without saying a word he walks towards her menacingly*
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*feeling uneasy she backs up only to be stopped by the counter behind her*
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
*he smirks a glint in his eye* trying to run kitten?
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*She tensed at his words* o..of course not..father..
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
*getting in front of her he placed his hands on the counter leaning in her face* oh? but you backed away. Don't you love Father?
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*feeling queasy inside at his words* o...of course Father... ~I hate you~
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
*he grabs her hand a cold and hungry look in his eyes* Then I will have you prove it to me. you remember how we always used to "play" together? such good times *he smiles sinisterly*
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*her blood runs cold at his words, she knows it was futile to fight him, he would hurt her if she tried* ~please no~
-he drags her into a room and shuts and locks the door-
-To be Continued-

Episode 2 (intro)

Name: Kray Age: 12
-next the family-
Name: James White Age: 32 Job: owns a few restaurants Bio: Married to Amy. not a very good man or Father (abuses Kray daily when no one is home) Spoils Mia and loves her crazily.
Name: Amy White Age: 30 Job: manages the restaurants for James. Bio: Married to James. horrible mother to Kray loves to make her life difficult at any chance (spoils Mia crazily)
Name: Mia White Age: 9 Bio: is James Daughter but doesn't have the same mom as Kray. Hates Kray and tortures her by blaming her for everything.
Please stay tuned for more in the next episode. 🤗
crap not 150 😭 don't mind me just figuring this out as I go 😖
then he waddled away waddle waddle waddle then he waddled away waddle waddle waddle till the very next day bop bop bop 🎶 duck song 😂

Episode 3

James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
*walks out of the room after a few hours, smiling happily he walks to his study*
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*laying on the ground with bruises her face void of emotion* ....Bastard..
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*she gets up slowly pain going throughout her body, ignoring it she goes to her room*
-Kray takes a shower scrubbing herself roughly, her mother and sister show up shortly after-
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*she goes to the study walking in* Darling~
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
~Tch, this annoying hussy~ *smiles* Hello wife. How was work?
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*she smiles adoringly at him* oh it's the same as always. How was your day?
James White (kidnapper)
James White (kidnapper)
~ugh just go already~ still busy with work my wife, I'll be down for dinner shortly.
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
~his job is more important than me?~ ah... yes darling *she walks out leaving him in his study*
-Kray was In the kitchen already cooking dinner when her Mother walks in-
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*she sneers* at least you are doing your job.
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*she looks at Amy Coldy* Yes Mother ❄
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*flinches inside but doesn't let it show* ha?! are you giving me attitude?
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
~here we go~ *she bows her head* of course not mother, I just know you do not like to be unanswered. My apologies if I offended you ❄
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*she huffs and walks out*
Mia White (Kidnappers daughter)
Mia White (Kidnappers daughter)
*she comes into the kitchen trying to sneak a snack from the pantry*
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*stands over her with a glare* dinner is almost done, you shouldn't snack before then ❄
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
Mia White (Kidnappers daughter)
Mia White (Kidnappers daughter)
*she pales seeing her face, thinking of a way to escape like a light bulb went off in her head she started bawling heavily* waaah!! 😭
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*her eyes darken knowing this girl is going to cause her more problems* seriously ❄
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*she comes running in* baby!? what's wrong?!
Mia White (Kidnappers daughter)
Mia White (Kidnappers daughter)
*points to Kray*!...😭
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*in a rage she snatches Kray by the hair and drags her* I've had enough of you! I'm going to teach you a lesson right now!
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*hands latched onto her mother's trying to lessen the sting in her scalp* but-
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*she yanks harder* I don't want to hear your lies or excuses!
-she drags Kray to her dingy attic room, tossing her across the ground. she pulls out her whip with silver blades at the end, setting it aside she ties Krays hands up to her bed frame-
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
Amy White (Kiddnapper)
*walks back to the table holding her whip taking it in her grasp* you will learn your lesson today after im through with you.
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*she blocks out her emotions and prepares herself for the pain that was soon to come*
-Amy walks over and begins to whip Kray, the blades slicing into her soft flesh beeds of blood flowing after each strike-
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*bites her lips hard drawing blood to keep from crying out, she trembles as her strength fades*
-Amy went until she noticed that Kray was unconscious, irritated that she passed out she kicks her hard in the stomach before letting her fall from the ropes leaving her there-
-Kray wakes up in complete darkness still on the ground-
Kray Stone (FL)
Kray Stone (FL)
*she tries to sit up only for her to flop back down from the pain, her tone sad* I need to get the hell out of here before they kill me...
-To Be Continued-
HOUND (Author)
HOUND (Author)
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HOUND (Author)
HOUND (Author)
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HOUND (Author)
HOUND (Author)
see ya next time! 😖

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