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The Silent Words


'Wind has always been our great friend our entire lives, it relates to all our emotions; happiness, sadness, rage, hatred, and love. The breeze showcases the emotions very well.

Not just the emotional perspective but the blowing of breeze may be romanticising to alot of sweet people among us'.....*meow* she stopped her pen and look at the cat in her feet, who was looking at her with doe eyes. She knew exactly what she wanted, petting her cat she stood up from her study table and walked towards a room that seemed more or less like a kitchen.

Grabbing the bag of cat food she returned and gave the cat her favorite snacks that it was meowing for. The cat purr as she cat the snacks making her giggle, soft Tanny cheeks with pretty doe eyes, and small face with attractive features she herself seemed like a cute little kitten.

Feeding her cat she placed the bag back at the shelf as she was an average heightened girl, she had her house arranged according to her. A small bedroom with attached study room and rest room, with a small balcony or she called it a ventilation system. With a small kitchen and a lounge, but pretty much her art studio.

She had her house pretty aligned and organized, for a girl like her the house was completely a different vibe or may be she gave off different vibes to different people.

'Even villains seem to catch some soft feeling towards the breezes that flow, as their whole gangster vibe it hyped up when a cold fast breeze hit them and their clothes. Wind just not a mechanism to the world it's a whole debate, a whole topic for philosophers to write philosophy.....'

Closing the dairy, she placed her pen back in the holder and walked of to her bed, flopping on it like she had spend her day forming an science equation, but it's more or less the same.. accepting the philosophy of what philosophers also ignored. She turned to her side table turning the lights off, and letting the moonlight strike from window to her eyes, brightening her mind with more thoughts and words to pour out, She had a huge mind to such topics, she had love for her work but more for herself, writing down anything she observed was her superpower and she knew exactly how to train her, she grew faster then time. She might be the right one to fight the rest..... that's what we all put the creativity to, but she has different plans to grow more.

Tying her long black hairs in a bun while laying, she tossed to another side remembering she's still left with the night routine making her growl in tiny. Soon she walked out of the bathroom all freshened up to lay down again. She tossed her side still she drifted to her dream land where she can held herself doing anything crazy, the happiness she grabs is alot.


She drifted to sleep fast enough, tossing over her bed like a baby she clearly had a good sleep. she tossed her face towards the window side, letting the dawn light strike her face. Rubbing her eyes she opened them and looked outside the window, the dawn seemed pretty fine, giving of her biggest smile she sat straight in her bed.

(tap water sound) freshening up, she made sure she is that clean girl. Coming out of the restroom she cleaned her room, setting her bag according to her day, she changed into her high school gears; brownish pants, white turtleneck with skin check block jacket, she looked pretty fancy in her white gear boots.

Walking out of the room she grabbed her favorite cereal, finishing her breakfast, she placed the dishes in her dish washer. Grabbing the house keys she made sure her flat was not at risk while she is gone, being satisfied she walked out of the main door locking her apartment behind her.

Stepping down the street she walked with confidence and with an observing eye, she had alot of compiled thought roaming in her head. The fine clean road with blossoms on sides looked alot like a road from a movie, to good to be true. She pulled out her phone and captured the intrinsic nature infront of her. Clicking the pictures she rushed to her high school, she wasn't going late but she was early rushing towards the library to write a little and read along as well. As soon as she reached her high school library she sighed in relief and entered quietly, tiptoeing she reached a corner table where she placed her laptop, turning it on she plugged in her headphone, besides she pulled her dairy in which she wrote her intellectual thoughts in. Placing her bag beside the chair.

'The weekend by blinding lights' writing her thoughts down on her notebook while listening to her music, she felt relaxed and amazed.

Night flows by faster then day, then why! Why are we scared of it more often!? writing the question down she herself felt chills down her spine, but the question is valid, she closed the notebook putting the question in her mind.

Picking her bag walking out of the library she headed to the ground where students were sitting with their friends, chatting, laughing, avoiding them all she sat at the hidden bench to think about what she wrote....

Is it true that if dark clouds come out of nowhere all of us will freak out, but why, when sun is equally or ten times more scary!!!

It that we can see so we know where to hide, or these are just our thoughts that day isn't scary but the night is, Because night makes us blind, did we forget that darkness is the reason why people love the light. When ever light prevails it comes after the darkness, night is always there waiting in patience for the day. Letting the light eat it's presence away, but we all know that it exits somewhere and waits for the light to come and get it. Everytime the light eat the darkness, darkness pats the light because it knows that they will meet after few minutes again and the satisfaction of being eaten away by someone you want is like a healing processes......


But does being eaten away is that of a pleasant feeling, I guess no, it isn't. Because it's pain and pleasure it might seem lovely and satisfying but darkness get upset everytime light eats it, as it only waits for light to come....... rubbing her ballpoint against the paper she kept on writing until her intellectual thoughts changed the direction from light eating darkness to, is light equally scary? She closed her dairy looked up at the clock 4:30pm, showed the clock. "Oh I'm late," murmuring to herself she gathered her stuff and walked out of the common room and rushed to the exit. Streets are a pretty big library themselves, more you walk on them more you'll learn about people and the life that surrounds them, thinking she kept walking until she reached a cafe she worked in. Entering the cafe, she greeted everyone and walked to locker room.

"Black coffee" young girl with long curly brownish hairs, and small detailed features with her tan skin she looked like an main character from a book. "sure, that will be $***" she looked at her admiringly while taking her order and get her coffee ready. Getting her coffee the girl walked towards a table, she noticed that she had a small bag sitting there girl pulled out her tab and was working over something while sipping the coffee. In her brown attire she looked like a young CEO.

Cafe has always been her favorite yet hectic place, singles, couples, families and there relationship always had her question alot of things. Working her shift she kept glancing over the girl who was busy working. Curiosity might kill her so she walked at the table behind her and glanced at the girl, who was making some sort of art in Sher tablet. This was something new and mesmerizing to her, she had seen art work in hard form but this one was catchy.

ending her shift she took a glance at the table the girl was sitting but now there was no one, she hurriedly looked around while standing behind the cash counter but couldn't find her, feeling sad she picked her things and got ready to go to her favorite place 'The Comic Ramen shop' admiring the road and trees on the sides she had reached her destination. Walking inside the shop, it was a pretty normal place with all the warmth of 1000+ lives and stories and fresh ramen cozy study corner, it felt like home but the warm home we all need.

Grabbing ramen she walked off to the cozy corner, her only her nostalgic place, giggling silently she sat there with her thoughts and bowl of ramen, she knew she would be writing all her intellectual thoughts in a notebook and may or may not publish, still she loved to pour her thoughts on the dairy till she runs out of thoughts. Eating ramen she kept remembering the girl from the cafe and her masterpiece.

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