NovelToon NovelToon

My Love For You~


cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
Hey my cupcakes ✨
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
this is my second story hope you all like it 😉
Let's start
unknown 1
unknown 1
oh my my look who is here ( smirk😏)
( get startled)
who's there ( said in anger)
unknown 1
unknown 1
relax my dear dear friend
that unknown girl goes towards the girl and open her blindfolded
( open her eyes)
( blurry vision)
unknown 1
unknown 1
( standing in front of her)
( clear image)
( see her)
You ( shock)
unknown 1
unknown 1
yes me my dear friend Valerie
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( still in shock)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
what do you want ava
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
umm i want you dead ( smile)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
why are you doing this to me what wrong I did to you 🥺
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
I want your everything each and everything
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
I already gives you my family and many more
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
naah you didn't you only give me money but what actually I want is
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
( came towards her)
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
( whisper in her ear)
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
I want to be only wife of valentine
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( shock)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
what are you saying lexy
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
yes f
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
but for that you have to die 🤭
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
no you can't do this
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
yes I can do this my dear ~
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
( laugh)
then ava goes towards Valerie and stab her on stomach two times
blood started to coming from her mouth and stomach
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
good bye my dear friend ✨
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Val val save me
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
oh sorry before you die at least see your loved ones face
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( didn't heard her)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( continuously saying)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
val save me
then ava goes towards that unkown person
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
see my dear friend see your love one
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( loosing consciousness )
( turn towards her)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
( smirk)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( shock)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
v-va-val ( dead)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
you better die bit!h
The ones we love the most always "betray" us
Though valerie loved valentine with the bottom of her heart but in the end she get betrayed
like valerie trust ava but what she did to her
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
hope you all like this chapter
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
wait for the 2nd chapter
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )

*。٩(chapter 2)و *。

cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
Hello cuties ✨
let's start
In a room a girl is sleeping on a bed
she is shivering due to cold
there is nobody to help her in her house
she used to live alone in her house
That girl having a nightmare
she is just saying "don't do this to me "
"don't kill me "
"don't kill me "
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( wakes up from her sleep)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( breathing heavily)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
Again that nightmare 😔
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
it's been two year's that i get reborn but still
valerie pov
yes I got reborn two years before after getting betrayed by my loved ones
valentine de Cruz and Ava lopez
one is my best friend for her I fight with everyone for her I was ready to give up on my life but what she did to me
huh and another one is my love for whom I did everything but in the end both betrayed me for property
Naah they didn't betrayed me they kill me to be together yeah
I already transferred my all properties in there name but what actually intention of them is to be together
if was being the third wheel in them they can say to me but what they did
Valerie pov end
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
let it be valerie it's no use of thinking now
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( see time )
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
oh it's already 6 Am
then she gets up from her bed and freshen up and goes down stairs
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( sitting on a couch and drinking coffee)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( heard some noise)
she heard some noise and it was the noise of opening door
because someone came there
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
( that certain someone who came there 👈)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( already aware of that he came 👉)
note: you guy's where thinking how did he came inside obviously it's because in valerie home there is a password to open the main gate and he knows that password because he frequently come here
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
hope you guy's understand that as I didn't understand 🙃🤦‍♀️
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
oh you came
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( said lazily to him)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
yes and as I see you didn't sleep well right
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
you already knows then why are you asking 😒
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
it's not that rie I am with you from last 2 year's still you didn't open up yourself with me
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
it's not like that August I just don't wanted to make you worried about me and gain sympathy from you or any other person
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
and you know
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
yeah yeah I know you will say " there is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear"
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
( said by mimicking her style)
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
( chuckle) 🤭
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
ok one day I will surely say you
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
yeah I know that
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
ok now say my today's schedule
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
yes boss
both turn into there professional form
Valerie  ( Fl)
Valerie ( Fl)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
August murt ( fl assistant/fl bff)
employees/assistant 👈
August said her whole day schedule after that they did there breakfast and go to the office
And other side
All families is having there time together like "happy family "
Martin lopez (ava dad)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
so next month of 8th there will be engagement of you all
Martin lopez (ava dad)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
( point towards John, dayan, noah and adrain) 👉
Harper william ( john dad)
Harper william ( john dad)
are you guys fine with that
john william ( ml bff)
john william ( ml bff)
yes we are fine just we wanted to be with our love ❤
Dayan william ( ml bff / john brother)
Dayan william ( ml bff / john brother)
yes we are fine just we wanted to be with our love ❤
Noah king ( ml bff )
Noah king ( ml bff )
yes we are fine just we wanted to be with our love❤
Adrain Kingston ( ml bff)
Adrain Kingston ( ml bff)
yes we are fine just we wanted to be with our love❤
Alice Taylor ( ml cousin)
Alice Taylor ( ml cousin)
(blush 😳)
Evelyn taylor (ml cousin)
Evelyn taylor (ml cousin)
( blush 😳)
Angelica king ( ml bff )
Angelica king ( ml bff )
( blush 😳)
Charlotte de cruz ( ml sister)
Charlotte de cruz ( ml sister)
( blush 😳)
All family
All family
( chuckle by seeing them blush)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
( think something)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
But wait what about me and Ava engagement
Ava lopez  ( Fl bff)
Ava lopez ( Fl bff)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
nah I am not going to give my daughter to you😒
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
but uncle you already accept me
Martin lopez (ava dad)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
I just said yes frankly
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
kira aunt see uncle
kira lopez ( ava mom)
kira lopez ( ava mom)
what did you say old man 🤨
Martin lopez (ava dad)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
what I didn't say anything
kira lopez ( ava mom)
kira lopez ( ava mom)
then why there engagement-
matthew de cruz ( ml dad )
matthew de cruz ( ml dad )
kira I want my both son's engagement to be on same day that's why I didn't allow him to fix there engagement
kira lopez ( ava mom)
kira lopez ( ava mom)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
Martin lopez (ava dad)
you under dress did you listened your father or not 😒
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
uncle -
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
( cut by him)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
Andress just keep your voice down ( cold ❄)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
( flinch)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
( he said while coming inside)
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
you brat why did you came late
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
I was busy at meeting mom ( cold ❄)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
( goes and sit beside isla)
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
( hold his ear) don't talk coldly with your family
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
ouch mom 😵 yeah yeah I will not
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
( chuckle)
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
( leave his ear)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
btw hello everyone ( small smile)
All family
All family
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
so what the topic today
Nick Taylor ( ml uncle)
Nick Taylor ( ml uncle)
the topic is to fox there engagement date with our precious daughter's
Austin Kingston ( adrain dad)
Austin Kingston ( adrain dad)
* I wish my daughter was here today * in mind
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
hmm ok so when is it??
Jeremy king ( angelica dad)
Jeremy king ( angelica dad)
next month of 8
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
are you guys happy about it?
john william ( ml bff)
john william ( ml bff)
yeah we are happy😊
Dayan william ( ml bff / john brother)
Dayan william ( ml bff / john brother)
yeah we are happy😊
Noah king ( ml bff )
Noah king ( ml bff )
yeah we are happy😊
Adrain Kingston ( ml bff)
Adrain Kingston ( ml bff)
yeah we are happy😊
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
I am not asking you idiots 😒
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
I am asking to my sisters
All family
All family
( chuckle)
except valentine and four boy's
Charlotte de cruz ( ml sister)
Charlotte de cruz ( ml sister)
yeah brother we are happy ☺
Angelica king ( ml bff )
Angelica king ( ml bff )
( nod)
Alice Taylor ( ml cousin)
Alice Taylor ( ml cousin)
( nod)
Evelyn taylor (ml cousin)
Evelyn taylor (ml cousin)
( nod)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
that's good
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
and tell me if they do anything to you guy's
Alice Taylor ( ml cousin)
Alice Taylor ( ml cousin)
john william ( ml bff)
john william ( ml bff)
hey we are not going to do anything bad to them
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
that's good for you otherwise I will rip your skin ( said while smiling)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
( feeling chill)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
andress de cruz ( ml brother)
brother don't smile like that
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
Aria Kingston ( adrain mom)
Aria Kingston ( adrain mom)
btw len when are you going to get married you are already 24 year's now
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
not so soon aunt
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
( said while resting his head on couch)
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
why I want my daughter in law
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
you will get mom but not now
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
ok I will go now I have some work
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
by everyone 🖐
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
valentine de cruz ( ML)
( left from there )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
( shook her head)
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
he never listen to me
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
Isla de cruz ( ml mom )
like this they all spend there happy time but valentine was not there he is busy in meeting
and the other side
valerie is busy with her work
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
that's it
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )


cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
hello cupcakes ✨
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
this chapter contains all the information of our characters
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
Name : Valerie (FL) occupation: CEO of Phoenix empire and singer ( ale) work : main singer in "Dreamy Entertainment" and CEO of Phoenix Apart from that have interest in model sometime do that also and mafia leader of blood ( queen) Age: 24 years family : orphan likes: everything except betrayal and bit!he's Nature : childish, sometime flirty, coldy Valerie ha reborn to 2 year's back from that day she is avoided ml and her friend ava they wanted to collaborate with Phoenix but she didn't agreed till now she is not aiming to take revenge but yeah she don't wanted to disturb there life because of her presence
And yeah she is having depression, and doesn't know anything about her childhood she was 5 year's old when she was taken to orphanage
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )
About her childhood and parents you all will know in further chapter's:)
Name : Valentine de Cruz ( ML) occupation: CEO of VC empire work : CEO of vc empire and mafia leader of starlings ( king) age :26 years family : parents, younger sister and younger brother likes : family, friends and icecream dislike: bit!hes, sl!t nature: cold to stranger and sweet to family friends
Name: Matthew de Cruz ( ml dad) occupation: ex CEO of de Cruz company work : president of de Cruz company age: 45 year's family: wife, 2 sons and 1 daughter likes : family, friends dislike: same as his son nature : sometimes cold sometimes not
Name : Isla de Cruz ( ml mom) occupation: famous designer age: 43 family : husband, 2 sons and 1 daughter likes: same as her husband dislike:same as her husband nature : sweet, kind
Name : Charlotte de Cruz ( ml sister) occupation: no. 2 Model work : doing modelling in some companies age : 22 years and like dislike and nature is same as her mother
Name : Andress de Cruz ( ml brother) occupation: CEO of de Cruz company work : de Cruz company And mafia member of starling age : 24 years and like dislike and nature is same as father
Name : Maya Taylor ( ml aunt) occupation: runs NGOS work : the smile foundation age : 43 years family : husband, 1 daughter and 1 son and ml aunt
Name : Nick Taylor ( ml uncle) occupation: CEO of AE empire work : CEO of AE empire age : 44 years
Name : Alice Taylor ( ml cousin) occupation: Fashion designer work : Taylor sister's company age : 22 years
Name : Evelyn Taylor ( ml cousin) occupation: fashion designer work : Taylor sister's company age: 22 years
Evelyn and Alice they both are twins
Name : Ava lopez ( fl bff / ml bff) occupation: CEO of lopez empire work : CEO of lopez Age : 24 years In past life of Valerie ( fl) she was the bff of Valerie but in this life Valerie didn't meet her
Name: Martin lopez ( ava dad) occupation: president of lopez empire work : president in lopez age : 44 years
Name : kira lopez ( ava mom) occupation: heart surgeon (dr) work : cure care hospital age : 43 year's
Name : Aria Kingston ( adrain mom) occupation: runs NGO work : light foundation age : 43 years
Name : Austin Kingston ( adrain dad) occupation: CEO of Kingston empire work : CEO of Kingston age : 45 year's
Name : Adrain Kingston ( Ml bff) occupation: CEO of Ak entertainment work : CEO of Ak entertainment and member of mafia gang starlings age : 26 year's
Name : Harper william ( John dad) occupation: president of William company work : William company age : 44 years
Name: Emily William ( John mom) occupation: famous writer work : writes stories for xyz company age: 43 year's
Name : John William ( ml bff) occupation: cardiologist work : cure care hospital and member of starlings mafia gang age :25 year's
Name: Dayan William ( ml bff) occupation: CEO of William company work : CEO of William company and member of mafia gang starlings age : 26 year's
Name : Jeremy king ( angelica dad) occupation:CEO of JK Empire work : jk empire age : 45 year's
Name: chloe king ( angelica mom) occupation: principle of royal college work : royal college age : 44 year's
Name : Angelica king ( ml bff) occupation: chef and Owner of xyz restaurant work : xzy restaurant age : 24 years
Name : noah king ( ml bff) occupation: president of JK empire work : JK empire and member of Starlings mafia gang age : 25 year's
about there likes and dislike have same like our ml father and mother cold to stranger and sweet to closed ones dislike sl!t and bit!he's
Name : August murt ( fl bff and assistant) work: Phoenix empire and member of blood age : 26 year's
This is our fl personal and professional assistant
cutie sam ( Author )
cutie sam ( Author )

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