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The Merciless Widower and the Nanny

Episode 1

Call me Lorenzo and I am 28 years old. I have been a widow for almost 2 years and have a son, Theo, who is 6 years old. My wife Suzi was my whole world and when she left, I somehow died with her. I distanced myself from my family, my son, and focused on work to survive.

My parents haven't given up on me and continue to try to "bring me back to life" but the truth is that I have become ruthless to the point of not caring about anything or anyone.

This month marks two years since Suzi's death and it's a difficult month, where I completely lose myself.

Lorenzo: Another day waking up without any desire to live. I get up, do my hygiene routine, take a shower, and get dressed. I go downstairs and my mother and father are entering my house to stay with Theo.

(Daniela and Bruno, Lorenzo's parents. Main characters from the book "She's Just Too Much")

Daniela: Good morning, son.

Bruno: Good morning, my son.

Lorenzo: Good morning. Theo hasn't woken up yet, I'll be late today.

I avoid their embrace and leave without having breakfast to avoid having to talk.

Daniela: Honey, you need to try again.

Bruno: The psychologist?

Daniela: Yes.

Bruno: I take a deep breath.

I'll put it in his schedule right away.

Daniela: He's getting worse every day. Today, I'm going to interview the new babysitter.

Bruno: Do you really think it's necessary? They can't handle even a week here, and I've lost count of how many have run away.

Daniela: Lorenzo doesn't let us stay overnight, Theo is still young, my love, and this month will be difficult. I'll interview her at our home. Stay with Theo, I'll be back soon.

I kiss Bruno and head to my house, the Nanny has been announced, and I wait for her in the living room.

(Alice, 26 years old)

Alice: I enter a huge, beautiful property. I've never seen anything like it in my life. There are four huge mansions inside, and right in the center, there's a gourmet area with a huge pool and a playground. I silently make my way to the indicated location.

Good morning, Mrs. Daniela.

Daniela: Good morning, Alice. Just Daniela, please. Have a seat, dear. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Alice: I don't have much to say about myself. I'm looking for a live-in nanny position. I'm 26 years old and currently unemployed.

Daniela: Do you have children?

Alice: I do... I mean, I'm alone. It's just me!

Daniela: I had the impression that Alice was going to say she had children.

Alright, could you start tomorrow?

Alice: Yes.

Daniela: Your resume states that you have a degree in pedagogy. Why didn't you pursue a career in that field?

Alice: It's complicated. What I can tell you is that I love children. I started college at 17 and worked in the field for a while after graduating, but some things happened, and I distanced myself. I still don't feel ready to go back to work as a teacher, which is why I'm looking for a nanny position.

Daniela: Alice speaks with deep sadness. I won't ask any more questions about it. We'll do the usual background check on all new employees to get the answers I need.

Alright then, I'll introduce you to Theo tomorrow. He's a sweetheart, his father is my son, and he's the problem. He became a cold and difficult man after his wife's death almost two years ago. He wasn't like this before, believe me, he was a wonderful man. But life is complicated. He only allows the employees to call him "Mr. Lorenzo," don't let him intimidate you. You told me you love children, right? Theo needs a nanny, so stay for him. As for Lorenzo, if you focus solely on Theo, I don't think there will be any major problems. Just don't mention his deceased wife's name, it's still something he can't handle. Is that clear?

Alice: Everyone experiences grief in their own way. I understand his pain better than you imagine. I will try to be invisible and solely focus on taking care of Theo.

Daniela: I could be wrong, but I believe you'll be an angel in our lives. Thank you, Alice. I will expect you here tomorrow. I'll take you to meet Lorenzo and Theo in the morning. Today, I'll finalize your contract.

Alice: What about uniforms? Do I need to wear one?

Daniela: No, you can dress modestly.

Alice agrees and leaves. I quickly go to tell Bruno about her, I'm sure she will change a lot here.

At the company...

Lorenzo: Judith!

(Judith, 30 years old. Lorenzo's secretary)

Judith: God help me!

I go to Lorenzo's office trembling.

Lorenzo: What the hell is this in my schedule?

Judith: It... was... your... father... Mr. Lorenzo...

Lorenzo: I am the one who controls my damn schedule. If you, you useless piece of shit, put a psychologist in my schedule once again, I will fire you. Got it?

Judith: Yes... sir...

Lorenzo: Now get out of my sight, you worthless person!

Judith: I run out of Lorenzo's office, this man is sick. It takes a while for my breathing to return to normal and I go back to work.

Miguel: Judith, is Lorenzo in his office?

Judith: He is, but I wouldn't go in if I were you.

Miguel: Things will go back to how they were, Judith.

Judith: I hope so, I can't take it anymore.

Miguel: Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: No!

Miguel: What?

Lorenzo: The answer is no, whether it's going out, drinking, having dinner, or anything else. You can leave the way you came in!

(Miguel, Lorenzo's best friend, and Cinthia, his wife)

Miguel: Cinthia is inviting you to have dinner.

Lorenzo: I already have my answer.

Miguel: Dom misses his godfather.

Lorenzo: I'm sorry about that, but the answer is still the same.

Miguel: Alright, we'll wait.

Lorenzo: I wouldn't wait if I were you, in fact, you still have time to change Dom's godfather.

Miguel: I'll ignore what I heard and use the excuse that we've been giving for almost two years for your behavior. You're still my best friend and I won't give up on you!

I leave, lamenting Lorenzo's state.

Lorenzo: I lean back in my chair and take a deep breath. I refocus on my work.

Episode 2

(Cecilia and Ana, identical twins. 7 years old, daughters of Julia and Bernardo, Lorenzo's nieces)

Julia: Cecilia and Ana, this is a very difficult month for Uncle Lorenzo, I need you to help me and stop giving him so much trouble at school.

Ana: Sorry mom, Cec...

Cecilia: Shut up, Ana. Stop being lax!

Julia: I've already spoken to you about this behavior. Don't talk to your sister like that.

Cecilia: I'm grounded because of her!

Julia: You're grounded because you made your sister impersonate you to present a paper at school that you didn't prepare for.

Cecilia: But Mom, what's the problem? If she hadn't been so scared and shaken, the teacher would never have found out.

Julia: Daughter, that's wrong, you can't use the fact that you're identical to deceive people and cheat. And your punishment isn't just for that, you know.

Cecilia: He deserved it, Mom, he was laughing at Ana.

Anna: You didn't have to kick him between the legs, Cecilia. I was going to defend myself!

Cecilia: She wasn't going to, she never defends herself!

Julia: Enough! Violence is not the answer to anything. Soon your father will arrive and we'll go to Uncle Lorenzo's.

Cecilia: I'm only going because I want to see Theo, everyone knows he doesn't want anyone there!

Anna: Don't be cruel Cecilia, he's suffering!

Cecilia: We all are!

Bernard: How are my princesses?

Anna: Good, Dad.

I jump into my father's arms!

Cecilia: Dad! Mom is torturing me with endless punishment, please help me.

(Julia and Bernardo. Bernardo is Lorenzo's older brother. They are the main characters in the book "She's Just Too Much II")

Bernard: Your mother's right Cecilia, you'll be out in four days if you behave!

Cecilia: God! Nobody understands me in this house.

Bernardo: Is Theo's new nanny arriving tomorrow?

Cecilia: Another poor thing to run off the property.

Julia: That's enough, Cecilia!

Cecilia goes stomping off to her room and Ana follows.

Bernard: What personality is this love? I didn't get a hug from her!

Julia: Your personality!

I hug Bernardo and kiss him.

Bernardo: We have a long month ahead of us. How's Felipe?

Julia: He's taking a nap, love, he's fine. How was the company today?

Bernard: All right. Come on, let's get ready, it's going to be a tough night!

Julia Ana and Cecilia couldn't be more identical physically, but their personalities couldn't be more different either. Ana is sweet, gentle, loving and very affectionate. Cecilia is angry and closed off, she has no patience and doesn't mince her words.

(Isabella, Lorenzo's twin sister and Arthur, her husband)

Isabella: Ready?

I say, already discouraged, running my hands over my six-month pregnant belly. Arthur then enters Bernardo's mansion with Mel, who runs over to Cecilia and Ana.

Bernardo: No, but come on.

Everyone is here and we make our way to Lorenzo's mansion in silence. We entered without knocking.

Lorenzo: What the fuck do you think you're doing breaking into my house like this?

Cecilia: I said he didn't want anyone here.

Bernardo: Lorenzo, the children are here.

Lorenzo: I leave without saying anything, go into the office and slam the door angrily.

Bernardo: I'm going after Lorenzo.

Where's Theo?

Lorenzo: Probably hating me in his room.

Bernardo: Lorenzo...

Lorenzo: Don't lecture me, I should have gone in her place, she would have known what to do in a situation like this.

Bernardo: Don't say that, no one would know what to do.

Lorenzo: Just get out of here!

Bernard: Mom found another nanny, she'll be here tomorrow morning.

Lorenzo: I don't know what the fuck a babysitter is for if they don't get out of here.

Bernardo: It's mainly for the nights since you don't let anyone live here.

Lorenzo: What the hell, now all of you get out of here.

Bernard: One day you'll have to go back to living because this isn't how Suzi would have wanted it to be.

Lorenzo: I land a punch on Bernardo.

Never speak her name again, understand?

Bernardo: I clean the blood at the corner of my mouth and leave the office without saying anything. Julia sees me and comes towards me.

Julia: What happened?

Bernardo: Call the girls and let's go.

Julia: I do what Bernardo asked, he's furious. We arrive home and I try to talk to him.

Bernardo: Lorenzo is out of control, it will be two years in a few days and he's only getting worse. I keep talking to Julia.

At Lorenzo's mansion...

(Theo, 6 years old. Lorenzo's son)

Theo: Lorenzo, don't ever kick out my guests again, this is my home too!

Lorenzo: I look at Theo seriously, say nothing, and he leaves. I want to go to him and shout that I am his father, demand more respect, but he already suffers enough because of me. Hours later, I go to his room and see him sleeping with Suzi's photo in his small hands, his eyes betraying that he had cried, and it breaks my heart to see him like this. I don't know what I'm doing, son, forgive me.

(Suzi, Theo's mother. Lorenzo's deceased wife)

Lorenzo: I enter the closet, open the safe, and take out the engagement ring I gave to Suzi. Memories of our wedding come rushing back, and once again, I feel like death would be better than the pain I'm feeling now. Why, Suzi? Why did you leave me?

Episode 3

In Lorenzo's mansion...

Daniela: Come on, let's go inside. It's a bit messy, don't mind that. The maids don't come here often.

Alice: That's okay.

Theo: Grandma.

Daniela: Theo runs to me and hides behind my legs, feeling shy around Alice. I think of a way to introduce them, and Alice takes the lead by stooping down to his eye level.

Alice: Hi, my name is Alice. What's your name, little one?

Theo: I'm not little. Dom is little.

Alice: Little is just a term of endearment for you.

Theo: Who are you?

Alice: If you like me, I'll be your new nanny.

Theo: I can't like you.

Alice: Why do you believe you can't like me?

Theo: Lorenzo is mean and he'll make you go away.

Alice: Is Loren zo your father?

Theo: No! Yes! But now he's just Lorenzo.

Alice: I see, can I give you a hug?

Theo: Only if you promise not to leave afterwards.

Alice: Theo, I want to stay and I will stay for as long as you allow me.

Theo: Okay, you can hug me then. But don't squish my cheeks like the other nannies, I'm not a baby anymore.

Alice: Agreed.

I hug Theo and he invites me to see his room. Daniela stays downstairs, and I follow him.

Theo: You can come in.

Alice: Your room is beautiful.

Theo: Mommy chose everything here.

I pick up a photo of my mother and show it to Alice.

Alice: She was beautiful, Theo.

Theo: Her name is Suzi.

I say, hugging the photo.

Alice: The people we love never truly die, Theo, they just leave before us. Think about everything she wanted for you and make it happen, make it happen for her, little one.

Theo: You're different, Alice.

Alice: I give a smile to Theo.

Have you eaten yet?

Theo: Not yet.

Alice: I'll make a special breakfast for you. Would you like to come with me?

Theo: Can I?

Alice: Of course.

I notice that Theo is sad, and I think of something to cheer him up. We go to the kitchen together, everything here urgently needs to be cleaned. I sit him on the counter, and with some difficulty, I find all the ingredients to make pancakes. He helps me, while Daniela sits on the counter and reads a magazine, observing us. The mess gets a little out of control.

Lorenzo: I wake up with a hangover, staggering from the amount of whiskey I drank last night. I freshen up and get dressed, glancing at the clock and realizing I'm late, very late. I descend the stairs and hear laughter in the kitchen. I enter and find Theo having fun like I haven't seen in a long time, with a complete stranger. Everything is messy and I get irritated.

Mom, take Theo upstairs.

Daniela: Son, this is...

Lorenzo: Go upstairs!

My mother leaves, and the unknown woman stares at me with an unreadable look in her eyes.

What the hell is this in my kitchen?

Alice: These are pancakes, Mr. Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: Who do you think you are, making this mess in my kitchen?

Alice: Alice, Theo's new nanny. I was just trying to cheer him up.

Lorenzo: Cheering him up? Cheering him up by making a mess in my kitchen?

Alice: There's nothing here that water and soap can't solve. Did you not hear his laughter? Did you not notice his smile disappear when you entered here shouting?

Lorenzo: Impudent girl, who do you think you are?

I approach that clueless little woman and grab her tightly by the arm, staring into her eyes and seeing no sign of fear.

Alice: I'm just the nanny, Mr. Lorenzo, and it's my job. A child develops by playing, and here we train fine motor skills, following commands, sharing, among other things that will aid in his development.

I try to free my arm in vain, Lorenzo tightens his grip, this time so strong that I flinch, letting out a squeak of pain. He realizes what he's doing and immediately lets go, visibly out of control, consumed by anger, not even realizing how hard he was squeezing my arm.

Lorenzo: I want you to clean up this mess.

I look at Alice's arm, filled with anger towards myself. I don't know what the hell possessed me to squeeze her arm like that. She seems unfazed, and I walk away without waiting for her response, already too frustrated for the day.

Alice: Lorenzo leaves and I release the breath I was holding, I look at my arm and rub it, it's going to bruise. He's worse than I imagined, and I need to stay away from him. Daniela comes down without Theo.

Where is he?

Daniela: He didn't want to come down. Oh my God, Alice, did Lorenzo do this?

Alice: It's nothing. I'm going upstairs to be with Theo. I just need to grab a sweater first, I don't want to scare him.

Daniela: I'm sorry, Alice, I'll talk to him.

Alice: Don't be sorry and don't say anything. He's in the anger phase of grieving, he won't listen and he might push me away from Theo. I need to do what he asked of me and prioritize Theo, I'll be fine.

Daniela surprises me with a hug and I respond, as a mother I know it must be difficult for her.

Daniela: As I said, an angel. Thank you, Alice.

Alice: I reply with a smile to Daniela, grab my sweater and head to Theo.

Theo: I want to be alone.

Alice: But I don't want to be alone. If we're going to be friends, we have to take care of each other. I'm hungry and I don't want to finish the pancakes alone.

Theo: So you didn't come to tell me you're leaving?

Alice: I came to invite you to finish the pancakes and I'm not going anywhere.

Theo runs into my arms and we head to the kitchen. We finish the pancakes and have breakfast. He plays while I clean up. I make lunch because it seems the cook quit. I finish and serve his food. I quickly get him ready for school, even though he says he'll go with the driver, I go with him, I drop him off in the classroom and notice his happiness. I go back and start cleaning that huge mansion, avoiding Lorenzo's room and the office. Hours pass and I change clothes to pick up Theo from school. When he sees me, he runs towards me and we play on the way home. We arrive and he goes straight to take a bath while I start preparing dinner. I make something simple, sauteed vegetables, rice, beans, beef stew, and salad.

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