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(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
11 january~
It was a quiet night, everyone in Xui country was busy in their world, some loving, some fight, some just working.. and some hunting people down.
In a dark ally~
Edwin [son of mayor]
Edwin [son of mayor]
:on his knees: Please spare my life
Edwin [son of mayor]
Edwin [son of mayor]
Edwin [son of mayor]
Edwin [son of mayor]
:injured, begging: I'll never betray you again, please let me live.. I'll be your servent life long
Dark Shadow
Dark Shadow
:looking in other directions, smirks:
Dark Shadow
Dark Shadow's men
:standing beside Edwin, takes out knife: You betray us ones we cut you twice, Everything in payed in two folds
Edward's eye fills with terror, his knees starts to shake as he see the knife headed to his throat
Edwin [son of mayor]
Edwin [son of mayor]
:feared, sweating, gritting teeth: 💢💢D-Do you think you'll live peacefully after killing me.. did you forget who my dad is, you crazy bastar-
Dark Shadow
Dark Shadow's men
:leans forward, cuts his throat:
Edwin [son of mayor]
Edwin [son of mayor]
:blood sweeps out of throat, eye starts to roll: Bastar-
Edwin dies from blood loss in few minutes. He couldn't see dark Shadow's face to the end.
Dark shadow walks away
His men's takes Edwin's corpse and throw it in front of police headquarters of Xu city
Next morning~
NEWS CHANNELS _____________________________________ Breaking news : Dark Shadow killed Mayor Keller's son and threw his body at police headquarters. : another day another failure of cops of Xu city : (witness on TV) Yes. I was them throwing Mayor's son body. My goodness, I was just here to complain about my pickpocketing 100$. : There's no reply from police headquarters yet. Public trembles in fear. : At the rate, soon Xu city will be declared most unsafe city of Xui country. : Public takes matter in their hands and gets in front of police headquarters to protest.
All media reporters were covering news against dark Shadow and bashing his reputation to death
at the same time~
L cross~
Outside an old house~
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:knocks on door:
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
: holding camera, confused : Aren't we supposed to cover news on dark shadow?🙄
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
why are we here, senior? boss will kill us 😖
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:cold: If he doesn't kill, I'll do it!
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
hu- 😶
Door was opened by an old man
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Yes, who are yo- :see camera:
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
You su*kers again 💢💢 :annoyed, about to shut door:
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:struck heels between door, smiles: No No, we're not here to cover any news grandpa
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
: 😐 : * from cold to smile? soo quick? *
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:confused: Aren't you people also from media? From yesterday, I'm tired giving interview to people like you 💢
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:suddenly saddened: I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have disturbed you..
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
: calmed : Oh- it's okay-
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
.. Our media company heard that you lost your wallet.. :takes out a new wallet: .. so they wanted to help you grandpa
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:fake laughs: Hahaha.. really :acting pitiful: But this old grandpa also lost his money-
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:smiles: I head you the wallet which you got pickpocket had 500$ in it, so company also gave it 😇
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:quickly takes wallet, nervously laughs: Thank you so much hahaha..
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
: 🤔 : * but he told his only 100$ was pickpocketed~~ *
5 minute later~
Alina and Ronny were sitting inside house of Mr. Oliver. He also served them tea and biscuits as breakfast and made sure heater was well working.
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:sipping tea: 😅
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:sip tea, smiling: You were telling something Grandpa~
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:sighs: It was horrifying scene at police station last night
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Those people came in a van and tossed that poor man's body soo carelessly and left from there :sighs:
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:raises eyebrows: Just body? didn't they say anything about dark Shadow..
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:thinks: No, they didn't say anything
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:frowning: * this isn't going to help * :fakes smile:
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Thank you soo much for telling all this grandpa :takes out 50$:
Alina quickly holds Mr. Oliver's hand, as she places 50$ in his palms
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:smiles at note, try pulling away hand: ...
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:holding his hand tightly: ....
suddenly Alina was in front of police headquarters but not in present, but in the past. She was standing next to Mr. Oliver.. in his memories from last night.


Stanley family's daughters are gifted a same power at their birth. A power to see though person's mind.
Alina was born with the powers to see past, present of a person and based of patterns, she was able to get connected the people's future too. But to activate her powers, she not need to touch that person first.
Inside Mr. Oliver's memories~
Last night a van stops in front of police headquarters, then few people in mask throws Mayor's son corpse on road and places a card on it. Then they all drives away immediately
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:pulls hands away, smiles: Then we'll take leave grandpa
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
Mr. Oliver [Witness]
:awkwardly smiles: Go safely
Alina & Ronny walks out of his house and walks to the car parked outside and hops on it and starts driving
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:driving: Senior, when did company give money for this grandpa? 🤔
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:typing on laptop: Never!
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
wut- 😶
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:concerned: Did you just lie on company's name? if they found out, you'll lose your job senior
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:stop typing: not "you'll" but "we'll"
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
what the- 😦
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
why will I loss my job? I didn't do anything 😐
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:smirks: Exactly! Because you were with me and you didn't stop me from doing this.. soo you'll loss it too
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:bite lips: What if I go and complain about your act-
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:exhales: Don't even think about it! What will you be called if you bit*h about me to boss?
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Whistle blower 😭
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Everyone hates Whistle blower.. They'll declare me outcast and will bully me to leave the company 😭
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
So shut your mouth and drive to the police headquarters.. we need to do some digging :cutely smiles:
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:gulps: But senior, what if Mr. Oliver say anything to anyone? 😖
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:scoffs: He'll never in this life spurn a word to anyone because he's now partners in crime too 😇
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:confused: Hein?
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:hits on his head: Why are you soo slow? He took 500$ as bribe just now
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
So I was right! His only 100$ was stolen but he took 500$ and now he's criminal too 😱
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:sighs: Speed up, Junior!
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
;sighs in relief, excited: YES SENIOR!
Ding 💬
(text from Hitler)
Ding 💬
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:ignores text, continue typing: * what was the card they threw? *
Ding 💬
(text from Hitler)
Ding 💬
(text from Hitler)
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:annoyed: Who in the hell is dyin- :opens phone: -mom?!
Text- Love, mom.. your mom.. left us 😭 - for last time.. come back home, love 😭
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:drops phone: ... mom
Aline kicks out Ronny out of car in middle of road and drives 4 hours continues to the middle of Xu city, where her home was.. All the way, she was just numb and couldn't feel anything
Stanley Manor~
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
:fake crying: Honey.. Why did you leave us..
Grace [maid]
Grace [maid]
:sighs, passes a water glass: Your wife is gone, but for that your cry us quite peculiar, Master!
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
am I not looking sad? I'm feeling it's pain though :starts fake crying, puts water into eyes:
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Is it looking believable now? 😭
Grace [maid]
Grace [maid]
Yes 👍


Alina runs inside stanley manor between all the people standing in black dress out side home. Her eyes start to wailing, tear were filled in but didn't yet drop to floor as she see her father in the Hall and run towards him
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:holding tears: D-Dad w-where is mom?
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
:looks up at her with teary eyes: Your mom.. 😭
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Yes.. mom? :gets close to dad:
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
she.. she.. left us and.. went to korea for vacation.. alone 😭
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
😢Mommm why did you- wait- :realises: WHATTTTTT??? 💢
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
:evil laugh: You weren't coming home so 😈
Alina angrily turns around to leave
But the people she saw, the men in black dress stood at the door in a line. They were all having muscular built up body
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
:shouts: Close the door, because love isn't going anywhere out from home until she agrees to go on a date 😇
Those people shut the door
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
* wow I jumped in sh*t *
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:acts cool: Let me go, I'm having important work to do-
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
: 🤔 : Is getting possessive over so called dark shadow is your important work?
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:flushed: W-Who is being possessive over dark shadow? 😶
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
: 👀 : Is it? Thank me then, as I threw all his posters out of your room!
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:panics: WHATT 💢
Alina runs her room immediately
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
tch tch tch! She really is like her mother. Her mother went to Korea to see her idol performance and Love is crazy to protect dark shadow, who noone ever saw😒
Grace [maid]
Grace [maid]
:smiles: You really love them alot both master!
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
Edward Stanley [FL step Father]
: 😍 : I've only one daughter Grace, of course I love her alot 🥰
Alina was sitting on her bed as her eyes roamed around her room. All the posters written "dark shadow is love" was still on the walls
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:scoffs: He fooled me 💢
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
It's just a useless date, I'll escape again!
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:gets serious: But I've more important work now
She picks her phone & calls Ronny
Ronny was outside Police headquarters
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:picks call: Seniorrrrrr, I'm tired waiting here when are you coming 😭
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
: 📞 : I can't make it today
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Just do as I tell you
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
: 📞 : Yes. what?
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
: 📞 : Go inside station and try to fish information about card that was thrown on body
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
: 📞 : Oliver didn't tell anything about any card. How did you know about it?
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
: 📞 : Curiosity killed the cat!
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
Ronny Ross [Reporter]
:gulps: I'll get busy in work then. Bye senior 😶
Call cuts
Alina stands up and looks out of her window. More than 20 guards were roaming around the house, there was no way getting out from the house, without breaking her bones
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
I ran away six months back from same date, and now I'm back here struck, waiting to go to that date.. fu*king irony!
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
My day can't get worse 😩
Suddenly her phone rings
Baby shark du du mommy shark du 📱
Bit*h calling 📱📲
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:smiles, Picks call: Hey-
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
:angrily: You bit*h how dare you getting married without telling me💢
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:roll eyes: What nonsense are you speaking bit*h
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
:gritting teeth: Ahhh~ Looks like you were planning to get married alone, without me! 💢
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Did you do drugs by any chance? 😒
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Why would I marry anyone-
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
:holding card, frown: Then what is this card from your dad to my dad? 😐
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
:reads card: "Alina Stanley & Demon Alderson are getting married on 4/03 Wednesday"? 😵
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
:jaw dropped: "Demon Alderson" 😨
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
wait- what date is it today? 😳
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
1/03. I'm getting married 3 days later? 😱
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Alina Stanley/love [FL]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]
Amber Hudins [FL Bff]

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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