NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1

Far off near the edge of the Universe, a small planet sat without a star.

The small world was smaller the the moon of The Earth, covered in black rock and soil with jagged and sharp mountains all over the landscape.

There was rubble of varying sizes that covered the entire world. Pieces of rock, metal, black dirt, and whatever other material that could be found.

The planet was not spinning or rotating at all, only floating aimlessly.

As the planet floated, it began to move towards a blinding red star that was surrounded by a massive cloud of dust. The star sat still, almost as if it were staring at the planet as it moved closer and closer.

There was a single building still standing on the planet.

A massive cathedral that was the same size as the jagged mountains. The cathedral was made entirely of black metal with towers of twisted tungsten and spirals of stainless steel. The doors were closed shut while the tallest tower at the center of the cathedral, reaching high into the limits of the nonexistent atmosphere and bearing a symbol that looked like a snowflake with sharp and jagged points and small barbs along each arm.

There were windows made of black stained glass, but they glowed with the violent red of the star, filling the room with a horrifying red hue that covered everything.

Inside the cathedral, the black pews were full of people crouched down in large black robes that obscured their entire bodies.

One figure was standing in front of all of them, raising their arms as they read from a large black book, the cover made of rock with aged paper covered in faded and old symbols. Their robe had a large white snowflake on the chest, with each arm ending in sharp points.

“The time has come as prophesied. We have reached the end times, and The Red has found us!” The figure on the podium shouted loudly, as if a priest who had been driven mad.

All of the figures slowly stood up and removed their hoods, revealing smooth blue heads that were shaped like eggs, their heads larger at the jaws and connection of their neck before moving up into small rounded points. Their skin was a painfully bright blue color, their eyes pure white with little emotion visible. The red hue clashed with their skin and eyes, creating a ugly mix of bright, innocent blue and painfully violent red. There was no hair visible, but a few people had white paint on their faces in different designs while others had none.

The priest on the stage reached into his own robe, pulling out a large sword. It had a black hilt and a black silver blade that had a very slight and barely noticeable curve. Their other hand went and grabbed a dagger from their robe.

“We will be destroyed if we do not act now! The Gods have told us this is the way into the Afterlife! Let us see each other again!” The priest shouted as they stared through the black stained windows at the red star, staring back and piercing into his soul.

The priest’s white eyes were slowly beginning to turn black and dilate as he screamed, taking the dagger and slashing his throat.

Black blood quickly began to pour out, running down his body and soaking through the robes.

Before he fully died, he gripped the larger sword as tightly as he could.

He plunged the sword straight in the center of his torso, gasping as the blade pierced through his body and stuck through the other end, covered in black blood that dripped down onto the ground.

His body dropped to the floor dead as all of the other figures pulled out their own, identical swords and daggers.

They all did the exact same steps, slicing their throats before stabbing themselves in the torso before they dropped dead to the ground.

All of the dead bodies began to pour black blood that covered the black floor of the black cathedral.

The red light of the star reflecting off and filling the room with a hellish appearance of black and red death and darkness.

A single figure slowly made their way out from underneath one of the pews, crawling out in the ocean of black blood that was growing larger and larger.

The figure removed their hood to reveal a young boyish face, much smoother and rounder than the other figures who were larger and appeared older.

The figure looked around, their blank white eyes showing fear and sadness as they saw all of the dead bodies.

Not only their species, but their loved ones.

The figure slowly walked out of the pews, standing in the middle of the cathedral in an ocean of black blood being bathed in red light.

He looked around all of the death and destruction, turning to look up at the far wall behind the priest.

A large pointed snowflake symbol, the only thing in the cathedral that was white besides the face paint on the figures, shining with the hellish red of the star’s light. The figure looked down at their hands, covered in black blood that obscured white lines running from their hands up their arms.

The figure slowly turned around as they could hear loud, violent rumbling.

The planet was shaking violently as if it were being ripped apart.

The cathedral began to shake before the roof and walls suddenly ripped apart in pieces, racing towards the red star.

The figure was staring directly into the blinding light of The Red, being bathed fully in the red light.

The figure stared, unmoving as their eyes were beginning to turn black.

A piece of broken pew came flying and smashed into him from behind.

He fell forward and sent black blood flying into the air with a splash, some getting into his eye as he shut it and covered it with his hand.

He looked back up at The Red, one of his eyes quickly dilating and changing from white to black as he stared.

He looked forward to see the planet being ripped apart, the crust bending and breaking while the cold mantle underneath was forcefully being pulled towards it.

The figure kept watching as the planet’s core was glowing with black light, being ripped apart by the force of The Red.

The core was being ripped as the figure began to look down, the ground beneath them being ripped and stretched.

They looked down at the core of black rock and light shifting and morphing, but then the core suddenly collapsed in on itself, the gravitational force turning the piece of pure darkness into a piece of blinding white light within a single second.

The core suddenly burst and exploded with the force of a supernova, sending the remaining pieces of the world shooting away.

The figure went to scream, but was suddenly thrown backwards at a speed that was getting close to the speed of light.

The figure watched as everything was racing by so quickly it felt as if their brain was going to melt.

Their eye rolled back and they quickly fell unconscious, racing through the depths of The Universe in a single direction.

Their robes being torn away, yet the heat began to cause the material to fuse to their skin as they raced forward, covering their torso in uneven and sloppy patterns of black which collided with the intricate, uniform, and symmetrical white lines that covered their body front heir feet to their neck and shoulders, running down their arms to their hands.

The figure continued to fly forward, disappearing into the endless darkness, passing by planets and stars without control.

The Red consumed whatever was left of the planet, the rock and rubble disappearing into the cloud of dust and joining it, disintegrating as the cloud of dust grew even larger.

The red star suddenly turned, as if it were an eye that could see.

It turned to the direction of the figure flying off and stared intensely, as if it were waiting to see where they landed.

The Red sat alone in the dark edges of The Universe, waiting for its next prey.

Chapter 2

The figure slowly opened their eyes.

Their right eye white and blank while the other was a piercing and dark black color.

Their body was *****, covered in the traditional white lines of his people while his robe had been melted and fused haphazardly to his body in ghoulish looking patches and lines.

The figure slowly sat up, laying in a field of pink, yellow, purple, and blue flowers mixed with green grass.

The figure looked around confused, reaching out and softly brushing their hand against the flowers, shivering at the sensation of feeling the petals touch his skin.

He slowly reached down to push off the ground and stand up, brushing his body off while looking around the vast field full of flowers that almost looked endless.

The figure looked down at their hands, which were light blue with the black fabric fused into his palms with spider web like designs.


An alien language came and made the figure jump and fall to the ground.

They were staring at a small figure that was on all fours, a very slender body with green fur that had flowers growing out of their body, blending in with the field beneath and around them. Their face was shaped like a cat with grass whiskers stretching out from their cheeks.

The figure looked down at the alien with a confused and curious look.

“I…where…am I?”

The figure asked in their own language, a high pitched voice.

The alien looked confused, their head slightly tilting to the side.

The figure thought for a bit before holding their hands to their chest.


They then pointed their hands to the alien.

“Your name?” He asked.

The alien kept staring blankly.

The alien suddenly noticed something behind Polarice and dropped to the ground, completely disappearing as camouflage in the grass and flowers on the ground.

Polarice looked confused and slowly turned around, jumping as they saw a towering behemoth made of rock standing in front of him, at least a hundred times taller than himself.

They had a large boulder for a body with arms, legs, and a head made out of other smaller boulders connected together.

The two stared at each other in silence, Polarice not wanting to say something stupid.

Without a word being spoken, the rock creature lift its arm high into the air.

Polarice didn’t have a thought enter his mind. He just instinctively jumped and rolled to the side.

The rock arm smashed into the ground with violent force, sending the ground flying into the air, along with a large group of the aliens that had camouflaged into the ground.

Polarice suddenly saw his sword and dagger fly into the air.

He was confused, but quickly had to snap back as the rock creature swung its arm horizontal over the ground.

Polarice jumped over, his foot hitting the arm and caused him to spin uncontrollably in mid air.

Polarice hit the ground hard and grunted, looking up just as his sword and dagger came crashing onto the ground.

He watched as the rock creature fully spun around, unable to stop the momentum of their arm. They finally lowered it and dragged it deeper and deeper into the ground until it finally stopped.

Polarice ran as quickly as he could, rolling forward before grabbing his sword tightly, then rolled again to grab his dagger just as the rock creature lifted its other arm.

It was lifted up and came crashing down, but Polarice stood up and slashed with his sword.

The sword cut through the rock as if it were made of butter, slashing through and amputating the arm in half.

The rock creature let out a massive cry of pain, stumbling back as Polarice stared at his sword, which looked brand new even after slashing through the rock.

The rock creature was still stumbling as it lifted its still good arm into the air.

Polarice looked around at all of the destruction and ditches that had been formed in the ground from the strikes.

Polarice ran forward as quickly as he could, jumping into the air and stabbing the sword into the chest of the creature. The blade slid in without any issue before it suddenly stabbed into something that was softer than the exterior rock.

The creature let out a loud gasp as Polarice stood on the chest of the creature as it fell forward, hitting the ground with a massive thud that sent more of the ground flying into the air.

Polarice was breathing heavily as he looked down at the creature he was standing on, then turned to look around him.

All of the alien creatures slowly, one by one, began to rise up and reveal themselves from their hiding.

Polarice stared among the group of aliens, but he noticed something.

They all had fear in their faces.

Everyone that looked at him started off with hope or reassurance, but then they would change to fear. As if they realized that Polarice was something they needed to be afraid of.

Polarice reached down and gripped the hilt of his sword, pulling it out with ease, but there was something stuck on the end that got stuck on the inside of the torso.

Polarice looked confused and used his dagger to slash more of the chest open. The dagger was just as strong as the blade, cutting through the rock with ease.

Once the chest broke open, the sword pulled out with a heart shaped rock stuck on the tip. It was made of rock, yet when Polarice touched it, it was squishy.

Polarice pulled the sword out of the heart, letting it fall as it bounced like a normal organ and splattered with liquid shooting out.

Polarice looked down at the weapons in his hands.

He looked down at his body covered in white paint and black fabric fused to his skin.

He slowly lifted his head up as he stared at the bright blue sky with bright white clouds.

Polarice didn’t know where he was.

He didn’t know how to get to another place.

He barely remembered who he was.

But the way the aliens stared at him…

He didn’t have a good feeling about any of it.

Chapter 3

Polarice had wandered alone on the planet. There were no buildings of any kind.

It was as if the entire planet was nothing but fields with these creatures blending in perfectly with their fur and the flowers sprouting from their bodies.

Polarice wasn’t sure where they were. If they were hiding in the ground, none of them rose from the ground to see him.

It was as if they were all afraid.

Polarice continued to walk, wielding his weapons in each hand.

He suddenly came across the only part of the entire planet that was different.

A massive canyon that looked like it went down forever.

The grass fields were split into two halves with the canyon showing nothing but gray rock that stretched down until it disappeared into a dark fog.

Polarice looked to one side, then the other.

The canyon appeared to go on forever in either direction.

Polarice was still gripping his two blades, one in each hand.

He stared down into the dark void, able to hear the gravely and loud roars.

Polarice looked back on the expansive field behind him.

He knew the creatures were hiding in the ground, their fur camouflaged into the ground, yet he couldn’t tell where they were.

Polarice then turned back, and jumped forward off the cliff.

As Polarice raced through the air, going further and further into the depths of darkness, the aliens camouflage in the grassy fields all jumped up and exposed themselves. They all ran over and stopped at the edges, looking down, hoping that they would be able to see at least something.

The sounds of the graveling roars shot from the void and filled the air, bouncing off of the rocky canyon walls and growing into loud and demonic rumbles and growls.

The aliens were beginning to shake in fear, the grassy fur and flowers wildly shaking around as they continued to watch and listen.

After only a few seconds of screams that grew quieter and less frequent, Polarice’s hand appeared and grabbed hold of the ledge, covered in dust and small rock.

Polarice pulled himself up, revealing that he used his blades to stab into the wall and climb up.

His entire body was covered in dust and rubble that covered his body.

He looked around the alien creatures, who were all cowering and shaking in fear.

Polarice continued to look around at the aliens.

“I just saved your race. I saved you. And yet you still stare at me in fear?” Polarice’s voice had turned cold and emotionless.

His black eye was radiating hatred and rage while his white eye was calm and empty. His black eye seemed to be driving him as he screamed, slashing his sword wildly while the alien creatures all ran away.

“I am not afraid of you! I will destroy…”

Polarice was screaming, but suddenly stopped and looked down at his arms. He was covered in dust, his hands slowly beginning to shake more and more.

“What have I done?”

He dropped both of his blades and tried to frantically rub all of the dust off of his body.

“What have I done?” Polarice shouted as the dust flew off, creating a cloud around him before it fell to the ground.

Tears were only coming from Polarice’s white eye as he cried out in agony.

“I need to figure out a way off of this world. Away from living creatures.”

Polarice looked around frantically, hoping to find something…anything he could use to leave this world.

The world was nothing but fields and a large canyon, which now contained nothing but death and destruction.

Polarice looked around more as he began to slowly walk. The creatures camouflaging in the ground were as still and silent as possible.

He was breathing slow but heavy, looking around as if scanning for any more threats.

“Come on…give me something.” He whispered to himself.

As he walked, he looked up towards the peaceful sky of the planet.

It was a painfully bright blue color with white clouds blocking out most of the universe that expanded out seemingly forever.

As he stared into the void of white above him, he began to hear something.

A faint hum.

A faint high pitched sound.

He gripped his two blades as tightly as possible as he looked up.

A small ship was slowly floating down from the clouds, emerging from the white shield that made it seem invisible.

It was a white and golden ship in the shape of a coffee bean that was moving so effortlessly. It was so smooth that the ship moved as easy as water, softly landing on the ground with complete silence as Polarice stared, continuing to hold his swords as tightly as possible.

A part of the ship opened, seeming to just form and move on its own. There was no visible door or windows anywhere.

A human shaped figure emerged wearing all black highly advanced armor that was skin tight. Gold and white lines ran all along the outfit, meeting into a white dodecagram star that covered the entire chest. Their entire face was covered by a thin black mask with reflective glass on it, like a mirror.

Polarice’s head slightly tilted to the side.

“Who…what…are you?” Polarice asked.

The figure suddenly began to tap something on their arm, a small holographic display that came up but Polarice couldn’t read or understand.

“Is this the right language?” The figure suddenly asked in Polarice’s native tongue.

Polarice took a step back, shocked and surprised.

“How do you know my tongue?” Polarice asked.

“I know every tongue. Now I’m not sure why you’re here. You don’t seem to be a part of this world’s biosphere. Would you mind coming with me please?” The figure asked.

“Where do you think you’re taking me?” Polarice asked.

The figure looked confused despite no part of their skin being visible.

“That doesn’t…whatever. I need you to come with me so we can put you somewhere that isn’t destructive.” The figure replied.

As Polarice stood tense and stoic, the alien creatures were slowly emerging from their grassy camouflage behind him.

The figure turned his attention to them, seeing the fear covering their faces and slightly shaking.

The figure glanced back at Polarice, then at the creatures on the other side of him.

They were all afraid.

“How long have you been on this world?” The figure asked, now staring at the blades with very faint remnants of dust.

“Why do you need to know?” Polarice asked.

“What have you been doing here?” The figure asked, their arm down by their side beginning to faintly glow with golden rings that were barely visible beginning to spin around their arm. The rings were made of symbols that floated next to each other, moving around so slowly.

“I’ve been surviving.” Polarice replied.

“Yeah…sure.” The figure replied in a skeptical tone.

Polarice’s eyes locked onto the faintly glowing arm. The grip around his blades tightened even more, his veins beginning to bulge.

“We can make this nice and easy.” The figure said.

“I don’t like nice and easy.” Polarice replied.

“Well…then that’s going to be a problem.” The figure said, the glowing rings becoming slightly more visible and brighter.

“For me? No. For you? Perhaps.” Polarice said.

“We’ll see about that.” The figure said.

The golden rings began to glow painfully bright and spin so rapidly the symbols began to blur into single, solid circles.

His arm lifted up before a ball of orange colored energy the size of a basketball blasted out, racing towards Polarice.

Polarice slashed his sword at it, but the second the blade touched the energy, the ball exploded in a burst of force that sent Polarice flying back and hitting the ground before sliding, sending dirt and grass into the air.

Polarice gritted his teeth and got back up as the figure was quickly running forward. The golden rings suddenly all moved down to his hand before combining and forming into a long chain, ending with a ball covered in spikes of energy. The figure swung it over their head before going parallel to the ground, just over the grass and swinging the ball at Polarice.

Polarice saw it coming and jumped over, the ball and chain suddenly being pulled back with great speed and back into the figure’s hand. They reformed into the golden rings before they split the rings across their arms. Two on each arm and one on the chest, then lifted their arms up and began to fire like machine guns with tiny bullets of pure golden energy racing towards Polarice.

Polarice watched as the wall of bullets were racing towards him. He smirked and felt this strange force filling his mind, as if his body and mind were running faster than he could understand.

Polarice’s body darted forward, easily dodging the flurry of bullets with ease as he darted and weaved.

The figure kept firing, and even with their face covered it was obvious they were nervous and shocked.

Polarice got close enough to slash his sword, but two of the ring on the figure’s arm quickly combined and formed a circular shield, blocking the slash of the sword.

The figure took the ring from their chest and combined it with the two on their other arm. They spun around as a ball of energy formed in their palm and blasted Polarice in the chest.

Polarice flew high into the air, but his body was still fine.

He backflipped and landed on his feet, his chest smoking and burning from the blast, but not as bad as previously.

He looked forward at the figure who combined all five rings onto one arm.

“I really don’t like killing, so will you please just come with me?” The figure asked.

Polarice smirked and began to run forward, his swords slashing the grass as he ran.

“Oh great.” The figure replied.

The golden rings spun and lifted up to fire another blast, but Polarice suddenly threw the smaller blade, catching the figure off guard and quickly having to dodge out of the way.

The figure turned around just as Polarice slashed his larger sword. The figure lifted their arm up, the five rings forming into a larger and more vibrant shield. Polarice’s blade connected with force that suddenly felt like was being pushed back, making Polarice stumble a few steps backwards.

The figure took one of the rings and held it in their hand, slashing it as if it were a circular blade.

Polarice blocked the attack and noticed the shield now was slightly smaller and fainter.

The circle blade came at him, but Polarice sidestepped and slashed down hard, connecting with the golden ring that suddenly shattered and fell to the ground in pieces. Pieces of golden energy that faded into aged gold in the shape of the strange symbols.

The figure was frozen in shock as they stared at the broken pieces sticking out of the green grassy ground.

“How did…” The figure started, but Polarice quickly charged forward.

The figure lifted the shield up, but Polarice’s blade became stuck into it, like the metal had broken through but couldn’t be pulled out.

Polarice screamed and punched the face mask as hard as he could, breaking it with cracks going every direction.

The figure stumbled back, clearly unable to see. The helmet suddenly disappeared, retracting down into the neck of the suit. A face with four small eyes, bright red skin, two very small tusks, and a small mouth with large, dirty teeth sticking out was panicking.

“Impossible.” The figure said softly.

Polarice was blinded by rage as he slashed his sword again, the figure only falling backwards and laying on the ground to escape the attack.

The golden rings seperated into two on each arm, both spinning wildly and firing small blasts of energy that Polarice dodged with ease.

Polarice stabbed his sword straight down, missing the arm but stabbing through two of the rings on one of the figure’s arm. They shattered into pieces and landed on the ground as the figure looked completely shocked.

“No. That shouldn’t be…” They muttered.

Polarice slashed and took out the final two rings, the figure staring up in pure terror and fear.

It was only at this moment that the figure noticed Polarice’s eyes.

One as white as light.

The other as black as darkness.

Their face was even more terrified than before.

“The story…it was just a myth…” The figure kept mumbling.

Polarice didn’t care for any explanation. He lifted his sword high above his head, and immediately stabbed down into the figure’s chest. The sword broke through the advanced body armor like it was nothing, hitting flesh and muscle as bright red blood flew into the air. The figure gasped in sickening pain, but Polarice pulled the sword out and immediately stabbed down again in another part of the torso. He lifted the large blade out over and over again, stabbing down repeatedly with the heavy blade that he used like it weighed nothing. The blade kept piercing more and more, being covered in the vibrant red blood until Polarice finally stopped.

The figure was laying as a heap, covered in holes as the bright red blood poured out and stained the green grass around them.

Polarice was barely breathing heavily.

He looked down at the dead figure, covered in blood, holes, and broken faded gold energy.

Polarice slowly lifted his head up, staring at the coffee bean shaped ship that was sitting not too far from him.

He began to walk, stopping only to pick up his smaller blade, leaving the body above ground.

Polarice walked to the ship, which opened on its own and allowed him to climb inside.

The ship slowly began to hover in the air, the dead body still on the ground as the alien creatures were slowly making their way out of hiding.

“The story is true.” One of the aliens said in their own language.

“The Universe is doomed…” The other replied.

As they stood, staring at the white clouds the ship flew through…

The clouds behind them began to glow with a red hue, covering the ground in a hellish shade of red and black.

The light traveled more and more until the entire planet was coated in an ocean of red light.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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