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In Love With The Imperial General

Episode 1: The Imperial Edict

The great city and kingdom of Tang ruled by King Tang Buexuan Yon III, he was a wise and merciful king. He has three wives who bear mighty identities and successfully birthed heirs of the throne. The first wife named Queen Tang Fei is unfortunately barren thus her title was stripped away from her into a mere court lady, Queen Tang Hua being the second wife birthed Prince Tang Xie though the child came after Queen Tang Shi the third wife had already given birth to Prince Jin.

Prince Tang Xie; an outgoing and handsome youth of about nineteen to twenty years, he enjoys pleasure and power more than anything one could think of but he is incredible kind and generous.

Prince Jin also known as General Jin is the perfect definition for handsome and good looking but he is always icy and very vicious thus he is heavily feared in the three kingdoms. He is a royalty but choose battlefield over prestige.

The bustling city as a young beautiful lady runs from one shop to another happily while admiring beautiful hairpins, eat cakes and buns; her maid runs behind her screaming loudly: "My lady! My lady!"

It was "Churong" the only daughter of Marquis Chu who is a minister of defense in the city, he loves his daughter dearly thus she is always followed by his guards and heavily guarded at the Chu mansion.

Churong's maid has been with her for years now they are not just close but are like sisters. She is often called "Sweet cake" by the Chu family but her name is "Lin". Churong is currently nineteen years old, she is skilled in dancing, eating, playing zithers and causing trouble.

It is recorded that Churong has flocks of suitors but she refuse all by running away from the mansion with one trick or the other.

Churong runs into a restaurant and sit down swiftly.

"Black bean cake, noodles and meat" she orders as she salivates nervously while Lin runs in breathing heavily.

"Lady Rong" she calls out panting while Churong winks at her mischievously.

"Master will scold us this time" Lin complains sadly as she takes her seat.

"Don't worry, I'll take responsibility".

After eating, Churong heads home with Lin and while walking along the street she unconsciously cross path with Prince Tang Xie.

"Stop!" he commands the steward and comes out of the imperial flamboyant carriage.

"Master" his subordinate calls nervously as Prince Tang Xie hastily walk up to Churong smiling, she is so engrossed on looking at a hairpin.

"Do you like it?" he asks politely.

"I like it" she replies absentmindedly, soon she turns and sees the prince.

"Your Highness" she and Lin immediately bow courteously while he smirks.

"Call me Xie".

Prince Tang Xie purchases a gold hairpin for Churong which she accepted wholeheartedly and they start off walking side by side on the street.

"Your --- Xie, what brings you here?" she asks nervously making the prince to smile happily while crossing his hands at the back.

"I was strolling".

Prince Tang Xie accompanies Churong to the Chu mansion as she runs to the entrance while Lin follows from behind.

"Thank you, Xie" she squeals happily and rushes into the mansion.

"Wait –"before he could complete his statement, she has already left. He sighs disappointedly while leaving the passage, his subordinate follows quietly.

Churong couldn't contend her happiness as she lies on the bed rolling from one edge to another; Prince Xie has always been her crush since childhood and she have collection of novels about him.

"My lady, are you alright?" Lin asks with a mischievous smile, Churong sits upright with a chuckle.

"That was Prince Xie" she squeals with a soft smile.

"You finally met him" Lin teases jokingly and they laugh thus Churong blushes.

The horse runs faster as he girdle's it harder while panting softly and the wind blows strongly making his long fine hair to fly melodiously on the air.

A long sword at the side of his waist as he was dressed on war clothing, his face covered with a mask, from his neck to his waist covered with an amour and an iron fist shoe. Even in these clothing, he looks alluring though the face is still void.

"Shh" he made a horrible sound as he pulls the horse backward making it to neigh and halt at a spot

"Shh" he made a horrible sound as he pulls the horse backward making it to neigh and halt at a spot.

"Master!" his subordinate Yan calls happily as he runs out of the mansion approaching him, he is the one and only mysterious General Jin.

"Master" Yan calls again as he walks closer and collects the sword of Jin while Jin rubs his hair jokingly and they enter into the Jin mansion discussing happily.

"Master, you came back so early this time. Hope you haven't fall sick" Yan asks with a concern and sad expression while General Jin removes the mask off his face; he is as handsome as the blue sky, he smirks.

"Do you miss me that much?" he teases as he sits on the wooden armchair while Yan chuckles and turns tea into a small cup for Jin.

"Master, the eunuch was here" Yan informs Jin while he serves him the tea and stands upright at a distance with a smile.

General Jin drinks the tea slowly and nods his head "Nice tea" he added and turns to Yan.

"What's the message?"

"His Majesty wants to see you as soon as you return" Jin stands up while taking his sword.

"But master, you just ret---"Yan tries to call back since he missed his master but Jin already left the mansion with an icy facial expression.

The small restaurant manor, Churong sits at a distance with Lin as they eat Osmanthus cakes and drink Osmanthus wine while listening to the story teller who sits at the central of the restaurant telling stories about great knights and handsome Tang men history in form making money.

"And General Jin rushes from the back and stabbed the enemy, oh no! No one knew he was so good at archery thus he aimed the enemy's commanders with the arrows and they fell down dead on the battlefield. Our General Jin who is also Prince Jin won the battle between Tang kingdom and Xinsilu; he brought glory to our land!" the story teller demonstrate and illustrate every scene making the listeners stay engrossed in the story, as he concludes they applauds and cheer happily including Lin while some drop coins in his small bowl on the table as a tip but Churong snorts as if annoyed.

"General Jin is so dreamy".

"He is not only a warlord but also a handsome man".

"He is indeed mighty, I like him".

The ladies who were listening to the story mutter happily between themselves while drinking their tea.

"Can't he tell the story of Prince Xie?" Churong roll her eyes annoyingly as she drinks the wine and hits the cup harder on the table.

"Lady Rong, it's tomorrow".

"You mistake it again" Lin informs neutrally. Since Churong started listening to street plays, she has always been mistaking the date for Prince Xie's show to be for Prince Jin. Churong makes a horrible sound while standing up.

"Let's go" she commands as she leaves the manor while Lin drops some coins into the story teller's plate and rushes out of the manor.


Meet Quinlong the daring and beautiful daughter of Master Long, a court official and also the minister of public affairs.

Quinlong is not only beautifully blessed but bountifully talented, she is skilled on writing calligraphies, playing zithers, making tea, dancing and most of all sword dancing. She is a close friend to General Jin thus she often calls him "Brother Jin" while he calls her "Sister", to him she is only a little sister but to her, she sees him as the man she love since childhood.

The beautiful maidens follow Quinlong from behind cautiously as she approach her father who standing in the sit out watching the small lake which is close to the flower garden.

"Father" she notifies her presence swiftly as she walks toward him, he havens a sigh while looking at her and smiles.

"Father, I heard Brother Jin has returned. I want to pay him a visit" she pleads while standing close to him.

"It's been 3 years since General Jin left home" Master Long said sadly as he looks up to the blue sky.

"Use the family carriage to welcome him warmly" he adds with a small smile.

"Thank you father" she squeals happily and runs out of the sit out leaving the maidens helpless.

"Miss! Wait for me" her favorite maid calls out loudly as she runs out of the mansion in search of her mistress.

Marquis Chu and Madame Chu were sitting on the long wooden armchair in the air pavilion chamber that shows the clear view of the Chu mansion, they discuss happily while drinking tea and eating black bean cake.

The mansion iron door wide open as Churong and Lin runs into the mansion.

"Mother! Master!" they calls out happily at the top of their voices while approaching them in the air pavilion chamber.

"Where have you been?" Madame Chu asks with a stern facial expression as Churong sits closer to her coaxing her with a funny face.

"Sorry mother" Madame Chu smiles.

"Hope you caused no trouble" Marquis Chu who knows his daughter always bring trouble back home teases thus Churong nods negatively as a sign of "No trouble".

"The Imperial Edict" Eunuch Lig rushes over them with his head bow as they immediately fall on their knees to hear and accept the emperor's decree.

"Marquis Chu has brought up a vibrant and gentle daughter thus I, the emperor of Tang kingdom bless her with marriage between she and Prince Jin".

Episode 2: Madame Jin, General's Lady

"The Imperial Edict!" Eunuch Liu rushes over them with his head bow as they immediately fall on their knees to hear and accept the emperor's decree.

"Marquis Chu has brought up a wise, vibrant and gentle daughter thus the empress Dowager decided to bless Lady Churong with marriage between her and Prince Jin being General Jin".

"What!" Churong exclaims angrily and her mother quickly holds her hand with a stern expression, they all kowtow.

"We accept the emperor's decree" and Marquis sadly collects the scroll from Eunuch Lig.

"Congratulations" Eunuch Lig said happily and leaves the mansion with the soldiers that joined him, Churong sighs sadly.


"How can that old lady be this heartless" Churong complains sadly as she gulps the tea in anger.

"I can't get married to that demon, I detest him so much" she squeals in disbelief as Lin and Madame Chu console her sadly.

"The emperor can't disobey the empress Dowager's request thus we have to obey his decree to avoid death" Marquis Chu explains to them sadly.

"Is there nothing you can do? She is still my little baby" Madame Chu cries sadly while pleading with her husband, he shakes his head in disapproval.

"You shall be leaving tomorrow" he sniffles and leaves the air pavilion chamber sadly.

"Father! Father!" she calls out at the top of her voice but his decision is final.

Tap. Tap, tap. He touch the brush on the paint and slowly draws the person of Churong with a smile, he carves her beautiful eyebrows and tasty looking lips with his brush as his subordinate "Doubin" rushes into the library.

"Young master" he calls out looking anxious and worried, Prince Xie pause and drops the brush on it's position while facing Doubin, he haven a sign with his eyebrow.

"Empress Dowager granted marriage to Prince Jin and your --- Lady Churong" Doubin fret sadly.

"What!" Prince Xie stands up from the wooden comfortable armchair and rushes out of his mansion.

"Young master" Doubin calls sadly, sigh and runs out of the mansion in other to catch up with Prince Tang Xie.

The empress Dowager of Tang kingdom sits on her beautiful wooden armchair with Consort Fei, the barren wife of the emperor. They discuss in low tone while eating the ripe cherries. Empress Dowager is a beautiful woman of about sixty six (66) years old as her smile is so righteous and heartwarming; she is popularly referred to as the generous palace granny.

"Prince Tang Xie is here!" the door maid announces loudly and Prince Xie rushes over to his grandmother looking anxious.

"Xie'r" the empress Dowager calls softly and beacon him to come closer so she could embrace him.

"Greetings grandmother" he bows courteously while standing as he approaches his grandmother.

"How are you doing Xie'r" Empress Dowager asks anxiously while Prince Xie greets his aunty cautiously with a quick bow.

"Grandmother, did you grant my brother marriage?" Prince Xie asks cautiously and anxiously while empress dowager laughs softly.

"Yes. That's his gift for bringing peace and glory back to our precious Tang kingdom" empress Dowager explains happily while Prince Xie frowns.

"What? Do you want to get married too?" empress Dowager teases with seriousness.

"I admire this Lady Churong" he replies bluntly.

"He is now your brother's woman, except he doesn't need her" Empress Dowager warns cautiously and let out a loud laugh making Consort Fei to join nervously.

"I'll leave now, grandmother" Prince Tang Xie bows and leave the Dowager's chamber sadly.

Steward Zuo rides the horse carriage faster; Churong sits inside the carriage with Lin. Churong is dressed in a red beautiful wedding gown and a transparent light red veil showing her beautiful lips that are painted pink, judging by her countenance she is angry same as Lin who sadly reads one of Prince Xie novel collection to absentminded Churong.

Churong is dressed in a red beautiful wedding gown and a transparent light red veil showing her beautiful lips that are painted pink, judging by her countenance she is angry same as Lin who sadly reads one of Prince Xie novel collection to absent...

"Why is steward Zuo so impatient? Is he the bride?" Churong snorts under the veil while Lin chuckles softly and continues reading.

"Stop it!"

"I am already getting married to a beast" Churong shuns and opens the veil hanging it at the top of her hair angrily.

"Sorry Lady Rong, I wanted to lighten up your mood" Lin pleads sarcastically as Churong roll her eyes.

"We are at Prince Jin's mansion" steward Zuo announces happily as the horse neigh stopping at a spot, Churong sadly covers the veil while Lin arranges it properly.

At the sitting room manor that consist of four open windows, five wild flowers separated in the corners of the room, four comfortable wooden armchairs and a long table containing small cups and a medium kettle.

General Jin takes the cup of tea and continues cleaning his sharp sword with a piece of white rag as his facial expression looks fearful, Yan runs in happily but pause at a distance after seeing his master's face.

"Master, your bride is here" he clears his throat cautiously.

General Jin smirks mockingly.

"Is she so impatient on getting married?" he roll his eyes mockingly and couples back his sword while standing up and leaves the manor.

"Yes, she is" Yan squeals happily as he follows General Jin from behind.

"Your highness" Churong and Lin bows courteously while standing, he beacon them with a stern reaction to stand which they did slowly.

"Take them to the guest room" he commands Yan and turns to leave.

"Guest room?" Churong asks surprisingly.

"Hello Mister General, I am your wife and not a visitor" she informs with an annoying air quote manner; he ignores and leaves to his chamber.

"What a rude husband!" Lin snorts angrily and turns to Churong with a small smile.

"Please join me Lady Jin" Yan said softly and leaves to another room while Churong fumes angrily and leaves the hall way following Yan.


Churong gulps the water in the cup and hit it hardly on the table looking angry.

"Nonsense!"Lin rushes toward her side and turns water into the cup again.

"Lady Rong, please calm down. Prince Jin must be stressed out that's why he behaved rudely towards you" Lin said impulsively trying to console Churong.

"Impossible! I am his wife, why did he insist I stay in a guest room?" Churong asks angrily as she stands up and pace around the beautiful spacious room.

"Lady Chu, come to think of it. He is more handsome than Prince Xie" Lin said sheepishly.

"No! Prince Xie is warming, always smiling, kind and handsome. I like him not General Jin" she disagrees bluntly as she heads to the exits and tries to open the door.

"Why is it lock?" she asks anxiously with a scared look, Lin hurries to the door and push the door harder thus it breaks open.


"How dare he lock me in his mansion" Churong squeals angrily at the top of her voice as Quinlong approach her alongside her favorite maid "Tite".

"How did this rascal and characterless lady come into my brother's mansion?" Quinlong roll her eyes enviously as she stands at a distance referring to Churong, as annoying as Churong she turns back anxiously and faces Quinlong again.

"Me?" she asks anxiously making Quinlong to smirk mockingly.

"I am General Jin's Lady" Churong responds courageously as she walks close to Quinlong, Lin follows.

"My brother will never choose you over me!" Quinlong snorts meticulously and Churong to laugh softly.

"Uh-oh, sorry to disappoint you little sister" "He is mine!" Churong mocks annoyingly and boldly as she leaves Quinlong standing in awe.

"Never! I love Jin more" she squeals and stamp her feet angrily.

"Calm down Mistress Quin" Tite consoles as they leave the walk way sadly.


"Lady Rong, you really did well by assuming your position as the Madame of this mansion" Lin praises Churong and smile happily as they walk on the compound grassy and rocky path leading to General Jin's private troop plotting pavilion.

"It was just an act, don't take it to heart" Churong warns cautiously and approach the closer door that is being guarded by two imperial soldiers.

"This place is out of bound for strangers" they informs Churong strictly and boldly as she is about opening the door, she steps backward and cross her arms slowly.

"I am General Jin's Lady, the Madame of this mansion" Churong points herself and informs courageously while Lin put her hands on her waist looking all majestic.

"Madame Jin?" the soldiers exchange confuse stare.

"What's happening here?" General Jin stands below them with an icy face with funny looking Yan.

"Tell the guards who I am" Churong commands bluntly as she stands aside patiently waiting for Jin's action.

"Who are you?" General Jin approaches the door slowly while Churong stare at him sadly, angrily and shamefully.

"She is my wife, my beloved Lady Jin" General Jin informs them strictly and winks at her, she blushes.

"Brother!" Prince Xie calls loudly from a near distance and approach them quickly.

Episode 3: The Royal Meeting

"She is my wife, my beloved Lady Jin of this mansion" General Jin informs them boldly as he faces Churong and winks at her, she blushes.

"Please forgive us Madame Jin" they plead sadly with a bow, she beacon them slyly for a rise and faces General Jin.

"Brother!" Prince Xie calls from a distance and approach them anxiously.

"Brother?" General Jin responds in surprise as it has been four years since he last saw his brother, Prince Xie.

"Xie!" Churong calls with a bright smile as he rushes towards her and hold her arms impulsively.

"Are you okay?" She nods her head sheepishly and shyly.

"Brother, why are you here?" General Jin pulls Churong closer to his chest.

"Brother, you don't have to marry Lady Churong";

"Empress Dowager said if you are not interested, she won't force you to marry anyone" Prince Xie informs anxiously and happily while Churong shine her eyes in surprise.


"Please let me go then" she pleads to General Jin sadly.

"Do you really want to leave me?"

"I mean going against the emperor's decree?" General Jin asks nervously while rolling his eyes.

"I dare not" she rebukes fearfully as Prince Xie walk closer to General Jin.

"Brother, do you want to get married to Lady Chu without love?" Prince Xie asks impulsively and anxiously thus General Jin clears his throat nervously.

"Enough, enough!"

"Even if he loves me or not, I have to stay in other not to go against the emperor's order" Churong tries to break the emotional Jinx and rushes over to General Jin embracing him tightly.

"He is my husband" she squeals happily as General Jin pull her away from his body and walks to a distance.

"Brother Xie, I guess this isn't your main purpose of coming here" he leaves to his chamber smirking happily under his nose.

"Chue'r, you do know my feelings for you".

"Do you want me to fight with my senior brother?"

Prince Xie complains sadly as he holds Churong's hands and caresses them softly.

"Prince Xie" she nervously pulls her hands away.

"I am doing this only for peace, I don't love General Jin" Churong briefly explains to Prince Xie which gives him hope thus he haven a sigh of relief.

"Good" he nods his head happily and excuses himself heading towards General Jin's direction, Churong exhales exhaustedly.

"Lady Rong, it seems the General loves you so much" Lin gossips sheepishly and Churong roll her eyes annoyingly.

"Sweet cake, when did you become blind?" she asks sarcastically.

"He snubbed me upon I clung unto him, this shows he doesn't intend to love or marry me" she snorts shamefully.

"Then let's escape with Prince Xie".

"You love him, right?" Lin suggests abstractly.

"Stupid girl, the emperor will cause harm to father and mother".

"I better stay here as it seems he doesn't want to marry me officially soon".

They continue discussing softly while walking back to their manor.


"Your Highness" Quinlong curtsy with a bow politely as she approaches Empress Dowager.

"Come here, my baroness" the empress Dowager beacon a sign with her hand as Quinlong sits on the soft wooden armchair closer to the empress Dowager.

"Grandmother, how are you?" Quinlong turns the tea into a small cup as empress Dowager drinks it smiling happily.

"I am so fine as the wind in the palace is peaceful" Empress Dowager said ironically with a small laugh, Quinlong joins mischievously.

"Grandmother, I learnt a new song".

"Can I play the zither for you?" Quinlong asks cautiously after a brief moment of silence and Empress Dowager nods slowly in approval, Quinlong stands up from the armchair with a bow and walks elegantly to the long zither lying on the table which had already been setup by the palace maids.

The vibrating, smooth and melodious sound comes out pleasantly from the zither as Quinlong moves her slender fingers on the strings perfectly, playing gently with a bright smile while Empress Dowager nods happily with a smile of enjoyment.

"Grandmother, Prince Jin has grown up now".

She cautiously starts up a conversation while playing the zither.

"Yes, Jine'r is now young thus he will be getting married to Marquis Chu's daughter" as angry as Quinlong, she unintentionally misplayed the zither startling Empress Dowager.

"Are you okay?" she drinks the tea slowly while Quinlong stands up from the zither seat, fake a small smile and walk over to her seat.

"Forgive me your highness, I was distracted by your beautiful smile" she bows courteously and intentionally lied making Empress Dowager to laugh loudly.

"Someone!" she calls the nearby maid who courteously rushes over to the room central point.

"Get me my jewelry box" she commands politely, the maid leaves with a bow.

"Your Highness" Quinlong becomes nervous and happily anxious.

"I prefer you call me grandmother".

"This beautiful fingers of yours deserve some rewards" empress Dowager compliments Quinlong happily as the maid comes in with a large small box, she hands it to empress Dowager with a bow and stands at a distance.

Quinlong drinks the tea cautiously as Empress Dowager opens the box that contains expensive jewelries like gold hairpins, colorful jades and bracelets, Quinlong gaze in astonishment.

"General Jin is here!" the door maid announce loudly and politely as General Jin comes in with Churong while Empress Dowager mutters happily to herself.


"Jine'r" she calls out loudly as he comes closer happily.

"Greeting Your Highness, grandmother" General Jin and Churong bow courteously while standing and she nods happily.


Empress Dowager has deep love for General Jin since his childhood more than anyone; he is being favored with the best titles and materials by Empress Dowager thus the consorts and few court officials' envies him but he never cared or show interest.

"Do you love the wife I choose for you?" Empress Dowager asks impulsively and anxiously before General Jin could answer, Quinlong clears her throat intentionally and turns tea into Empress Dowager's cup.

"Grandmother, I am glad you are okay".

"Father hosted a party for Master Xuan's arrival thus I and my wife needs to be on attendance" he said nervously with an icy and expressionless face, Churong blushes and smiles happily.

"Lady Quin is already keeping me company, I'll miss this wonderful event" she pauses.

"But you have to be alert and careful" she warns cautiously in a low tone and laughs loudly, she turns to Churong.

"She is just like Madame Chu during her teenage period, beautiful and elegant" she compliments Churong with a smile.

"Thanks for the praises, Your Highness" Churong and General Jin bow happily, Empress Dowager beacons a wave happily and gestures Churong to step forward which she did cautiously; Quinlong fumes in anger but keeps on the wide smile of pretense.

Empress Dowager pulls out a white imperial jade hanging on her waist and places it on Churong's palm, Churong gaze at her and the jade in astonishment.

"Grandmother, this is your imperial and most valuable jade that gives full access to the palace" Quinlong reminds and stare at Churong in anger and surprise while Churong accepts the jade with a bright smile.

"I'll keep it safe, Your Highness".

Empress Dowager nods her head affirmatively.

"We shall take our leave now, grandmother" General Jin informs courteously which she approves with a nod and they leave the Dowager's chamber as Churong stares at the beautiful jade continuously in happiness and surprise.

"I shall leave too, grandmother" Quinlong didn't wait for permission as she hurries out of the manor, empress Dowager gulps the tea with a smile and call the maid to send back the jewelry box.



"He came to the palace and visited Empress Dowager immediately he arrived---"the Royal Consort, Queen Hua II asks her personal guard angrily while applying her makeup close to the table mirror.

She has always detested General Jin thus she tries to harm him one dangerous way or the other but to no avail.

Queen Hua hit her fingers on the table thinking rashly.

"Has the kitchen maid done as I ordered?" she stands up from the armchair and checks her beautiful dress while looking at the mirror with a stern smile.

"Yes Madame" the guard replies with a bow and tough smile, she nods and smile mischievously.

"Good, let's go" she walks out of her chamber and the guard follows.

The cool celebration music swing in the hall, the musicians plays the musical instruments perfectly as ministers and Royal members enters into the hall, bow to the emperor as a sign of respect and sit on the east or west wing that have comfortable armchairs and tables containing assorted drinks, fruits and meats.

The party coordinator rushes into the hall with a bow and falls on his knees at the central point, he kowtows fearfully to the emperor.

"Please spare me, His Majesty".

"The dancers are all sick of flu and can't perform" he reports as the ministers and Royal members mutter among themselves in disbelief.

"I'll do it" Churong stands up from her seat which is closer to General Jin.

"Sit" he commands nervously in a low tone but she adamantly walk to the central point courageously.

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