NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1

A young teenage girl was walking slowly through an empty street. She wore a black hoodie with the hood up to obscure her face. She was staring down at the ground. Her hands were shoved as tightly as they could go into her jacket pockets.

The road was empty.

The sidewalks were empty.

All of the homes were dark with no lights shining through any of the windows.

The girl was softly crying as she walked, only removing her hands to wipe the tears away.

She quickly made her way to a large bridge that sat at the end of her neighborhood and looked down upon a still and quiet river.

The girl made her way to the bridge and stopped.

She looked around to make sure nobody was around.

Then she turned her attention to the river beneath her.

The moon wasn’t visible, so there was no light reflecting off of the water.

It was an ocean of darkness that felt so enticing to her.

The girl took a few deep breaths before she carefully climbed over the railing, standing on the edge as she looked down into the water. Her feet were barely fitting on the small and thin edge.

She looked down once more, but then she noticed something next to her foot. Her toes went to the side and touched it, a small golden object barely shining and twinkling in her eyes.

The girl kept staring and very carefully squatted down while holding onto the railing with one arm. She grabbed the object and pulled it closer to her face to observe it in the very limited amount of light around her.

It appeared to be dusty or have something stuck on it.

The girl was confused and began to rub it, trying to remove whatever was stuck on it.

The object suddenly burst into a cloud of green smoke as a being that resembled a ghost emerged, the girl being caught off guard and slipping on the edge of the bridge, falling towards the water.

“Help!” She screamed loudly.

The green spirit suddenly raced down towards the girl, catching her and very quickly flying sideways along the water, yet the water stayed untouched.

They carefully lowered the girl to the ground while she was panting very quickly and feeling her chest to feel her heartbeat pumping hard and fast.


She started until the figure suddenly disappeared in a poof.

The girl was unsure what to think or say, but then she quickly ran back to the bridge.

Sitting on the ground was the small golden object, which she immediately picked up and rubbed again.

The green spirit re-emerged as the girl just stared with wide eyes.

The figure crossed its arms and looked at her.

“I…what…what are you?” The girl asked with wide eyes.

The green cloud wasn’t bright, but it shined just enough light to illuminate the surrounding area with a faint green hue, almost like a low powered colored lamp.

“I am Abaraxx.” The spirit said in a powerful and deep voice.

It was quite loud, so the girl panicked as she put her finger to her lips.

“Shhhhhh. We don’t want you waking up the neighborhood.” She whispered.

Abaraxx looked at her with a confused face while his arms were still crossed.

“Why have you summoned me?” Abaraxx asked quieter, but his voice was still booming and deep.

She was panicking as she quickly looked around to see if any lights were turning on.

“Can we go somewhere more private?” She asked.

Abaraxx nodded his head and suddenly lifted her up in his arms.

He quickly shot into the air and flew at a very high speed over the neighborhood. The girl grabbed hold of him as tightly as he could while she tried not to scream.

“This is really fast.” She said loudly when Abaraxx suddenly stopped.

He lowered her slowly into a nearby forest that was still in the neighborhood, but was nowhere near any houses.

She felt her feet touch the ground and wobbled for a few seconds, but then immediately began to vomit onto the ground.

Once she finished, she turned around to face Abaraxx, but he was gone.

She groaned and rubbed the object in her hand again.

Abaraxx suddenly appeared and was in the same cross armed position as before.

“I am…”

“Yeah yeah Abaraxx. What can you do for me?” She quickly interrupted.

Abaraxx looked confused and stared intensely at her.

“Look…I just want to know who…or what…you are.” The girl said as she looked Abaraxx up and down.

“Very well.” Abaraxx replied as he uncrossed his arms and cleared his throat, despite being a spirit.

“I am Abaraxx. A magical being that has been cursed with being forced to live inside of that amulet. Whoever rubs said amulet will become my master, and I will return to the amulet after I complete any task that my master gives me.” Abaraxx said, their voice deep and booming but still quiet.

The girl began to nod her head along as she looked down at the amulet.

“Alright. So you’re a genie.” She said.

Abaraxx looked at her confused.

“I’m a what?” He asked.

“A genie.” She quickly replied back.

“What is a genie?” Abaraxx asked.

The girl laughed, but then stopped as Abaraxx’s demeanor did not change.

“Oh you’re serious.” She said.

“Okay, so. A genie is a magical being that lives inside of a lamp. You rub the lamp and they give you three wishes. And you have to be smart with your wishes because they’re tricky. Like you may wish to jump higher and they turn you into an animal or something.” She says.

Abaraxx looked confused and then at himself, his eyes going over his form.

“You think I would stoop to such lows? I am a powerful force. I do my tasks, not give free wishes just like that.” Abaraxx sounded annoyed and disrespected as they spoke.

“Alright, I apologize for calling you a genie.” The girl said with big eyes.

“You should. Now fair…” Abaraxx started, but then stopped.

“Yes?” She finally asked.

“I’m sorry. I’m not sure how to refer to you.” Abaraxx replied.

“Oh. My name is Georgia.” She replied with a fake smile.

“Georgia? Is that a common name?” Abaraxx asked.

Georgia shrugged.

“It’s the name of a place, but for people I’m not sure.” She replied.

“Georgia is a place? My, is that where you were birthed?” Abaraxx asked.

Georgia shivered at the question.

“Please don’t say that word again. That just…feels weird.” She said.

Abaraxx looked confused as Georgia recomposed herself.

“Anyways. No, I was not…born there. I was actually born in Louisiana, but my Dad named me that because…” She talked before suddenly stopping.

Abaraxx moved slightly closer, the green hue very faintly illuminating her more.

“What is it?” He asked.

Georgia wiped her eyes and sniffled.

“Nothing. It’s nothing. I need to get home.” She said, wiping her eyes more.

“Where is your home?” Abaraxx asked.

“It’s not far.” She replied as he began to walk, Abaraxx slowly floating behind to follow.

“If your home is near here, then why were you on the bridge?” Abaraxx asked.

Georgia stopped and turned around.

“I um…” She started, but couldn’t continue.

“You were in danger when you found me. I did not see anybody else threatening you though.” Abaraxx said.

Georgia had to keep wiping her eyes and sniffling.

“I just…I was doing…something. But…it’s nothing.” She said.

“Alright Master Georgia. What task could I do for you?” Abaraxx asked.

Georgia looked at him as her head slightly tilted to the side.

“I…well…” Georgia looked around, sighing as she tried to find something simple.

“Bring me…um…”

She noticed something in the distance and pointed.

“Bring me that rock over there.” She said.

Abaraxx turned around to see where she was pointing. He quickly floated over and bent down, but stopped.

“Master Georgia, this isn’t a rock. Would you still wish for me to retrieve it?” Abaraxx asked.

Georgia sighed and wiped her eyes even more to try and get rid of the tears.

“Yeah. Whatever.” She replied.

Abaraxx leaned down and lifted up a small but seemingly heavy object. He carried it over as Georgia put her arms out.

Abaraxx placed the box in her arms, which she almost immediately dropped from how heavy it was.

Abaraxx puffed away into nothingness as Georgia looked down at the box confused.

She slowly went down to her knees and tried to open it, but her hand ran along a large lock that was keeping the box shut tight.

She sighed and looked down at the amulet in her hand and the box, but instead of using it she just picked them both up and began to make her way to her home.

She had a million thoughts running through her brain at once, and wasn’t sure if any of them were real.

Did all of that really just happen?

Chapter 2

Georgia slowly began to wake up, laying in her bed with the small locked box sitting on her bed. She was curled up around it, then looked at the nightstand right next to her face to see the golden amulet.

She slowly sat up, her light brown hair curly and messy as she wiped her eyes.

“Wait…it was…real?” She whispered to herself.

Her bedroom door suddenly flung open as she jumped, quickly hiding the box under her blanket and curling her legs to hide it underneath, creating a mountain of her legs rather then the box.

“Are you awake?” An older man asked in an angry tone.

“Yeah. I’m awake.” Georgia replied in a sassy yet scared tone.

“Well hurry up. You’re going to be late for school.” He said in more of an angry tone.

Georgia rolled her eyes and pushed her blanket aside, bunching it up to keep hiding the box.

“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He asked as he stepped into the room, shoving her violently as she hit her nightstand, causing everything to fall to the floor while she clutched her shoulder.

“I am your father! You respect and listen to me!” He shouted right into her face as she curled up into a ball.

He was breathing hard and heavy as he stormed out of the room, slamming the door very hard and loud, making the entire room shake.

Georgia was doing her best to calm down as she hugged herself as tightly as she could in a ball.

Georgia looked down at the golden amulet sitting on the floor, swallowing hard. She reached down and grabbed it, placing it inside of her pants pocket before she got up.

She didn’t bother to clean herself. No showering or brushing her teeth. She just left her room, went down the stairs, and grabbed a bag that was sitting on the floor before leaving through the front door and quickly walking down the sidewalk.

Georgia walked with her hood up and hands buried in her pockets, walking as quickly as she could as her lips were quickly moving but not saying anything.

She wiped her eyes as she kept walking, ignoring everything or everyone else around her.

Neighbors were smiling and trying to wave or talk to her, but she just ignored them.

Cars drove by and she turned away to not look at them.

She sniffled and kept walking rather quickly.

After a few minutes of paranoid walking, constantly turning her head to make sure nobody was watching or following her.

She stopped when she turned a corner and saw her high school across the street, busses and cars going slowly every direction on the small neighborhood road, teenagers being dropped off with loud conversations, radios blasting all types of music, and car horns honking.

All of the chaotic and unorganized noise made Georgia’s heart begin to beat faster and harder, causing her body to start hyperventilating as her hands began to shake inside of her pockets.

She stood on the sidewalk across the street for a few seconds as she kept shaking.

“Hey Georgia!”

One girl shouted and made Georgia jump, trying to catch her breath before walking across the street, not even bothering to look either way for cars.

“Hey.” Georgia said with a breathy tone and smile as she made her way over to one of her friends.

She was light brown skin with very curly hair flowing down past her shoulders and poofing out like a massive cloud. She was wearing a thin long sleeve shirt covered in floral art that covered the waist of shorts that ended right at her knees. Her sneakers were brand new, bright red, white, and blue.

“How’d you sleep?” She asked.

Georgia sighed.

“Not great.” She replied.

“Do you ever have a different response?” Her friend joked.

“I will if I ever get decent sleep.” Georgia said with a fake smile.

A third girl was quickly making her way over.

Asian complexion with short jet black hair. She was wearing a shirt with a small and unknown rock band that nobody had ever heard of.

“Hey you two. Starting the day without me? Rude.” She said.

“Hey Bella.” Georgia said with a very subtle wave before her hands went back to her pockets.

“So, what’s going on? Did you forget to do your homework again?” Bella asked, lightly punching Georgia’s shoulder. Georgia winced and grit her teeth, but tried her best to not show it.

“Yeah…I did forget. I had…other things on my mind.” Georgia said softly.

Bella rolled her eyes, but she was obviously joking.

“Well don’t worry. Because I’m such a great friend, I did it twice and copied your handwriting.”

Bella reached into her bag and pulled out a thin folder full of completed assignments. Georgia took it and looked over all of them, looking impressed.

“Wow…you did…amazing. How’d you get it so accurate?” Georgia asked.

“Photographic memory.” Bella replied.

“I don’t think that’s how that works.” The other friend said as all three girls laughed.

“Oh come on Nikkita. You don’t know how most things work.” Bella joked.

Nikkita pretended to look offended before lightly punching Bella in the arm, the two girls laughing as Georgia looked past her friends, noticing that one of the school teachers was standing quite…strangely.

He was a tall, old man wearing a very old fashioned suit while standing outside the building. His back was straight, yet the way he stood almost made it appear that standing straight was uncomfortable for him. Like his back wanted to hunch or bend, but he wouldn’t let it.

He had a small black mustache that just came off of his cheeks in very small curls. His chin had a very small patch of more black hair that pointed down off the skin. His eyes were a piercing green color, but his left eye had a small scar that ran from his hairline and down to his mustache, going over his eye. When he blinked, the eyelid also contained a thin scar that was barely visible.

He was staring out into the distance with a blank expression. His hand was forward and out, his fingers shifting around as if he was used to holding something, yet his hand was empty. His other hand was buried into his jacket pocket. The tension in his arm was visible even through his clothing. He was clenching his hand into a very tight fist, but once again it was around nothing.

The school bell rang loudly and filled the air, making Georgia jump.

“Alright, see you girls at lunch.”

Bella quickly hugged each girl before quickly making her way into the school.

Nikkita put her hand on Georgia’s shoulder and smiled.

“Take care of yourself.” She said before she began to walk off, leaving Georgia alone.

Georgia closed the folder and made her way into the school, her hood still up covering her head.

As she passed by the teacher, he finally turned his gaze.

“Hoods down inside Ms. Georgia.” He said.

His voice had an unknown accent. It sounded European, but not a country that Georgia knew.

Georgia quietly sighed and pulled her hood down, looking at the teacher with a soft smile.

“Sorry Mr. Zongar.” She said before walking inside.

The teacher went back to staring forward as the last of the teenagers made their way quickly inside.

Once they did, he made his way inside, quite forcefully shutting the doors. His jacket flung back from the gust of wind before he began locking the doors. He then made his way to his own classroom, his brown shoes loudly clicking and thudding against the tile floor.

Georgia made her way to her locker, putting some thick textbooks inside from her bag. She kept the folder out and was about to shut her locker door, but stopped as she felt the amulet in her pocket.

She looked around, making sure people weren’t paying attention to her. She took the amulet out, staring at it and looking at her locker. She quickly put it inside of her pocket and shut her door, making her way through the crowded hallway to her first classroom.

Despite there being students everywhere, none of them gave Georgia any attention. It was like she didn’t even exist.

Georgia looked at a clock sitting on one of the walls. She didn’t have much time, so she sped up her way through the ocean of people. They moved and shifted like waves, knocking into her over and over despite them not even turning to say anything.

Georgia wiped her eye quickly as she finally got to an area that wasn’t crowded, quickly making her way into her first class that had no other students.

A man in his mid 20s was writing on the board. He had a large desk that was in the corner, covered in papers and an outdated computer. He turned and looked at Georgia with a warm smile.

“Morning Georgia. How are things with you?” He asked.

Georgia swallowed hard.

She had so many things that she wanted to just spill out. So many things to scream and get people to notice.

She wanted to cry for help.

“Everything’s fine Mr. Andrews.” She said with a fake smile and made her way to her small desk and chair that was attached with a piece of metal.

She pulled out the things she needed before placing her bag underneath the chair, opening a notebook that was half notes and half doodles of sad or scary imagery.

She began to set up an elaborate and detailed template for notes, multiple types of bullet points at different spots on the lines with a large header in fancy handwriting.

As the bell rang, Georgia once again jumped and the rest of her classmates slowly filed in.

Georgia sat right in the center of the room. Three people directly in front, behind, and to either side. Georgia’s leg quickly began to bounce on the floor nervously as she looked forward with tunnel vision, trying to focus solely on the board and teacher.

She took dirty, uneven, and sloppy notes in her notebook, clashing with the beautiful header and nicely laid out template. She could feel her heart beating so hard and fast while her other hand was struggling to sit still. Her hand was shaking and her fingers were rapidly curling and uncurling like she was playing an invisible piano that was constantly moving.

She looked down and kept writing wildly as she forced her free hand into her pants pocket to try and make it be forced to sit still.

As her hand continued to shake inside her pocket, it softly grazed against the amulet and rubbed along it a few times.

Arabaxx suddenly emerged, floating in front of Georgia’s desk as she froze, staring at it with wide eyes.

Her chest was rapidly pumping in and out as now both of her legs were bouncing on the floor.

“Master Georgia, you have summoned me?” Arabaxx asked.

Georgia turned to see her other classmates continuing to sit at their desk, looking forward uninterested and bored as if nothing had changed.

Nobody was looking at her or Arabaxx.

It was like they were both invisible.

Georgia tried to calm herself down and not draw suspicion, yet she couldn’t help it.

Seeing Arabaxx made her shout and fall backwards, her legs trying to stand up but getting caught between the desk and attached chair. She fell forward before suddenly going sideways, the desk and chair falling with her as she hit the ground hard.

All of her classmates just laughed as Mr. Andrews ran over to her, helping her up slowly and sitting her desk and chair where it formerly sat.

“Georgia, is everything okay?” He asked in a warm and kind tone.

Georgia was shaking violently, her entire body rattling as she broke down crying. She pushed her teacher aside and sprinted out of the room, racing through the hallway and towards the nearest bathroom as Mr. Andrews looked around the class. All of the teenagers were laughing, some even looking at videos or pictures they had taken.

“All of you, double the amount of homework AND a test tomorrow.” Mr. Andrews said as he went back to the front, all of the students loudly groaning.

Chapter 3

Georgia was sitting on the toilet inside a stall, curled up on top of the seat shaking and crying. Her sleeves fell slightly to reveal that she had scars along both of her arms, which ran from her wrists up to where the sleeve obscured them, but it appeared as if it went further.

Georgia’s pants legs were also up just enough to reveal more scars just above her socks.

Georgia was covering her mouth with her hand quite forcefully, trying to muffle herself from crying.

Georgia looked forward as Arabaxx suddenly floated under the stall door, floating in front of her and illuminating the inside of the stall with a faint green hue.

“What are you doing here?” Georgia whispered as she cried.

“You rubbed the amulet Master Georgia. I only do what I must do.” Abaraxx replied.

“Well…it just…” Georgia stopped as she looked at Abaraxx.

“How come none of the other people could see you?” Georgia asked.

“I am only visible to those who have touched the amulet themselves.” Abaraxx said.

Georgia looked around the small stall and rubbed her face quite aggressively.

“Okay…but…how can I make you go away?” Georgia asked.

“You must give me a task that I shall complete.” Abaraxx replied, crossing his large arms.

“Fine. Um…something simple.” Georgia said softly when the bathroom door suddenly flung open loudly.

Three girls made their way over to the sink, all of them beginning to apply some extra makeup to help their appearance.

“I can’t believe what’s her name freaked out in class. Nearly gave me a heart attack with that scream. So selfish.” One of them said.

“She’s just some attention seeker. I heard that she cuts herself so people will feel sorry for her. She’s so manipulative.” Another said.

“Whatever she is, I just wish she didn’t go here. I hate having to be in classes with her or seeing her in the hallway.” The third girl said.

Georgia was sitting in the stall, her legs up off the ground as she sat in a ball on the toilet. She kept wiping tears away from her eyes and face as she kept her crying as silent as possible.

“Maybe she should just disappear. I don’t think most people would even notice.” One of the girls said.

Georgia wiped her eyes again as she looked up at Abaraxx, who was floating inside the stall and looking at her. His face was stoic and his body language was very still. A straight back and crossed arms.

“Abaraxx…” Georgia whispered.

“Yes Master Georgia?” Abaraxx asked in a booming voice that seemingly only she could hear.

“I want you…to…” Georgia wiped her eyes.

They sat in silence when the three girls outside the stall all began to laugh.

Georgia looked forward at the stall door, her eyes of sadness turning into eyes of anger.

“Nevermind…I’ll take care of this.”

Georgia got up off the toilet and sat down. She walked through Abaraxx and pushed the stall door open.

Her hands were down in fists and she was seeing nothing but red as the three girls turned, still laughing.

“Oh…speaking of which.” One said.

One of the girls walked over with an evil smirk, but she couldn’t say anything.

Georgia suddenly punched her square in the face, causing her to fall back and grab her face. The other two girls screamed when Georgia suddenly began to punch and wail on all of them with ease. The girls were all screaming as Georgia was throwing her fists around wildly, hitting whatever she could on the other girls. She didn’t see anything but red from rage as she kept punching.

She finally felt herself being pulled back, but she kept punching. Then she felt another pair of hands on her.

Georgia wasn’t paying attention. She threw her elbow back and connected with somebody without looking.

Georgia was suddenly lifted off of the ground and carried out of the bathroom as she kept kicking and shouting. Tears were pouring down her face as she screamed. She saw the three girls all bloody and holding each other. Not too far from them was a teacher clutching their nose, blood still pouring out and onto their clothes.

Georgia was forcefully brought to an empty classroom that was nearby. She was placed on the floor and looked up at the school’s police officer standing between her and the door.

“I want you to move.” Georgia said with an angry tone.

“Sorry, but that…”

The officer began to speak, but Abaraxx appeared behind him and threw him forward into the classroom, crashing onto the desks and causing them to all flip over violently as he groaned in pain. Abaraxx disappeared as Georgia ran out of the room. She saw the girls being helped out of the bathroom, so she ran forward and jumped onto them again.

Once again Georgia was pulled off of them, still screaming as the girls were all crying and trying to cover up their wounds.

Georgia felt an arm go around her face, so she bit down as hard as she could, blood sticking to her teeth and pulling some flesh out as the teacher shouted.

Georgia got free once again, but then she saw her Dad marching down the hallway.

Georgia’s entire body suddenly froze.

Her rage filled eyes dropped. She wasn’t even able to look up towards him.

“Mr. Ferris. Your daughter…” Mr. Andrews was in the hallway to make sure other students didn’t try to get involved. When he saw the anger in the father’s eyes, he stopped.

He was scared.

In front of all of the teachers and students, Georgia’s Father slapped her violently hard in the face. She fell back to the ground, but was then immediately pulled to her feet by her throat and slapped again.

“This isn’t how I ******* raised you!”

He shoved her hard into the wall, making her gasp for air as the wind got sent flying out of her. She coughed, but then her own Father just slapped her in the face again.

“Mr. Ferris, I think…” Mr. Andrews tried to step him, but he quickly turned around and shoved him.

“You don’t tell me how to raise my daughter. I talk to her how I want to talk to her. I do what I want to do. I’m her ******* Father, you got that?” Mr. Ferris shouted.

Georgia looked over to the side holding her face and chest. She spotted her two friends Nikkita and Bella.

They both tried to run over, but another teacher got in front of them to keep them back.

“Georgia!” Bella shouted.

Georgia slowly stood up, but felt her Father’s very aggressively grab her by her hair and began to walk off. Georgia was too weak to keep up, so her legs went limp and she was being dragged through her school’s hallway as teachers and other students only watched.

The school police officer limped out of the empty classroom and turned the corner just in time to see Georgia being dragged by her hair out of the building.

“Where were you?” Mr. Andrews asked, but angry and afraid.

“I was…looking at Georgia…I don’t know what happened…it was like…” The officer looked very confused just as Mr. Zongar walked into the hallway. His fingers were still twiddling around around nothing as he stared down the hall, then at the three girls. His jacket was buttoned tightly shut. Once again he was standing with a straight back, yet it looked painful.

“I was just…flung forward…like a bodybuilder just picked me up and threw me across the room. It was like I weighed nothing to them.” The officer said.

Mr. Zongar’s face slightly changed, seeming to think and put everything he was witnessing together.

He turned to see the officer, but as he turned his fingers stopped twiddling.

His gaze was down at the feet of the officer before they began to slowly glide up his body before stopping on his face.

The officer’s uniform was slightly tattered and loose while his arms and face had minor bruises all over.

“If Ms. Georgia is seen in school tomorrow, I would like to have a meeting with her.” Mr. Zongar said.

Mr. Andrews looked at him confused.

“She’ll be speaking with Principal Lynch and Officer Sampson here.” Mr. Andrews began to turn again, but then stopped himself.

“What do you mean IF she’s seen here?” Mr. Andrews asked.

Mr. Zongar turned to look at him, shrugging and feigning innocence.

“With a Father like that…we never know what will happen.” He replied.

“We will call C.P.S if we have to. They’ll stop by for a wellness check.” Mr. Andrews replied.

“A wellness check after that? I think this alone is enough to arrest him. Wouldn’t you agree Mr. Andrews?” Zongar said.

“We don’t know if it's like this everyday. Maybe he was just angry with her misbehaving.” Mr. Andrews replied.

“I seem to be the only person who sees it. She’s a troubled girl. None of you ever pay attention the warning signs, but I do. We need to help her.” Zongar said.

Everyone was standing in the hallway full of tension, unsure of what to say or do.

Zongar’s fingers began to twidle around again.

“And I have to get back what belongs to me.” He muttered under his breath.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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