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Trials Of Hell

As the cold passes by

There stands a lonely soul at the Bridge of Forgetfulness. For whom do you wait? For whom do you sing this heartbreaking melody? For whom do you shed such tears?
Fang Meihui stood at the gates of hell, preparing herself for the punishment she would receive.
Ox head
Ox head
Come now. This way.
Thereupon his throne sat the king of hell, King Yama. In front of him laid a desk upon which were hundreds of scrolls.
King Yama
King Yama
Fang Meihui.
One would expect his voice to be rough and husky but instead, his voice was silky smooth and deep. His face was old with wrinkles, yet he looked wise, nothing like the pictures that painted him. His eyes were crystal clear yet impenetrable. One couldn't figure out what the man was thinking.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Your Majesty.
King Yama
King Yama
Bring out her scroll.
Horse face
Horse face
Here you are your majesty.
Horse face
Horse face
Fang Meihui, first princess of the Yi dynasty. You have killed many at your hands and have committed sexual acts with your brother. Do you agree or not?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I do.
King Yama
King Yama
What were your reasons? To commit such heinous acts?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
To protect and avenge the one I love. You have no idea what he would have done if I hadn't agreed. I was forced!
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
But I am willing to accept my punishment, your majesty.
Yama merely sighed. He told horse face to store her scroll. He silently considered something as he cast a downward glance at the woman.
King Yama
King Yama
Under normal circumstances, I would have written out your punishment, but.... you have been lucky.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
King Yama
King Yama
I will give you only three trials. In these trials, you will face great pain and suffering. But if you make it out safely, I will grant you reincarnation into the next life.
King Yama
King Yama
Do you accept this deal?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
And what will these trials contain?
King Yama
King Yama
I can't tell you about that, but if you are brave enough to face these trials, you may have your soul reincarnated.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I accept.
King Yama
King Yama
Are you sure? There is no backing down once you choose this path.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I am willing! As long as I can reincarnate and meet my love once again, I am willing to do anything!
Yama resumed his silence. He urged horse face and ox head to prepare the three trials.
King Yama
King Yama
Tomorrow will be the day you start your trial.
After expressing her gratitude, Fang Meihui was led to a spare room.
Horse face
Horse face
Your majesty, why did you give the woman trials instead of punishments?
King Yama
King Yama
Someone had begged me to place her punishment for her sins onto themselves.
Ox head
Ox head
Who would.... Oh! Was it her? The one in the armor?
King Yama
King Yama
Yes, I have never seen such devotion in my entire life. I felt compelled to do so.
Ox head
Ox head
How will the girl fare in these trials? I'm afraid she will go crazy and shatter her soul with her own hands.
King Yama
King Yama
She won't.
Horse face
Horse face
Your majesty thinks so?
King Yama
King Yama
I know so.
The next day.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I am ready your majesty.
King Yama
King Yama
Good luck on your trials. I hope you make it out safely.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Thanking your majesty for your generosity in giving me this chance.
King Yama
King Yama
King Yama
King Yama
Go through the gates in front of you.
Fang Meihui walked through the gates in front of her. Her unwavering heart wouldn't be moved by anything. For the love of her life, she would brave through this. For that woman, she would brave through this.
author note: Titles of the episodes are taken from the English cover of the song 'Affections Touching Across Time' by Shimmeringrain on YouTube. please check out the song, it is fantastic!

I want you by my side

Fang Meihui glimpsed the ceiling of her new home when she opened her eyes. If her memories were correct, she was six years old at the time. She was able to possess this body because the girl had fallen in the river and died.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Mehui! Oh Thank the heaven above! You're alive!
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Are you feeling OK? Your father was so worried!
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
My daughter! Are feeling alright?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Uh....... yes Baba.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I feel fine now.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
That's good. Don't ever try to do something so dangerous!
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Of course. sorry for worrying you mother, father!
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
*sigh* alright.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Take some more rest. Are you hungry? Do you want dinner?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I just want to sleep father!
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Alright, take some rest.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
I'll keep your portion of the porridge then. Whenever you are hungry, you can eat up. Eat only porridge today because you could fall sick again.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Alright mother!
After putting Meihui to sleep, Xiao Lanfen left the room, closing the door behind her. Meihui sat up and opened her eyes. She took in her surroundings, noting that she was born into a wealthy family.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
'I must focus from here on. I am here on a trial, albeit I don't know what it is about. I must tread carefully if I want for success and meet....'
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
'Wait! I can't remember. I know I had a lover but.... who was it? Why can't I remember?'
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
'Why did this have to happen? Alright! I can't be disheartened. I must succeed this trial.'
Feng Meihui went back to sleep after the brief optimistic session.
After waking up.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Oh! Meihui! Perfect timing! Are you feeling well now?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Yes mother.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Come then! It is time for your Qin lessons.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Oh! Meihui! You're a genius! How did you know to play the guqin so well?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I picked it up from mother when she plays the Qin!
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Oh! You're a genius my daughter!
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Husband! Come listen to our Meihui play the Qin!
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Meihui... Let father also hear you play the Qin.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Oh! Lanfen! She's a genius. Keep practicing my child.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I got it from mother after all.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
She's as talented as you, Lanfen. Perhaps she'll be as famous as you one day.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
I pray hope so. Our Meihui is a good child. She'll be able to do it.
A few months later.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Husband, It is our Meihui birthday in a few days. We must celebrate it with a grand celebration.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
You're right.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
We must invite the Prince and Princess as well. After all you are the first minister, and they are of the same age as our Meihui.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Hmm. I'll make the necessary preparations.
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Alright then.
Back at the under world.
King Yama
King Yama
Are you ready?
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Yes, your majesty.
King Yama
King Yama
Bai Hualing, remember that she has no memory of you, but you will know her.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
I do your majesty.
King Yama
King Yama
Well then, good luck child. I hope to see both of you succeed.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Thank you, Your majesty.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
I shall be on my way now.
King Yama
King Yama
On the day of the celebration.
The Prince and Princess of the Qing dynasty rode in the imperial carriage. Unlike his sister, the prince, Bai ChangMing, was a cheerful young boy. Bai Hualing was the sole Princess of the Qing dynasty. She possessed a dominating presence and a menacing aura even at the tender age of 6, as if she was a veteran who had fought hundreds of wars. She was a girl of little words.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Greeting to his highness the prince and her highness the princess
Xiao Lanfen
Xiao Lanfen
Greetings your highness.
Bai Changming
Bai Changming
Minister Feng, please don't bow. I'm happy you invited us. My sister needed to go out of the palace once in a while, so I'm happy you provided me with the opportunity.
Feng Cheng
Feng Cheng
Of course, I am glad you could make it. This Feng Meihui, my daughter.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Greetings to his highness the prince and her highness the princess.
Bai Changming
Bai Changming
She is adorable. You look quite a lot like my sister.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I could never compare to her highness.
Bai Changming
Bai Changming
Ling-er why don't you go and play with Feng Meihui?
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
In the garden.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
What does her highness want to play?
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
It doesn't matter. It's your birthday, whatever you want to do I'll follow along.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I could never order her highness!
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
So what? We're six, who will care? especially in an empty garden? There is no one here, you can do what you want.
Feng Meihui began to truly like the princess after spending the entire afternoon with her. Despite being a girl of few words, she had a sense of humor and knew how to make others smile. The grouchy princess was someone she wanted to be friends with.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
'That pendant......'
Unexpectedly, Feng Meihui couldn't put her finger on what it was about the princess that felt so similar. The jade pendant around her waist in particular. She kept having flash backs as if she had seen it before.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
'OH.......This........for me?'
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
'Thank you......Hu.......I......You.....'
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
What's wrong?
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Are you OK?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I'm fine. Where did her highness get that pendant from?
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
I have a similar one, look!
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
I see.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Someone very important gave me this pendant. I can't lose it.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Me too!
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
The one who gave it to me is very important to me.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
Hm.... It's time for me to leave. I shall see you again.
Feng Meihui
Feng Meihui
Hoping to see her highness again.
Back at the Palace.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
I'm sorry.... I must do this.
Bai Hualing
Bai Hualing
I know you will be angry because of me when you get to know the truth but if it means I can help you.... I'll do it all even if it means I have to hurt you first.

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