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Back to the Past, My Little Omega

Episode 1

Adriel: I love you, my love, I promise this time I'll do it right.

Adriel spoke as the blood gushed from his chest like a river breaking its banks, and as he began to lose strength, with his last breath, he kissed Kevin and closed his eyes.

A blinding light filled the entire cave, and a clock appeared above them.

Uncle Lucas employed his powers while continuing to chant a spell, time began to rewind. And everything started to fade away.

Time reversed its course, and the present vanished like the morning mist.

The past had returned.

We could only hope it was for the better.



Waking up with a terrible pain in my chest, I experience the sensation of having lost someone I cherished.

Looking around, I find myself in my room; things were in disarray when I last saw it, with furniture overturned and broken. But now, it's impeccably tidy and everything in its place.

Suddenly, the memory of Kevin floods my mind. I rush toward the ceremonial cave.

But there's nothing out of place, everything is in order. I return to the mansion in confusion, and there—could that be my father?

Running towards him, I envelop him in a hug.

Mike: What's happened? You haven't hugged me like this since you were ten. Are you feeling okay? Are you that excited about your transformation that you wish it would come sooner?

Adriel: My transformation?

Mike: Yes, it's today. Don't tell me you forgot.

Adriel: How old am I?

Mike: You're 18 years old, son. Are you sure you're alright?

18 years old? He said he would return on the day they first met; it's strange.

Adriel: Sorry, father, the excitement of the day made me forgetful.

Mike: Okay, son, get ready for the day.

After one last embrace, I head to my room. Indeed, it's been years since I last hugged him like that.

I enter my room and look in the mirror, I appear so different from how I was at 32.

Adriel: I've returned. I wasn't entirely certain if I could make it back, but here I am, and this time I'll get it right. This time, I will defeat each and every one of our enemies to be with you, my love.

My phone rings, and I dash to answer it. Everything feels odd—the clothing I no longer wear, the elegant suits, my phone, not the latest model—I'm once again in the past.

I check the caller ID; it's Leonardo. We became friends when I was 14 and he 12, his cousin and beta Frederick always by his side, and me with my beta, John. The four of us often hung out together. I quickly answer the call.

Adriel: Hey, bro, how's it going?

Leonardo: Geez, sounds like you fell out of bed.

Adriel: Just excited, mate, as today is my transformation day.

Leonardo: Same here. I'm calling about the party at my place tomorrow. It's my little brother's birthday, and I was wondering if you'd come.

Adriel: Which little brother?

Leonardo: Kevin, he's the youngest. He's turning six.

My heart leaps with joy at the mention of his name; my little one, I will see him tomorrow. But darn, he's turning six—I am such a pedophile.

Leonardo: I know you don't usually show up, but...

Adriel: Don't worry, I'll be there, and thank you for inviting me.

Leonardo: Really? You'll come?

Adriel: Yes, see you tomorrow, okay?

Leonardo: Till tomorrow, friend. And congrats on your transformation.

Adriel: You too.

He's right; he always invited me to his family gatherings, but they were never to my liking. I was more jovial back then; hence, I never attended one. If I had behaved appropriately, maybe I'd have met him sooner. Well, from today onwards, I won't miss a single chance to be with him.

You might wonder why my transformation happens at 18. As you know, I'm a hybrid, and my abilities awaken at this age; my wolf, too, since they're connected.

There's a knock on the door.

Adriel: Come in.

John: Good morning, Alpha.

Adriel: John, I'm not the Alpha yet, and you know you can call me by my first name; we're cousins, after all. What's up?

John: Sorry, just practicing for the future. Anyway, I've come to ask if you'd join me at the mall.

That's right; on that day, we went to the mall for some shopping.

Adriel: Alright, let's go.

John: Seriously? I always have to persuade you. And have you considered that you might meet your mate today?

He asks as we head to the mall. Two years ago was his transformation, and he was a bit down about not finding his mate back then. Now that I think about it, Leonardo's sister is his mate, but we never interacted with his family until Kevin got pregnant.

The thought of my pups compresses my chest; I'd grown so accustomed to my offspring. As we're walking through the mall, we pass by a toy department, reminding me of a present for my beautiful omega. I don't know what I'll get him, but I enter the children's section and start looking around.

John: Adriel, you haven't met your mate yet, and already you're thinking about toys?

Adriel: Don't be silly. We're going to a party at the Blood Moon pack tomorrow. Leonardo's youngest brother is turning six, and he wants us to come, so I'm looking for an appropriate gift.

John: Let me get this straight. You're getting a gift for a kid, plus you're going to Leonardo's house?

Adriel: Yes, why so surprised?

John: Because you've never wanted to go, even after four years of friendship.

Adriel: Well, from now on, I plan to attend all their celebrations.

He looks at me, somewhat taken aback.

All of a sudden, someone bumps into me. I glance down and there he is.

Adriel: Liam?

Adriel: Liam, son, is that you?

Episode 2


I don't know who Liam is, but I'm Kevin and I'm lost. I ran away and now I've lost my brother.


My Kevin?

My beautiful omega, my heart leaps with joy; it's my omega.

I crouch down to his level to get a good look at him, he is so beautiful, my beautiful little omega.

Oh my goddess, he's identical to my pup Liam. Thinking about my babies makes my chest hurt right where I plunged the dagger. The pain I feel right now is agonizing, but I must accept that it's in the past, or the future. A future I will not repeat.

Now I remember, that day I was so upset for being dragged to the mall by John that when I bumped into him on the stairs, I just ignored him and left.

Oh heck, this old man sure is wise, sending me exactly to the day I met him.

Now I understand what everyone meant.

I was a fool who only cared about going out and having fun, and besides expanding my pack, in a way I did what my father did, coveting more than I should and ended up suffering the worst experiences. I let my family die, but now that's something I plan not to repeat.

John: Adriel, who's that child?

My beta asks as he sees my little one.

Adriel: I think he's Leonardo's brother.

John: how can you be sure?

Adriel: by his eyes.

John: they're beautiful.

Adriel: yes, he is very beautiful.

John: buddy, you haven't fallen in love, have you? Remember, he's a child.

Adriel: no, of course not. I'm just saying he's a very beautiful child.

My little one looks at me and I wink at him; he blushes and looks away.

He is indeed a very cheerful child. I will have to take great care of him from now on, and make sure that delta doesn't get too close to him.

This time I plan to be there for his transformation, and to be recognized by him as his mate.

These will be the hardest 11 years of my life, but for him, I will endure them.

From afar, I see Leonardo frantically searching for something.

I approach and say.

Adriel: friend!!

Leonardo: sorry friend, we can't talk now, I've lost someone.

Adriel: it's about a meter twenty, with light brown hair and beautiful sapphire eyes.

Leonardo: where is he?

Adriel: here.

I step aside to let him see his brother.

Leonardo runs up to his brother and embraces him.

Leonardo: little one, why did you run away? I almost died of worry.

Kevin: sorry, I wanted to get to the toys.

Watching the scene, I now see that Kevin was always adored by his family, which is why Leonardo never forgave me, but now I'll make things right and take advantage of this second chance.

Leonardo: and why were you here?

Adriel: I was looking for something for your brother's party, and he bumped into me.

I tell him as I tousle my little one's hair.

Kevin: hey, don't do that, you'll mess up my hair.

I just laugh and crouch down to give him a kiss on the cheek. He was always a bit spoiled, but he was right; he was a treat.

He blushes again, haha, this will be the fun part from now on.

They look at me surprised because I have never been affectionate with a child.

But my little one is different.

Thank you, Uncle Lucas.

This time I won't be a womanizer. I'll prepare and train myself to defeat my enemies.

Adriel: let's go eat.

Leonardo: I'd like to, but as you can see, I'm with my little brother.

Adriel: It doesn't matter, let's go.

I pick up the little one.

Kevin: hey, put me down, I can walk, you know.

Adriel: yes, I know, but I want to carry you. You're very beautiful, I don't want anyone to steal you away.

Kevin: yes, I know I'm very beautiful, but for that, I have my brother to defend me.

We spend the day with them; honestly, I didn't want to part with my little omega, but it was getting late and we needed to head back to our pack, besides, my father was only marked.

We say our goodbyes and I promise to see him at the party tomorrow; I don't know how I'll manage so much time without him, but I must make sure the way is clear to be happy with the love of my life.

Well, beautiful people, I've decided to start over from here so there are no misunderstandings later. I hope you join me in this new story about Adriel and Kevin's second chance. I hope you like it, and please be patient with me. I know I have spelling mistakes, but I try to make my words clear and the concept of what I'm narrating easy to understand. Also, in these novels, the hierarchies exist:

1. Alpha

2. Beta.

3. Delta

4. Sentinels

5. Gammas

6. Omegas

There are no dominant alphas or pure alphas or dominant deltas or pure omegas or recessive ones.

None of that, this is not an omega verse; it's a paranormal world where other species coexist with humans, which I mention because I came across a comment saying why Kevin wasn't a recessive omega instead of a weak one who was easily deceived. Let me clarify: Kevin is a young omega who was always protected by his siblings and parents. He is intelligent, strong, good at fighting and has an advanced education, but he has a tender heart, is pampered, yet simple and humble with his loved ones.

Also, it's not about Kevin and Adriel being gay; it's that their caste dictates so, and their destinies are written accordingly. I also found another comment asking why Kevin was pregnant. Let me explain: an omega is the feminine definition, even if they are men, they can give birth.

Betas do have a scent, but it's quite faint and will be very perceptible to their mate; they can also sense each other's scent.

I clarify this so as not to cause confusion. As I repeat, this is not an omega verse.

I love you very much, thank you for your support.

Episode 3


We reached the pack where my parents were already waiting for us.

Mike: you took too long.

Vera: son where were you, oh are you smiling?

Says my mother, somewhat surprised, as I was always serious, but now I no longer want to be the same, losing my parents made me realize how much I missed them

Adriel: yes mother, I am happy to have you as parents. Where are Mariano and Jocelyn?

Vera: Your siblings are outside because?

Adriel: It's nothing mother, I just wanted to greet them, that's all. Mother, I want you to help me train from today on. My abilities

Vera: of course, son.

Mike: just ask your mother?

Adriel: No dad, you will train me too, I need to be the best warrior just like you.

They are even more surprised. I go out to the patio where my brother is.

Adriel: Ready?

Mariano: Yes, I'm nervous and anxious to meet my wolf.

Adriel: calm down brother, we will be together e...

We talk a bit more, my brother and I were always a team in everything even if we were somewhat distant, but still, we were a great team.

Almost at the time all the young people who will undergo their transformation, mentally I am a 32-year-old adult, but still I cannot contain the excitement of hearing my wolf again, he said to me before dying.


Dark: buddy we screwed up, right?

Adriel: yes, many times.

Dark: promise that if we come back, this time you'll listen to me and we'll learn to do things better.

Adriel: of course, besides we will take care of our omega.

Dark: see you friend.

Adriel: we will see each other soon.

End of memory.

We are at the edge of the lake where we are all ready for the time.

Suddenly I feel a pain in my bones and I fall to my knees, I had felt this pain before, now my body is weak.

My hands turned into claws and suddenly I hear his voice,

Dark: I missed you, buddy.

Adriel: and I you, I missed having to endure you in my mind all the time.

Dark: I know you saw our omega.

Adriel: yes, our beautiful omega is beautiful, he looks like our cub Liam.

Dark: It will be hard to wait 11 years but for him I wait a lifetime.

Adriel: of course, we must get in touch with uncle Lucas, he must help us defeat the vampire king, we must clear the way to be fine with our omega.

Dark: that's right but now stick to the edge of the lake, I want to see myself.

Adriel: you as always so vain.

Dark: what do you want me to say, I'm a good-looking alpha as well as handsome, but look and you worrying that our omega won't fall right into our arms again if you look, look we are sexy, handsome, strong, because we must strengthen these bones you heard we have to work very hard on ourselves.

Adriel: yes, so that our omega loves us just for recognizing us, although, I will continue to look for him, we must take care of our little one, he is beautiful.

Dark: yes, that's right, let's go, we must go see our parents, I missed them.

Dark gives me control of my body back and I return to my human form, my mother hands me a cloak to cover myself and so I do, once I do so my father approaches me to tell me

Mike: now you're a whole man, you must be a wise, intelligent, and shrewd wolf.

Those are the same words my father told me the day of my transformation, at first I didn't consider them, because what was the future alpha of the pack it was strong and smart and I thought that "be smart" was referring to the fact that I should be more selfish in everything, at that time I thought I had the world at my feet, but it was not like that. Even when I met Kevin, I was selfish, only thinking of myself and my benefits because right or wrong he was my mate and I wanted to have him just because he was beautiful.

What foolishness on my part, I was so obsessed with him that I didn't care to destroy his future just so he wouldn't go and leave me or someone else would see him.

Adriel: thank you father.

I hug him, and my mother too then a gray wolf approaches that I can recognize perfectly well.

Adriel: Mariano, you are a strong wolf.

He returns to his human form

Mariano: how did you know it was me?

Adriel: intuition, come here brother give me a hug.

Then my beta arrives.

John: Adriel I just finished a call, Leonardo has already made his transformation and he wants us to celebrate it tomorrow.

Adriel: okay friend, tell him that I will go to the pack very early tomorrow and you will come with me who knows, and you might find your mate there.

John: do you think?

Yes, he met Nia when we were looking for Kevin and from there I knew it just that I was so caught up in my own problems that I didn't pay the most attention.

But now everything will be different.

This time, it won't just be me, I will behave like a good friend and help them.

Mariano: brother, I also want to find mine.

Says my brother excitedly, now that I remember, he loved his mate too much, I remember that when Ravena killed him all he asked me was to take care of his cub I think we should already make a visit to the old alpha

Adriel: you and I will go to the Crescent Moon pack, I heard that the alpha is having problems.

Mariano: okay brother.

After talking for a while, we enter the mansion.

Adriel: friend, do you think we should tell Leonardo the truth?

Dark: I don't know, maybe over time if we tell him now, he will think we are crazy and not let us see our omega.

Adriel: then we will have to wait a while.

This day has been the best awakening I've had in years, my family is safe and I must take care of them, my beautiful little omega too and now I must be present in each and every one of his stages.

I touch my chest, where the pain the dagger caused still lingers, I think more than anything it's to always keep in mind what my destiny is if I don't do things right.

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