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A Night With A Mafioso

Episode 1

I was in my room, finishing getting ready, and I gazed for a long time at how beautiful I looked dressed as a bride. It was a truly beautiful dress, white, spikey on the bottom part.

It had a sensual heart-shaped neckline, strapless, I love the lace. That it has on the top part of the dress.

I had been waiting for this day for years, marrying Cesar has been my biggest dream, seeing myself dressed as a bride, walking slowly to the altar. And Cesar waiting for me at the foot of the altar...

I like to dream about how happy I will be when Cesar and I welcome our first child.

Suddenly I heard the door of my room open, I turned my head to see Cesar enter my room...

I tried to cover my white dress, since for me it was very bad luck for the groom to see the bride before getting married...

However, Cesar had a very bad-tempered face. Cesar walked up to me with a cold look, his way of looking at me did not please me at all...

I felt a bit of fear, but quickly erased it from my heart... Cesar loves me too much.

___ My love\, you need to leave the room it's very bad luck to see the bride before the wedding\, besides\, there are only a few minutes left before I become your wife... ___ I explained to him to get him to leave my room...

Cesar didn't respond to my words, he continued walking until he reached me... Then he took off his ring from his finger and threw it at my face...

___ I don't want to marry you\, Marcela\, I've realized that you are not the woman I have loved... Besides\, I think it's best for both of us not to make the mistake of marrying... ___ Cesar tells me slowly without taking his gaze off me.

I was stunned to hear his words... I felt my soul shatter into a thousand pieces, I did not expect that precisely on my wedding day, Cesar would tell me he doesn't want to marry me.

I looked at Cesar with a look of hatred, for a moment I thought it was a joke on his part, and I forced a tense smile.

___ It's a joke\, right?... ___ I said biting my lower lip...

Cesar drew a wicked smile on his lips, for a second looked down. When he looked up at me again, he looked at me with even more hatred.

___ No\, it's no joke\, Marcela... Do I look like someone who would joke about this?... ___ He replied very aggressively...

I was dumbfounded, listening to the way Cesar was speaking to me... It was the first time that Cesar had spoken to me in this manner...

___ What did I do wrong?... ___ I asked trying to grab his hand tightly...

I refused to accept that he didn’t want to marry me, I had wasted three years of my life in a relationship that now turned into my worst nightmare...

I had dreamed so much of this day, seeing myself dressed as a bride entering the church, Cesar eagerly waiting for me at the foot of the altar...

His smile of happiness when he saw me enter the Church, his hand slowly reaching out to take mine... But all of that, was just a beautiful dream that now turned into the worst nightmare...

Cesar grabbed my shoulders and pushed me hard against the wall behind me, placing his hand coldly on my jaw...

His eyes devoured me with so much hatred that I couldn't help but tremble with fear, I tried to free myself from his grip, but it was impossible, every little movement I made to free myself was counterproductive, since he grabbed me even harder.

Bit by bit, I let my tears fall from my eyes, the pain Cesar was inflicting upon my face...

___ This is what I can’t stand about you\, Marcela! You're a weak and very stupid woman\, I can't stand to see you\, or touch you...

___ Why do you think I've never touched you? You disgust me\, Marcela\, I can't stand even to see you...

___ I don't understand why you're speaking to me this way so cruelly... ___ I said with much difficulty...

___ "Ha" "Ha"

Out of nowhere, Cesar began to laugh, while he looked at me as if I were a clown, after finishing mocking me... Cesar began to speak again...

___ You're stupid\, Marcela!... Thanks to you\, now Susana and I have become the most powerful people in California...

Susana is my cousin, the woman I considered as my sister... She and I grew up together, when my parents died, my uncles took care of me...

Now I understand everything, Cesar and Susana have been lovers for many years and together they set a trap to take everything my parents left me... I made the damn mistake of signing all the papers to Cesar so he would take all my assets...

___ You bastards!..

___ I want you to get out tonight onto the street\, I don't ever want to see your hideous face in our house again... ___ Cesar tells me\, releasing his hand from my jaw...

Immediately I fell to the ground on my knees, brought my hands to my face covering my jaw...

___ Look Marcela\, you're trash that will soon be in the place you belong\, and that is the street!!...

Every word that came out of Cesar's lips were like the sharpest swords slowly piercing my soul... I no longer say in my heart, because he already killed it from the moment he spoke the first words...

Episode 2

Cesar's glance upon me on my knees in front of him was not enough for him; he was well aware of the pain his words were causing.

As I lowered my hands to the floor, Cesar placed his foot upon them, mercilessly crushing them with force...

The pain was so unbearable that I couldn't help but scream...


Upon hearing my cry, Cesar leaned in, grabbing me by the neck. He forced me to meet his gaze, continuing to humiliate me...

"Does it hurt?" Cesar asked, smiling mockingly.

Unable to respond, I could only shake my head frantically, fearing he would break my fingers. Especially since I was wearing the engagement ring on my hand, and its cursed weight was digging into my finger with all its might...

"I don't care how much it hurts. The more you cry, the more pleasure I derive from hurting you," Cesar said, tightening his grip around my neck...

Biting my lower lip forcefully, I tried to hold back the tears. It seemed that the more I cried, the more he would humiliate me...

Seeing me restrain my tears, Cesar squeezed my hands even harder, causing even more pain. Yet, blood began to trickle from the wounds he had inflicted upon my fingers...

My hands grew numb from the pain, just like my knees. Just when I thought I would pass out from the agony, the door to the room swung open, prolonging my torment...

Susana entered the room, striding in as if she owned the place. Well, now she does, thanks to my stupidity in trusting them...

She stood in the doorway, watching as Cesar continued to torment me. A sinister smile curled upon her lips...

"Darling, I see you've already told her everything," Susana said, slowly approaching Cesar and me.

Cesar took a step back, retracting his foot from my hands. I quickly pulled them away from the floor, clutching them against my chest, ensuring neither of them could hurt me again...

Susana closed the distance between herself and Cesar, placing her hands on his neck, before passionately kissing him right in front of me...

I felt like the stupidest woman to have ever existed in this world. All these years, I was blind to what was happening right in front of my face...

Now I understand all those nights when Cesar would leave Susana's house. I thought it was normal since I always assumed they saw each other as siblings.

All those mornings when Cesar's phone would ring and he would smile for no apparent reason... Now I realize how foolish I have been, placing my trust in these two rats.

"That's the same feeling I've had every time you kissed Cesar in front of me. Every time you caressed him, I had to suppress my jealousy. I despised seeing him touch your wretched lips," Susana said with venom in her voice...

"You accuse me as if I were the one who interfered in your relationship! When it was you, the bitch, who was sleeping with my fiance!"

Before I could finish speaking, a strong slap sent me crashing to the floor. Cesar had dared to strike me, all to defend his mistress...

"Who do you think you are, speaking to my wife in such a manner?!" Cesar shouted, consumed by rage...

The disappointment overwhelmed me as I witnessed the man I once loved with all my heart fiercely defending his lover, the woman he truly loves. In a moment, all the love I felt for him transformed into the deepest hatred...

Cesar lifted me off the floor, forcefully pushing me onto the pink couch behind me. His hand gripped my hair, forcing me to meet his gaze...

"Do you want to see how much I love Susana?" Cesar asked, never releasing his grip on my hair.

Cesar was a despicable individual, one I never truly knew until it was too late...

Susana approached us with two belts in her hands, which she began to use to tie my hands... I was very afraid of what they could do to me, and my body began to tremble uncontrollably...

After tying my hands, they continued with my feet and then placed a cloth in my mouth to prevent me from screaming... With me restrained on the couch, Cesar and Susana positioned themselves in front of me...

They began to passionately kiss each other, but their next move left me astonished, as a pornographic scene unfolded right before my eyes.

Susana knelt in front of Cesar, pulling down his pants, and her mouth engulfed what he had between his legs... They forced me to watch as they engaged in sexual acts for what felt like an eternity, during which I couldn't help but shed tears of desperation...

Though I often tried to close my eyes, I couldn't escape the loud moans of Cesar and Susana that mercilessly tormented my ears...

After they finished having sex, Cesar released me only to kick me out of the house that had once belonged to my parents. With pain coursing through every part of my body, I walked aimlessly for a long time, not knowing where to go...

As I wandered through the streets, many people turned to look at me, confusion evident in their faces...

To them, I was merely a deranged woman walking the streets, wearing a white wedding dress...

Episode 3

I kept walking for I don't know how long, the only thing I knew was that I wanted to be as far away from Cesar and Susana as possible...

The wounds on my body were hurting more and more, my cheeks were swollen from the slaps Cesar gave me, and my fingers were throbbing with pain, blood dripping from them...

My feet wouldn't stop trembling, my mind filled with bad memories, my whole life had become a real hell...

A hell from which I see no way out, I don't know what awaits me from now on... I don't have a single dollar in my hands, the only family I had was Susana and my uncles, it's obvious they won't help me.

They will take Susana and Cesar's side. And what guarantees me that they are not also behind all of this to take everything my parents left me...

If I recall correctly, it was my uncle Fernando who introduced me to Cesar, at that party when I was only sixteen years old, back then I didn't pay attention to Fernando despite his insistence to try to make me fall in love...

I just wanted to focus on my studies, so that when I turned eighteen, I could take charge of all the businesses my parents left...

But for some strange reason, I never could take control of the companies, my uncle always found an excuse not to give me the power, then Cesar started getting into my life so much that I had no time for anything other than him...

Now I regret not being much smarter and more intelligent, for not realizing the trap they were all setting for me...

I also made the grave mistake of distancing myself from my friends, people who were trying to open my eyes, but I was so blindly in love that I preferred to push each one of them away...

I preferred to put Cesar above all of them... Now all that's left for me is to cry and possibly sleep on the streets...



I heard a familiar voice calling me from behind, I quickly turned to see who it was, and upon seeing Lili running towards me, a smile appeared on my lips...

Lili used to be my best friend before my relationship with Cesar started, she was one of the people who advised me not to fall so intensely for Cesar...

At first, I thought she was only doing it to annoy me, but then Cesar started planting foolish ideas in my mind, Cesar managed to make me think that Lili was after him...

I felt so jealous that I humiliated Lili in front of many people, I also ended our friendship for many years...

"Oh my God, Marcela!... What happened to you?..."

I couldn't answer Lili's question, I just threw myself onto her shoulder and started crying bitterly...

I cried so much that everything started to get dark inside my head, in just a second I lost all control of my body and lost consciousness in Lili's arms...



That was the only thing I could hear as I fell into the deepest sleep; however, while I was unconscious, I remembered all the moments I lived with my parents...

Both of them appeared in my dreams, giving me the strength I needed to keep moving forward... It all felt so real that tears started streaming down my eyes...

When I opened my eyes, I woke up in a panic, my hands tightly gripping the edge of the white sheets covering my body...

"Marcela, are you okay?..." Lili asked, holding my shoulders so that I wouldn't scream again...

I stared at the room's window like an idiot, for a long time.

The sun of a new day entered through the room's window, it was a beautiful day, birds were singing cheerfully, the voices of people below could be heard peacefully...

After a long time, I looked at Lili, but this time with a cold gaze, the sweet, loving woman with an enormous heart had died the previous night...

"When can I leave this hospital?..." I asked Lili...

"Tomorrow you will be able to leave the hospital."

"Marce, tell me what happened... Did that son of a bitch do something to you?" Lili asked furiously.

"Cesar and Susana are lovers and they have taken everything my parents have left me."

Lili was astonished by what I just told her, she let go of my hands and took several steps back, collapsing onto the couch behind her.

"I have nowhere to go, I'm on the streets now," I said, tears streaming down my cheeks as I finished speaking.

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