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The Unsaid Love

The wedding news

The one and only heir to the international company, "Wang Enterprise", Wang Yizhen is confirmed to have engagement with the Li family's first daughter Li Meng Chi.

It is rumoured to be a business wedding which was openly declined by the soon to be couple. They clarified that they were in love for a long time and share mutual feelings with each other. The wedding was their decision made between two families rather than a business deal.

This was the fresh news that has recently overtaken the whole B city. Each and every medias were broadcasting the same news about the grand wedding that would be held between two big business power of B city.

The cold and handsome future CEO was going to get married to the beauty goddess of B city, a successful model and a singer. They were the match made in Heavens, undoubtedly perfect for each other.

But of course not everyone was thinking the same way, like the person who is currently watching the overly discussed news in television.

Unlike others in the city, this person wasn't celebrating the happy event instead drowning himself in grief.

The room was well decorated, a king size sofa was placed in front of the television but the owner of such extravagant room didn't mind sitting on the cold floor. In this state he couldn't feel anything else, other than the pain surging inside his heart. Its like he had gone numb to sense anything.

Empty beer bottles were scattered everywhere, yet the drunken person didn't seem to stop there. He picked a bottle nearby, clumsy opened the lid and started to drink like he wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

Wei Bo Xian, an S-list idol of B city, sweet bunny of entertainment industry, a figure that everyone worshipped and wished to become, but he hasn't reached this far only depending on his luck. This was the result he brought by his own hard work and dedications.

He was in his late teens when he first entered the entertainment industry, through a talent show that is held annually in order to search and train the hidden talents.

His mentors were overwhelmed by his singing and later he was put in a little teen band which was, well......not that popular. Later he auditioned a minor role and got a chance to act in the superhit movie *The Story* and found his passion in acting. He wanted to enjoy and explore this particular field and bring those fictional characters to real life, give them life of their own.

From here Wei Bo Xian decided what he wanted from his life but the journey he picked up wasn't a carpet of red roses. There were thorns that pricked his feet whenever he tried to take a step forward.

He had seen worst than bad, darkest than dark and dirtiest than dirty.

It took him 12 years to reach where he is now. At present he already got everything he once wished for. Fame, fans, recognition, respect, money almost everything but he couldn't get what he really want the most, what he longed for and what he loves more than anything else.

He couldn't get his love, his Yi, his Yizhen. And after watching the news he no longer can tell whether he can be together with Yizhen again. It looks like he would lost him forever.

Drunken memories

The clock hanging on the wall was ticking as time slowly passes. It was sharp 2 in the morning but the person drinking his heart out, didn't seem to care. He had emptied 6 bottles alone and now was reaching for another one but here he realized something important........there was none left.

The alcohol he had consumed up till now can look much to others but not for him, other than feeling slightly dizzy he wasn't having any drunken symptoms. He was thankful to his alcohol tolerance which was much higher than a average person unlike someone who can easily collapse only after a glass.

Wei Bo Xian lightly chuckled when a lost memory flowed back to his mind.

He can still remember when he brought Yizhen to his favorite bar for the first time. Wei Bo Xian was boasting how he can tolerate any quantity of alcohol and was emptying bottles upon bottles and yet the person in front of him was slowly sipping his favourite drink, orange juice mixed with strong coffee.

Once he too tried the same drink and later puked his stomach out only after half a glass. The drink was too sweet and too bitter, mixed together. (😐) Who on their right mind would like such weird combo(combination)? Yeah, I forgot my weirdo. This was his favorite drink. What is special about it anyway.......?

They had reserved a corner away from the crowd and were happily to be more accurate only he was talking and other person would sometime add a little 'En' or nod once a while.

"Hey, little beauty wanna play with big daddy, " an ugly fat pig(🐷) was inviting him, like out of nowhere and he clearly knew what that *play* really meant.

Let me tell you; he wasn't into men (🙋author's voice- that.. umm.. we know little Bo *winks*) and absolutely not into such fat ugly duck, but because he wanted to boast his beauty infront of this particular person he wouldn't mind to go with the flow. So he started to laugh and giggle along with the old hag and thus failed to notice the expression on Yizhen's face that had turned uglier and uglier.

Suddenly a big slammed was heard and Yizhen was standing with a killer look that he had never seen before. He got chills for a moment and was brimming happily another moment.

'So Yizhen can get this scary when he is jealous', but his wishful thoughts were crushed by only a word that Yizhen said.

"Stay away from my friend you filthy fat bitch," Yizhen was pointing his finger towards the fat old ugly duck, boiling with anger.

He was confused or rather hurt because of what he said about being a friend. So for Yizhen they can't be more than friends. His tears were threatening to fall. When he came back to his senses, he mocked his own thoughts. What was he even expecting? Of course for Yizhen they were nothing more than good friends. They can't be anything else.


This wasn't right time to mourn his feelings. Because at this moment his surrounding miraculously had turned into a fighting ring. Both people ahead him were throwing glares towards each other and none of them seems to back off. But the fighting he thought would have taken, didn't happen and instead they settled for a bet. A bet, who can drink more and whoever won can get him.

"................ "

What the heck with this bet? And are these guys for real, do he looks like a golden trophy to them? His eyes twitched after hearing those rascals say, hmphf.....never mind.......he was dead worried for Yizhen.

He had never seen Yizhen drinking alcohol before and was about to stop whatever this nonsense was but suddenly he caught Yizhen gulping down a glass of alcohol in one go. Panicking he tried to catch Yizhen but before he could, Yizhen actually collapse on the spot.

"pfft,Yizhen was so cute drunkard, knocked out only after a glass."

The black uniformed bodyguards threw the old hag outside the bar and he piggy-back Yizhen until they arrived near to his car. He ordered his assistant to safely escort Yizhen to his apartment. Manager Jun took the order and settle Yizhen on back seat of the car before starting the engine.

As the car drove further and further away Wei Bo Xian stood there staring the vanishing back of the car with perplexed emotions before hailing a taxi for himself.

Your text

Back to present~

Remembering the past he couldn't help but curled his lips up. Unknowingly a smile was already plastered on his face, but this smile wasn't one of those happy smile rather it was his heartbreak, his silent screams, his cries that he had been holding for all these years, suffering alone and once he think about all those past memories, they only brought immense pain to him.

He felt like someone was tightly squeezing his heart, stabbing him over and over. He couldn't breathe. It's suffocating. He was trying hard not to break down but his strong emotions seemed to dominate his will. A drop of tear silently fell from corner of his eyes flowing down his cheek and finally dried before it could fall further below.

*buzz, buzz*

His phone was continuously ringing but right now he wasn't in mood to take the call. After few rings the ringing finally quieted.


He had received a text. Irritated he picked his phone and froze on seeing who the sender was.

Why? Why would he text him after all these years.......? "Yizhen", no one knows better than himself, how much he had longed for this, one text? How many days and nights he had waited for this, one text? And today..... this isn't a dream, is it? Yizhen messaged him, he really did.

When he was about to open his inbox he hesitated for a bit. What if this was his wedding invitation? He couldn't take it. But still he did open his inbox and immediately got up and dashed towards mid city alley. He was huffing and puffing soon after he reached there.

It was dead silence and dark everywhere. Not a single soul was awake, even the street dogs were sleeping soundly. But he couldn't bother with anything else right now. Yizhen, he said he was here. After 3 years he is finally willing to meet me. He was too excited to meet his beloved that he totally sobered. It looked as if he never had drunk at the first place.

"Yizhen...... "

"Zen....... "

"Yi...... "

Wei Bo Xian ran around calling Yizhen's name but there was no response, no matter how many times he tried calling his name, he didn't get any response accept for pin drop silence. 'Where are you, Yizhen'. This isn't any kind of lame trick right. Was that text a joke. Did he not come? No, his Yi would never lie to him.

"Yi...... Where are you,Yi? Don't hide from me."

"Come out please. I beg you, Yi.... please..... come out.... Yi. "

Wei Bo Xian was screaming desperately. At this moment he no longer cared about his fame, his image, the only thing in his mind right now was his Yi. But the other person didn't seem to show himself.

'Why? Yi... why are you doing this to me'.

Wei Bo Xian finally broke down. At the middle of nowhere, he had fallen on his knees sobbing and calling the same name repeatedly in hope that he would get some response. But reality hit him hard. He kneeled there for more than half an hour but there wasn't any sign of that person.

Disappointed he got up and turned to leave.


A heavy metal rod was hit on his head *boom* followed by a heavy kick on his stomach that send him flying towards the stony wall.

*thud* his body collided with the wall before falling onto the ground. Warm red fluid was flowing out of his body. He tried to get up but his body refused to listen his commands. Slowly darkness started to cover his vision. He used his last ounce of energy to keep him awake hoping that some passerby will help him but he clearly knew that chances of such encounter was almost zero. He was going to die here.

No he doesn't want to die at least not like this. Maybe it really is end for him. If he can then, at his last breath he wanted to see Yizhen for the last time. He wanted to see his Yi, confess his feelings and shout to him that he had always loved him........ he did back then, he still do and will forever love him.

For that day..... he is really sorry. He didn't mean what he said back then. He was insane and probably possessed for saying those hurtful things to you.Yi...... I love you.... love you a lot. Before losing his last consciousness he felt his body being lifted in air. "Yizhen".... he murmured but maybe this was only his imagination.

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