once upon a time there lived a young girl named Demeter venus. she was 18 years old.in her memory, she only had a father the God, because her mother was turned into an spirit.now you are curious right. I tell you her real identity Demeter venus the goddess who possessed great beauty like her mother and the goddess of nature like no other God was. at her 18th birthday her dad gave her a present a flower crown which will attach to her emotion it will be with her in all her life as an organ of the body. the flower was bloomed from the veins, of her hair.so many gods come to make her their daughter in law because of her beauty and honesty. she was not interested in this kind of stuff .at the 18th birthday party so many boys kept pestering her saying to marry them. she ran away from the hall and got into a beautiful garden the garden was full of beautiful Roses with so many poisonous thorns. she was amazed that there was this kind of place in heaven. then she suddenly saw a handsome young man sitting on the Roses. she ran to him and said
"Hey it's dangerous to sit on those poisonous thorns"
getting near him she hurt herself by hitting the thorns on her legs.
he asked "who are you and why are you here,"
" I think I should be the one to ask that question," she said.
he said I am Ren, Ren Corus.
she was tempted by his appearance. silver hair, red lips like Apple, silver eyes she muttered.
hey, what are you saying,he asked
suddenly she felt the sadness of his heart stabbing into her heart,
she asked why are you, sad young man?
I am not a young man and I am not sad, anyway who the hell are you?
he asked angrily.
oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I am Demeter,demeter Venus she said with a smile.
oh so you are that old man's daughter he said.
yes and you know I...., can detect any sad person by looking at them, so tell me ...why are you sad?
she asked he replied it none of your business
ok ok don't be mad I won't ask she said with a surrendered position. and asked 'can we be friends?
he looked at her legs and mumbled some spells the wound on her feet was gone and he gifted kind of protection shoes or something like that and walked away
she shouted 'hey I take that as a yes you know. what an arrogant guy but kind of gentle hehe,
venus what are you thinking did you fall for that guy she said to herself slapping her cheeks.
after meeting him she ran to her daddy and said daddy you know a guy named Ren suddenly someone interrupts their talking and said "hello my future daughter in law" she turned around to see who that was and there it is Ren and His father corus
Ren, what are you doing here?
is this your father? she asked abruptly. honey Go to the tea room next to hall take the two of them with you I will be there in a minute.ok dad
she did what he said. her dad came to the room and told her that it was your mothers wish to marry you to the corus'es family. and Ren Is the eldest son of corus family who is going to marry you.hope you will never say no to your moms wish. her dad explained it to her.
daddy what are you saying I don't want to marry anyone I am even not big enough I want to know this universe more I wanted to learn more and how can you force me to marry someone whom I saw twice. I am not saying I don't want to marry him he is handsome quite gentle to everyone around him even though he doesn't show it outside. hey shut up Ren shouted with embarrassment,he is my ideal type but even though I need time and it's too soon you know, I am not ready.he deserves a better woman, not me she said sadly and got out of there.
sorry for the trouble, l will make her marry Ren don't worry her father said. we will welcome her anytime you don't have to be worried.corus said
don't make her push too hard, it is not a problem if she doesn't want to marry me ren said calmly.
ok see you guys in 3 days said her father
she tried to keep her composure but she didn't want to hurt her father.so she wept out her sadness through tiny crystal-like tears. the place where her tears plummet some kind of shining stars came out and formed beautiful women's face which looked like her mother
she said in a sweet voice: honey, please marry Ren he will give you a beautiful life if I am wrong I will.....
stop! Venus said with a trembling voice.you are my mother right her eyes were completely filled with tears. m...mo.....mom....mom...mom she hugged that light and started to call mom.
don't worry I am your tears child whenever you need me I will be there. like the flower crown, your father gave you.i will always be there wishing you the best so believe me and marry him. the shining light said
I will..... I will mom but don't leave me again I need you no I and my father need you please don't leave us I beg you venus said
no, I have to go but I will be always with you and your father. so trust me and marry him,
after saying that the light starts to fade away. she feels that her mother has been out of her hug and vanished, but she clenches her pendant that was given by her father when her mother turn into a spirit and shouts
mother don't worry I will marry him and look after dad on behalf of you I know that you are near me like a shadow without any doubt, please protect me with your love
suddenly a voice starts echoing "I will my love"
after what her mother said she decided to make
him her husband.
she said to her father that she is going to be his wife.
honey thank you so much you are really good girl her dad started crying like a baby.
stop it, dad, you are annoying .she said with a smile.
let's go and meet them honey,her dad said
the two of them went to the corus family and discussed everything with them, at last, the date for marriage was decided it was on September 8th in human words
the next day
she was not that happy about the marriage but she was happy because she was able to achieve her mothers last wish ,
her daddy suddenly came in and asked honey what about your wedding dress?
she said 'I don't know what to wear 'I knew you would say something like this what your mother had given for your wedding, a beautiful dress for your wedding I think that it was her wedding gown too he said
suddenly he saw that her flower crown was blooming with most beautiful flowers. seeing this he became happy and handed over the wedding dress to her and
said wear it Ren and his father is waiting outside to see you in your wedding gown hurry up ok, he said and walked out of the door .on the other hand Ren was dreaming about something that I the author doesn't even know huh😵 whatever her dad was talking to Mr chorus like a family suddenly
Mr corus said hey they don't even know each other it doesn't even feel like love, what can we do Ren is so stiff and a big embarrassment as a big brother to his sisters and brothers
her dad said let just make chances for them to be together ok
double ok Mr corus whispered.
Ren prevailed in his dreams that I don't even know as an author 🤧🤧🤧🤧 and here she come with her beautiful plain white gown. Ren suddenly became stiff by her elegance and charm he whispered its exactly her?
yes I think her dad said
wow my future daughter in law is the most beautiful one in the world Mr corus said
she said hey Ren why are you looking at me like that isn't this dress good .he suddenly waked up ahh its good he said with a blushing face,
I think it's not that nice she said and started to say some spells her flower now was bloom as the most beautiful ones one ever have seen and her gown was turned into green coloured one and full of sparkles and small flower at the end
she just looked like a fairy he blushed harder and said
I think this one is great on you
Mr corus and her father approved the dress for her wedding and said
think we should go for a walk now some guests are waiting for us outside and said children have fun and they walked out
huh what was the meaning of that she let out
so what are we gonna do now?
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