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Enchanté (Taekook)

Enchanté ¹

The second to last bell of the day rang. The halls flooded with students wanting to get to the last class of the day. All of them pushing and shoving and some even standing there blocking the way. Move out the way we have places to be.
I get to my locker grabbing everything I needed so that I can just walk straight out of here and not needing to go back to the wave of students that were surrounding my locker.
I make it to my last class of the day with a minute to spare. I am a junior taking Precalculus. Crazy right? I was one of the handful of juniors in this senior math class. I wasn't a "nerd" but I guess I was in a way. I loved math. Math to me was always easy and fun but not a lot of people can agree with me.
Class goes by fast as I'm writing down my last few notes. I didn't really have a lot of friends in this class or in school in general so paying attention in this class was easy. But then again there were your typical senior boys trying to hit on me but I ignore them as always. I would never let them get to me because they were cocky, rude, and only wanted one thing. Sex. Hōrny motherfūckers.
My school was filled with them. They would hit on every boy or girl sometimes even twice. I personally have been hit on multiple times by this one guy. I mean I don't get it. I was pretty average looking, with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a butt. Obviously, they weren't the biggest but they were visible so at least I had something.
When you live in a small town you're limited on options so I guess that was one of the reasons the boys in our school were so desperate for anyone. I gather up my things and swing my bag over my shoulder ready to leave. Before even making it to the door I get stopped by Mr. Hoseok.
Taehyung-ah, can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah of course. *walk towards him*
One of my students is um well...failing my class. And you are my top student. I was wondering if you can tutor him. I don't want to move him down a math class just yet because I know he's smart and has potential he just doesn't want to use it. I was thinking maybe you can motivate and push him to get that grade up. And if he isn't understanding my class well that's where the tutoring part comes in handy. 😊
I think about my answer for a second.
Do I get any benefits from this?
Well, I can put a good word for you on your college application when the time comes around and you'll feel like a great person for helping me.
Yeah, sure why not.
Thank you, Taehyung. This means a lot. Tutoring is after school. Does that fit your schedule?
Mn. *nods*
Great well the student you will be tutoring is Jeon Jungkook.
Is that ok?
Mr. Hoseok asks with a concerned tone.
Yes, sorry. There is no problem. 🙂
There was a big problem!
Ok great, well I'll see you on Monday. I'll bring him here at the end of the day so that I can introduce you guys to one another and study afterwards. Have a great weekend Taehyung and thank you again. 😊
You too Mr. Hoseok.
I wave goodbye at him and walking out of his classroom into the school parking lot.
I get into my best friend, Jimin's car. He was one of the only people I can stand at this school.
What took you so long? You owe me gas money. 😒
He sticks his hand out waiting for me to drop something in it.
I know, I'm sorry but I've got a big problem. 😫

Enchanté ²

Taehyung's pov.
Jungkook?! As in Jeon Jungkook, one of the hottest and rudest guys in our school?! He needs tutoring? 😂
And he is not hot. Now get your feet off my bed.
I push his feet off and lay down on my stomach.
Tae, you must be blind because that man is fine and everyone knows it. *glares at him*
Whatever. I know he has this bad boy thing going on but I never actually talked to him. Is he that bad?
He's not completely "bad", I mean he's done some bad things but most of the time he's just rude and has a bad temper.
One time I had to deliver a pass to his class and he was sitting by himself in the back. The pass was for him so he snatched out my hand and rolled his eyes.
Damn what's his problem? 😒
I don't know really. But I heard he's always been like that, plus daddy issues. But how would I know your the one that lives down the street from him. For all I care, we can just go walk to his house and ask him. 🤷‍♂️
No thanks. I talked to him once when our mail got mixed up. He just opened the door, stared at me while I was explaining about the whole mail thing, took the mail that was in my hand, and closed the door on me. 🙄
*laughs* He didn't even say a word? 😂
Nope, just took it and left me standing there.
Well good luck trying to help him because you're going to need it.
We pick out a movie to watch and Jimin drifts to sleep. Jimin usually slept over on Fridays. My mom allowed it because she knew he was no harm. My dad passed away when I was 8 but if he was here right now I know he would probably allow it only because Jimin was bisexual. I miss him. He was the best dad you can ever ask for. My mom is great as well but barely get to see her since she always overworking herself
After letting my thoughts run wild I felt my eyes getting heavy and sleep rakes over me.
It's now Sunday. Jimin and I spent the whole Saturday stuffing our faces with food, baking cookies, and gossiping. I try to enjoy my Sunday as much as I can before Monday comes around and I'm stuck trying to tutor Jungkook.
I watch the sunset while eating dinner with my mom. My mom and I are very close because we were the only family we had left. It was always the two of us and I loved it. Times like this were rare with her because she was always at work so I'm glad I have this time to catch up with her and silently appreciate her. I get into bed dreading for tomorrow to come.

Enchanté ³

Taehyung's pov.
Lunch with Jimin goes by fast as I'm making it to my fifth period of the day which was a free period. I use this period to go to the library and get my work done. I'm usually on top of my assignments so I didn't have a lot to work on. Again I'm not a nerd I'm just organized ok.
I listen to some music to occupy myself. I pull out my phone and open Instagram. I don't know what got into but I start typing 'Jeon Jungkook' in the search bar. His profile pops up. He has no bio but there are two posts up.
The first post of him is with his friends at the beach with a sunset in the background and one of them is blowing out smoke the same person is holding a vape pen in his hand so that must be what the smoke is. He genuinely looks happy in this picture. He's happy and smiling at school but only around his friend group. But to others, he's just plain cold.
His second post is him with what looks like to be his little sister and his mom. He's kissing his mom's cheek while his sister is standing there adorably smiling at the camera. His caption says "Happy Mother's Day<3". Aww, maybe he does have a soft side after all. I decided to stop stalking him and go on different apps.
My last class comes around. Mr. Hoseok is halfway through his lesson. I think about telling him that I changed my mind and to find someone else to do the job but that's too rude of me.
'Yes, I'm a goody-two-shoes, and what about it?'
Class ends and everyone rushes out the door to get out of this prison. I'm the only one left in his class. I start to get anxious and nervous. I fix my hair a bit because hey first impressions matter right? It's not like he's going to fall in love with me but I still want to look put together.
Jungkook enters the class with floppy hair and is dressed in a black hoodie with baggy skater jeans.
'Man, this boy can dress! Ok, I'll admit it, he's hot. '
Mr. Hoseok pulls me out of my thoughts.
Hello Jungkook, thank you for taking the time to join us today. 😊
*nods in response*
Let's just get straight to the point. This is Taehyung. He will be your tutor. I know it sounds silly to have one, but I think he will help you with my class.
I give him a smile and a little wave. Nothing. Not even a glance at me.
This is bull. C'mon Mr. Hoseok, you and I both know I don't need a tutor.
Yes, I know Jungkook, but this will just be temporary just until I see improvement in your grades and in class.
Mr. Hoseok tried to calm him down.
Jungkook doesn't talk back and just scoffs.
Mr. Jeon, will you just cooperate this once? Now I'll leave you two alone to go and get to studying. Hope you guys are nice to each other especially you Jungkook. I want you to be on your best behavior around Taehyung. Now get out of here and learn.
I don't want to hear another word. Now leave. Go. Shoo-shoo.
He practically pushes us out his door.
I'm now standing next to Jungkook in awkward silence in this big empty hallway. Jungkook looks at me up and down before rolling his eyes and walking towards the school exit.
*run after him* Hey! Wait!
*turns around* What?
I'm your tutor, so I'm supposed to be tutoring you.
I don't need a "tutor". You can go do whatever you want. I'm fine.
He gets into his car and drives off leaving me standing there.
This is going to be harder than I thought.

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