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Vegetative Husband Opens his Eyes

Episode 1

Love! Such a simple word to say and write, people can turn it into a real and concrete feeling, but not everyone knows how to enjoy this feeling so pure and strong, therefore, they suffer for love, either by losing, being deceived, betrayed or even used, but this same love that often destroys, can also heal, after all, there are those who cause us pain, but also those who love us unconditionally.

Two wounded people, due to different consequences, will see their lives change, a man deeply hurt by an accident will see that despite his pain, there is still hope to experience the greatest of all feelings. A woman in love with life and happy, will go through a painful sorrow caused by people she believed she loved and was loved by. Without a choice and humiliated, she will seek strength to become a strong woman and will fight bravely for her happiness.

Robert Graham, a powerful, billionaire, handsome man, at the age of thirty, he was the CEO of the company Tec—ham, which sold and created technological products, such as robots and high-end technology products, he only had one brother who lived with him in a beautiful mansion and his grandfather, who had taken care of him since he was young, when his parents died in a plane crash. Most of the inheritance went only to Robert, causing immense envy in his brother Rodrigo, who desired everything his older brother had, power, wealth and the love of his grandfather only for himself.




It was Friday night, Grace, a twenty-two-year-old virgin from a wealthy family, arrived at her fiance Leonardo's hotel, it was his birthday and she was willing to make that night special.

What she didn't expect was that she would actually be surprised and that on that same night, her whole life would be completely transformed.

Leonardo was an extremely rich man, with perfume shop chains in Paris, his family had a rather exemplary reputation. He was engaged to Grace, only because of his parents who really liked her, but he was in love with his fiancee's best friend, a mean and greedy woman who pretended to be kind and pleasant.

Just one door that was about to be opened by Grace was what hid the whole truth that she would never imagine living, a cleaning lady passing by, seeing her standing at the door says:

"Did you lose your card, miss? Want me to open the door?"

"Thank you, it's my fiance's birthday today, I even thought about waiting for him out here, he's at a business dinner, he could arrive any minute, but could you open it for me please?" Grace said with a smile on her face, while holding a small sweet pie in her hands.

The cleaning lady takes the magnetic card and swipes it at the door, Grace thanks her and enters, closing the door delicately. Inside the suite, she hears a noise, coming from her fiance's room, she goes towards the room and as soon as she enters she seems to be seeing her biggest nightmare, still awake.

Leonardo was in bed, kissing and caressing her best friend, their clothes were scattered on the bedroom floor. Grace approaches them and throws the sweet pie at them, causing them to look at her in fright. She immediately takes her cell phone out of the small purse she was carrying and takes a picture of them both and says:

"From you Leonardo, I expected betrayal even though you pretended very well that you loved me, but from you Zara, my best friend, I always saw you as my sister, why did you do that?"

"Delete that picture Grace, if you show it to anyone I will make you regret it" Leonardo said angrily.

"I'm not afraid of you, I feel sorry, you will regret what you did to me, you can be sure" Grace said putting her cell phone inside her little purse.

"Please, do you really think he loved you or felt anything for you? Leo loves me and only used you to please his parents, he knows very well that I'm better than you, so if he's going to regret anything, it's having spent two years of his life pretending to feel something for you."

He gets up and tries to grab Grace's purse, after all he wanted the picture that was taken, not to be shared.

"No need to take her cell phone Leo, Grace has always been a scaredy-cat, she won't do anything" Zara said sarcastically, mocking her friend.

Grace looks furiously at Zara and clenches her fists, impulsively and angrily, she approaches the bed where her best friend was and slaps Zara in the face, then she rushes out of the room before Leonardo can grab her cell phone.

✨To be continued...✨

Episode 2

As soon as she steps out of the hotel, she takes a deep breath, inhaling the air around her as she walks, trying to clear her mind. She stops at a bench and, sitting down, begins to cry. Grace had tried to be strong, but it was becoming painful. She never imagined she would face betrayal from the two people she believed she loved in a single day.

After a few minutes, she rises and decides that she will take revenge on Leonardo and her friend. She calls Sophie, a friend who works as a photographer at a well-known company in Paris, determined to share the photo she had taken recently to tarnish the reputation of the man she was engaged to.

Sophie quickly answers the call and says:

📲—Hello Grace, good evening.

📲—Sophie, I need your help. Where can I find you?—Grace asked.

Sophie sends her the location of the bar she is at, and it doesn’t take long for Grace to arrive.

At that same bar, Robert Graham was drinking after closing a deal with a new partner, and he glances to the side, noticing Grace’s presence, mistakenly believing she is the high-class escort he was waiting for.

Robert was a very handsome man, possessing a seductive gaze; despite being charming and attractive, he also had a cold demeanor. Ever since his ex-fiancee left him at the altar, he had never been the same, shutting his heart off to feelings and detesting the words love and marriage, becoming a sought-after bachelor.

As Grace enters, she speaks with her friend Sophie, and after sending the photo, her friend has to leave. Grace approaches the bar and orders a glass of wine.

Robert, who was enjoying an extremely expensive wine, instructs the bartender to serve her a glass from his bottle.

"I don’t need your wine"Grace replied.

"Is that how you prefer it?"he asked, touching her waist and pulling her closer.

"I think you must have me confused with someone else"Grace said, while she removed his hand from her waist.

He smiled and convinced her to talk for five minutes; if he turned out to be a terrible company, he would pay for the bottle of wine she wanted and leave her in peace.

She accepted the challenge, believing he would lose easily, but in reality, she hadn’t expected that conversing with a stranger in a bar would make her forget, even for five minutes, about her ex and her friend, especially about their betrayal.

The high-class escort arrived, and he quickly stood up to leave. Grace, not wanting to think about her ex again, stood up and, looking at the escort, asked:

"How much does he owe you for tonight?"

The escort informed her of the price, and she looked at Robert in surprise; it was a high amount. He smiled and, looking at Grace, dismissed the escort, paying her off and then seating himself closer to the woman he found attractive.

"I’m not a high-class escort"she said, making it clear she wouldn’t be going to bed with him.

"I know you’re not; despite being dressed like one, you’re different. But tell me, what’s your reason?"he said, whispering in her ear.

"My reason? What do you mean by reason?"she asked, a bit nervous.

His perfume was wonderful, and the way he smiled and whispered made her anxious. She was enjoying being flirted with by him; the women around the bar looked at him, who didn’t take his eyes off Grace. She noticed and liked it, so she replied:

"For being out on a Friday night, in a bar, dressed like this."

Having already drunk a few glasses, Grace looked at her coat and quickly remembered that underneath, she wore a short dress. She then smiled and said:

"Today is my ex-fiance’s birthday, but you know what’s funny? I dressed like this for him, but he had another gift, unwrapped, in his bed when I went to see him."

"So you found out you were being cheated on; at least you didn’t make it to the altar with him. Better that you found out this way"Robert said, thinking of his ex-fiancee who left him at the altar.

"But that’s not all; the gift that was already in his bed, without any wrapping, was my best friend"she said with a sad tone.

The two continued drinking and talking, neither asking for names, only using nicknames between them, like beautiful and handsome.

They left the bar, and Robert walked her to her car. His driver was already waiting for him. As soon as he got in the car with her, Grace fell asleep. He could smell her delightful scent and brushed a strand of her hair aside. Not knowing her address, he asked the driver to take him to the luxurious hotel where he usually stayed, which had a stunning view of Paris.

When they arrived at the hotel, he laid Grace on the bed and lay down beside her. Then he got up to remove the shoes she was wearing. She woke up startled and, in a reflex, knocked Robert down. She then helped him up, and he ended up pushing her down on top of him. They lay there, their gazes fixed on each other's mouths, and she then said:

"I think I want to kiss you."

"I want to kiss you, beautiful. You are a very lovely woman..."he said, only to be interrupted by her as she quickly kissed him.

To be continued...

Episode 3

"What do you want, beautiful?" he asked, stopping the kiss as she began to pull at the dress shirt he was wearing.

She looked at him and then, with a desire to forget that she had been betrayed, just so that her mind wouldn't be thinking about what she had experienced a few hours ago, she said:

"I want you."

He took off his dress shirt, smiled at her, and then kissed her again. Grace was hot, it felt like nervousness had invaded her body. Robert soon noticed that she seemed tense as he slowly took off her dress.

He stopped kissing her and asked if she really wanted to be with him. She then continued to pull off her dress and he soon realized that she did.

Grace, despite not loving Robert, the attraction and chemistry between them was strong and intense. She really wasn't acting rationally; she believed that the next day she would forget everything. After all, she had drunk enough to have the courage to lose her virginity with a handsome, sexy, and seductive man she had met hours ago.

"Beautiful, are you sure you want this?" Robert said worriedly. In fact, he was scared. It had been a long time since he had been involved with a woman who wasn't a luxury escort.

He feared that after that night she would want to get involved with him, and it would be difficult for him to resist her, a woman who left him completely smitten. He knew she was a danger to him, not only because of her exuberant beauty but because of her ability to make him feel comfortable and happy to be himself. It was the best night he had had in years with a woman. He hadn't even taken her to bed and he knew she was special.

She smiled at him and the two went back to kissing, and that night, in a beautiful, luxurious hotel, two strangers, who had a unique chemistry, made love in a special way, as if their lives were linked to each other; caresses, smiles, and passion. Robert and Grace ended up sleeping together.




The next day, Robert woke up to his cell phone ringing. His assistant, who was concerned about his delay, was waiting for him at the airport to travel to Tokyo for a meeting with one of the companies that supplied parts for Tec-Ham's products.

He picked up his cell phone and answered the call. He looked to the side, believing that Grace would still be sleeping, and then he saw only her empty bed and there was no trace of the woman he had spent the night with. For the first time, he felt firsthand what it was like to wake up after a night of love, alone.

📲 "What do you want so early, Alvaro?" Robert asked as he went to the bathroom to see if she was there.

📲 "Sir, it's almost ten o'clock, your flight is at ten-thirty, did something happen?" he asked surprised. His boss never woke up late and was always punctual.

📲 "I'll be there shortly," he said coldly, irritated at having woken up alone, as if he were just an object last night.

He rushed so as not to waste time and after taking a shower, wearing the same clothes as last night, went to check out of the hotel.

"Sir, your bill has already been paid," said the receptionist after checking the system.

"Paid how? I didn't pay, please check your system again, you must be mistaken," said Robert, irritated and in a hurry to get to the airport.

"Sir, your bill has already been paid," the receptionist said again, after checking the system twice in a row.

Robert ended up furious and the manager appeared, informing him that the woman he had entered the hotel with in the early hours had paid the room bill and handed over a small note left by her to deliver to him.

He took the note and put it in his pants pocket.

Robert smiled sarcastically and left the hotel, getting into his car. His driver then said:

"Did you have a pleasant evening, sir?"

"Let's just say I won't forget it," Robert replied, still thinking about Grace who had treated him like he was her luxury escort.

His ego was bruised and, for him, a woman paying the hotel bill where they had spent the night together was a clear sign that they would not see each other again.

After a few minutes, he arrived at the airport and met Alvaro, who was waiting for him. They went straight to boarding and there was a plane from Robert's company waiting for them.

Inside the plane, Robert, Alvaro, a private flight attendant, the pilot, and co-pilot were heading towards their destination, but after half an hour with the plane in flight, the pilot lost control. Despite having many years of experience, having worked with Robert for three years, there was something wrong with the plane; one of the turbines stopped working and they soon lost control. The co-pilot called the base, informing them of their location coordinates and that they were losing control.

To be continued...

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