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Sugar Daddy ( Taekook )


ohh fūck yess~
Ahhh fast~~
In a hotel room two persons were mãking Lõve all drunk and not in their senses...
One was screaming while other was fūcking him hardly....
They were too lost in each other...
Jeon Jungkook (T. Blood Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook (T. Blood Alpha)
ohh fūck soo good~~
Jeon Jungkook (T. Blood Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook (T. Blood Alpha)
*thrūsting hardly*
Jeon Jungkook (T. Blood Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook (T. Blood Alpha)
*pull out and cūm*
Jungkook fall beside him panting and sweating.... while the other one was trembling with extreme pleasure.... he was also panting with closed eyes...
Then they both just slept like that...
Next day..
It was around 8am when the other open his eyes with a heavy headache and eyes spinning... he looked beside him and no one was there....
His eyes become teary thinking about what happened yesterday night..... he come out of bed with great difficulty and take his clothes from the floor....
He Wear his clothes and look at the sidetable of bed... he go near that and take the money placed there.... and then he look at the money...
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Now i have the money to save grandma *smile lightly*
He look around the room the flashback of last night roaming in his mind... he take his jacket from the sofa and went out of the room....
He take a bus back to his house...
He go inside saw no one inside.... he go to his room...
and change his clothes as his clothes were dirty....
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
He then takes his bag and put that money in his bag... he come out of house and was locking the door when he got a call....
he look at the caller ID and smile... he pick up the call...
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 hello chim??
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 I'm going to hospital.... why what happened??
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 I was going mad searching for you from last night... do you even know how worried i was??
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 Sorry chim i was arranging the money for grandma's surgery....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 So is it arranged??
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 yeah I'm just going to hospital....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 ok I'm coming too-
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 No chim no need you do your work you know na you already took so much leaves and if you ask for more then that cafe owner will scold you again...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 who cares??
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 i care chim please i can handle you can come after your shift is done...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 Ok ok fine take care of yourself...
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
📱 yeah you too bye...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 bye...
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
*hang up*
Taehyung smile and run to the bus stop... he immediately took a bus and reach hospital.....
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Hey guys....
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I'm your author and this is my first story on this account as i deleted the earlier one 😅😅
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so yeah... this is first and i won't delete this promise....
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please like and comment....
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i hope you liked it... bye bye 😙😙


He went inside the hospital with the money and go to the reception to pay the fees....
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
excuse me....
yes?? *look at him*
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
I'm here to pay the fees of Mrs. Kim's brain operation....
ok wait let me check....
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
That receptionist check the records and then look at tae...
I'm sorry sir but she already died some hours ago...
Tae's mind went black and he stumble back listening to her.... He sacrificed himself to get the money for operation but she already died.... he did so much efforts and everything he could to save his only family..... but he lost her...
His eyes started to become glossy and he asked to receptionist with a cracking voice....
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
c... can you tell m.. me where's h... her body 💔
Yeah it's in the mortuary.... you can go and take her with you..
Taehyung immediately run towards the lift and go to the mortuary room.... his body and legs were trembling with fear of seeing his grandma's dead body.... this was the last thing he wanna see....
He open the door of mortuary room and went inside.... and saw one doctor there....
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
excuse me....
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Which one is the body of m... Mrs. Kim Min ?? *cracking voice*
That one... *point at one body*
Taehyung look at the dead body covered with white sheet... he go near with teary red eyes and pull down the sheet from the face and his heart broke into millions of pieces seeing his grandma like this he was not at all able to take all this so he immediately run out of the room.... he take the lift to down and run out of the hospital with tears streaming down his eyes...
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Tae fall on the road on his knees and hide his face in palm.... he started to cry hardly and miserably....
Tears were continuously streaming down his eyes.... the people passing by are looking at him.... some were looking weirdly and some were looking at him with pitiful eyes....
He was sitting on the road and crying badly but someone tap on his shoulder grabbing his attention... tae finally take out his face from his palms and look behind with teary red eyes....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
w... what happened tae 😧😧
Jimin immediately squat down and cup his face worriedly... seeing jimin tae immediately hug him tightly and bury his face his shoulder....
Jimin felt his shirt getting wet by tae's hot tears... jimin pat his back softly and said in a gentle and soft voice....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
tae.... baby please tell me na... what happened to you why are you crying so much?? 🥺🥺
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
c... chim *sob* g... grandma*sob* 😭😭😭😭
Jimin understand what tae was trying to say he immediately hug tae tightly and hide him in his embrace....
his own eyes also become teary knowing about the news...
Of course he was also very close to her... she treated both of them equally and loved them so much.... they both loved her so much....
Park Jimin
An Omega
20 years old
He's an orphan. He lived in orphanage in his childhood, but he met tae when he was 5 they both become very good friends so tae asked his grandma to adopt Jimin.
And after some months she adopted him from that orphanage and from then he lived with tae.
He's very protective and possessive towards tae, for him tae is his first priority in everything and no matter what he does he always supports tae in his decisions but also take care of him when he takes wrong decisions. In all above he loved tae more than himself.
Kim Taehyung
Rare Omega
20 years old
He's only omega in his family, but his family throw him out when they know that he's an Omega. And then a woman saw him on road and take him with her out of pity. She treats him good and raised him like her own kid. Taehyung also loved her more than anyone.
they three lived together in their village, but then she came to Daegu with them for their further study.
She did many works to educate tae and Jimin. And when they both pass their school and enter University they also start to do part-time jobs and rent that small house for better living as their previous house was too small with only one very small shabby room and one living room attached with kitchen containing one stove and very little appliances. So they decided to rent a better house by saving salary for months.
Jimin make taehyung stand up from road with shaky hands who was crying hardly and still trembling.
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
tae please contain yourself... you can't loose yourself like this you know na she will be sad seeing you like this.
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
please tae... 😢😢
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
*wipe his tears harshly*
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
*blank face with red eyes*
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
Kim Taehyung (R. Omega)
let's prepare for funeral...
he said to jimin, then he stop a taxi for himself and went away from there immediately....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
don't worry tae I'm always here for you. I'll never let you get weak 🙂
Jimin also take a bus and went back to their house to prepare for the funeral...
Next day..
They both prepared a small funeral for her and some of their neighbors came to the funeral and just some near people of them...
Taehyung didn't talk anything at all all the time and was just sitting in the corner while jimin was attending the guests... while keep looking at taehyung time to time...
He asked tae to eat something as he didn't ate anything from yesterday but tae refused again without looking at him...
His voice was blank there was no sadness or anything in his voice and no one can understand his emotions from his expressions because his face was blank....
after sometime all the guests went from there. and after a tiring day jimin came to tae and sit beside him with deep sigh...
there was peaceful but sad silence between them... no one was talking....
Then jimin look at tae and pull him closer by his arm... he put tae's head on his shoulder and start to pat his head without saying anything. tae close his eyes slowly and after a minute tears started to roll down from his cheeks...
Jimin also close his eyes patting his head...
they sit like that for sometime then jimin listen some cute snores beside him...
He slowly take him in his arms, he walk to their room and make him lay on the bed and cover him with a blanket slowly....
He look at taehyung with teary eyes and gently yet slowly kiss his forehead and look at him....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
i have seen how much you suffered baby
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
I have seen your every suffering....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
I have seen how much you want to become a doctor... but still you leave University....
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
Just for me and grandma.... to take care of us 🥺🙂
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
To educate me you left your study in between 🙂
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
and i can never overcome that guilt... i promised you that I'll protect you and take care of you.... but I failed to protect you 🥺🥺😢😢
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
I wish I didn't agreed that day infront of your stubbornness 🥺🥺
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
I'm sorry baby.... you chim couldn't protect you and our family 🥺🥺
He close his eyes and many tears roll down his cheeks....
Just then his phone ring.... he immediately pickup the call...
📱 Where are you brat...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 Sorry hyung I'm with tae... actually our grandma passed away yesterday...
📱 ohh are you and tae okey?? *worried tone*
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 yeah hyung we're ok don't worry...
📱 ok then don't come now... first get better... take leave...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 No hyung I'm ok really i can-
📱 don't worry chick you'll get your full salary *chuckle*
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 umm... ok hyung thank you so much 🙂
📱 it's ok don't thank me you brat and don't fake smile i know you're broken it's ok everything will be fine... everyone have to go one day...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 ........... yeah you're right hyung.... everyone have to go one day....
📱 yeah... so don't stress yourself and take care of yourself and tae ok...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
📱 yeah hyung you too take care bye
📱 bye...
Park Jimin (Omega)
Park Jimin (Omega)
*hang up*
Jimin once again look at tae who was sleeping soundly with a cute pout... jimin smile alittle seeing tae....
He lay beside him inside the blanket and also slept cuddling....
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Hehe 😁😁
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My boards are next month so updates will be late 😗😗
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