"I can still remember my mothers scream, yelling at me to go amidst the terror and rampage behind her and between us, yet. On that very fateful day, i was filled with a sickening feeling of regret not turning back to glance at her once more, the only thing i can remember lastly was her weeping, before it was cut short by a slice of a piece of metal, sometimes i still feel nauseous and often black out because of that." she said, picking one of the flowers amidst the vast fields of flowers before her, "yet with the withering of some, a few will rise too," she said, patting the flowers petals, as a slight glow emitted from her hand, "now, i must seek refuge in a kingdom named eulithia, though, despite people calling it the kingdom of the free and brave's. Not all you can trust what the book says on its cover" "miss.. I'm sorry if i'm interrupting you in your personal space but we have to depart soon, we don't want to keep the chairman waiting, a voice said, while glancing back, she saw a few men standing next to the carriage, all waiting for her to finish what she was doing beforehand, she nodded, "ok!. I won't be long, im almost done," "my father and mother had quite a few acquaintances they met over the years, some were more closer than others, and some were quite distant, but the one whom my father liked the most was a man named veranos greand, first of his name and master of swords arts, my father and him occasionally went out for drinks at the tavern or late night talks about important matters, all of which are quite difficult to remember as i was only 7 when my kingdom fell, veranos himself also knew a young boy, slightly older than me, elisia redark. He was considered our personal courier, but after the fall he was renamed guardian of the princess, he was a major animal lover, and knew how to tame almost any kind of animal he could think of, even the most docile creature the yaclac, a small fox like creature which roamed the north of rosseuxus," she said, standing up while patting her dress clean, the dress flowed seemingly with the slight breeze as her hair glowed like a shiny silver moon, "my dear.. Is there something in your mind that you need me for??" an old man said, smiling as he petted her head, "no. I'm ok, thank you." She said, smiling as she stood before him, "you know, you really are a special girl luxia, don't worry too much about what happened in the past," luxia nodded, hugging him before walking over to the door of the carriage behind him, the rosy air filled luxia's nostrils as she sat down on the red couch within the carriage, veranos walked in before giving a deep relieving sigh as he sat down, "despite his age, veranos was a man whom never would stand down, as stubborn as he can be, i quite admire his dedication of my mothers orders," the whipping of the leash sounded for a split second before the rumbling of the carriage began, "hiya. Lets go boys" said elisia to his horses who walked across the gravel roads towards eulithia who was not too far in the distance, "as i watch the trees grow in size occasionally and then diminish, i often think of what could lie in its vast darkness, a xion? A ghost? A spirit?" no one could ever know unless they tread into its lair, i once read a story of dragons and marierchs which roamed the old lands before us, giant colossal creatures with powers we could never fathom, in which most philosophers and wanderers are trying to figure out how to resurrect such things, though a concept as resurrecting an ancient creature would be far from reality itself,.. Though I cannot mark out its possibility." luxia said while gazing at the vast trees. Sighing before looking at her hand which emitted a slight glow, "you know, you remind me a lot of your mother,.. Before you were born, she would always gaze at the fields of roses, calling them her darlings. She was quite the flower type," veranos said, trying to engage with luxia in a conversation, luxia grasped her hand. Looking back out the window before adding, "which eatheria was known for, the kingdom of flowers and life," "though i guess you can mark out life now," luxia said quietly. As the forest cleared. She could see a vast meadow with only a few trees scattered around. The vast difference in the forest and the meadow was so great that you could feel a sense of desolation. "Hey luxia.. I know you are 17 now, but what happened has happened, it was 10 years ago," "yes and we still havent found a kingdom which had been rampaged by filthy murderers and crazed psychopaths, almost as if eulithia is the only one not involved with it,"
Luxia said, frowning while still facing away from veranos, avoiding his eyes, he sighed, leaning in. "well.. Those kind people from the small village were more than happy to house us for the 10 years we've been there," luxia wanted to say something back, but held her mouth. Still trying to avoid his gaze, "look my dear, i know we both have it rough, losing loved ones in one day is not an easy thing to forget, especially if it were your parents, but we cannot always linger in regret and sadness, we have to move further and travail along the roads of the lost, soon we will arrive in eulithia, so keep your spirits up ok, don't worry," time seemed to be moving slow as we rode along this road, i don't even know how far we still have to go but.. I only hope that i can rest and eventually forget my horrid past, as the rocking of the carriage persisted, the shadow of a large overlooking arch shadowed their carriage before guards walked over and ordered elisia to stop and to exit his carriage,
"In the name of the king and divinos, what is your purpose in arriving here?"
Said the guard loudly. "We are here for the meeting with the chairman at eulithia's royal house," elisia said, trying to divert his suspicion towards him.
"But I don't see the awaited princesses.. " The guard said, looking around the carriage. Luxia glanced out of the window to see what was happening, as she looked around, she could see a guard with unusual heavy armour and wielding a spear. She could see the wall of the kingdom towering the people below. Making them look like ants, while guards next to it guarded the golden arch. On its walls she could notice inscriptions in what seemed to be like old rosseuxus language, though she could not figure out what the inscriptions meant, the only thing she could understand slightly was the depictions of eulithia's gods. A wolf with six tails. A woman holding the earth itself, and a bird surrounded by the moon. "Must be the kingdom's flag." she said softly,
"I wish eatheria's guards were this good. Eulithia's guards are known for their strict schedules and harsh punishments, and to add the cherry on top. They are called jormungers. But the procedure to become one is one of the hardest things anyone can imagine, sometimes you get chosen in the school you're in, either the kingdom's royal school or the smaller ones... something like streadark, a school for the highest elite or most talented student's eulithia has," veranos said, brushing her beard while looking out of the window, gazing at the lively streets of eulithia, on all sides were filled with people either talking yelling or selling food and items they made or found, merchants trying to sell exotic items in which their value had been over exaggerated by a lot,
"You are quite the fanatic aren't you." luxia asked, noticing veranos gazing and admiring the architecture and culture of eulithia, veranos smiled with joy,
"I quite am!" luxia nodded, looking down towards the children which were running through the streets. "Even though i am quite unfamiliar with these people, i do know that each of their own has a story to tell, all with their own fantasies and admirations like my uncle who sits in front of me, though even if he isnt of royal blood, i do consider him as an uncle, eulithia was always known for its freedom, its wealth. Eulithia offered almost everything it could.
Legends have told us that eulithia was not built by humans but by the gods themselves, all giving some of their own to ensure its safety and protection, but the concept of gods, if they were so admired, where would they be? If their presence is unheard of, could it only be a fantasy of one who spread to others in which the legends rose?. For me it's unclear, until I see its presence and its appearance I will keep it quite distant." luxia said. The overlooking shadow of structures above clouded the sun occasionally, out of curiosity. Luxia looked up and noticed bridges above which connected from one end to another, confused about its presence she turned to veranos, and asked, "if i may ask, what are these structures above?" veranos raised his eyebrow before laughing, "oh that? Those are called connectors, quite simple but obvious, they connect from one end of the kingdom the the other, almost like a grid type pattern, they made these so that traversing the kingdom would be easier, but they only allow people on it for now as its structural stability is quite unknown so they are careful with it," luxia nodded, stroking her hair out of her face while observing her surroundings with care, up until a sudden appearance of a metal object blocked her view, she jumped from horror before asking veranos what it was "what in the name of my mother is that!" luxia said, scuffing away from the window as the creature passed by, "that my dear is called a grendal, ancient machines that help the jormungers protect the kingdom from both within and outside." veranos said, "though there is one major flaw which no one can fix, its overheating, hundreds if not thousands overheat and get thrown away by this very problem," he said, the creature stomped on the ground as if a huge alac passed, its copper outer casing gleamed of the sunlight as its wires swayed back and forth with each step it took, before disappearing behind the carriage. Luxia sighed deeply, placing her hand on her chest while sitting down. Relieved, "even if I knew machinas existed like these, they are still terrifying to meet.. Old books tell that machinas existed more than 489 years ago as exposition pieces, yet to meet one out of the history books is still menacing to say atleast,
Gaeistis fields of red chapter 1 will be released on the 9th of January 2023! Its story is incredibly captivating and I hope it grabs you too! Every chapter will be released on Monday and Thursdays est 22:30!
For more info on the gaeistis series and its creator, please refer to our business email
As they entered the middle of eulithia lady kreinheard could see a crowd of people cheering for something that she could not quite see amongst the large crowd of people. It looked like it had been going on for a while."veranos? If I may ask. What are they exactly doing?". "Every year they hold an annual competition for the best fighter in eulithia. Two people go up against one another to prove their worth for either their family or the immortal goddess herself." Veranos said. Sighing. "though its a bit dumb if i say so myself. The immortal goddess never told anyone to fight for their place with her. She always said that. "No matter what you do you will always have a place in our hearts and shall be treated equally," he said again. Glancing at the two boys in the middle. One boy looked badly bruised. He had a cut on his arm and a concussion on his forehead. While the other looked exhausted from the pain he endured. Both standing exhausted. Hanging on only a thread before they went in again. Both fighting hard. Dust flowing into the air from the sliding feet across the tan brick ground. One hit the other so hard that in a blink of an eye he fell down. Unable to continue the fight. And as the other marched in to get another strike a guard held his arm before he could do so and was dragged away from the crowd. "Interesting what people do for love don't you think?" lady kreinheard said surprised. " It's the delusion that keeps them going. For some, delusions are a blessing. It reminds them of who they are and why they are doing what they are doing. But for others it's a curse. They lose all sense of reality and forget why they exist. So eventually they become purposeless.
A being with no beginning nor end. That's why they do it" Veranos said. "I was blinded too once. When I was young my father would always leave at night. Always around 21:00 and would return by 6 in the morning. Always when he returned his clothes were soaked in sweat. As if he had engaged in a fierce battle. And when I would ask him where he went he would always tell me to go to my room. He never looked at me or was proud of me. Or so I thought at least. I slowly had grown a strong sense of the feeling that I should make myself worthy enough so that he could love me. Carry me and cradle me until I fall from exhaustion. He never batted an eye towards me even if I tried my hardest. I was not really the best in school, I will admit it but I was excellent at sword arts. I would practise day and night so that one day I could prove to my dad that I was worthy enough. Until that one day he died. But before he could breath his last breath he told me. "Protect those you love and never look back"
Those were the last words he ever said to me. So ever since then I have been protecting you as if you were my daughter." Veranos said happily while a tear ran down his face. "And that's why you are my greatest protector" lady kreinheard said as she smiled as Her hazel eyes shone towards veranos. My lady, we are approaching the royal house. Elisia said while slowing down. As the carriage approached the front yard she was met with the bright colors of flowers and bushes filled with butterflies and bees dancing amongst the beautiful roses, daisies and daffodils. All perfectly beautiful. As if they were meant to be."lady kreinheard?" Veranos asked politely. Smiling at the face of lady kreinheard."just like her mother" as the carriage door opened she was offered a hand by one of the royal guards. Her small young hand was dwarfed by the size of the hand of the guard."Thank you" she said to the guard as she stepped on the ground. The guard bowed in gratitude towards her, lowering his head in politeness. As she looked towards the royal house entrance she saw large columns partially coated with gold and windows the size of two story houses. Before the entrance stood two guards both armed with a greatsword and a lance. "Elisia. Please wait here if you can." Veranos said kindly. "Yes sir" as Kreinheard and Veranos walked towards the giant two doored doorway they were met with the guards pointing their weapons towards them yet again."i am luxia kreinheard. Daughter of the king of eathieria. I have been invited for a meeting with the chairmen. She said with a bitter voice.
As the guards lowered their weapons the giant door opened. Its hinges squeaked slightly as they were met with the brightly lit room. Red carpets,white walls with golden flowers hanging on them. Around it a gold border on each section of the wall. Giant windows that lit up the entire room of the bright blue sky. Shelves filled with books and green plants. On the right side there were people dressed in formal attire reading books of the history of eulithia and on the left stood people talking, laughing and joking with each other. Inside luxia felt a little sad.
"Please this way lady kreinheard and mister greand" one of the guards said as he pointed towards the long hall. The guard did not look like the jormungers verano described them to be. He wore a white suit. Bordered with golden flowers and animals on the suit. He also had a lot of badges of honor. "seems like he sacrificed alot to keep his people safe " luxia said within herself.as they walked along the long hallway she looked out of the windows she passed by. " 1, 2 , 3 ,4 ,5" she counted the amount of windows she passed while walking towards the door at the end of the hall. And just as she looked back she noticed a white speck. It looked like a firefly. But it was so bright. Even in daylight. Before she could tell Verano it disappeared within a blink of an eye. " Strange" we have arrived. As she looked back towards the guard she noticed the same old script she saw on those grendals. It was long but she could not describe it. Yet she saw that along those words stood depictions of the same gods. Only accompanied by a winged creature. And 4 more gods on the bottom. "Are you ready?" Veranos asked. As she looked towards Veranos she nodded and took a deep breath before entering the grand room. "I'll make it worth it"
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