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The Marakese - Part 4


Mordin nursed himself back to full health. And then he started the teacherous journey way past any one has ever ventured into. The last corners of the land that can be reached on foot. Loros, he headed towards. The mountain range which was not the tallest had the people of the most calm yet strong nature. They were largely peaceful people, shepherds. They seldom harmed anyone nor did they come in to harm. They barely spoke it was said. They sat with their eyes closed for large parts of the day, particularly the elder folk. They did not care much for material wealth nor power. What separated these people from the rest of the folk in the planet was that it was the women that trained and prepared for war. The men all they did was hunting and grazing goats. And it was not that the women did not take part in hunting , they too took part in it but only if it was required. They looked after their families and trained in combat. The fiercest leader among them was Reya. It was said that she could fly short distances and weild a sword like none other. Most of the women there were blessed with flight albeit in short distances, but it was Reya who was blessed with this supernatural power. She could climb trees faster than anyone, and she was very agile. Atop all that Reya had a sense of protection that was not very rarely found. It was said that Reya was blessed with this power by the gods to protect her own kind. Reya was the oldest of her siblings. There were seven of them. So like every other part when there were peaceful people inhabiting it, there were other kinds , that lingered in darkness who wanted to cause harm to them. There were men and women surrounding these small mountains who roamed like normal people during the day and turned to wolf like creatures at night. These wolf like creatures stood on their two toes and could also fly short distances and climb trees at a very rapid pace. Zoreus , he was called, their leader. They hunted for food and blood during the night and during the day they collected wood and other seeds. Many it times it was suggested to Reya and the fighting clan to wipe them out during the day. But they refused, the women. They said it was not honorable for them to fight the unprotected. " It was just their nature" said Reya when people really pushed her to end them. " Let them come at night" we fill fight them fair and win, she said to them. Some of the men scoffed and went themsleves to kill these beasts who took the form of the skin of man during the day. They returned with deep wounds back to their homes. So there was Mordin on his long journey in search of Zoreus and his clan. He was sent by Arakanese to form them as allies when the war comes.

He reached Loros, in the middle of the night when the wolves and the army of Reya were deep in fight. Zoreus jumped from one tree to another trying to hunt Reya. Reya defended the attacks of Zoreus and moved away fast from his grasp. Zoreus was always too powerful for her. Mordin entered in the midst of the fight as the wolves and the clan of Reya were in a fight. Swords banged agasint the claws of the wolves. Growls met the aggression of the clan. Moridn looked up to find where Zoreus was. He saw him chasing the girl on top of the tree.  A wolf came crashing towards him. Mordin caught him with ease and threw it a side. After a few steps one of the women in the clan came crashing towards him, he simply dodged the flying body and moved ahead. He saw an empty porch and decided that he would sit there and wait for the battle to get over. Reya and Zoreus came down from the trees and entered the ground of battle. They fought in front of him and was totally unaware of his presence. Zoreus almost landed a death blow to Reya with his claws and Mordin stepped just in time to keep her from her death.

"Zoreus your claws can be used for far greater use" said Mordin. Who are you ? he growled. That does not matter, what I have some here for is all that matters, he said to the wolf. The fight was now almost stopped. The wolves surrounded Mordin, growling and prowling around him. Zoreus came with his claws attacking Mordin. Mordin threw a punch so hard that Zoreus went flying. Two other wolves came and jumped on him. He caught them by his two hands with ease and threw them at the direction of Zoreus. They went and and hit him. " Fool!" growled Zoreus. It was almost sunlight and the wolves were turning into men. Now they stood there in silence and scared, well aware that Mordin rip apart them with ease. Do not worry! he said. I'm not here to hurt you, I come here to ask you to fight with us. Fight with Arakanese and the Marakese, he said to Zoreus and his men. What do we get in return? asked Zoreus. Blood, a lot of it, replied Mordin. There was a grin on the face of Zoreus. There was a drip of blood on his hands and he licked it. He spat it out at once. Blood does not taste good at this time of the hour! he lamented. We only come if we fight at night, he said. This time Mordin had a grin on his face. We fight only at night! he replied.


Reya and the others were relived that the wolves were gone. They all celebrated for a day or two. Reya too joined in the celebration, but she was missing the fights with Zoreus. Now hwat would they train for? she wondered as she sat there on the porch, the same place Mordin had sat at. Her father seeing that she was a little upset approached her. He sat beside her and spoke to her few words of Comfort. But she knew that what her father spoke was just him trying to console her. The women and the girls will be put to work like the rest. Her father knowing that her daughter was upset, and to him she had every right to be upset. She was just a child and she loved to train and fight more than anything else.

"It was almost dusk" and the darkness drew close to their home. Reya still sat there, not really wanting to go home. There was some rustling in the trees up above. It made her really curious. She looked up at the trees and really wanting to climb the trees and find out what it was. She looked around to grab her sword, but there was none close to her. She wen tcloser and stood under the trees, it was nothing. There was no one there. There was no Zoreus. As she stood under the tree, the elder approached her. A wise man he was, so Reya was all ears. Child , he spoke. " The real world is not what you think it is. It is full of men at war. Some with no arms but with full of vengance. Some with mechanical arms that could destroy anything on their parts. And some with superhuman strength that could kill an entire army" And certainly not like Zoreus and the other wolves. They would die in the battle field on the first day, mark my words" said the old man. Zorues was really strong and he could kill me if he really wanted to, she said. They were not here to kill , they were here to protect their lands. And that is why they march to the center of the planet, to protect their lands. Should we not go there too ?  asked Reya. If there is a war, then we should go there to protect our lands. We must only go, if we are asked to, said the wise man. Only a fool puts himself in trouble when there is no need for it to.


Archimedes landed in the mountains. He looked up at the skies and there entered the strongman Samurai through the atmosphere. Arakur, stood there in the front of all. Zeno and Archimedes stood beside him. They waited for the chief of the strongman to arrive. So they did the chief , and Akimo too. They too went and stood beside Arakur and the others. Arakanese emerged from the caves and stood before them as well. Archimedes looked at him with suspicion. He fights for us! said Arakur. I fight with you, corrected Arakanese. The wolves and Mordin are set to arrive soon, said Arakur. Archimedes was still not convinced of the army that stood before him. We are not ready for war, he said. We are not ready for a long time, he said sharply again. Yes, this was a mistake, said Zeno, now starting to doubt his decision to come here for a war that they would surely lose. Hers too who stood there spoke, Uncle, she said, why wage a war and lose all that we have. We will lose the mountains too, she said. Mountians , laughed Arakanese. Be prepared to lose your lives, said Arakanese. That is what a war of this nature call for, he said. "They have more than 10 men for one of ours, said Archimedes"

The Kingdom

Darticus and Philippe were in deep discussion. Arakur has betrayed us, he said. He plans to wage war against us, said Darticus. Philippe laughed " The Marakese plan to wage war against us" that is the stupidest thing they could ever think of, said Philippe. Our Dragon can blow them all to smithereens in a minute. Does Angela know about this ? asked Philippe. I have not yet spoken to her about this, said Darticus. Even their army is depleted and so is ours greatly. " Thanks to my brother" sighed Darticus. A war would not certainly be good for us, said Darticus. We will win but the cost will be too much, said Darticus. What use is a kingdom if there are no people in it, said Darticus. The people of Algried, the ghosts of Wilmir and the North, they all stand with us. And if I have not yet mentioned it already, we have a fire breathing dragon in our den, said Philippe. The ghosts, I do not know if they stand with us, said Darticus. Philippe was perplexed, what is there to worry about? he asked Darticus again. Darticus looked at Philippe " They have Archimedes " he said with his giant eyes widening. Who ? asked Philippe. Archimedes, I have heard stories about him. The greatest warrior to have ever been born on this galaxy, said Philippe. My father would beg to differ, said Philippe. In fact I don't think any Marakese will be powerful to even withstand Alguran, joked Philippe. You underestimate him greatly Philippe, the gods stand with him, said Darticus. So they do, they stand with you too. No, they don't, immediately replied Darticus. Not the way they stand with him, he said. And the Brok too is dead, said Darticus. Do not think the Harakans will stand with us , he said. They are wounded and would not have the strength to fight, said Darticus. What do we do ? asked Philippe. I need you to travel to Isdor, west of the islands where Kurkin had come from. What do I do there? he asked him. You will meet Ardvan the fowl. He is the only one who inhabits those parts of the island. Darticus handed Philippe a map and he stammered. Philippe looked up at him. Be careful lead counsel, he said. "Ardvan is a cannibal and the island was not always empty".


Demarius, the man made from rocks stood in front of the house of Arakur. He had a hundred others like him behind him. Arakur stepped outside was pleased to see Demarius." I heard the news that you are waging a war agasint the kingdom?" he asked Arakur. Yes, replied Arakur. We would like to fight with you, said Demarius. You are more than welcome to fight with us, said Arakur. In return all we ask is for a place to stay in these mountains, said Demarius. That can be arranged, said Arakur. Thank you, said Demarius.

"Demarius the rock people largely lived underwater near the lands of Isin. They have lived there for centuries. They ate and hunted the sea like their counterparts " The fish demons". All was well until recently when the fish demons had departed the seas. The fish demons were crucial to the life of the rock people, as the fish demons had the power to create the vacuum bubbles in the ocean. These large bubbles housed the rock people. Now ever since the fish demons were captured elsewhere, the rock people had no choice but to move out of the ocean underwater and find a way home. The reason the rock people lived underwater in those parts is that the people did not like to have them around. And when the people saw them, they used to throw rocks and stones at them. It was a large joke to the people to throw the stones and small pebbles at them. "Eat them you cannibals" they would say to the rock people. The rock people were peaceful and did not like to engage in combat even though they were well adept at it. Now Demarius spoke to his people" Fight for dignity and honor" he said to his people.

So there landed Philippe....

In Isdor where there was no one to be seen around. The island was empty, totally bereft of people. There were trees and boats that hung dry beside it. There were boar like creatures and Philippe heard noises of more harmful animals deep in the forest. He loaded his gun and kept ready. There was a large volcano too in this island. The volcano has not erupted in a thousand years. And when it does erupt, it wipes out the population of the whole island. Philippe wary of the multitude of dangers that the island had walked to find Ardvan. There it was a small home, and in front of the house was many fowls that ran astray. Philippe went and knocked on the door of the house. An old man who was very untidy walked out of it." What do you want" he asked rudely to the man. I was sent here by the king to meet me. The king? asked Ardvan." What does he want from me"? a fowl? he joked sarcastically. If this did not ire the irk of Philippe, any further conversation with Ardvan was about to. Philippe understood this and tried to speak in a wise manner. I would like to purchase a fowl indeed, he said to Ardvan. What is the price of it? he asked Ardvan. " Your hand, either one of them" replied Ardvan. Can I pay by precious metals ? asked Philippe as he took some metals out form his pocket. Ardvan laughed." What possibly can a metal be of use to me" he asked him. Philippe kept the metals back inside his pockets and asked Ardvan " Is it true that you killed every one of the people who lived here and ate them" he asked him. Yes, replied Ardvan.: I roasted them all and ate them". And each and every one of them were tasty, said Ardvan. Philippe was growing suspicious by the minute by the claims of Ardvan. He surely hides something, concluded Philippe. Okay I will pay for the fowl with my hand, said Philippe and asked for a sword to cut his hand off. Ardvan went inside his house and came out of it with a sword. Here! take this he said to Philippe. Cut a hand and give it me! he said. Philippe swung his word and tried to cut his left hand. He closed his eyes and expected to wail in pain. But nothing happened, the sword broke in half. Ardvan laughed! you cannot harm yourself even if you wanted to, he said and took his sword back. I'm not a cannibal like they say. That was just a bad joke that has turned into the truth. I too am like you, he said to him. I too cannot die even if I wish to, he said. This volcano erupts and kills people every once in a while, but it does not kill me. And for some strange reason, it does not kill the fowls too, he said to Philippe. And there is some thing else I need to tell you, said Ardvan. There are goblins inside those mountians. Those Volcanoes hide goblins inside them, said Ardvan. They like metals and other things, so your offer might interest them, he said. Thank you, said Philippe and walked towards the volcanic mountains.

"So there walked Philippe towards the volcano" He climbed the mountain and reached the edges of the volcano. He leaned and saw the lava at the center of it boiling. The heat was too much for him to take. He could barely even look at it for a few seconds inside. How am I going to go inside ,he wondered. As he stood there, there was a voice from inside the Volcano. Who it there? asked a treacherous voice. Philippe, he replied. What do you want ? asked the treacherous voice again. I come in here for the king, replied Philippe. Do the king have metals with him? asked the goblin. Yes, many metals, replied Philippe. A goblin slowly emerged from the volcano. Show me? it said to him. These creatures of the dark terrified Philippe. He had not seen anything like this in his life. He managed to stay on his mind and handed the metal to the goblin. The goblin looked at it and examined them. Very good indeed, said the goblin. Did you meet the head goblin on your way in? asked the goblin. No, I did not see any, replied Philippe. The head goblin, he takes the form of a human to eat the flesh of humans, said the goblin. Ardvan? asked Philippe. Yes, Ardvan, replied the Goblin.

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