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Trapped with the Beast

Episode 1





Catalina Santorini

A 17-year-old girl born in Colombia but raised in Italy.

With an American mother (Dora Smit) and an Italian father (Roman Santorini).

Catalina was born unexpectedly in Colombia when her parents traveled to urgently pick up some merchandise, everything went out of control and Dora had to undergo an emergency cesarean section. From the age of 3, she is considered a child prodigy, always getting good grades, she is affectionate, shy, and has very few friends.

She disagrees with her parents' businesses, so she gave private lessons to her classmates to save her own money.

She was looking forward to turning 18, moving to the USA, and studying business administration.

Her mother Dora was Miss Universe in the United States, Catalina inherited her beauty, fair skin, brown eyes like her father, a big smile, light brown long hair, height 1.67. her mother always instilled in her to have a good diet, exercise.

Catalina wasn't interested in her physical appearance but always went along with it to avoid fights.

Máximo Morrone

32 years of age, born in Italy,

His mother was Brazilian (Leticia Bolla) who died when Máximo was 2 years old, in a mafia fight

His father, the owner of the entire Morrone empire is Italian (Fausto Morrone), inherited his father's dirty businesses, an only child with a life full of parties, luxuries, women, and a devil's temper.

He has many companies to cover his fortune and launder his money without the police being on his trail

Máximo is just like his father, stands 1.90m tall, honey-colored eyes, thick lips, black hair, with a well-built body

He never showed interest in any woman, has no plans to get married, and much less to have children...

Over the years he learned to manage the companies... the press always making up romances with famous women.

Máximo- Hello Nicole, what happened? Why are you calling at this hour?

Nicole- Sir, I just wanted to remind you that I'm going on a trip for 1 month, I had already mentioned it. I wanted to make sure you have a secretary until I return. How about if I conduct interviews tomorrow?

Máximo- I had forgotten, damn it! Find me one urgently and please make sure she doesn't waste my time, I'm traveling there in 2 days. Make sure you explain everything. Goodbye!


Catalina- I secretly sent a CV to A very renowned company in New York, in 2 weeks I turn 18 and I don’t think they will call me before this time, thanks to not liking to party I invested my free time in language, computing, and marketing courses.

It’s 1 in the morning in Italy, I was lying in my bedroom when my cell phone rings from an unknown number

Nicole Hello, am I speaking with Catalina Santorini?

CatalinaYes, this is she. Who is speaking?

NicoleI'm calling from the Assos company, your resume stood out among the others, and we need you to cover for a 1-month vacation leave, starting in 2 days. Can I count on you?

CatalinaI can’t believe I was chosen! I will be there in 2 days first thing in the morning, miss, thank you so much.

Nicole- I was impressed with the CV of this young lady, the problem is going to be informing Máximo that she is 17 years old

Máximo - On my way home, a storm was about to break when at a stoplight I see a beautiful girl, her body blew my mind, you could see absolutely everything with the wet clothes. She was running down the avenue

-Marcos, I need to know about this girl Urgently, who she is, how old she is, what she does, where she comes from, EVERYTHING!!!!

Marcos- Yes sir, I'll find out everything by tomorrow first thing.

Lucia is my friend since kindergarten, I only have her, because of school stuff and her job we don’t see each other very often, but she is always there when I need her.

I finished talking on the phone with the lady from the company and I get a message that she needed me and wanted to see me in a bar.

I asked her if it was necessary at this hour of the night, and she said yes.

I changed, grabbed the car keys, and left for the bar... I spent 20 minutes circling the block and couldn’t find a parking spot, I was about to give up when 3 blocks from the bar a spot freed up, I hesitated for a moment since it was late to be walking back but well, my friend needs me.

I arrived at the bar, and there was Lucia crying, her boyfriend cheated on her, she was devastated, she just wanted to drink and cry for that jerk who broke her heart.

She is everything opposite of me, she likes parties, drinking, she had her boyfriend, her job at a law firm precisely from her family, and she was finishing school alongside me.

Hours passed and at the door, we see her boyfriend, to my taste A jerk, he asks to talk and they leave the bar together

Lucia- Thanks friend for listening, see you, we’ll talk tomorrow!!

Catalina- You're welcome, please don’t cry anymore, and you, don’t make her suffer. Love you!

Leaving the bar it started to rain very heavily

I cursed for leaving the car so far and for dressing in a white shirt

I had no choice but to run down the avenue, I couldn’t see anything from the wind and the falling water

When I got to where I left the car IT WASN’T THERE! Some men told me it was towed away, it was late, no taxis were showing up and I lived 30 minutes from downtown

Catalina- Are there no taxis in this damn city?

Damn it, I'll have to walk!

I started walking, the streets were empty, dark, and the rain didn't stop.

I felt a dark car had been following me for 3 blocks, I didn't want to think about anything bad but continued walking even faster.

With everything that happened to Lucia, I didn’t have time to tell her that I'm leaving in 2 days I thought..

Máximo - Marcos, come closer! It’s the Girl from the traffic light.

It’s very dangerous for her to be alone at this hour.

-Marcos approached the beautiful girl and I lowered the car window

Máximo - Hello miss, sorry to intrude but I've seen you walking in the rain for several blocks, do you want me to take you somewhere?

Catalina- Hello good evening, no thank you I can walk!

Catalina They see a young girl alone on the street and they think we are just anyone, that they can offer to take us away...

Yeah, right! They’re perverts...

Lost in my thoughts, I kept walking angry when again the dark car catches up to me and again that man talks

Máximo - Miss, I won’t do anything you don’t want (I said with a laugh)

It's just that I’m your only option right now, the rain won't stop and from what I see no taxi will pass by.

Don’t mistrust me. Here, take my details so you can pass them to a friend and get in the car with confidence

Catalina- Alright, only because I live far away and in a remote area to be walking at these hours. Dark and dangerous streets are coming. This guy, whom I can't see very well, is the only one I can trust.

Catalina- I sent the details of this stranger to Lucia to feel more at ease.

Máximo- May I know what a girl like you is doing on the street at this hour?

Catalina- First, I am not a girl, well soon I won’t be anymore. In 2 weeks I turn 18, and secondly, I came in my car but it seems to have been towed.

I intended to return with my friend but she reconciled with her pathetic boyfriend and left me alone.

Sorry, sir, when I'm angry and especially nervous. I talk a lot and very fast

Catalina How embarrassing I practically told my entire life to this stranger whom I don't know if he will really take me home. All he does is look at me... Among the nerves and my anger, it didn’t cross my mind to look at him...

Máximo- Seems like you had a very bad day, anyways, the decision to walk back with all this happening, miss, was wrong.

Catalina- I didn’t plan any of this, and don’t call me miss, my name is Catalina. Catalina Santorini!

Máximo With character... how I love that....Catalina Santorini... Why does it sound familiar...

Máximo- Nice to meet you, Catalina, My name is Máximo, Máximo Morrone.

The journey went on in silence, me on my phone and she looking out the car window, there it is said Catalina.

Máximo- It would have been better if I kidnapped you, don’t you think?

Catalina- How funny, how much do I owe you, sir?

Máximo- What do you think I am, a taxi? Never mind...I'll collect the favor later, see you then, Ms. Santorini

Catalina- I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you! See you later.

Catalina Idiot, just what I needed to run into an egocentric man who also thinks I owe him something, he offered.

Catalina- I hope the car starts to get into her house, everyone was asleep luckily

I couldn't wait to arrive and take a hot shower, What a day!

Already in pajamas, I had to think about how I was going to tell my parents that I was traveling to the USA the day after tomorrow.

I finished my shower and fell asleep in less than a minute...

Episode 2

The next morning Lucia was worried and asked whose information I had given her and what she was doing with the beautiful Maximo.

I sent her a photo to let her know that I'm alive, and to thank her for asking.

Catalina📱 Friend, I'm fine. Last night, I parked my car three blocks away from the bar, and when I got there, the tow truck had taken my car. Luckily, it started pouring rain and the tow truck driver burst into tears, so I had no choice but to walk.

Lucia📱 Why didn't you call me, Catalina? It was very late. And I don't understand what does Maximo and his information have to do with all of this?

Catalina📱 Maximo approached me when he saw that I was alone and in dark streets, and he offered to give me a ride. Obviously, I said no, but he insisted and wanted to give me his information for my own peace of mind, so I sent it to you!

Lucia📱 What bad luck that that hunky guy took you home 🤤

Catalina📱 I don't know who he is, and I don't care.

With all this going on with your boyfriend and my car, I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow, I have to be in the United States. I got a job offer from Assos. I still haven't told my parents.

Lucia📱 WHAT? FRIEND, THAT'S AMAZING, but it's weird that they want you at 17 years old.

Catalina📱 That's what I thought. Well, I have to talk to my parents, friend. I'll call you later. Kisses, love you!

Lucia📱 Goodbye, love you more.

Maximo- Since I dropped Catalina off at her house, I can't stop thinking about her.

💭I need her with me, in my life.

I don't care that she's underage, I desire her so much.

Maximo - When I wake up, I have an email with Catalina's information.

I go down to the office and ask the employee to bring me a coffee and not to disturb me.

I open the file and start reading all about the girl who stole my attention.

Catalina Santorini, born in Colombia and raised in Italy, her father is involved in drug trafficking and her mother is a former Miss Universe. She stands out in her university with one of the best averages, has few friends, doesn't go to parties, and aspires to study abroad.... He was so intrigued to know more about Catalina when he heard the doorbell ring.


Marcos: I'm sorry, sir, your assistant called and said it was urgent.

Maximo - Fine, I'll contact her now.

Maximo 📱Hello? What's going on? Why is there such urgency if we're going to meet tomorrow!

📱I'm sorry, sir, my flight is tonight and I won't be able to be here tomorrow. I wanted to let you know that I've already found an assistant for you and she'll be waiting for you in your office first thing tomorrow.

Maximo 📱Alright, I hope she doesn't get in the way and knows how to do her job!

📱That's what I wanted to talk to you about and that's why it's urgent.

Your assistant is 17 years old, and before you say anything, she's very good at what she does. Trust me and I apologize again.

Maximo 📱How can a 17-year-old girl not get in the way? Is this a joke?

📱Trust me, sir, if anything comes up, just give me a call. Goodbye.

Maximo 💭 Just what I needed. I was interrupted when I was reading the information, and now they tell me that a girl is going to handle my schedule for a month.

Episode 3

Catalina - Underneath my room to my father's office, I finally gather the courage to tell him that I'm going to live in the United States. I hope they take it well and trust that everything will turn out fine.

Roman - Hello, daughter, how are you?

Catalina - Hello, father, I'm good... Have you seen mom?

Roman - She must be in the garden.

Catalina - Can you call her? I need to tell you something.

My mother arrives from the garden, indignant because she hates being bothered, especially when it involves me.

I ask them to sit down and listen to me.

Catalina - Recently, I sent a CV to a company in the United States without any expectations. Needless to say, I have always wanted to become independent at a young age. There are only two weeks left until I turn eighteen. And what I'm going to tell you is not a question, it's a decision.

Roman - Speak now, Catalina!

Catalina - Two days ago, I received a call from the company informing me that I got the job and they could resolve the age issue.

They believed in me for that position, I can't let them down, Father.

I'm going, I already have everything ready to leave for the airport tonight.

Roman - Aren't you going to say anything? He asks my mother.

Dora - I don't care about anything you do, Catalina. It's clear that you're not the kind of girl I've enjoyed having. I hope you don't come crying to ask for our help.

As always, she blames my father for being "stubborn, impulsive, and above all, defiant."

As if the decision I made was madness... Without congratulating me and especially without telling me she was proud of me, I achieved something on my own merit and without any man by my side.

My father speaks and, as always, he trusts me. But he conditions it by saying that if I get into trouble, he won't help me, that if I'm ready for such a decision, I'll be ready for that responsibility.

And if this entire circus doesn't work out, I'll come back, and he will find me a husband!

Catalina - I swear I will make you proud of me.

I turn around and embrace my father, my distant mother looks at me and leaves...

I go upstairs to get my suitcases and call a taxi. My flight departs in two hours.

Meanwhile, Maximo headed to the airport to board his private jet.

Upon arrival, he collides with Catalina, but luckily she doesn't stop or recognize him.

I stand there observing for a few seconds to confirm that it was indeed her and not a product of my imagination.

Maximo- What the hell is wrong with that girl. My plane was already leaving but I couldn't stop thinking about where she was going with so many suitcases, how could I not read more about her, who will she go with, for how long.

I call Marcos to ask him to find out where and for how long Catalina is going.

I board and my flight is eternal, I have to solve many company problems upon arrival.

Catalina - Caught up in my hurry not to miss the flight, I bumped into an idiot who didn't even apologize. But nothing will change my day, tomorrow will be a great day.

On the plane, I think 💭

And what if my boss is a dirty old man and bitter?

Oh, Catalina, don't think stupid thoughts, please, I tell myself and snap out of my bubble.

I dedicate myself to sleeping since I don't want to start my first day with dark circles.

My father gave me the keys to the apartment that my mother has in the United States and all I hope for is to lie down in a bed.

Tomorrow will be a great day!

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