NovelToon NovelToon

Chronicle Of Existence


Hello, this is Necro the author of The chronicle of Existence,

First and foremost I want you guys to know that I still don't have an image artist,

but  for you guys to have references,

I decided to put some images for you guys to at least imagine the situation

But again the image doesn't signify the Real one, though I choose an Image closer to the Image that I want

And again Idon't own the right, no infringement intended, the credit must belong to the owner of the image

I hope this novel gets successful and hope you guys like it, so enjoy

Element of reading:


"Character's Word"

(Authors Note)

A Grim Start

I'm Marc, and I lived an average life, I spend most of my time playing games,

Who Would be taught that an average guy like me would become a ...


"Hey Wake up already you punk! Are you going to school or not."


"Aaaaahhh!!!... Huh?...c'mon mom, can't you just call me first, and not throw some water, you're destroying my dream"

"Dream my ***, I just get your grades yesterday, and it's awful like your face, so get up from your damn bed and go to school and make sure you will learn something!"

Well this is my mom, even though she always scolds me a lot, deep inside her heart, she is sweet and caring

"Aww c'mon mom how can you send your handsome son to school during weekends"


"Huh? Ehh?... well...umm... just get out of bed dammit and do something productive you dumbass!"

"Ok, ok, ok... so stop throwing something that you get on your hands"

I get up and took a bath

looking in a mirror

"Hmm who's that handsome devil" XP

*evil laugh

and after that, I took some breakfast while looking at my phone,

but before even finishing my meal, I've seen the upcoming league of the Game I played. Aegis

"Mom, I need to go to the park right now we have training for the upcoming League"

"Finish up your meal first!"

"I will just eat it later"

"Hey Marc... be careful"


"yes mom"

So I took my motorcycle and headed to the Park, and when I arrive

"Hey! Marc why are you late we already plan this even a month before" -Joram

Joram our little monkey, but don't belittle his little height because his height is the inverse proportion of his Knowledge that is why we call him (SAGE) the tactician

"Ahh c'mon there is no need to rush, I can even win this game even having a blindfold"

"Shut the hell up you Swaggering bastard you're jeopardizing our whole team" -hanz

Hanz is the bulk version of me even though he has a handsome face and a big body,

His brain is so meh compared to mine, we always have a fight, but we know deep inside us that we considered each other as a brother

"Ohh c'mon how come I can forget this irritating voice of yours hanz it's like we haven't seen each other a day and your acting like you don't know me" *smug

"Eh!?? You badly want some beating?" -Hanz

"Ow! Have you forgotten that our standing in a fistfight is 0-8, that means you didn't win even once on me"

"Well, you both dumbass stop that, you must show that attitude of yours on your team you must show that on our enemy" -Joram

"well who the bastard is our opponent now"

"luck you, you have me on our team Even without you, I carry the

the whole team in the first bracket" -hanz

"Eh is that how you badly want to be beaten again?"

"I said Stop you both! Hey Marc look who we have here" -Joram

"Hmm, where? That ugly bastard that our next opponent?"


"Not that you dumbass, the one in the right corner of the stage who's buying an Ice cream" -Joram

and when I gaze on the right side of the corner I've seen a Beautiful Girl surrounded by a bunch of rotten flesh, I mean people

then my expression becomes serious

"I heard you guys just broke up recently, have you ever considered the year of the memories you guys spent together?"

I want to reply but, I just remain silent

then she gave a gaze at me but in a split second she looked away like she haven't seen me in the first place

"I'm the problem, I can't blame her"

"Well I don't want to butt on someone's relationship, but see that guy over there?"

"The captain of the opponent's Team?, I've heard his good"

"Well yes, and he's also hitting on Kate, but I'm sure you can break him if you just focused, well later on I'm still planning our tactics "

I was left standing in the same place looking at her from afar,

and then the opponent Team Captain goes to her,

then they talk, and when I am about to act, she gazes at me,

I badly want to go to her and make up with her, but a sudden rush of fans come to me wanting an autograph

then I lost my courage

"What a life, A Right person but at a Wrong Time"

Time Flies and the time four our tournament is already happening

MC: "ladies and gentlemen, now we are in another night of a new ERA to witness the birth of the new ALL-STAR PRO PLAYER that will fight in the AEGIS WORLD TOURNAMENT

there is no need for further ado lets please welcome the underdog [NEW ERA]"

crowds cheering

"and the last team the undefeatable unbreakable [Finnest Clasher]"

Crowds cheering

as the name of our team was called We step up the stairs, and were welcomed by the blinding light of the spotlight and the cheering of crowds

but everything feels so empty for me

we sit on our gaming chair

"hey are you okay?" joram asked

"well yeah kinda"

"I'm going to kill you if you fail" -Hanz

"Yes… Yes… Just shut up"

the game has started and we have the upper hand

the opponents' coaches are getting furious

this is a good sign for us

the time flies it is almost at the end just one push and the opponents will be defeated

but then a sudden gaze takes my attention

kate is watching me with a displeased look

and that slight mistake of mine was seen by the opponent's captain

and took that chance to do a counterattack

everything was moving slowly as if time slows

kate turns his back on me

I left my game and swiftly goes to her

but when I get off the stage I didn't see her

I tried looking for her, but all was for nothing

my phone rang as joram want to reach me

but I left it hanging

"It's all my fault, I'm so stupid, I lost my girl and even lost my Game

If I could just reset my life and start again I would not make another mistake again"

I'm depressed I don't have any courage to face my friends again

now I just want to sleep

so I took my motorcycle and went home

but on my way home, A blinding light blinded my eye, A bus suddenly Overtake the lane I take, and after that, I don't know what happened

Am I dead? I feel nothing, I can't feel my hand, body, and feet, I see nothing, It's dark..., But there's only certain that I know..., My consciousness is still Intact... Is this the end?


A New Beginning

{ Syncronazation Complete }

"Sync~ what?"

{ What is Your Name? }



(Visions slowly Coming Back) (Sees a fuzzy image of like a person)


Am I in the hospital right now? Thank God I'm still alive

{vision fully restored}

"Visions What?... ehh...uhh...huh..."


The questions I want to ask were gone before the being in front of me,

a huge Eye was looking at me from a huge Glass that I'm in,

then it steps back, and as soon as it steps back I can describe it as...

If I based it on the game I played, It looks like a Giant Ghoul with a moving decayed tentacle beard

as I looked around, I've seen 4 Orbs with an orb inside it (wisp) well including me its a total of 5 floating Sealed Orbs,

I can tell based on my gaming experience

"So I died and reincarnated as an Orb? I mean Wisp?"

Then the dreadful ghoul with a staff suddenly points his staff at me

Then his eyes glow

just a second and there's something I feel, like a needle piercing through my body and then the pain excessively growing it's like a thousand needles are piercing through my body

I want to scream out of pain but I can't (ofc wisp don't have a mouth)

I don't know how many days have passed but as soon as I'm dried up the other 4 wisps put up a link on me

the feeling of it like like sulking myself in a hot bath, it replenishes my strength

but as soon as I get better the warlock (ghoul wizard) uses its spell again

and the torture continues

I almost lost my sanity

I don't know how much time has passed it might be a month or a year. and my body slowly get used to the pain

I even forgot how I came to this hellish place, all I want is to escape this place

Even though I hate to admit it, I wake up to this reality, I'm not in the same place where I came from, this is not earth anymore

every time I woke up all I can see is this warlock's face looking at me, with his sidekick checking if I'm still alive,

I Don't want to die, But sometimes I wish, I was never born at all.

time and time have passes


one day I woke up, and when I opened my eyes there is a fight that's happening between Shadow people and the Ghouls

I still haven't replenished my strength my vision is fuzzy, and the wisp is still giving me strength,

while the other Shadow people buying some time, one shadow guy came,

with the help of the other shadow wizard magic

the seal was broken then it took me in its arms and run,

Inside the place is like a maze the shadow guy was getting hurt by a trap,

no, it's not a shadow it is a living being because it bleeds, blood came out from its mouth and dripped on me that's why even it is fuzzy I can tell,

but there is a mark that glowing on its face, I'm sure to remember that

later on time, I have seen the thing I'm praying for

I've seen light from the sky, it is much more beautiful than the Earth that I came from,

3 big moons can be seen even from here, and the other one is much bigger than the earth I think.

the ground is umm unpleasant everything is in discord

the only thing left is the remnant of the huge battle  between the  shadow people and the ghouls

the dessert and even the far small river flowing through it are got stained

As I've been Stunned by the scene that I've witnessed

the shadow man who carried me put me down

then it speak some language I didn't know

I can't see its full face because of the hood that covers it but the last thing I saw was its smile, then it stood up and look back

My guess is like the other shadow people were defeated, the rumbling of the ground that I feel like ghouls are chasing us

{New quest: Escape

*Objective: Escape the Corrupt

*Must go far away from the tomb

*Reward: bonus exp 500

*+5 to all stat

*Failure: Death }

"hey who are you, where are you?... you're the one who put me in here are you? wait I think I kinda know something like this from the Game I used to play, Am I in a game?, **** I couldn't even think properly"

the noice is getting louder, that's why I run away (floating, don't have feet :> )

even though I want to help the shadow guy there is nothing I can do, I don't know why but he/she saved me, and I don't want to waste his/her effort

"I'm sorry if I just have some ABILITY to help!"


{System Opened:}

{Analyzing Update}

Status Window:

Name: __________ (Marc)

Lvl: 1

HP: 50/10000

MP: 195/10000

SP: 20/10000

Races: (Wisp)


Strength: 0

Intelligence: 200

Endurance: 95

Agility: 150

Speed (150mph)

VisionRange (100km)

Armor (4)

Attack Range (10m)


magic bullet (1)

InterLink (max)




Passive Skill:

Pain tolerance (12)

Magic Resistance (25)

Physical Resistance (18)

Spell Immunity





"whoah! huh! what? am I really in a game? well it is not the right time to question everything for now"

so I turn back hoping that even a little I can help the shadow guy

"umm maybe this is the thing that I'm thinking of InterLink"

{Error: Target must in a 50m reach}

"really in a time like this?"

so I flew back to the shadow guy

"Now InterLink"

then suddenly a ray of a mana-like stretch attach to the shadow guy and it also pulled me closer to my target.

the shadow guy looked towards me and then,

a horde of ghoul jump toward him

(like a herd of zombies in an action movie)

"Woah!! **** damn,"

Without thinking I scream out of my lungs (even though wisp don't have lungs)


then I got teleported from my point to the far side of the river (24km) I saw lately, even from afar I can still clearly see the ghouls looking for me and the shadow guy is...


I want to vomit even though I don't have a mouth


"I'm sorry"

*echoing growl


from the tomb the warlock goes out then waves his staff and chants some spells then the sky began to accumulate a cloud then it turns in to red,

when the warlock stamps his Staff red clouds fell from the sky where the staff is and it explodes all over the wide area

as soon as the cloud hits me

the warlock gaze on me


"Ohh God, fucked me"

now I flew following the water stream

but before I got too far I look back again just to check, as I hate to admit that it is only a hand left in him, poor guy

"Again I'm sorry, and thank you"

"ɖǟɢǟռ ɮʊǟռɢ" -warlock

"Tf are you saying, stop following me, I will never go back to that place again" T_T

I just flew and flew following the river hoping that there is someone that will help me,

and when I look back the ghouls are chasing me.

Its already night it is dark but exceptionally I can even see in the dark

yet the ghoul is persistent it's still chasing me and it is getting much closer

time has passed

its already day even though the sun cannot be seen because only a planet and a moon can be seen from the sky,

I'm still following the river but there is no sign of a living being that I encountered so far except for the shadow people

as I look back The ghoul is still chasing

"what the heck I thought the ghoul will burn in the light, Damn it! so not all of my gaming knowledge is appliable here

Tsk... there's no need to get frustrated

This is the reality now, I need to adapt and try to survive,

well, I don't have any other option,

but Fcuk this System I'm already Far From the tomb why is my mission didn't get finished

Open Quest "

{ quest: Escape }

*Objective: Escape the Corrupt

*Must go far away from the tomb

*Reward: bonus exp 500

*+5 to all stat

*Failure: Death

"Oww So it means I need to get rid of this chasing ghouls first,

but how can I faze it off when it knows where I'm going?

I'm already feeling tired.

Open Status"

{System Opened:}

{Analyzing Update}

Status Window:

Name: __________ (Marc)

Lvl: 1

HP: 50/5000

MP: 10/10000

SP: 3/500

Races: (Wisp)


Strength: 0

Intelligence: 200

Endurance: 95

Agility: 150

Speed (100mph)

VisionRange (100km)

Armor (4)

Attack Range (10m)


magic bullet





Passive Skill:

Pain tolerance

Magic Resistance

Physical Resistance

Spell Immunity





Blood Clouded

"Damn I'm already at my limit,

Huh? Track and blood clouded?

Analyze Blood Cloud"

{ Analyzing: Blood Cloud }

{Result: Reveal and Gain True Sight Of A target Location (caster only), Duration will matter on the casters Ability (Int)

also Prevented the target from regenerating or healing and remove all positive buff



DISPELLABLE: Advance Dispell }

"Fck, How stupid of me that I can't even notice that small thing

now I need to find a dispel

so that's why even though there so much time has passed my

strength isn't coming back

but first and foremost I need to find a solution to this wicked cursed

wait if I can analyze that thing It might be also used for my Skill

let's have given it a go

Analyze magic bullet

Analyze InterLink

Analyze Blink

Analyze Synthesized "

{ Analyzing: Magic Bullet }

{Result: Shoot a homing mana-condensed projectile to a designated target



DISPELLABLE: Basic Dispel }

{ Analyzing: InterLink }

*{Result: **Put a mana link to a Single-target, and the target gains the bonus effect of the following: Health Regen, Mana Regen, Stamina Regen, and all the buff that the user has (debuff doesn't apply)*



{ Analyzing: Blink }

{Result: Short distance teleportation, where the user look distance may vary on the user's ability (int x agi)

Dispel Type: Basic Dispel}

{ Analyzing: Synthesized }

{Analyze: Failed}


{Analyze: Failed}


{Analyze: Failed}

{Creating Alternative}

{Result found}

{ Analyze: Blend }

{Result: Skill use to change one itself to the desired target, the target must be life supportive duration vary on the user's ability (int)

DISPEL TYPE: Advanced Dispel



"What was that an error?

well never mind for now I have a way to faze these ugly bastards off,

now I just need to find a suitable target in this vast desert ...

fuuck how can I find a life-supportive thing in this vast dead desert?

wait what is that?"

20km away I've seen a canyon and the water seems from there.

"This is my last hope, if I can't get help from there my Stamina will be depleted and I'm going to be the food of these ghouls again,"

Praying for my last hope, I used all of my stamina to fly toward the canyon ASAP,

and when I got there

"God... is this how badly you want me to die?"

inside the canyon is just a Wide desert area, a spring, and a dead sapling beside it. there is no way out because of the Tall mountain surrounding it.

it might also look like a creater form,  from up above


"well what a joke life is this, after all, I have been through "

I look back and see the ghoul is approximately 20km away from the canyon


"maybe this is my punishment, live a happy life huh?

then what after all everything I'm just gonna die

aren't all life going to die huh?"


"Wait it doesn't say it is necessary to have life, it only stated that it must be life supportive "

then I go near the Sapling

"your my only hope, pls work for me, will you?

Come on luck be with me this time

Skill: Synthesize"

my body suddenly glows bright and I feel being sucked inside the sapling

and after that, again

I see nothing.

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