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My Villainess Cherie


Reviewing the paper I had been writing for hours, I tear it into pieces
I have so many loans to pay off that the writing contest seemed like the only way out...
but how am I to win the prize if I can't even write a single sentence?!
Jacques Hunton
Jacques Hunton
fuçk it!
I collect the torn pieces of the paper and toss them at the trash bin
i have enough time to complete it, but I am lacking in ideas...
and that is already a bummer
sighing heavily, I decide to have some break...
and as I scan the floor occupied with bits of paper, I bend down and pick one up...
Jacques Hunton
Jacques Hunton
"The Love Abyss"
I laugh at myself
but despite that, I start to reread the "novel" that I created
if you sum up that story, it is actually about my school life
Jacques Hunton
Jacques Hunton
the nerd who only has one friend
Jacques Hunton
Jacques Hunton
and the girl he has had a crush on for 6 years
but there are a few differences, as well...
I added some handsomeness and charisma to myself
in addition, I majored in psychology in college
Jacques Hunton
Jacques Hunton
and an intern
it involves some crappy romance and some mystery
oh...and I forgot to mention one thing there...
in the story, I am a mind-reader, as well
laughing to myself again at such a banal plot, I throw it to the trash bin...
but then I feel the wind pulling at my clothes...
and I turn to close the window
only to see that the window was closed while the magic wind was sucking me somewhere...
and after a few seconds of wondering, the wind becomes much stronger and I somehow end up in my own novel

Extract information

I finally opened my eyes but the white lights blinded them
I needed time to adjust to it
After a few seconds of blinking, I could finally see normally again
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
I told you not to stay up until the small hours
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
But, of course, Hugo Chavez wouldn't listen to me
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
you have even forgotten your name for God's sake!
what the hell is he talking about?
isn't Hugo Chavez my male lead's name?
I looked down at my hands only to find them more masculine...and veiny
my eyes and my brain couldn't process what was happening as I looked at "my" hands in shock
then...finally finding the mirror, I saw the reflection of me, but it wasn't me
I somehow got sucked up by the wind and now I am stuck in MY incomplete NOVEL?!
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
the whole crowd:😶
The whole crowd gaped at me as I screamed my lungs out
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
*covered Hugo's mouth with his hand
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
shut up for God's sake
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
can't you see we are practicing?
What practicing?
Then I finally recognized my surroundings and realized I was actually going to practice my skills in the hospital
In the first chapter, the real Hugo had to extract information from the villainess...
The villainess murdered her father, and he had to know why she did it the story, he failed at the attempt
but it is not Hugo is the other Hugo
the better Hugo
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
Calmed down finally?
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
How many of us have gone there?
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
To the murderer's room?
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
and none of them succeeded
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
Don't crack up your nerves trying to succeed
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
I don't think anyone can do it
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
I can do it
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
just wait and see


Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
he shrugged it off like I was the usual Hugo
Well...I did make the male lead behave like me
I looked at the room through the mirror where the third student tried to glean something from the woman
we, students, could see and hear what was happening but they couldn't
and as I listened carefully...I noticed that the woman didn't mutter a word
Well...she is indeed a difficult case
but I didn't want to give up
I didn't want to
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Emilia Clarke (fl)
what do you think, Hugo?
I got startled by the sudden voice and she giggled at me
but when I saw heart stopped beating and my eyes went wide
she is my crush...
and she...she talked to me right now!
this definitely cheered me up and my lips formed a vivid smile
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
She is talking to me right now, and I can't stop looking at her eyes and her petite figure
she is so beautiful and small
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Emilia Clarke (fl)
what do you think is the reason behind the murder of her own father?
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Could it be that he abused her?
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Emilia Clarke (fl)
Or they just had a serious argument and she just...killed him?
Oh... I realized I had to focus on the murderer
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
don't know
Hugo Chavez (ml)
Hugo Chavez (ml)
we still have a lot to figure out
my crush nodded and walked away
does she even see me as someone?
Shaking my head, I turned my eyes on the woman
by her body language, I could guess that she is bored and disinterested
she doesn't even make eye contact with the students
the students' talk is actually irritating her
it went on and on...
everyone went in and out
all of them failing
but through a few students, I could discern a few things about her
she is hungry (the whole time she was looking at the candy the student was holding in her hand)
she hates talkative people (she was rubbing her temples when the talkative boy started blabbering nonsense)
I had been assuming how I should approach her when suddenly it became my turn
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
*patted him on the back
Fernando Torres (ml
Fernando Torres (ml's friend)
you know it's your turn, right?
I nodded
of course I did
I am the last student who didn't enter and now I will see my value
I opened the door quietly and sat myself in front of the killer
and seeing her...
I had to admit that she looked too good to have killed someone

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