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P.O.W.E.R Level

shop raider

"Rrrrrinnnng! " Went his alarm clock. It was 9:00am. He got up, stretched a little and went to his mirror.

"Hair, black. Eyes, Cyan. Name, Cyan Zugo," he said to himself. It was part of his daily self check routine, as he was named after the color of his eyes. He got ready for the day and went downstairs for breakfast, but he realized he was out of ingredients. "Today's a discount Saturday," he thought, and prepared himself to go shopping.

On his way out, he saw a nine-year-old training her power control. She had arrow powers, summoned a barrage of them and launched them at a target. For a nine-year-old, she had incredible aim. All arrows hit the target except one that soared over the target and narrowly missed a bunny; which froze still, as the girl ran over to check on it.

Everyone had powers, called Radiants. It all started when an asteroid with a multicolored radiation crashed on earth. As a bonus, it could increase the abilities of a person. It was gaseous and swiftly went around the world in the span of three months. Using your radiant wrongly triggered a reverse reaction making your radiant and its energy, rendering you of the impure (imp for short).

However, where there are villains, there must be heroes. Coming from all around the world, 12 stand to be the best. Generally known as the 12 Storeys, they are:

12.Winstance; who has the power of barrier manipulation

Season; who can control the temperature

10.CamRaia; who can turn invisible and make things invisible

9.Triech: Who can clone himself and clone anything

Upraise, who can control gravity

7.NRG; who can manipulate every form of energy

6.Taurina; who possesses the abilities of a Minotaur and can turn into one

5.Taiko; who can manipulate cutlery and food

4.Auto; being 1/4 robot because his radiant, can turn into any vehicle

3.Artier; who can draw anything into reality

Timerack; who can manipulate time itself

1.Miroar; who can copy any radiant

Cyan's dream was to be one of them. Not necessarily the number one, but part of the storeys was good enough.

      When he arrived at the store, he was all washed up about what to have for breakfast. "Eggs for breakfast, Bread for an omelette-" only to be interrupted by the realization of an Imp. There were hostages, one of which was Cyan's friend, Hoka, Miroar's son, signalling to Cyan. With his radiant being Portals, he opened a barely visible portal behind Cyan and spoke,

"The imp's got a poison radiant. With this many people, I would have wanted to attack the imp with everyone, but it's risky. We've got one casualty already. Here's the plan, though: distract the imp, I'll get everyone out of here, then I'll come to support you, "then he closed the portal. Giving Cyan a thumbs up, Hoka left Cyan knowing what was left of the matter.

He tapped into his kaiku, the energy that powered radiants, to wake his radiant up making water swirl off his palms.

 "Wait, wait, wait! He's going to use water? Don't you have something less calm or weak?" a hostage snapped.

 "Judge me when you can save yourself from stuff like this," Cyan replied, smirking at the hostage, who began to grumble at that response.

  "ENOUGH!" bellowed the ironically patient imp.

 "I'm not going to have you do the cringy exposition of your plan, so let's cut to the part where you attack," Cyan said.

 The imp, taking the offer, prepared his attack. "Try your survival.ႼიIႽიႶ ႼႮႶIႽႹ!" he called, unleashing a rain of poison darts in Cyan's direction.

"🇼 🇦 🇻 🇪 🇼 🇦 🇱 🇱 ! " Cyan yelled, forming a dense wave in front of him. His radiant was elemental. Amongst all his elements, only water, magic, nature and light could heal, yet at the time he had only mastered water and magic. Water, to heal injuries, nature for illnesses, light could heal deformities, and magic could purify someone (de-imp). His kaiku was up to 60 kilowatts. kaiku was mainly measured in watts. Being somehow like an MP in a game, one's kaiku varied based on three criteria; The radiant, how it works, and how often its user trained it. Cyan trained a lot as a kid, so he had 60kw of kaiku.

Upon kaiku being used, the user's brain sends a signal of how lucky kaiku is left. The wave wall cost 5.5kw and took 200w per minute , leaving him with 54.7kw left.

Cyan's initial idea was to go magic mode to make a healing hormone and de-imp the imp, and it would have taken 15kw. In all Cyan's thinking, the imp saw an opportunity, summoned a poison blade and charged at Cyan, who dodged a little late and got cut on his arm. He winced in pain as the poison crawled up his veins


The poison crawling up Cyan's veins caused him pain. He took down the wave wall and took some of its water.

"🇭 🇾 🇩 🇷 🇴 🇭 🇪 🇦 🇱, " He said, and the little water he took rolled onto his injury, and started drawing out the poison before closing the wound. He stood up, and got alerted that he had used 150w on the hydro heal. With only one option left, he raised his hand.

 "🇸 🇪 🇦 🇸 🇹 🇦 🇫 🇫, " He called, and water spun around in the air to form a slightly thin bamboo staff, which cost 15kw, leaving him with 25kw. He dashed at the imp. Using a move he called

🇧 🇷 🇴 🇴 🇰 🇧 🇱 🇦 🇩 🇪 , and the cool temperature of the store combined with his ability to slowly but surely freeze water, he went into a close fight with the imp. As he used his staff, with water gushing out of both its ends as liquid blades, he was also freezing the water to form solid blades.

Hoka, seeing this, understood what to do. He opened a portal to the alley by the store, and made sure the imp wasn't looking.

 "Everyone, out! "he said quietly but still loud enough to be heard well. The people began to flood out. Just as the last few were to pass, the imp noticed and shot a poisoned dart at them. Cyan quickly maneuvered and used the staff to block. " Focus on me! " He said, and lunged back at the Imp, who tried to stab him. Using his staff as an axis, he balanced himself, spinning to Dodge, then kick the imp in the face. The imp stumbled back as Cyan prepared to slash again, yet he managed to balance himself, block Cyan , making a piece of ice from the blade break off. The other blade got stuck in the floor so Cyan fell, and the imp raised his blade. "You really pit up a fight! " He said and stabbed.

Just in time, however, a portal intercepted the imp's blade and closed while it was still halfway in, so the blade snapped. Hoka entered from another portal with a determined look on his face. "Focus on me now,"

 "So you're a fighter too?" the imp asked. "Nope, buying time, " Cyan said, and charged at the distracted imp. He swiped the imp off his feet and used that piece of ice that broke off the Brook blade to cut open a wound on the imp's arm, then went magic mode.

 His hair and eyes turned orange just as they turned blue with water mode. Cyan had 16kw remaining, but there was only one thing left to do. "hׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ݊ɑׁׅᥣׁׅ֪tׁׅhׁׅ֮ hׁׁׁׅׅׅ֮֮֮ᨵׁׅׅꭈׁׅꩇׁׅ֪݊ᨵׁׅׅ݊ꪀꫀׁׅܻ݊, " he said, and ran around the imp to cloud him in the orange must that began to flow from his palms. He had to hurry, though, he had 1kw left, and whenever he dropped to 0w, he couldn't move. His movements felt stiffened as he ran around the imp once more, by then the hormone had seeped through his nose and injury. It had a weakening effect which rendered him unconscious, to be unconscious for a few minutes.

He went out of magic mode as he fell to the floor, unable to move. He caught his breath and looked at the imp. Scanning his energy, Cyan discovered the imp was about his age, mainly because of his total of 57kw of kaiku, which he had used to 21kw left, not necessarily the lowest for a 15 year old, but it was below average. Hoka used a portal to get him away from the healing imp. With that, he held up a sparkly azure colored candy and dropped it in Cyan's mouth. It was cold and tasted like a tropical mint.

"Where'd you get that from? " Cyan asked. "As part of my dad's genes," "he said, helping Cyan up. "My portals take kaiku scans and copy them. When kaiku gets frozen, considering the portal realm's cold temperature, it gains a taste, based on its radiant and other factors.

Cyan suddenly felt a rush of energy course through his body. " Nice, it refilled half of my kaiku!" Cyan said, then a cough cut through his speech. It was the imp, only not an imp anymore. it was a boy with black, slightly spiky hair and green eyes. "Are you okay?" Cyan asked. The boy nod his head. "What's your name?" Hoka asked. "Kaito," he said. "You were an imp. Any memories of how you became one?" Kaito thought in silence for a moment, then buried his face in his hands. "My grandpa. He wants me to be a hero, but my parents are on set on me becoming a zoologist like them. I walked away from him one day, and with him following me at that age, he tripped, fell....''" he began to hyperventilate as unshed tears blurred his vision. "Cut a long story short, he's in the hospital right now ... I couldn't keep my emotions in check and then..." his voice trailed off. After a few seconds of silence, Cyan asked, "He's not dead, is he? "


" Then use that as a little relief, and grant him his wish," Cyan said. "You do want to be a hero, right? " Hoka asked. Kaito hesitated. "To be honest, yes," he managed. "Then go tell your grandpa," Cyan said. "Then I'll be letting my parents down," Kaito said. "You can't impress everyone. Besides, it's your life, made up with your choices," Cyan said. Kaito thought of it. "I guess you're right, I'll let them know. Thanks for de-imping me, see you around!" he said, leaving the store.

Hoka and Cyan also left, to see most of the hostages had gone. It turned out that one of them had called the police. Cyan and Hola explained in full detail what happened.

"You two do know it's not allowed for non-lisenced people to take such action, right? " The officer asked. Hoka and Cyan exchanged glances. "Yup, it's risky. You could've gotten hurt,"

"But we saved some people, didn't we? " Hoka asked. "Of course, but I'm going to have call your mentors," the officer replied. "Mentors?" Cyan echoed. "Well, yeah. Aren't you in one of those hero schools?" He asked. "Uh... No, " Cyan answered. "Well in that case, you'll have to come with me," the officer said calmly, and with a calm smile, he opened the door of his car. Cyan and Hoka got in. "Are we getting arrested?" Hoka asked. "Not at all," the officer said. Hoka was a bit worried about what might happen to them. He then looked at Cyan in surprise. "All you're thinking about is food while we're being taken somewhere?!" He asked. "Where did you even get that?!" Cyan was having cookies and a bottle of milk.

"The only reason I left home was to get food to eat," he said, munching happily on a cookie. "You paid for that?" Hoka asked. "Yea, I left a note for the store owner. He'll know what to do," Cyan said. "Oh, this is excellent. Want some? " Hoka palmed his forehead. "What could be worse at this point?" he muttered. Then he saw it: 𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗟𝗘-𝗕𝗠𝗔, the prison for the worst of imps that were so impure they were considered to be Elite Imps, meaning they couldn't be de-imped, so their radiants had to be taken away or death to the imp.

"W-why are we here?" Hoka asked. The officer's expression became grim. "To learn, " He said, escorting them out of the car. As they walked to the gigantic prison block, Cyan and Hoka sensed something; the kaiku flow of someone else. "That kaiku's up to 2 terawatts. Isn't it only the Storeys and like three other heroes whose kaiku flows reach that level?" Hoka asked. Cyan nodded

"We can't see who it is. This cop probably doesn't even have a kaiku flow let alone a radiant, I don't sense anything from him. Let's add things up. An unseen person, 2 whole terawatts of kaiku-" he got cut off by the sensation of 1.4tw of kaiku. "There are two storeys here, and CamRaia is one of them. She's only invisible," Cyan whispered.

They halted instantly. "What's going on here?" Hoka asked. The officer suspiciously looked familiar. While Hoka glared at the officer out of suspicion, Cyan noticed that the prison looked a lot grimmer than usual. Even the sky looked a lighter shade of blue until it started covering the prison.

"Cyan, why are you there?" Hoka asked.

"This is bogus, Hoka, bogus! Kaiku flow of Storeys?! What, are they paying a visit to the imps they beat up? Even if they actually were, guards would be outside warding off reporters. And what the heck is up with the two different shades of the damn sky??!" Cyan sparked. Hoka looked at the stuff I pointed out. "What even is this madness?!" he growled. The cop struggled to watch them react like cavemen in the future with a straight face. "I'm trying so hard not to laugh..." he thought to himself. Then it struck Cyan. CamRaia couldn't have been the only Storey there. He looked at the sky again as it looked like a part of it was added there.


Cyan whispered to Hoka a plan. Since the cop had an idea they knew about the two hidden people, they could both get CamRaia and the other person - Winstance - exposed. With that done the cop would have had to explain himself.

"Okay guys, it's time to get in there," he said.

"Race you there," Cyan winked at Hoka, and bolted off.

"No, I'm getting there first!" Hoka responded, opening a portal below Cyan, who summoned the sea staff and threw it before falling into the portal. While it flew, water spurred from its front end. Hoka closed the portal Cyan fell in.

"H-hey! What did you just do?!" the officer asked in shock.

"Nothing serious, just dropped him in a -25° portal realm," Hoka smiled, and ran for the building.

"Hey! Get him out now!" the cop said, inevitably chasing after Hoka.

On Cyan's end, the portal realm was cool in two ways. It was actually very cool, cold even, and the other cool was that it almost look like he was in space, only without the multicolored nebulae. It was just innate darkness with what seemed to be stars scattered all around. Either way, he got straight to the main course of the plan. He was already in water mode and made water swirl around him like a bubble. As the water swirled around him ,it froze, so he had to be fast. The speed at which he fell into the portal increased while in the portal realm, so he was going faster in the endless space in wait for Hoka to get him out.

While Hoka ran from the officer, he made portals in front of the soaring sea staff, to both increase its speed and make it sharp like a spear. When the sea staff reached the "building", it sort of pierced reality as if it broke glass, as the image of the building began to disappear. It was a barrier of Winstance, who saw the breach and hardened the place, so the staff only cracked that side. "They had a plan all along…" she sighed, attempting to fix the crack.

Then she realized the cracks weren't closing. The ice had seeped into the cracks keeping them open. While falling into the portal realm, Cyan notices his kaiku forming into a candy and tossed it at Hoka before the portal closed. Hoka ate it, giving him Cyan's radiant temporarily, barely able to control ice. While still running from the officer, he used the ice that infiltrated the cracks to freeze her hands to the barrier. "What the - These kids! My hands are stuck! If this keeps up, I'll run out of kaiku!" she thought to herself. Well known to most people, if not everyone, her barriers get weaker with less kaiku, and if she was going to conserve it, the barriers would just be weaker. The main plan was to drain Winstance first in order to expose her! "They're actually doing well! " She thought, still modifying the barrier. She made a few poles from the barrier with squares to act as makeshift saws to grind the ice off. Little did she know, the ice was reinforced and she was inevitably wasting more kaiku, perfect for the plan.

At that point the barriers could only handle an impact of 35kmph. It was perfect as the final part of the plan was to be executed. The cop was right behind Hoka. Another part of the plan was to reveal the cop's identity. If he was a cop, he'd have forced them in the prison a while ago. With the possibility he wasn't a cop, he would be able to Dodge the final phase of the plan. Hoka finally opened the portal Cyan fell into. He was out of the portal with a whopping speed of 57kmph!

"Oh no!" CamRaia exclaimed internally, subconsciously becoming visible. Hoka, without any hesitation jumped on the ice sphere Cyan was in, accurately clinging to it from behind. They were closing in on the barrier. "WE GOT THEM NO-"






They smashed the barrier. The sea staff pulsed more ice through the cracks, deconstructing the whole barrier. The impact force sent Winstance and CamRaia away. The cop was nowhere to be seen.

The silence was deafening. Hoka and Cyan were sprawled on the floor. Cyan was dazed for a few seconds before regaining his vision. Looking all around, there was only a random-looking building behind them, not the prison, with barrier and ice shards on the floor. Then he remembered what happened. It occurred to him, they really didn't have a reason for smashing through the barrier after cracking it at first. CamRaia reappeared, trying to catch her breath from laughing. She had sleek black hair, lavender eyes, with her suit looking like something that came off a sci-fi movie, a gray onesie-ish suit with motherboard chip lines riddled all over it, glowing light blue a little. She stopped laughing and sighed.

I didn't really want to post it online, but whatever you guys did is so going viral," she said. Hoka, Cyan and Winstance got up slowly. Winstance had a puffed up, spiky ponytail. Her hair was red and her eyes were brown. She looked at Cyan and Hoka with such rage, they almost got intimidated. "WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU GUYS THINKING?! APART FROM IT BEING INCREDIBLY STUPID, IT WAS DEADLY! I'M A PRO HERO, BUT I'M STILL A HUMAN BEING!" She kept on lamenting. I couldn't listen because there was absolutely no reason for her to be complaining about getting hurt. It was like an Armor, made with white, small but visible, hexagonal plates. Eventually she stopped sparking.

"I don't think it's their fault," CamRaia said.

"It's yours. Your barrier was a total failure," she smirked.

"Let's not go there! Your highly detectable kaiku gave us off!" Winstance protested.

"Your inability to do something without issues is mesmerizing. You had one job, Winstance," CamRaia taunted.

Winstance hesitated.

"W-well I'm the twelfth storey," She said, as she always did in a fight to boost confidence.

"And I'm the tenth. I overpowered you to get to this rank," CamRaia bragged with a smirk. Then, an ice shard shot I between them. "I don't think storeys should argue about such petty matters," Hoka said, speaking like his dad. "Right, Cyan?" He asked. Cyan was I his own world, gobbling up the rest of his milk and cookies. He couldn't let go of the thing that took him out of his house. He gulped down the milk and focused.

"Right! Wait... what was the question?" he asked

"And that is the first, and will be the last time I wear this wig," The cop said, tossing away a wig. His silver-like hair had been smothered down by the wig, but with a quick "poof! " His hair went back to what seemed to be its original spiky state, making it easier to recognize.

"NRG?" Cyan asked in awe. NRG was personally Cyan's favorite storey. He couldn't believe it. NRG's fierce looking eyes were golden (not yellow) because of his radiant. His suit was a long cloak-like jacket, with two charger plugs coming it from the back.

"Yeah, the one and only. Anyway, time to explain," He said.

"You guys passed the test!" He smiled

"Test??" Cyan and Hoka echoed.

"Yes. All you two went through from the store was all a test! I recorded everything!" CamRaia said.

"Kaito wasn't an imp?" Cyan asked. "No, he was wearing a suit to be deactivated by your kaiku," Winstance explained.

"How'd you know about that before even meeting him?" Hoka asked. "Your parents sent a kaiku sample from each of you last year. We spent our time analyzing them to give us a rough sketch of your capabilities," NRG said

"Yea, your parents should have told you," CamRaia said.

"I live with my uncle. I lost my parents when I was two. The Karonoph rampage," Cyan said. NRG spaced out a little as if a bad memory flashed by him.

 "For someone who lost his people at such a horrid time, he seems okay," Winstance thought.

"A-anyway, you passed the test," CamRaia broke the silence, seeking to change the subject.

"Test for what, though?" Hoka asked.

"Entry into P. O. W. E. R. Level," She answered. At first, Cyan and Hoka were trying to process it. "Wait for it..." NRG whispered to Winstance. Cyan and Hoka looked at each other and beamed.

"NO WAY!" they jumped.

"Yes way. You're in," CamRaia assured. The two jumped around like scatter brains. It was a dream come true for them.

"How do you guys feel?" Winstance asked. Cyan and Hoka were so happy they resorted to gibberish for a few seconds. They calmed down soon, still excited internally. "Okay. I'll take them to the waiting room. We've still got more to come," NRG said.

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