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THe UNtold STory OF THe DArklord.


He who must not be named
Dark Lord
Heir of Slytherin
Lastly, Voldemort
We all know him. Right?
As the great Villain who lead the both Wizarding War 1 & 2. That noseless demon who killed millions of muggles in secret,even the ministry of magic is scared of this monster.
And the motto he follows is also quite dangerous:
There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it.
All he knows is how to hate.
But love the emotion that is even powerful than the killing curse Avada Kedavra.
Now why am I mentioning it?
Because this hateful person who have hated everyone was also in Love.
He was in love with his beloved flower that he considered most beautiful in the world.
Once many years ago
that we don't know
so to make you all aware of this Love story better than Romeo and Juliet.
I, your author is presenting the story...
Drum rolling
THe UNtold STory OF THE DArk LOrd.

Epi 1 Sorting Ceremony

Author's pov
Sounds of various gossips and sour talks are flying in the air with the candles.
This is the hall of Hogwarts where sorting is done based on students traits.
a dim and dark voice pierced through the dense clouds of talks across the hall.
Welcome to Hogwarts...
Again the voice says and then proceeds to introduce himself.
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
I, The current Headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Dippet welcome you to the Hogwarts school of wizardry and witchcraft.
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Today you...we all here to welcome a new generation of Witches and Wizards. Who I believe will make this magical world a better place in future.
He coughs a bit.
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
I hope professor Dumbledore has already explained you all about today's sorting ceremony. You all will be sorted into the four houses....
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
and Slytherin
Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet
based on your personality traits. Now, I request professor Dumbledore to come up on the stage and call the students one by one and then the sorting hat will do the main work. Therefore, I end my speech here. Have a good day.
Ending his speech he came down from the platform and sat on his chair....followed by Dumbledore coming up on the stage and calling for the first name...
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Tom Marvolo Riddle....
As he pronounced the name a boy with curly bangs having a purple and dense aura surrounding him... came up on the stage....
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
He sit on the chair Tom..
Dumbledore said with a genuine smile as this boy was the same whom he bought from Orphanage because of his powerful magical abilities...
Slightly bowing towards Dumbledore Tom went and sit on the chair...
Just as Dumbledore put the Sorting hat on his head it screamed....
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
Everyone was amazed seeing this quick judgement usually it takes about 2 to 3 minutes to judge correctly where should the student be put.
Smilingly Dumbledore took the Hat and gestured him to sit on Slytherin table...where everyone was terrified to see him.
Time went by Dumbledore went calling other students and finally came the famous hatstall of the history a hatstall that lasted for a very long time...
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Minerva McGonagall
A young girl with a fierce aura yet calm went up on the stage....
Dumbledore kept the hat and it spoke up...
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
A fierce yet calm apperance , both intelligent and brave...
and this debate continued for about 5½ minutes
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
Thus the future Headmistress and head of Gryffindor was chosen
Again the ceremony went on .....
Then lastly came another important character of the story....
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Priyadarshini Roy...
A girl with eagle-like sharp eyes , lush black braided hair , brown crystalline skin.....
came up on the stage
Dumbledore kept the hat....
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
It feels quite good after seeing one of the famous heirs.......
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
As always...
Sorting Hat
Sorting Hat
Thus the sorting ceremony ended with loud pomps and music...
😉 that's for today...

First Day as a student

Author's pov
Today is the first class for the new students....
Think there are students roaming
The first period is of Transfiguration by Dumbledore...
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
Gosh I should have memorise the map more carefully....
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
she bumped into someone...
Are you alright?Ms...
Minerva looked up at the voice and it was...
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
Are you okay?
She offered her hand to help her get up from the floor
Minerva takes her hand , gets up and says
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
Aren't you one of the heirs?
Priyadarshini sighed...
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
This 43rd time someone asked me today... let me clear up something for you that I am a muggle born living in the muggle world and perhaps you don't know I am your neighbour... and you get punished from you mother every here and now because you break her potion bottles even though she forbade you to enter that room. The punishment for it... I feel quite pity for you in the winter that is to clean up the mushy pond where your mother's frog lives...
Minerva was speechless 😶........
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
So you are the same girl with whom I used to play... but... you weren't that talkative..
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
Yep I am not I was just explaining that's why it took so many words
A moment of akward silence.....
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
I think we are late for the class...
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
I forgot about that.... ( ・ั﹏・ั)
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
I also don't know the way...
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
don't worry I know the way
She assures her...
After it that went to the class this time Minerva didn't have to go round and round because of her being bad at directions..
At the class
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
And students that is what called Transfiguration..
Suddenly someone interupted..
May we come in?
Dumbledore look towards the voice..
It was Priyadarshini and Minerva huffing like they first finished the Olympic race and then came to the class....
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Why so late girls?
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall
We....way.... forgot...
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
We forgot the way...
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Its okay it is common for many first year students... don't worry and for the part you didn't attended during the remedial classes we will clear that doubt..
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
now go and sit with the others..
Following Dumbledore's words they went sat....
During the whole class there was someone who was staring at Priyadarshini,she also felt the gaze but wasn't able to figure out who..
But that person was surely noticed by Minerva.....
Finally the Transfiguration class by one classes went by and finally it was lunch break..
during the whole thing Priyadarshini felt the gaze but ignored it thinking it was illusion...
but the person gazing was everytime caught by Minerva...
Lunch break
Being a muggle Priyadarshini was confused to choose, fortunately Minerva helped her as being a half blood she had a little introduction to the magical world..
As they sat on the table others started gossiping about both of them....
Because Priyadarshini cleared up to everyone that she is a muggle everyone started to despise that time in wizarding world muggle were greatly despised by Pure bloods and half bloods..
and being a half blood Minerva sat with a muggle they also started to despise her...
during all this useless talks someone called Priyadarshini from behind....
She turned towards the voice and said..
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
Yes, it's me. How can I help you?
That unknown sharply glared towards her....
So you are a muggle...
She answered casually...
Priyadarshini Roy
Priyadarshini Roy
Yes I there any problem
Ab jao ghar jake sojao...

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