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Aikatsu! Season 1

Even if I become an Idol?

A young girl takes an order from a customer inside Nandemo Bento. She reveals herself to be Ichigo Hoshimiya, a first-year middle school student. As they finish the bento they express how great it came out until Ichigo points out that they have more customers. While working, Ichigo begins a narrative; saying that while she worked with her mother, she never would have imagined that she could of became an idol.

Ichigo returns home later that day and everyone starts cleaning up. It's suddenly that Raichi suggests that she should do something for herself, leaving Ichigo confused until her mother, Ringo, explains how it was always her dream to run a bento shop- but this is not Ichigo's dream, so she should find one. Ichigo claims that she wants to do this though, and how she hopes to one day run the shop with her mother. Noticing how strange Raichi is suddenly acting, Ichigo heads into the kitchen before joining him in their room.

Curiously, Ichigo tries to observe what Raichi is trying to keep hidden. He asks her why she isn't working still, but Ichigo tries to get a better look while claiming she came to bring him juice. Raichi attempts to hide the items on his desk, but in the process of trying to avoid letting Ichigo see, they bump the glass of juice and it spills over the pictures. Raichi begins to panic and tries drying them as Ichigo grabs some napkins and observes them a bit, recognizing them as pictures of the current Top Idol, Mizuki Kanzaki. Ichigo is surprised to find that her brother would like Idols, but Raichi denies everything, focusing on how she ruined his pictures. He goes on to point out that Mizuki isn't just an Idol; she is the greatest Idol. He was really hoping to attend her show but the tickets have already sold out.

Ichigo thinks over his words and begins feeling heavy remorse. But when she remembers how much of an Idol fanatic Aoi, her best friend is, she decides to speak with her the following day in class. She asks her about obtaining tickets for the upcoming Mizuki performance and Aoi expresses surprise since Ichigo never had an interest in Idols before. She agrees to try to help though.

After school, Ichigo brings Aoi home and introduces her and Raichi. Having thought ahead, Aoi reveals some Mizuki merchandise she could spare and gives it to him as a fellow Mizuki fan. Raichi is positively ecstatic by this, and Ichigo suddenly asks why he couldn't just watch the performance on television. Both Raichi and Aoi refuse, stating to her that an Idol performance is better in person; although the concept goes right over Ichigo's head and she doesn't really see the big deal. Aoi then goes on to bring up how difficult obtaining Mizuki tickets are, only to surprise them a moment later by revealing she managed to score three of them through a long, complicated recollection of what she had to do to get them.

That night, while in bed Raichi chats with Ichigo regarding his excitement. She is also excited, although she warns him that they have to get sleep. Raichi is worried he will oversleep, although she assures him that things will be fine. Although she finds herself distracted, wondering why Idols are such a big deal.

When morning arrives the trio head to the concert. They enter the performance area and are given the hearing devices that audience members use, with Aoi explaining how they work. They admire the large stadium and they notice the large crowd, awaiting the arrival of Mizuki. As she makes an appearance her wonderful idol aura fills the crowd with excitement and she starts by performing Move on now!. As the performance goes on, Raichi and Aoi cheer with the rest of the audience members while Ichigo simply stands and listens with amazement.

As Raichi recalls everything with their mother they notice Ichigo has suddenly been put into a daze while sitting by herself. Feeling discontent she excuses herself from the room, thinking about how excited she was while watching Mizuki perform. She had never seen anything like it before, and is unable to calm down.

The next morning Ringo arrives home from the grocery store to find Ichigo and Raichi watching the playback of the performance. Ichigo walks off to help her, claiming that if she had asked to come she would have before returning to the video. Noticing her strange behavior, Raichi voices how happy he is that she joined him.

Suddenly, Aoi bursts into the Hoshimiya household and tells Ichigo the same thing, handing over a guide book for an Idol school. Raichi notices the book is about Starlight Academy and Ichigo is quick to ask questions, with Aoi explaining to them that Starlight Academy is Japan's number one idol school and how all of the students who attend it are active idols. They have lessons every day using the Aikatsu System; which is a series of Cards and the key to any performance. All idols in the world uses the Aikatsu Cards and they can choose how to look on stage. Students partake in "idol activities", and points out how "Aikatsu" is the combination of those words due to their importance.

Raichi goes on to bring up how Mizuki attends this school, observing a picture of her in the uniform. Aoi also points out that Mizuki is the current Top Idol of the school, and brings up how the entrance exam is approaching and she plans on taking it. This impresses Ichigo, although she is sad knowing Aoi will get in and she would be left behind. To her shock, Aoi brings up her desire to have Ichigo join her, explaining that Ichigo has a natural Idols scent to her, and she is sure they would have a lot of fun.

Later the Hoshimiya's sit down for dinner. Ichigo is distracted with her thoughts however, which Ringo notices. Raichi expresses his thoughts on her interest in becoming an idol, although Ichigo quickly dismisses the idea before he can determine if she actually wants to do this or not. Then she resumes eating dinner, leaving her brother and mother to express concern.

As Ichigo lingers in her room she thinks about being an Idol again. She thinks it would be a lot of fun, but she recalls her desire to run the Bento Shop with her mother. It's then Ringo comes by and tells Ichigo that she should do what she wants.

The next day, Aoi and Ichigo goes to perform "special training" for the entrance exam. They practice putting on a performance and get plenty of exercise. While it is a little difficult, Ichigo expresses joy in having finally gained a dream to call her own, but she is still hesitant as she doesn't know if she can do it or not.

Eventually the Entrance Exam comes along. Ichigo and Aoi stand in a long line of applicants for the exam and while there, Aoi happens to mention how difficult she heard the exam is. In hopes of keeping them focused, Ichigo attempts to raise their spirits as they head inside.

Resuming her narrative, Ichigo explains the procedures in the entrance exam, including a test and interview portion.

Soon they realize how well everyone has been doing so far and Ichigo grows anxious again. Aoi keeps her encouraged by saying that she was meant to become an idol, then informs her that it is time for the final part of the audition. She tells her to do her best and they step into separate empty rooms, where Ichigo observes a small table where cards reside. A voice instructs to choose three cards from the table, and once Ichigo chooses a set she likes the most, she heads to the door in the middle of the room.

In there she finds a booth at the opposite end of the hall and places the cards into the machine, causing it to light up and open the doors. Before she steps inside, Ichigo gives herself a last second of encouragement and suddenly finds herself on a colorful stage, where she performs the song Idol Activity!.

At the conclusion of her performance, Mizuki, who is among the judges, notes that she was amazed to see how fast Ichigo was able to perform a Special Appeal. Not many new applicants can pull that off.

With that, Ichigo and Aoi turn their attention to the announcement screen and look to see that only ten girls have been accepted. They are very delighted to find out that they are two of the ten, but unknown to them a student is behind a corner observing them. The mysterious girl comments that while the girls passed together, they only have a short time to remain friends before she walks away.

So Many Idols!

The sun sits tall at Nandemo Bento. Ichigo and Aoi show Raichi their brand new school uniform and he decides to take pictures of them; though he mostly spends the time focusing on Aoi, who claims that today is the day to celebrate being accepted into Starlight School. She brings up that their very first autographs will be worth a lot. Having been watching them, Ringo asks if she and Raichi can join in on the fun so they all begin to pose for pictures.

Ichigo and Aoi take their leave for the Academy soon afterward, and upon arrival at the gate, Aoi says that once they step past it and their Idol Activities will begin. They wish each other good luck before Aoi states that no matter what was to happen to them while they are here, they will always be friends.

Meanwhile, the headmistress of the school tells Mizuki that Ichigo and Aoi have enrolled into the academy. She mentions that they will be taking part in that audition, which is coming up in a few days. Mizuki also notes that the two are best friends and Orihime starts to wonder what would become of them as they are studying.

At this point Aoi finds her idol expert instincts kicking in after she spots a bunch of girls she is able to recognize. Like Neguchan, a young girl who is known for her unique bedhead hair; a single, long cowlick with a heart on the end of it. She also spots Naomin, who had surpassed much of the modern-day dance choreography and even made up her own, Su-pyon, known for her exotic appearance, and a girl named Perorin. She is overwhelmed with glee to finally join Starlight Academy, then she grabs her cellphone and takes a picture of herself, then one of Ichigo in order to remember this moment.

They come to the entrance of the building and take a self-given tour of it while Aoi explains various features. They will learn dancing, singing, coordination, and many other things. As they come to a hallway decorated with statues of previous students who have moved on to become famous idols or gained the title of "top idol", she identifies a duo statue as the legendary Masquerade. One of the members is Hime, the headmistress of this academy, but the identity of the other girl, Miya, is unknown. They both became national-level idols and soared to the highest peek in popularity, but they "suddenly" retired. Hime became the headmistress of Starlight Academy, while Miya was never seen again.

Now in their dorm, the girls begin to decorate and unpack. Ichigo places down a holographic picture frame on her desk as Aoi hangs up a poster of Mizuki. In this time, Ichigo starts to wonder if she has what it takes to become a famous idol like Mizuki, and having sensed this, Aoi starts to encourage her again, and Ichigo returns the favor. It is then Aoi wonders if they really have enough room for the both of them before heading off to speak to Orihime.

As they stand in the door way, Aoi explains the proper way of approaching someone with such a high status- only for Ichigo to quickly show a lack of tact when she walks right inside.

They approach Orihime, who formally introduces herself and congratulates the girls. She makes note of how Ichigo was able to perform a Special Appeal during the audition, which is something she doesn't see that often- although Ichigo replies that it only "sort of happened". She then compliments Aoi for getting the top scores in the entrance exam, setting down a tray with two sets of cards for each girl containing the coords they wore for the entrance exam as she explains how vital they are for them right now. Ichigo regains her Pink Stage Coord, while Aoi gets her Blue Stage Coord. It is then Orihime tells the two of them that the cards act as their primary "type" choice, then she places down another tray containing their Student ID Cards and their Aikatsu Phone. The phones have the ability to activate the Aikatsu System, as well as store their outfits as digital data.

Amazed by all of this information Ichigo asks if Mizuki also uses the phone, which Orihime confirms before saying "these cards are life itself", an important phrase for all users to keep in mind. She explains how the girls will be using various cards to customize their outfits and stages, just like Mizuki and the others students have been doing. Before the girls go, she informs them of how important Auditions are, as they include prizes that can help an Idols future performance, along with bringing up the importance of lessons.

She wishes them luck before a man joins them, an energetic dancer and homeroom teacher by the name of Johnny Bepp. Aoi is able to recognize his name and mentions that he is an Artisan Dancer, and has even taught Mizuki all of her choreography. The girls are a bit apprehensive about him, but he shows them a little dance and shakes their hands, leading them to his homeroom to have them meet their classmates.

Once class ends, Johnny informs Ichigo and Aoi that their first audition has already been decided. It is a "super special" audition just for new students, which Aoi questions. He explains that normally an audition is for promotional things like photo shoots, radio, and TV shows. The special one, on the other hand, is for the role to become a temporary manager of Mizuki for a day. This delights both girls as Johnny continues on to say that this is was specifically made for new students to learn how a top idol does her job. The winner will get to follow Mizuki around, but as only one girl can win it, they will be competing against each other. After noticing their concern, he informs them that he expects them to do their best because this is a special opportunity.

The girls go to change into their track suits while Aoi admits that she anticipated this. Although Ichigo clearly never did, and she finds herself stunned. Regardless, she refuses to hold back and they go to work, beginning with their lessons from Johnny. They dance, sing, run laps, and partake in some crazier training; such as extreme handshaking. While Aoi is able to perform well with everything, Ichigo has a tough time keeping up.

By the time class ends, Ichigo feels that Aoi may be too good for her and asks how she can try this hard. Aoi replies that it's because she really wants to become an idol, and it has been like since since first grade. She used to try getting into all sorts of traditional hobbies, like Calligraphy, Piano, Equestrianism, and Violin. One day while walking down the street she happened to see a report on Idols and was instantly taken by their singing and dances. Since then she dreamed of becoming one herself, and has been obsessively watching them. As her passion grew over the years she eventually sat down with her parents to reveal her new dream and how she wanted to study at Starlight Academy. Seeing how much this meant to her they agreed and let her apply. She was so happy to be able to follow this dream, especially with Ichigo.

After hearing this, Ichigo begins to think to herself again. It encourages her to try even harder, and she will definitely see to it that she gives it her all.

Eventually, the two girls find themselves in an empty room with a trio of doors. A voice announces to them that the Special Audition is about to start and it instructs the girls to choose their three Aikatsu Cards to create their outfits, then takes to the stage. After exchanging words the girls separate and come to a booth, where they place their cards down, including the School ID on the crests before them, then head into the Magical Door that appears. They are led to the Magic Corridor and change into their chosen coords, appearing on stage as the Announcer explains that their scores will be decided by the live audience at the school, as well as people who watch it through the internet. Ichigo is highly impressed, and they begin to perform Idol Activity!.

Suddenly, Ichigo trips and falls onto the floor. Shocked by this, she quickly shakes it off and resumes performing in time to finish.

A bit later, Johnny-sensei reveals that Aoi has won. Everyone applauds her efforts, including Ichigo.

Eventually, night falls and the girls have retired to their dorm room. But concerned over things, Ichigo gets up and heads outside, where she reaches the gazebo and recalls what happened during the performance. While she had a lot of fun and she is happy for Aoi, she feels envious. Suddenly someone calls out to her and she finds Mizuki, who brings up the audition and claims that despite Ichigo messing up, she followed through to the end and that is worth admiration. Ichigo thanks Mizuki and voices her desire to become a top idol like her, which is why she decided to attend the school with Aoi to begin with. It's then Mizuki sternly points out that no matter how close they are, they won't be together very long. A lot of idols suffer from failure, but it is part of the journey. As she presses on he challenges will get harder.

While concerned, Ichigo proclaims that she will do her best, and Mizuki bids her a good night before leaving. She wonders if someone like Ichigo could really catch up to her.

I Want to Know More About You

While making tea Ichigo recalls Mizuki's words from the previous evening; she and Aoi won't rise together to the top as friends. Although she took the advice to heart, she remains by Aoi's side.

She comes to their dorm room to find Aoi contemplating the fact that she will have to pick up Mizuki in such a short amount of time. Ichigo reminds her the importance of getting sleep, with Aoi claiming she will be fine. As Mizuki's manager, she needs to know a lot more about her. Ichigo tries to reassure her by saying she already does, before commenting that she would be nervous to work with the top idol. Aoi reaffirms this by pointing out that Mizuki is the top Idol, all on her own, while they are on the very bottom. She also mentions how Mizuki began her career as an idol during her fourth year at Elementary School, starting as a child model. Then she spent a year with no public appearance at all, but she has no idea why that is, other then it being "something very big" for it to have changed her to who she is now. As soon as her hiatus was over she enrolled in Starlight Academy with pristine song and dance skills.

Hearing this causes Ichigo to admit how envious she is over Aoi getting to spend time with Mizuki now, and observes the poster of her nearby while wondering what she does normally. They theorize if she may be covering up a clumsy personality, and wonder if she eats a lot, but Aoi is sure she will find out the next day. Although Ichigo is still convinced that Aoi already knows a lot.

When morning arrives, Ichigo wakes up and proclaims she overslept. She sees Aoi nearby, already dressed and quickly hurries to get ready.

After exiting the dorm they part ways and Aoi starts to think back to when Orihime explained how Starlight Academy also trains managers for the top idol. While Aoi is Mizuki's temporary manager, this is a valuable opportunity to learn what being a top idol truly is.

Aoi arrives at Mizuki Palace, Mizuki's private dorm, and walks towards it while thinking about how much she has heard of this place and how she never imagined actually getting a chance to go inside of it. She enters the house to find that it is about 5 o'clock in the morning and wonders if she must wake Mizuki, only to hear sound nearby and curiously approach. Mizuki surprises her by opening the door first, and as Aoi tries to introduce herself to Mizuki, Honoka Tsukikage, Mizuki's regular manager approaches and speaks to her. Mizuki wishes Aoi luck for today and Aoi observes her as she elegantly walks out of the door. For a moment she is distracted until Honoka snaps her out of it.

Outside of the gates where a van is waiting, Ichigo has disguised herself and hid behind some bushes, determined to hide within it to join them. As she wonders how to go about doing this, she spots a boy sweeping the ground and hides behind him- much to his confusion. She explains the situation to him and he moves towards the back of the van, allowing her to hop inside while questioning her strangeness. Honoka happens to notice him and addresses him as Suzukawa as he shuts the trunk, glancing towards Ichigo while Honoka thanks him. He pretends not to notice Ichigo and the van drives away.

Inside the van, Honoka hands over the daily schedule for Mizuki as Aoi skims through it. To her surprise, she sees a lot of things that Mizuki must do and they arrive at a studio, where Mizuki is escorted by a staff member while Aoi and Honoka go to the back of the van to grab the bags. But when they open the trunk they find Ichigo, causing Honoka to question the sudden intrusion as Ichigo explains that she really wanted to be Mizuki's manager. She asks to join them and Honoka refuses, asking Ichigo to leave until Mizuki approaches to see this going on. She allows Ichigo to be her second manager, having heard the conversation, and even though Aoi won, she finds Ichigo "interesting". She kindly asks Ichigo to help carry the bags- leaving Ichigo happy and Honoka annoyed.

Aoi is rather doubtful over what Ichigo did and expresses suspicion until Ichigo explains wanting to see what Mizuki does backstage and because she really wanted to find out what about her Mizuki finds interesting. Aoi understands and agrees as Honoka comes by to tell them to get to work. They head to the rec room, where they find Mizuki recording a song. Aoi voices her surprise in finding out that the crew records songs so early, and Honoka mentions that they usually don't since it can be hard to sing well in the morning. But Mizuki prefers to do it this way, and they watch as she finishes and earns a few compliments from a man nearby. The girls acknowledge her skills, with Honoka telling them that Mizuki will always give the perfect performance.

They head to another location where Mizuki is a guest star on a news talk show, and the girls watch as they chat about Consumption Tax, and how much feeling she puts into the lottery activity she is requested to do. Later on, she goes out to model for a fashion magazine, then goes to a fan meet and greet event.

From all of these activities, Aoi is able to deduce the Mizuki does everything perfectly. Every single time, as a real prodigy. But Honoka steps in to tell them that she isn't a prodigy, which confuses them.

Eventually, people gather around the Stadium where Mizuki will be performing. In the waiting area, she browses her Aikatsu Card album to choose a coord, then Honoka wishes her to do her best. Before going though, Mizuki hands over her Aikatsu Phone to the girls, asking them to hold it for her. She enters the room with the Aikatsu System and places her card set into the device. She runs through the corridor and appears dressed on stage, where she performs Move on now.

As night begins to set everyone arrives back to the gates of Mizuki Manor. As Mizuki takes off the girls decide to chill for a while at the Gazebo. As they are preparing for bed later, Ichigo suddenly realizes that she held onto Mizuki's phone and forgot to return it, so they head back to the Manor, where they hear music and look to find Mizuki is still awake. Ichigo knocks on the door to find it open, then they peak in to find Mizuki dancing. But not wanting to interrupt her they decide to return the phone later.

In the process of doing this, however, Aoi accidentally knocks over a potted plant, causing Mizuki to find them. She appears exhausted and Ichigo nervously returns her Aikatsu Phone, apologizing for forgetting to earlier. Mizuki thanks them and wishes a good evening to the girls and they resume leaving, only to run into Honoka, who comments that she is aware of how much they look up to her. She decides to tell the girls about Mizuki, starting with how much she trains in comparison to the other students. She also claims that she isn't perfect all of the time.

Aoi is left thinking back to the day when Mizuki suddenly vanished some years back, realizing that her time out of public eye was probably spent on extensive training. Honoka agrees, saying that she has never seen an Idol with such endurance more-so then Mizuki. She then points out that the reason Mizuki finds Ichigo interesting was that she saw a bright potential in her; she was the only girl who was able to use a Special Appeal at her entrance audition. She goes on to mention that for the girls to catch up to Mizuki they have to put more effort into everything they do, even more then Mizuki. Which causes Ichigo to think back to how she thought Mizuki was simply a prodigy when it turns out that she really puts in a lot more effort than one would think in order to become the Top Idol she is now.

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