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The Last Kiss Forbidden

Episode 1

Tianjian, a modern empire ruled by Wen clan
The empire is spread over large area
Wen mao
Wen mao
Wen mao
Wen mao
I hope this year will bring more happiness into your lives
Wen mao, the current Emperor of Tianjian
28 years old
The former emperor died of heart attack 3 years ago at the age of 57
Zhi feng
Zhi feng
Zhi feng- The loyal general of the empire
32 years old
Wu di
Wu di
Your majesty, what about the revenue that we haven't collected from the peasants yet?
Wu di- He represents all the political and economical issues in the court. 30 years old
Wu di
Wu di
I hope the revenue collector will give us all an answer *smirk*
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
*looks at wu di*
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
Peasants went through troubles this year
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
I insist on paying the tax by myself, your majesty *looks at wen mao*
Lao wu jie- The revenue collector. 33 years old
Wen mao
Wen mao
Wen mao
Wen mao
That won't be necessary
Wen mao
Wen mao
You thought of them
Wen mao
Wen mao
that's already an amazing thing
Wu di
Wu di
But your majesty-
Wen mao
Wen mao
The matter's settled
Wen mao
Wen mao
Any other issues?
Wu di
Wu di
Wu di
Wu di
*bows* No your majesty
Wen mao
Wen mao
good then
Wen mao
Wen mao
Today's court ends here
Everyone bows to him
He left
Wu di
Wu di
*Leaving to his mansion* That f*cker Lao wu jie!
Wu di
Wu di
I'll kill him one day
"Wu di"
Wu di
Wu di
*stops walking*
Wu di
Wu di
Wu di
Wu di
Wu di
Wu di
Xiao cheng
Xiao cheng
Hey, buddy! What's up
Xiao cheng, a business of the state
Wu di
Wu di
It's been a while
Wu di
Wu di
where had you been
Xiao cheng
Xiao cheng
Well, don't ask
Xiao cheng
Xiao cheng
My brother was so sick that I had to visit him
Wu di
Wu di
oh, I see
Wu di
Wu di
how is he now?
Xiao cheng
Xiao cheng
He's good
They chat
On the other hand
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Your excellency, you're very fast and aggressive today!
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
Sorry if I'm hurting you
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
I might just f*ck you the whole night
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Who made you angry? Ahh *moaning*
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
Mm..don't ask
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
I'm not going to take his name
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Is it Wu di again?
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
*gets faster*
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Aahhhh *screams* Your excellency!!! Be gentle
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
Then don't take his name
Cao zixin
Cao zixin
Okay!!! I promise...ahhh...slow down
Lao wu jie
Lao wu jie
F*ck that son of bitch!

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