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Trapped By The Gang Leader Season 2 : Kidnapped My Heart Away

Starry Eyes

Does love dies after 20+ years of marriage ? For some it fades but for Chen and Lily it didn’t. They couldn’t be more happier. Love does change people.

The Gang Leader Chen demolished his precious gang for his love. Still they didn’t left the wealthy lifestyle with Chen having an business empire.

The sweet loving Lily even after having a child graduated as a top lawyer and is now a Prosecution general.

Raymond being one of the rare child who attended his parents wedding grown up to be a gentleman. His looks may be like his father but everybody states his heart as warm as sunshine like his mother.

They seem to live like the fairytale lives. But...every family has a strom incoming. And the Xiao family's mess will be created by their youngest member.

The daughter and youngest child of Chen and Lily is Liana. She's studying Economics in Beijing University.

A girl with thick glasses embarrassed herself by falling down. Don't worry she isn’t dumb. Another girl nicely forwarded her hand forward to help. But it isn’t Liana too.

The girl who's making head turns with no care of the world is Liana. She isn’t the timid or a righteous one. She's the... Queen Bee.

" I'm tired of this monotony. Let's go clubbing tonight. " Liana whined to Ruby

The right hand of Chen was Mike who's now his business partner married to Lily's University friend Rose who's now a attorney laywer. Their only child is Ruby.

" We got classes tomorrow. "

Liana frowned " So..."

" We'll be hungover. "

" I'm talking about Moonlight club. Still don't wanna go. "

Moonlight club is one of the most influential and reserved club ever. From celebrities to top businessmens every high official go there.

" What ? You can get in there. I wanna go then. "

" Too... late now. " She said with a smirk

Liana went to her next best friend Jace. The heir of Ming Empire. Son of Lily's friends Justin and Ariana.

" Hey, Tonight at Moonlight club. "

" I'm not taking you there. " He said indifferently while looking at his phone.

" I don’t need your help. "

He looked at her from top to bottom " You're bluffing. "

Liana got flustered and exhaled in anger " You think you're some big shot. I was just...inviting you for... hang out. "

Jace grabbed her hand " Don't get offended. "

She yanked his hand " Don't bother now. Just **** some nasty girls to pass time. "

Liana was fuming with anger. Ruby tried to calm her. " You guys fight so much like couples. "

She looked at Jace disgustingly " Couples ! Not even if he's the last guy on the planet. "

" Let's just go. It doesn’t have to be Moonlight. "

" Do you also think I can't get us in there ? "

" No... I wanted to clarify I'll go with you anywhere. "

Liana tried to hid her smile " Stop your sugary ***. " They went out hand in hand like chirpy best friends. Jace lowered his gaze with guilt.

N.E Technology Headquarters :

The only heiress of Kung Empire. Arya Kung. Daughter of The Aubrey Kung and Nina Sze. She was working non stop. But when the alarm at 6 pm buzzed. She rolled her eyes and mummered " Not Again..."

The reason for Arya's frustration was about....

" Knock knock. " mouthed Raymond while entering

She sighed " When is the end of your childishness ? "

He had a bright smile " I love when you sigh when I enter. It leaves you breathless. But... it's not good for the environment with your excess Co2 emission. "

Arya couldn’t stop rolling her eyes " That's not how respiration works. "

" You know better. I was trying to impress you with intellectual words. " said while scratching his neck

" Raymond... It's time for you to act mature. "

" You know why I'm like this. " His voice got serious. Arya wanted to know the answer

" Because... "

She was on the edge of her seat. He put his hands on her desk to be close. Their eyes glued together. " It's fun to mess around. " He burst out laughing

" Grow up. " Arya was annoyed

" No... I wanna be young forever. "

Liana and Ruby got ready to go clubbing. Lily stopped them. " Where are you two going ? "

" Clubbing. "

" Where ? "

Ruby went to blab but Liana pinched her hand " Mom, we passed the age for your interrogation. "

" I'm asking for your safety. "

" We're fine. " She said and left hurriedly. Lily screamed after her " Liana... "

Chen came after hearing the scream " Why are you getting hyper ? "

" This girl will be the death of me. "

" Don't say that. " Chen can't hear harmful words about Lily even from herself

" Sorry. It's just difficult to accept that our kids are growing up. They like to stay out than home. "

Chen held her from behind tightly " I like it that way. Now, I can spend more time with you. "

" Stop, Chen. You're still so clingy. " The unconditional love of Chen is still alive like before.

Moonlight Club :

Liana was looking around for someone. Ruby grabbed her attention. With hesitation Liana said " We're of legal age. "

" The rules states...Entry only for members and their plus 1. Age criteria 21+ "

" We're 20 and our date who's a member is inside. " She said confidently

The bouncer restricted them to enter " Lady... Leave respectfully. "

Liana grinded her teeth angrily. Ruby started complaining " Why did you made us fools when you were incapable ? Liana looked at her fiercely.

" Take this as a lesson... You're overconfident. "

The truthful words were hitting her ego. She left to cool her anger.

She admired the nightsky to compensate her ruined night. The stars looked magical. Then rain started pouring making her night more evenful.

Liana bought a umbrella to walk to her car. The rain droplets hitting the umbrella was calming her.

As she was walking... someone came beside her to take shelter from the rain. Liana looked to see a man. His walk was hazy as if he was drunk. Still she felt... safe. Judging from his formal button down... He must be from good background.

Liana realised that she was foolish to coddle a stranger. He could be dangerous. She stopped.

That man got ahead of her and noticed that the rain was hitting him. She saw his face when he turned back. He was hauntingly handsome.

Thier eyes meet. His eyes were tired and drunken. Even If Liana could read eyes still she couldn’t have comprehend this mans eyes. Because of his mysterious enigma.

A sense of guilt arised when she saw the man getting drenched.

He smiled briefly " Not sharing... huh. " Then he went forward as if nothing happened. But Liana was affected by his magnetic energy. Especially his eyes which were filled with the worldy stars.

Liana started walking to him.

Where will Liana arrive from following the strange path ? What will her foolishness bring to her ?

I hope you like the 1st episode of season 2 of my beloved first novel.


As Liana got carried away by her emotions. She felt a tap on her shoulder. It was...Jace. He had a worried look on his face.

With confusion she looked back at the mysterious man. His walking figure disappeared slowly in the misty rain.

" Liana... Who are looking for ? "

" I... " Her face got flustered

Jace supported him by holding her. He was a wake up call from her fantasy world. She realised her stupidity could put her on danger.

Liana distanced herself and asked " Why are you here ? "

His anger bursted. " 1st you explain. Are you crazy ? You brought Ruby to your mess, fought and left her alone while you're walking on a unknown street. "

" She ranted to you... "

" No, I saw her when I came. "

Liana fumed with anger " When I asked to accompany me... you denied. Now you came...for which girl ? Nevermind, you don’t remember the girls you fool around. "

" Do you have to assassinate my character when you're the self absorbed one ?

Their eyes filled with hatred.

Ruby ran to Liana with a smile on her face and hugged her " You scared me. Let's not fight ever. "

They rode the car together. Liana didn’t spoke a word and looked outside. Jace kept looking at her from the rear view mirror.

As she Ruby was getting out when her house reached...

" Ruby... tonight was my fault. " Their friendship is too strong that tiny fights don't stand a chance.

Jace came and sat on the backside with Liana and put a black curtain on for privacy.

" Control your ego. You'll throw everyone away like this. " said Jace

She got annoyed " I don’t want your advice. "

" Why do you hate me ? "

Liana scoffed " I ? I'm the one who approaches you. You're the one who neglects me, treats me like shit. " Jace looked down admitting her allegations.

" You’re not the same around... me. Are we still...friends ? " Her voice cracked

His eyes lit up with fear "’ll be my friend forever. "

" I waited for you. But you left me alone like always. "

Jace touched her face and stroked her cheek " I came for you. I know you... wanted me here. "

With moist eyes Liana made him took his hands off her " You were too LATE... "

This simple sentence break Jace's heart. It made his feel he lost Liana. But at that time he didn’t understood the depth of it.

At University Class :

Chaos started at Economics class because a new Professor was appointed due to the old one getting into an accident.

Liana has tired eyes after the last nights fiasco. Jace and her are pretending that everythings fine. And....about the mysterious man. She thought she'll never see him...until...

Her eyes awaked when she saw the Professor walking in. Not only her all the students had the same reaction. It's not everyday they see a handsome young professor.

His formal look and engaging voice charmed everyone. But Liana isn’t someone who's easily pleased. She was hooked because he was her mystery man.

She also someone who doesn’t act on emotions and thinks critically. Nevertheless... she was trapped.

After class :

Ruby was getting excited about the arrival of the new hot professor " Tell me about him. He's dreamy, right ? I wish I didn’t took law. "

Jace got disgusted " Have some boundaries. He's a teacher. "

" He's right, Ruby. Don't say things about him. Because he's...MiNE. " Liana had a determinant look in her eyes.

Her words made them scared instead of shocked because they know...Once Liana set her mind she won't stop till she achieved her goal.

Liana went to the office room to know information about her new interest. They won't give out personal information to a student. But she was satisfied with the basic stuffs.

Huan Tian...

26 years old...

Business majored...

His everything mesmerised her especially his name Tian ( heaven ) It seemed magical which she got sucked into.

Jace was uneased seeing Lianas antics

" Were you joking about referring Professor Tian as yours ? "

" I'm serious. "

" Don't... Are you doing this to piss me off ? "

She mocked him " Are you that important ? "

Ruby showed concern to this situation " It's not you...Liana. "

" But...I met his last night. Fate brought us together. " Liana believing in fate blowed their minds

" But you were with me. " said Ruby

" After we fought... when I left. "

" You were alone for 30 Minutes... "

" A Moment is enough. " She smiled

After class...Liana was waiting outside so that she can talk with Tian. He was reaching for his car when...

" Mr. Tian...Hello. "

He was taken off guard " Um...hello..."

" We're not introduced properly. I'm Liana Xiao. " She had a sweet smile on

" I'm Professor Huan Tian. Were... you in my class ? "

He didn’t even recognised her. She was flabbergasted. " You don't know me ? "

He apologised when she got offended justifiying that the students were too many and it's his first day. " I don’t care about the class. We met last night. " She got worked up

He got more confused " I have no memory of you. "

" You were drunk...but that doesn’t give you the right to forget. "

Tian thought he acted inappropriate last night due to the impulse of alcohol. " I swear. I don’t remember. If I was pervert with you. Forgive me. "

Lianas bubble of fantasy was bursting. She wasn’t as worth remembering as she thought.

" What are you saying ? We didn’t even talked but I felt for you something. I don’t know what it is. It's unusual and troubling. Still I want to give my feelings a chance. "

He was calm as statue. " I was just a moment of fascination to you on a gloomy night. It doesn’t last forever. So...forget it. "

His words were a tight slap to her. She just stood while he passed by her.

" Hey... "

She looked behind...

" I'll see you in class. " and he left

As she watched his car drove by. Her face formed a smile. It was sinistic " You're... So gonna be Mine. "

This episode showed the possesive and obsessive characteristics. I hope you enjoyed it.

Taking The Leap

Raymond went to meet with Arya like everyday. The route of her car going in his house amused him. Because the car drops Arya first then Raymond. Some special days they dine at restaurants.

" We're going to my house first ? "

" I've to meet Liana. "

" Oh..." His voice got low

She looked at him judgingly " Are you jealous of your little sister ? "

He smiled slightly " You show her more affection because you’ve no sibling of your own. There’s no Competition between me and Liana. "

" She's like a younger sister and you're an annoying pop up that hinders my day. "

Raymond laughed mischievously which angered her. " Stop it. " she yelled

" That pop up's a part of your daily life now... Even before the pop up think about removing it. You think about it all day. Waiting for it. " They looked at each other seriously

The driver who's also her bodyguard intervened by looking at her though rearview mirror " Maam... "

She took a breath answered " Not yet. "

This interaction always curioused Raymond. It happens every other day after their fight. But everytime Arya's answer remains the same. He wondered what'll happen when she says Yes.

Arya entered Liana room to see a mess. Clothes surroundings the room while she's trying on outfits. " Liana, what's happening ? "

" I should make change in me and appearance is a good place to start. "

" You called me for fashion advice ? " Arya isn’t a girly girl. She's more of a professional businesswoman.

" I wanna adapt your formal style and girlboss attitude. "

She didn’t knew how she could help " I can... hire a stylist for you. "

Liana sat on her bed and exhaled " It's not just about clothes. There's this guy... "

Even though Arya's older than her she never dated anyone so she can't give her advice " You want relationship consultancy from me ? "

" Well you wrapped around Raymond bro effortlessly. " She regretted as she said. Arya frowned with anger.

Liana stood up " I... I wasn’t thinking straight. " She was afraid of hurting her sentiments

" You brother sister duo have quite talent in getting on peoples nerves. " She was quite offended

" I need you, sis...Ruby and Jace discouraged me. So, I need your approval. "

" Why my inexperienced opinion ? "

" Have you never been in love ? "

" Romantic love...never. "

" Sorry about my comment earlier. In my heart I want you and Raymond brother together. "

" No, He can only be family friend. "

" I'm afraid if not you I'll get a dumb sister in law. "

Arya sucked her anger and tried to listen to her " You’ve your answer already. Their discouragement upset you. You don't need my encouragement. Go for it. "

Liana's eyes sparkled with hope. She can follow her desires confidently now.

The Next Day :

Liana wore a beige and peach themed formal pencil skirt and blouse. She shifted her look. It was noticeably good.

" You wanna seduce a professor by your childish ways. " Jace mocked her

She lifted her eyesbrows " Why...Isn't is working ? " said with a smirk

He scanned her from top to bottom. She really catched his eyes.

Liana snapped her fingers to bring him back to reality " Are you lost ? "

He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. In the crowded hallway they found serenity between them " You're not easy to handle. So, he can he..."

Before letting him finish " If not him then...can you handle me ? Will you handle me ? "

Jace realised what he's doing. He step back slowly with pained eyes.

Liana judged him " That's what I thought...You're a coward. " Their tensed relationship was getting worse.

At the Day End :

Tian came to his to see a flat tire. He sighed with frustration. Liana came to his rescue.

" Do you need help ? "

With a poker face he looked her cheerful face. it turned into a frown when he looked behind to see a Mercedes car.

" How coincidental ! My car flattened and you show up with a benz. "

She was confident " I call it fate... Cars must intrigue you. You named the model correctly. "

" What you can't get fascinates you...Miss. "

Liana scrunched her forehead " You forgot my name ? " Her offence didn’t bothered Tian. Still she was hopeful and offered to talk in the car.

"I'm not going with you. " He folded his hands around his chest

His audacity angered her. " I'm going out of my way for you. And you... "

" Going out of your way to puncture my tire. I can report you." Liana got flustered when he caught her.

" I can't wait for fate to work my way. So I did it... "

" You're a student but if you stalk me again. I file charges. "

As he was walking away...


His eyes widened " Watch your words. "

" Do you think I go out running to guys ? You came to me. You can't leave after... infatuating me. "

" What did I do that night ? "

" I felt.... " Liana tried to express her emotions

" Not you...what actions did I do ? Did we kiss ? Had sex ? What... " He knew nothing like that happened but he didn’t knew he took her heart.

Liana felt her feelings were deamened but heart was a complex organ. It still kept on Taking The Leap.

" Go on a Date with me. I'll make the reservation. "

Tian scoffed at her " Why I'll go out with you ? "

" Look at me... "

" I'm looking... at a narcissist, self obsessed, rich brat. "

" Look at my eyes... "

Tian looked to see soft doey eyes full of innocence. Almost childlike. He was about to lose his compose.

" Good Bye...Miss Liana. "

" You remembered my name. Guess we just need stare at each others eyes. "

He walked away for real this time.

" I'll texr details about our Date. " yelled Liana with a smile

***You must think Liana is stubborn girl child but I see her as an determined one who knows herself.

The next episode will decipher the complex relation of Liana and Tian***.

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