NovelToon NovelToon

Ruthless Love

episode 1

The nurse's voice rises through the corridors of the hospital on the intercom announcing something, "Dr. (Alice), you are wanted in the emergency department now, please hurry."

(Alice) is a twenty-six-year-old girl, of medium height, with long brown hair, thick sexy lips, and hazel green eyes...

She has been working as a doctor in Hospital (T) since her return to the country and after her separation from her family and husband....

She exhausted herself with work day and night, until she occupied her mind in it and kept her thoughts away from what happened to her parents and her ex-husband....

She went to the emergency room quickly, wrapping the stethoscope around her neck, and wearing her mask, she says to the nurse: Where is the patient?

The nurse looked at her and said: In the VIP room... he's waiting for you there.

(Alice) felt something was wrong?!!

To go to the room on the third floor, and find a number of guards filling the floor, she continued in concern to the intended room, and knocked on the door nervously: Excuse me....sir?!!

The room is dark and she dose not see well to go to the light fixture, illuminate the room, and find in front of her sitting on a bench with one leg on the other, wearing a classy classic suit, and on his shoulder an expensive heavy coat......

He smiles and says with a devilish look: How are you, (Alice)?

(Alice) bulging out her eyes in disbelief: (Adrien)?!!.....what.....what are you doing here?!!

He laughed more and said: I am here to visit my dear, lovely wife?!! I can't do this?!!

Anger and fear appeared on her features and her voice said in panic: Your wife what?!! We have already divorced?!!..and it is not permissible for you to come as you wish like this?!!

He pointed with his index finger "No," saying: Don't say that, or I'll get angry.

She turned her back a little in fear, saying: What are you going to do?!! Are you going to rape me like you did before?!!

He rose quietly, heading towards her slowly, terrifying her.

He placed his hands on her face, feeling her. He said as he brought his mouth close to her ear: How cruel are you?!! Do you still remember that day?!!

She pushed him away, yelling: How can I forget what you did to me?!!....How can I forget that you locked me up and raped me in the most horrible way just to sign divorce papers?!!


Two years ago:

(Alice) remembers when she was still in (N-town) with her strict parents...

From a middle family, but all their goal is advancement and wealth, so they were ready to sell their daughter to a wealthy family just to raise them with her.....

While her goal was to study and university, she was studying medicine at (x) University after receiving a high scholarship ....

She was never interested in engagement or marriage, and as long as her parents talk to her about a new groom, she evades any argument, especially arguments related to money and social status, until they leave her alone.....

Until the day (Mark) came home...

A handsome young man, demure, from a respectable and prestigious family, he works as a manager in a large import company, and he owns shares in several other companies.......

Her father works under him, and when her father learns of his desire to marry, he tells him about his daughter (Alice) quickly...

she reached the house to find him in front of her, sitting on a sofa in the hall, with one leg on the other, and quietly drinking his coffee....

She breathed a sigh of relief, trying to control her nerves, and her mother behind her poke her in the back to enter and greet him....

To enter reluctantly and coercively, she greets him with her fingertips, while he is fascinated by her beauty and her bold and unhypocritical manner like her parents....

To say amid a long conversation between her father and mother, they are proud of their lives and their daughter and in it, to say firmly: I want to marry you, Miss (Alice)?!!


To Be continued .......


Enjoy ☺

episode 2

To say in the midst of a long and extended conversation between her father and mother, they are proud of their lives and their daughter and in it, to say firmly: I want to marry you, Miss (Alice)?!!

For everyone to look in astonishment, especially (Alice), who was surprised and shouted: What?!!

To say calmly: As you heard me, I want to marry you?!!!...Is there something wrong with my words?!

To laugh (Alice) sarcastic says: You are joking!!....Surely you are joking?!! You don't know me and I don't know you, you even met me a little while ago?! And you want to marry me?!! are you crazy ?!!

Her mother shouted: (Alice) How do you talk like that to our guest?!! Where are your manners, girl?!!

(Alice) angrily alone: Manners?!! .... What manners are you talking about?!! You're crazy, you're all crazy?! You come with this stranger out of nowhere and he says he wants to marry me, and of course I have to be the polite girl who listens and agrees like an animal that drags wherever its owner wants?!!

(Mark) says quietly: Miss (Alice), there's no need for you to be upset?!! All in the matter is that I admire your personality and beauty and I want to associate with you, what is wrong with this?!!

To slap (Alice) with her hands, she says sarcastic : Really?!!....and now I have to fall in love with you and be happier with what you say?!!...because a handsome and rich man like you wants to be associated with our humble family?!!

Suddenly her mother's hand hit her face in front of him, slapping her?!!

To look at her mother in tears, not believing what she did to her in front of such a strange man?!!

(Mark) says in anger: Ma'am, you shouldn't have done this?!!!

A sharp movement from Alice's hand stopped him to shut up, then she took her bag and left the house quickly......


She kept walking relentlessly in places for the first time she walked, not noticing anything and not caring about anything, only crying sad in pain that her parents greed so much that they made her marry like this without even taking her opinion?!! ....

Is this not the slap she received in the face in front of that stranger?!!

Then a harsh voice in front of her, emerging from the darkness, stopped her saying: What are you doing here alone, my sweet?!!

To make her heart contract, she looks at the source of the sound, and finds two young men, one of whom is large in body and the other is bald, thin and short, laughing next to him with disgusting teeth, most of them falling out?!!

she felt scared, looking back in horror, saying: Nothing....I, I'm leaving........

For the short man to hold her by the hand, he says: So fast, sweetie?!! Of course not.... you will stay with us until we get tired of your presence....even though I doubt this....

And he came close to her hair and smelled it, so the other big-bodied approached and said: What a really beautiful girl!! is our lucky day, dude.

To scream (Alice):, to help!!

Suddenly the big boy puts his hands on her mouth shutting her, and she is trying to get away from them to no avail?!!

Suddenly a young man smoking a cigar quietly and steadily appeared in front of them , not showing any fear, shouting: Didn't you hear what the girl said? Leave her alone!

For the short boy to say: Hey, what is your income?!! Get out of here before we hurt you?!

The young man took a deep breath from his cigar and threw it away, then he quarreled with them, it didn't take long until the two of them fell to the ground, then the young man went to (Alice) and his features became clear for the first time, tall, broad-shouldered and handsome, with heavy brown hair, and a thick hairy chin. And clear green eyes...

He approaches her, sees her face, if something has happened to her, and says: Miss, are you okay?

She looked at him, then looked behind him, wide-eyed: Watch out?!!!

To suddenly appear the short boy carrying a knife and trying to stab the young man with it, the young man grabs it with his hands and gets injured, but the short boy throws a strong punch that makes him unconscious.....

To shout (Alice) tearful: You... you are injured because of me?!!...... I am very sorry .

He looked at his hands and put it behind his back: It's okay... the important thing is that you're fine.

(Alice): Don't say that, come on, I'll take you to the hospital, I'm a doctor and I can treat you.

To go to the hospital, to say (Alice) before entering: I did not know your name net?!!

- (Adrian) my name is (Adrian)?!!!!


To Be continued ......


Enjoy ☺

episode 3

They entered together, and she began to treat his hands while he was still not moving or showing his feeling of pain...

To calm the atmosphere between them, she saying with a smile: It seems that your endurance is great, so that you can bear the pain of stitching the wound?!

To look at his hands and notice that she is actually sewing it, then he says: I didn't really notice?!!....Your hands are really expert and light!!

She smiled happily because he praised her experience, to say afterwards shyly: I am very sorry for what happened to you because of me.

(Adrien): You don't really have to!! The important thing is not to walk in places like that again, as it is dangerous for girls like you.

She was silent for a while, remembering why she had gone to this place, to tell her (Adrien): That's enough, I think I have to go now.... If you need anything else, tell me and don't hesitate.

Then he took out a card bearing his phone number to give to her, and put on his coat again, so she stopped him and said: Can I ask you for something crazy?!!

He stopped looking at her so she said: Will you marry me?

He kept looking at her, not understanding anything, is she joking?!!

Is she so drunk?!!

Or did she get hit in the head that made her say nonsense?!!

To laugh, he says: "Excuse me?!" But do you know what you're saying?!!

She hem, shyly slips her brown hair behind her ears : I'm sorry I'm asking you so much, but you can help me again..."

(Adrian) sarcastically: To marry you?!! I don't understand ?!!

(Alice) And begging and sadness began to appear in her voice, she said: I fully understand your opinion, but try to hear me to understand what I want.

And she quickly began explaining to him why she asked, and what her parents had done to her.

To keep listening to her, then he said: What is the name of that bridegroom?!!

she looked at him surprised by his question to answer him: (Mark) (Marc Christian)?!! .

To finish her words while he remained silent, following her words, to say after that worried that she would hear his answer and refuse: I am not telling you a love marriage or the like, all it is…….. is a marriage contract between us that we sign for a period of a year and then each of them goes on his way ... And believe me, I will not ask anything from you or interfere in anything that concerns you.....only.....

He interrupts her, saying: Just a sham marriage in front of everyone, especially your family, to keep away from you?!!

(Alice): Exactly.... I can continue my studies comfortably, and you...

To laugh, he says: You only know my name about me?!!, you do not know what family I am from ?!! , what my job is or anything?!! ...and you want me to marry you to make you stay away from your family?!! Well then, what is the benefit that I will get from all this?!!

She Shut up, don't  know what to answer?!!

to look at her sharply and steadfastly, which worried her and upset her greatly, to say: I'm sorry....this is crazy, I didn't mean, forget what I said and....

To stop her, he said, "Okay."


(Adrian) calmly and coolly, he said: I agree to marry you so that you can stay away from your family, for your own benefit and you can continue your studies.... but mu benefit  I will tell you about it later, but remember that I have something and I will take it .

She didn't pay any attention to what he said after hearing his approval, so she ran to hold his other uninjured hand, thanking him very much.....


He entered his apartment and lit its darkness, to enter behind him in fear and anxiety, and find it an old, worn-out place that is not suitable for housing....

To laugh while he throws his key aside, saying: Do not be afraid, I live here temporarily for a few days and I will move to my house very soon ..... the happy marital home.

She looked at him anxiously, pulling her locks back in fear and tension. She says: I'm sorry that I bothered you by coming here..... but it's better not to come home today...

(Adrien) calmly as he pulled out a glass of juice from the fridge, he said : I know you'd better not come back until our wedding contract.

He sipped a little juice and then took off his shirt to become ***** as he used to do when he came home, to find him muscular, strong and several signs of previous injuries that left their mark on his body....

she felt more afraid, to notice her tension, to look at his body and then say with a laugh: Don't worry, these are the effects of an old accident.... It was strong and I was the victim of it for months.

she felt a little relaxed, to say to her: I will sleep on the sofa and you on the bed, and tomorrow we will find another solution.

Then she found him slowly heading towards her, so she was afraid to turn her back as he approached, until he became very close to her neck, to laughingly take the cover hanging behind her and head to the sofa to sleep?!!!


To Be continued ........

By / Wa7y

Enjoy ☺

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