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The Dew Of The Night


Chapter 1



“Is this a dream?!... am I just dreaming this?! Am I hallucinating or something?!”


Is what I said while 30 armed men in black operatives were chasing me down a cold rainy night on a rain forest nearby a facility. As I ran, I only hear the sounds of deep barks German Shepherds in chains of the men that are chasing me, rustling leaves as I ran.


“Doctor!!, you cannot hide and run forever!”


Says the man in the front. I think he is the one who organized this search... for me


“Doctor! Whatever you do, You cannot run the mess you have already been! There will be serious—”




Interrupted by the other man beside him. The one who has the leash of the biggest dog I have ever seen, growling at me with white foam under his pointy teeth ready to pin me down.


“Even if you ran away from us, you will be hunted from the rest of your lives! You have seen things the rest of the world must not know!!”


Oh... now I remember, I have classified information regarding to a foundation I was in, though I forgot the foundation’s name since i was more worried on how will I escape them. I have no time to think!


“The foundation will always track you and find you wherever you go! Even if you’ll go to the other side of this world”


Says the 3rd man in black.


“Nevertheless!! I am determined that running away is the best thing to do at this moment!!”


I shouted.


“Don’t make us release these military-trained K9 to pin you down!!”


Says the black operatives.




I shouted nervously.


“Then you leave us without any choice”


Says them while releasing the K9s from their hands






I shouted to the top of my lungs for assistance even though I know its worthless, since we are in a quarantined zone in a dark rainy and stormy forest.


After hours and hours of our chase, without rest, I am growing tired, but knowing K9s are my opponents, I still ran even I reached my limit. I have to get out of here, for my sake and for the sake of the world. After many hours, I finally lost the operatives chasing me. The rain stopped. I think its 11:45 pm at this very point. I am a researcher conducting researches on a certain foundation you know. I can tell time even without looking in a clock.


Since I have no energy because of the chase we had, I was craving for food and water


“Thirsty.... Thirsty”


I mumbled as I drink the dew after the rain................wait.... there is no dew in the night... then how come why am I holding a leaf with dews on this night? These does not make any sense? This defy the laws of science and nature. I knew something is not right here.


I soon came to realize, I was out from the forest. I was no longer on the forest. But even so I am still not on the nearby safe point of the city.


“I recognize this place, its my home,  my house. But, my address is on the South East Pacific?”


Of course I settled in, to my surprise, even the inside is like my original house. The house when my family was still alive. It was a bit creepy though since the picture frames were very accurate, I don’t know where did they get those?. But still I was happy to see those again. It made my pain and tiredness go away.


When I was reminiscing about my past, joyously,  I was to late of the realization this was a trap, rather, a set-up by my foundation.


“Hands up where I can see them!”


Says a man with a lab coat holding a weirdly shaped gun. I know this man, in fact, he is my best friend, Dr.  John Weber. While saying those lines, more black operatives, I say I think there were more than a hundred, started appearing behind his and my back. All of them yearn one purpose, to take me down.


“John?! You’re with them? I thought you are with me!”


I say after a tear fell feeling hopeless.


“No Luka, I thought you are with me, with the foundation.”


“The Foundation is brainwashing all of you guys!!”


“No Luke, snap out of this, you need to accept the fact that they are gone. Move on. This cruel world will always get cruel and cruel. There is no solution to this. We are, with the foundation, are here to ,at least prevent things and events like you experienced in the past and the present, to other people. I am here Luka, your friend, I will help you out and hear you out!”


He says while putting down the..... Nuclear Ray Gun! Now I remember, those weapons were only given to Level 4 Personnel.


“No John, look, let me explain, the foundation----- aagh!”


A blow from a gun fired right through my forehead.


“What the?! Why did you do that!!?”


John says to the black-armed man that shot me.


“ I was still hearing hi---”


Boom..  a gun fired again hitting him, John, in the face.


“John!! No!!”


Says me as I crawl to him carrying him on my lap. But, I was just thinking, why did I did not die? After that fatal shot in my head. True, I feel I am about to past out, but still, its something I don't know and understand.


“John ! Stay with me!”


I cried holding my best friend’s cold corpse on my hand.


“Sorry Doctor Reyes, if you had cooperated with us, this would not happen.”


“You Monsters! I will never forgive you!”


“No hard feelings doc, I was just ordered, by the council”


After that I was shot again, this time, in the forehead. As I laydown weak, still holding my best friend, knowing this will be my last breathe, i thought ‘heh, this life was not half bad I guess’, simeountanusly closing my eyes. No light, only darkness filled me.








“........ yes............ reyes........ter reyes.......DOCTOR REYES”


Gathering my breath , i jumped from a hospital bed. I did not even know why am I here.


“Thank goodness!! Doctor Reyes! You are alive!”


I recognize her, she is my junior in the foundation. A Level 2 researcher named Jessica Sanchez.


“Of course I am alive?!, What kind of saying is that?!”


I said, while thinking why she said words to me, I mean, why would I die? Right?.


“But... you were just...”




Jessica was interrupted by the guard beside me.


“you were just... uhmm.. ahh... slipped”


I said,


“Slipped?! What do you mean slipped? Why would I? OH by the way , where is Dr. Weber? We have a certain project we are about to finish”


I was shocked when the medical doctor came, and said,

“ Dr John Weber was killed 3 days ago while conducting a research on the prestigious revived Megalodon”




I said. I mean, I know Dr. Weber even when I just started working here. A tear fell in my eye.


“Oh... well”


My junior interrupted


“ A Normal day on the site, right Senior?”


Her tone was a little nervous, I know she was scared hearing the news, She is just being positive for my sake, in order for not me to worry. I need to protect her, my junior, just like Dr.  Weber did to me.


“Well, us personnel in this site in the foundation are front liners after all, Dr. Weber knew death will come inevitably. Let us just honour him. We living, shall continue his will.”


I said with a positive attitude in order for her to not worry.


“Thank you for delivering  the news Doc!”


I said.


“ So when will be I dispatche?”


“oh right, that is also one of the reasons why  I came here. You will be ready to be dispatched by the next our. We thoroughly searched your body and it came out healthy and no damages  after your ..ehem... ‘slip’..”


He says with a slow tone, especially when he said slip.


“Oh, thank you doc!”


I said...


“Have a nice day, well if you excuse me, I have other patients waiting for me”


He says with a small laugh.


After he got out of the room, my junior asked me..


“ So what will you do? Doc?”


I answered...


“well of course, continue my research about the anomalies and my notes in every one of them, and experiences and every detail”


I said nervously,  but I do this everyday, something is bothering me even though I always do this,  everyday of my life. Well it might be gone with time... “but for now, let us enjoy this short amount of a bright and sunny day ,while we still can”



End of Chapter 1 and Introduction





Chapter 2




Hello! I am Dr. Luka D. Reyes


I am a head researcher of a certain foundation whose name will be classified for the time being.


My date of birth is on May 5,1996 and this current year I will be turning 26. First above all else, let me tell you my life and why I became a Head Researcher


I was born on May 5,1996, though I have forgotten my birth place for certain reasons, or maybe I just gotten older, my memories are very blurred. As I much recall, The country where I was born is located somewhere in the South East Pacific. Where the choices and countries are narrowed down to Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Currently, I am conducting a study of where I was truly originated.


I have forgotten so much about my past, but so far , I did not and never forgotten my parents and siblings name. My Father is named Ryan Reyes. On January 6, 1972 he was born on the sea shore. He was a quiet kid on his teens. My father worked on a certain company. But I have not much dug into his job, All I know is that it has to do something on jewerly. He came from a poor family of fishermen and climb up to the unfair world. Even when his father is always opposing him, he never gave up to get his goals to succeed. A role model father if I say so myself.


Say so himself


He taught me all kinds of things and loved me unconditionally, its something he never experienced from his own father. Though my grandmother, my father’s mother is always supporting him, and of course me. How I miss those days when we play racing cars together.


My mother’s name is Helen Reyes, her job, I think if I recall was a marketing manager. She and my father was hired at the same time since they were together when the company announced they were hiring.


Say so herself


She, too, was born on a poor family of farmers. On March 17, 1971, she was declared healthy. All I remember that she was talkative. She said she always experienced injustice in the province parts because of her childhood, race, academic knowledge, and from where she was born. She swore to herself she will be rich, richer than anyone who discriminated her. All I know she, too was discouraged by my grandfather. My Grandpa always says to her that ‘this is the only place for the likes of them’. But she never let his feelings overtake her determination for success. And because of her determination, we , my siblings, were born on a wealthy family. A healthy and normal family, so they said. She was the one who taught me every hard work a human can experience. That is where my specialty, cooking, was awakened thanks to her.


A talkative girl plus a silent boy, a perfect couple and combination am I right? But enough of the romance stuff. I will tell their love story someday


Now unto my siblings


I was the 2nd child. The firstborn was a male and was named Timothy Reyes, and my younger, or perhaps, youngest was a female and was named Isabela Reyes. Timothy Reyes, my older brother, was born on November 5, 1994. On a certain hospital, since I do not know where was my home place, I cannot tell you where exactly he was born. He was a great and responsible older brother. Although he was a trouble maker when my parents are not looking, but a funny one. He always tends to do his responsibilities perfectly, without flaws. The one who protected me when I was bullied one time. A good older brother.


Isabela Reyes, or Bela (is what I call her) was born of October 25, 1998. She was a sweet, and caring little sister. Its all I can remember. When I command her, she always listens and obeys. That is why she is our treasure, our family’s treasure.


Those were the days when we were a family. A complete family. I want this life to go on knowing they will be on my side.













Or so I thought.


I terrible day arrived


I never imagined one day will bring so much disaster, chaos and tears to my family. A boom.



And when I meant boom, I meant a ‘literal’ boom.


On May 15 in year 2012. That was the wedding anniversary of my parents. My parents rented an open space near the mountains. To remind them their home, the mountains, and see where did they become. Relatives, Family, friends, friends of relatives, best friends, my friends, office mates and many more were invited to that day. Singing and fun were everywhere. Confetti, chocolate , cake were there. A special day. All should be happy and having fun. We were celebrating until midnight. Everybody was focusing on congratulating my parents for their strong relation ship.




On the night, May 16, 2012, on 1:37 am. Something bright lit up the night sky. A star like circle caught the attention of our guests. No one cared about it. We just continued to party. I mean, it might just be a bright star, or so we thought. The star like circle was expanding, continue to grow. Everybody panic, shout and screams was all I can hear. While hugging my siblings and Parents , I noticed something strange and clear about the circle. It was not a circle, it was some kind of rocket, a missile.




We all ran, towards the exit near the mounatains


But then suddenly....


Somebody screamed in horror, a familiar voice came to mind, in the front of the crowed. I noticed my arms and father and mother was nowhere to be found. Then everybody else screamed, in horror and high pitch sounds.


I said to my brother “ Take care of Isabela!” I will look for Dad and mom in the front of the crowd”


While running, struggling going through to the crowd, I saw,




2 Entities. The one standing was very tall, it was like, 7’4 or 7’3, was eating and the second one was being eaten and torn to bits.











I was not sure what kind of entity was that, the eater. But I definitely recognized that black coat the second person is wearing.


Even I was scared, I still looked to get a clear vision.


I wished I never looked, because what I saw was a image that burned to my mind eternally. Not one day I forgot that image.


It was my father. Cold and blooded, without limbs and arms.  He was being eaten by a certain anomaly. After eating his blooded heart, he jumped to the crowd, biting off the head of my uncle. When I turn back, the scream of a traumatized women caught my sight. It was my mom. She just sat there, I ran to her telling her to get up and run. We know we will not see her husband, my father, again. We left his corpse while a flashing light again started to light up the night sky. There were a lot of star like circle growing closer and closer. Of course I recognized what they were, they were missles. As we ran and ran with my mother hoping to get away from the, whatever it is, devouring every human or being on his path. We reunited with my siblings and ran together.


But when we looked back, we saw...


The creature, chasing us with inhuman speed, it seems like he already killed the guests, others were killed by the falling missles. It arms extended grabbing my mother’s legs pulling her to it. Isabela screamed in fright, my older brother carried her in order for us to run faster, but I, decided to run back to my mother. I know I would not be a challenge to the anomaly, but it caught my mother. I will fight it even if I die. But it was too late, my mother was toured down to the throat by the black thing, and was immediately devoured due to her small size of 5’4. I cried while running back to my siblings, knowing I will be next.


But then a bright light, that was like a spotlight that showed my siblings. But, I know that was no spotlight, it was a missile flyi g towards my siblings head on.


Well look at that, me being food to an anomaly and my siblings facing head on a missle. In my mind I thought, well, this is the end of my story. I closed my eyes accepting my inevitable fate, but before I closed my eyes, my siblings are, too, closing their eyes while Isabela was crying. Then....... as I feel the cold arms of the creature wrapped my chest, a sudden sound of, a somewhat, high pitch sound and an explosion. Before I died, I thought that I know this was no ordinary missle, it was an atomic or nuclear small missile and even before it hit the ground, it vaporized my siblings leaving their organs to burst right through me. Then....





End of Chapter 2


Hello! Part 2

To my surprise, I was alive, injured, but alive.


I thought to myself.


“How can this be possible?!”


After saying that to myself, I saw the creature, half dead lying in the ground. I gathered all my strength to get a big rock, smashing his head. I gathered all the anger to kill it. But it was not soft, his head was hard as the heavy rock I carried.


After killing him, I found the horrible sight I have ever seen as a 16 year old teen.


Sights of blood, guts, organs, bones of my friends, everybody I knew, lay down above the cold ground. I don’t even know each one of them what was the cause of their deaths. Its either they were killed by that, something, or was exposed to radioactive gas or substance. The scene was so clear it pinned down to my memories. This scene haunts me everyday, even in the present time.


But then, I came to a realization, how am I still be alive after all that?! It was like injustice because they died, and I lived. I do not understand what happened and why was I alive until this day. I do not have the explanation, neither does science.


I tried hard to find my family, though I have little hope I will ever see them again, alive that is, or complete. I tried hard to found him even I have no energy. I have gone above my limit. I still searched even when I bled. That then I realized that my stomach has a hole, maybe the radioactive substance melted part of my body, until now, that is my hypothesis. Until the sun rose up exactly 5 am. I kneeled down exhausted, with a heavy heart, I decided to lie down. Putting my hands up reaching the sunlight, thinking.


“Maybe this is it for me”.


As I was about to pass out reaching the sun with the palm of my hand, a black van caught my attention, then the feeling or tiredness stopped. It was like a forgotten the feeling of pain. I forced myself to get back up, traumatized and shaking, I stood up to meet the person driving the van. Walking slowly, crying, towards the van. Suddenly, I never expected to see 10 armed personel or some kind of swat. I thought it was Ambulance that was painted in black.


Well I thought  its better than no one. I knelt down to ground begging for help. Their faces ,as I remember that event, was shocked to see me, alive since maybe they thought everyone was obliterated. Then as I saw their chest, there were no badges of a police.


They just stood still, with expressions on their faces. Then after a few seconds, a man dress with a white lab coat, i think, in his mid 20s, came from the van with the name tag “Dr. John Weber, Level 4 Researcher”.


“What are you doing?! Help him!”


He yells as he commands the armed men to lift me up in a stretcher. He examined my belly. With the hole in it. As the armed men ran to the scene where our parte, perhaps, the massacre occurred, Dr. Weber injected me with some kind of anaesthesia. Then a particular tube caught my attention, as he drops a bit of a drip on my belly, it regenerated. My belly was cured in a few seconds, it shocked me. What in the world of science and biology is this syrum?! And who in the world are these guys?!.


I questioned him.


“wh—who are yo—you guys?!”


With a shaking sound and voice.


He then said.


“We are from the ¿!@#,@€ Foundation. We study all kinds of projects, including ones that science cannot explain. Looks like you have gone through a lot, and it would be injustice if I put Class A amnestics to you.”




 I said.


“I know, you are shocked, but we are a foundation the public does not know about. If they know we and the projects we study, it will make the world into chaos, so we make our identity classified to the rest of the world. Of course we have our own lives, but we try to keep a low profile, you know , to not draw too much attention”



I said with a questionable face.


“For now , I will explain later. But I have a question”


As he says that , the group of armed men came back, with stretchers. Dr. Weber stood up to open the black like blanket that was covering the stretchers. While opening, one of the armed men vomits his breakfast, it smelled like fish by the way. But I understand he puked. Since the cause of his vomiting was under that black like blanket.


It was corpses and bodies of persons. Persons I knew.


“Do you have the list of invites?”


Dr. Weber asked me.


“Yes, its in my father’s car”.


I Said.


In reply, he said

“well, we will be needing that to identify their identities. Can we have your permission to get their body samples for more and thorough investigation?”


“yes you may”.


I said with a scared smile.


As they were getting samples, and more bodies from the sight, I asked Dr. Weber.


“Hey! Uhhh... Doc? Can I ask a question? What do you study exactly?”

“Things that might threat this planet and things science cannot explain, we risk our own lives in the shadows for the sake of the people that live in peace. My friends, or rather, fellow-co workers are also in this foundation. Some of them are conducting research, some of them travel to gather further information, and others, well, Deceased.”


“sorry for your loss then.” I said.


“Its ok, I know you are ,too, is currently distressed for your loss. I understand what you have gone through.” He says in reply.


A moment of silence of a few minutes were upon us as he thoroughly examines body samples.


“Hey!” I asked again


“What is it?”


“Can I join you and your so called organization?”


“Foundation”. He says


“same thing” I said back  “I want to know what was the cause of all of this. I need answers of what truly happened to me, and to my acquaintances. I will bring a closure, to this scene, I will not stop until I found answers that cause me my family”.


“Are yoy ready though?”




He smiled at me and said again “Are you ready for survival? Life? Adventure? And death?”


“for the sake of me and for my family,  YES SIR!” I said in reply.


“Well then, get ready for an adventure. This incident will be covered and will not be announced. This accident will continue to be classified. I will put operatives to guard the area in a 235 kilometer radius. For Safety of course.”


Now, to this day, Because of Dr. Weber, the one who helped me to get in and find answers to my questions in this foundation. Now for the real story begins. This will be my Experience logs to update and track my improvement to find my answers.


Truly yours

-Dr. Luka Reyes , Level 5 researcher.

End of (Hello!)

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