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World's Deadliest Girlfriend

Chapter 1 New Mission

On a peaceful Saturday evening the house suddenly got a call from someone

Hudson : "Hello, contracts or kill?"

??? : "contracts"

Hudson : "company or person"

??? : "Person"

Hudson: "how long and how much?"

??? : "one year, two hundred fifty thousand dollars per month. If you can capture someone who tried to kill them you'll get fifty thousand"

Hudson : "okay, any specifics?"

??? : "female, young in their mid twenties"

Hudson : "is it for you?"

??? : "no, it's for my daughter"

Hudson : "okay, we'll check if someone wants to take that offer" hangs up the phone

Hudson : "IronSniper, I got a job offering"

IronSniper : "hmm?"

Hudson: "bodyguard for a rich person daughter, one year two fifty, additional fifty thousand if you capture the person attacking"

IronSniper : "hm"

Hudson : "there's a catch, you'll be 24/7 by her side so you can't hide your identity, she's almost at your age so don't be worry"

IronSniper : "is she pretty?"

Hudson : "knew you're gonna say that, Carla Louis, you can search about her let me know your decision tomorrow"

Hudson watches as IronSniper leaves to go to her room

Hudson : "I bet she will take it"

Natasha : "she is pretty after all"

Hudson : "you've met her?"

Natasha : "on some events yes"

Hudson : "oh"

IronSniper is seen browsing her computer for the identity of the employee

Next morning IronSniper meets Hudson at the living room

Hudson : "so, what's your decision"

IronSniper : nods

Hudson : "alright I'll let them know, and I'm pretty sure you'll be effective as of tomorrow so pack your things"

After calling back the person hiring, Hudson goes to IronSniper room in the afternoon

Hudson : "so, are you done yet?"

IronSniper : "mhm"

Hudson : "alright go to the living room, we need to talk"

At the living room

Hudson : "alright, Natasha and I already spoke about you, since you're going to have fewer contacts with us since you'll be working 24/7 for one year there's three advice we would like to give"

Natasha : "first of all, if you need any help on something you can't get done contact us, three people is better than one"

Hudson : "BlindFire and Mercenary knows about the contract but they're on a different thing this year so don't expect them to answer any call"

Hudson : "the second and third advice connects to each other so I'll make it one, if you grow a feeling for someone don't hide it tell them and see, this also correlate to you as well"

Natasha : "your whole persona of secrecy needs to be over when you develop a feeling for someone, nothing comes out good because of that, so open that cloak"

IronSniper : "fine"

Hudson : "alright, do you want a new identity or use your real?"

IronSniper : "you never asked me these things"

Hudson : "because you never needed it, and you never accepted a bodyguard contract only killing contracts"

IronSniper: "what's the difference?"

Hudson : "trust, if you keep your identity a secret if someone found out or she finds out it's gonna break the trust, you also need to play a character which is harder, the positive of it is less enemy"

Natasha : "if you choose real identity, there will be more enemies tracking you down, we can kill all of them but some will slip through, positive side of it is you can just be you"

Hudson : "so what would it be?"

Chapter 2 beginning

IronSniper : "real identity? and also why do you keep insisting that I'm gonna develop a feeling for her"

Hudson : "just a guess, anyway since you are taking it, we already enroll you in the same university she is on so you can be close to her"

Natasha : "i don't know if you want to study or not so if you are might as well get a degree"

Hudson : "anyway, you know who you are gonna be so we'll be leaving tomorrow morning"

IronSniper leaves to go to sleep

In the morning

Hudson : "are you ready yet? we're leaving in fifteen minutes"

IronSniper : "can't you just wait?!"

Hudson : "what's taking you so long anyway? wearing a cloak is not the hard"

IronSniper : opens door "who said I'm wearing a cloak"

Hudson : "oh you're wearing a dress?"

IronSniper : "uhh yes?, i need to look good on a first impression"

Natasha: "you're so gorgeousss, you look so pretty wearing those, come on are you done yet"

IronSniper : "yess, ugh why are you guys acting like you're my parent"

Hudson : "aren't we?"

The three of them got into the car and left to go to the mansion the person is living in

Natasha : "alright honey this is where you'll be living for the next one year, so go do your job and have fun"

Hudson : "Your personal armory has been moved there, but If you still need anything which I doubt I'm available"

IronSniper : "yes yes I know" leaves to go to the house

Hudson : "byeee, damn now I feel sad"

Natasha : "you weren't sad when BlindFire and Mercenary leaves"

Hudson : "I don't know, I just probably thinks she's our daughter and now she's leaving us with a new plate the world has to offer"

Natasha : "you know she'll be back right?"

Hudson : "I know I know, just seeing her changes after years under that cloak just excites me on what she's gonna do with it"

Natasha : "we're probably gonna see her on the news"

Hudson and Natasha enter the car and was about ready to leave when someone gets out of the front door pulling IronSniper hands

??? : "waittt"

Natasha : "hello"

??? : "are you guys Vanessa's parent?"

Behind her, IronSniper is signaling a no with her head as Natasha and Hudson looks at each other

Hudson : "Haha yes, yes we are"

??? : "awesome, do you know about what she likes and not?"

Natasha : "you should probably ask her about that honey"

??? : "she's not answering"

Hudson : "she will tell you some day, what is your name young lady?"

Carla : "Carla Louis sir"

Natasha : "how old are you?"

Carla : "23"

Natasha: "Vanessa here is above your age so she's gonna be like your big sister okay"

Carla : "alright ma'am"

Hudson : "alright anymore questions?"

Carla : "no"

Hudson : "alright, we'll be leaving now" Starts up the car and drove off

Natasha : "don't forget to call us honey" waves goodbye

Hudson : "see, you now act like her parent calling her honey"

Natasha : "why not, she's blushing every time it's funny"

Hudson : "well her story is starting now"

IronSniper aka Vanessa story begins

Chapter 3 Introduction

After entering the building, one of the maids told Vanessa to go to the room on the third floor

??? : "so you're the person "the reaper" sends?"

Vanessa : "the reaper?"

??? : "yes, the reaper"

Vanessa : "That's an interesting nickname for him"

??? : "anyway, my name is Reddrick Louis, I'm sure you already know everyone on the place, but I still need to introduce you, your identity is as a friend daughter staying here while your parents is off doing something"

Vanessa : "have you told her that I'm her bodyguard?"

Reddrick : "no, you are going to hide it from her"

Vanessa : "okay"

Reddrick : "come with me and I'll "introduce" you to the kids"

Reddrick then tells Vanessa to go downstairs and calls her daughter to come down

Reddrick : "okay girls, this is my friend's daughter and she will be staying with us for a while, while that is happening I want you two to take care of her okay?"

??? : "hi, I'm Veronica"

Carla : "hii my name is Carla, come I will show you around, where is he gonna stay dad?"

Reddrick : "your room until the new one is cleaned"

Carla : "oh okay, I'll show you where it is"

Carla then show the house around giving tour of the house and what room is which room

Carla : "this house is big right? is it bigger than your house?"

Vanessa : "if we include underground room, this house is smaller than my house"

Carla: "what??"

Vanessa : "my parents like basement more" basement as in armory and weapon test chamber

Carla : "That is interesting, so how does it feel to sleep underground there?"

Vanessa : "I don't sleep down there, we have bedrooms upstairs"

Carla : "oh that make sense, anyway it's time for dinner, go get dressed"

Vanessa : "oh okay"

Vanessa then goes to open the luggage she brought and what Hudson packed for her

Vanessa : "guns, I already have many of that, useless 'dad' why would I need mor- oh"

Vanessa sees a few dress packed neatly under the guns with a note that says

Your cloak was effective but now you're high profile, these were handpicked by Natasha so I'm pretty sure you'll stay classy while deadly, have fun

Vanessa : "only Hudson that put hidden dress under guns"

Carla : "Vanessaaa, are you done yet?"

Vanessa : "wait"

After hurriedly changes clothes, she goes downstairs to eat

Vanessa : "I don't see anyone else"

Carla : "oh, we're not eating together with the rest, it will be awkward for you"

Vanessa : "oh and who's that" points to the maids hidden in the dark

Carla : "oh that's Kylie, he's my personal maid, come here"

The figure steps out of the darkness and shows a cute boy wearing a maid dress

Vanessa : "oh he's a maid? I thought only female become a maid"

Carla : "yeah, but Kylie insisted that he becomes my personal maid"

Vanessa : "oh, how long has you been working with her?"

Kylie : "I- i- i think eight years?"

Vanessa : "That's a long time for someone as young as you"

Kylie : "Y- y- yes, my lady it's time for you to go to sleep or else you are gonna be late for the university tomorrow"

Carla: "oh yes I forgot, my dad told me that you will be with me"

Vanessa : "I think so yes"

Carla : "That's great, come on I'll show you the uniform you sometimes need to wear"

Carla and Vanessa along with Kylie then went upstairs

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