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CEO, Do I Owe You?

Episode 1


(Remembering that these are merely illustrative photos for you to have an idea of the character)

Luca Mariski (Mafia CEO) 27 years old

[Image of Luca Mariski]

AMAI Hatsugoi 20 years old

[Image of AMAI Hatsugoi]

Tachimaru Hatsugoi (Amai's father) 39 years old

[Image of Tachimaru Hatsugoi]

Amai was a calm and friendly boy since childhood, he was an only child, his mother died in an accident when he was 6 years old, so after that his father started drinking too much, became an alcoholic and barely cared for his son. Amai finished high school, but couldn't go to college because his father wasn't paying the household bills. Amai started working after he finished high school, he worked as a waiter in a bar, it was what he got to at least keep his house, his father only lived drunk, Amai didn't know where he got so much money to drink.

One normal day Amai woke up early:

Amai: -Another day, I have to get up and start taking care of the house.

As Amai was a waiter, he worked from night to dawn. Amai got out of bed and did the same things as always, brushed his teeth and went to prepare lunch in case his father came to lunch:

Amai: -I don't understand, if I make lunch he doesn't come to eat, he rarely eats, and if I don't, he complains even without showing up all day, this is tiring.

Then he started cleaning the house. The house wasn't much, it was quite poor, the most expensive furniture his father sold to buy drinks, the house could be missing a roof tile, but there was always drink.

The night came and his father didn't arrive as always, so he got ready to go to work, when he left he left the key inside a block of the house so that if his father arrived he wouldn't stay outside, so he followed the path to his work. Arriving at work he worked normally, as he was a waiter he always heard shit from drunk people, or troublesome people, but he always managed and knew how to deal with them. Although the work was tiring, he got paid peanuts, but for him it was a lot! Sometimes he would go without food because his father asked for money and he couldn't refuse, because despite everything he is grateful to have a father who raised him from a young age. After finishing his work he would go home, and always passed through some streets without lights, and that made him always reflect if this was the life he really wanted to have:

Amai: -Mom, am I doing the right thing? I'm doing my best, okay!

He always remembered his mother, the good times that will never return with her, stored in his memory.

He arrived home and saw a light on:

Amai: -Could my father be home? What a miracle!

Surprised, he ran to see his father, and as soon as he entered the house he saw a new music box, and before he had time to ask what it was, his father was already saying:

Tachimaru: -This gift is for you, son, I know you always like to listen to music, take it for you!

Amai looks around and notices many new and imported drinks, very expensive.

Amai: -Thank you, dad, but... where did you get the money to buy these things?

Tachimaru: -Well... it doesn't matter son, here, take it.

Amai takes the box and goes to his room. He slept on a mattress on the floor, he didn't have a bed yet, he went into his room and sat on the mattress:

Amai: -Did dad get a job? Hmm, this is strange, but I'll take it that's it.

Amai lays down and goes to sleep. Days passed and the same routine repeated itself, he saw his father drunk in the streets when he went to work, arrived home and his father hardly appeared at home... But there was a day that was different, Amai returned from work and his father was sleeping at home , he found it strange, but he took a blanket and wrapped up his old man and went to sleep too. In the middle of his sleep, he wakes up to loud knocks on the door, he gets up groggy and hears his father arguing with someone, he leaves his room and takes a peek and sees someone saying:

CEO: -You mean you're giving my guards the slip, huh? You think that would pay off what you owe me? You only bought time, so I decided to come and collect myself, so, do you have the money?

Tachimaru: -Sorry CEO, I haven't gotten all the money together yet, but I'll pay you soon.

The mafia CEO looks him straight in the face and slaps him:

CEO: -How long have you been saying the same thing?

Amai heard and left the room:

Amai: -What's going on here?

He points his finger at the CEO and says:

Amai: -Do you think you have the right to enter other people's homes and go around hitting someone like that??

The CEO laughs to himself and says:

CEO: -And who do you think you are to talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?

Amai: -I know, you're a scoundrel who goes around hitting people, you owe me an explanation!

CEO: -You don't know, your father came to me to ask for borrowed money, I made a deal with him, I would lend and he would pay me back with interest, if he didn't pay me, he would pay with his LIFE.

Amai: -Wh-what?? Are you serious, Dad? Now it's all explained, the drinks and the music box you gave me, besides what you drink in bars.

CEO: -With the money he took he gave you A MUSIC BOX? Lol idiot!

Amai: -How much does he owe? I think if I work a few extra hours I can pay you!

CEO: -Well, counting everything with interest, he owes me 15 thousand reais.

Amai: -How so? This can only be a joke, I haven't even seen the color of that money, Dad, what did you do with all that money???

CEO: -He probably spent it on gambling and drugs out there besides drinks.

Amai: -Is that true, Dad?

Tachimaru: -Well... yes son, but I was planning on paying him back.

Amai: -It was only what I needed, you are an alcoholic, who hardly appears at home, in what universe would you be able to pay this money??? And there I am screwing myself working and you come to do this to me???

CEO: -Now is not the time for father and son speeches.

The CEO took out a gun and pointed it at Tachimaru's head...

Episode 2

The CEO takes out a gun and points it at Tachimaru's head. Amai steps in front and says:

Amai: -Please, don't do this to my father, I'll do anything!

CEO: -Anything?

Amai: -Yes, ANYTHING, just don't hurt him.

The CEO lowers the gun, walks to the table and pours a glass of an imported drink belonging to Amai's father:

CEO: -Then let's negotiate! As you've shown courage, I'll give you a chance. Your father owes me a lot, in case you didn't know I recently started running my father's mafia. I need more people to work for me, even if it's just cleaning or something like that, so, in exchange for this old man's life, you come work for me. You'll be like my little dog. You're going to give up this life you live and start living for me. So, what do you say? Deal?

Amai doesn't think twice before answering:

Amai: -Yes, I ACCEPT!

CEO: -What???

Amai: -Are you deaf? I said I A-C-C-E-P-T.

CEO: -Alright then.

He drinks the beverage and says:

CEO: -I'll give you five minutes, meanwhile I'll be waiting outside in the car, and don't even think about trying anything funny, or else both you and your father… die.

He walks out.

Tachimaru: -My son, don't go, stay here! We can escape through the back door.

Amai: -Didn't you hear him? And besides, there are his henchmen all around the house.

Tachimaru: -Why, my son? Why didn't you let me die?

Amai: -You raised me, didn't you? I'm just returning what you gave me. I couldn't let you die like this.

Amai goes to his room and the only thing he takes is his music box, and before leaving he says to his father:

Amai: -Father, promise me one thing? Try to stop drinking and stay out of trouble. When I get back, I want to see you in a good place, okay?

Tachimaru: -Okay…

Then Amai leaves and closes the door. Tachimaru, crying profusely, says:

Tachimaru: -I'm sorry, my son, but I don't know if you'll be able to come back to me…

Amai gets into the CEO's car:

CEO: -Hey, who said you could sit in the front? Get in the back seat now!

Amai goes to the back seat without saying anything.

Then the CEO starts the car and starts driving. Minutes later, the CEO starts asking Amai questions:

CEO: -How old are you?

Amai: -Twenty years old.

CEO: -Hmm, can you handle heavy work… strange, why aren't you crying about being away from your father and stuff?

Amai: -In a way, it's sad, but nothing will change. My house was crap, my job too, at home there was nothing of value, not even a bed I had, and well, my father is an alcoholic. At least I hope he's okay, almost nothing will change.

CEO: -Hmm… makes sense. Well, we're here!

Amai looks out the car window and sees a gate opening, and shortly after, a huge garden:

Amai thinks, "WOW, how beautiful, is he really from the mafia? Makes sense, since he seems powerful."

He gets out of the car and Amai does too. The CEO hands the keys to someone to park his car and calls one of his subordinates and says:

CEO: -Another new puppy of mine, for now, put him with Marco, tomorrow we'll start training him hehe😜.

Subordinate: -Yes, boss… hey, new puppy, let's go (Amai).

Then Amai follows this subordinate to the room where he was going to stay. They arrive, and before entering the subordinate says:

Subordinate: -The person in there will be your roommate, so try to get along with him.

The subordinate opens the door and says to whoever is inside: "Roommate!"

Then the subordinate leaves and Amai enters and closes the door:

Marco: -So you're my new roommate, welcome! What's your name?

Amai: -Amai, and you?

Marco: -My name is Marco.

Amai: -I see, so we're sharing this room?

Marco: -Yes, why?

Amai: -Compared to what I had before, this place is paradise.

Marco: -Paradise? I think you came to the wrong place because this is not paradise, on the contrary… just so you know, most of my roommates were the boss's puppies, and they always disappear on the third day, I don't think they managed to escape, I wonder if they ended up… dead?

Amai: -Hmm, I don't mind dying after sleeping in this room, I don't have high expectations for life anyway.

Marco: -Hmm, you're crazy, I like you, hahaha, make yourself comfortable, I have to go now.

Then Amai is left alone in the room, he puts his music box on one of the beds and starts to explore the room:

Amai: -This room is really beautiful and cozy, did I really come here to be a puppy? If I am, I'm the happiest puppy ever, hehe.

Then he approaches the window and sees the CEO talking on the phone, and suddenly the CEO looks up and sees Amai looking at him, the two stare at each other and then Amai moves away from the window:

Amai: -He's strangely attractive.

Then Amai turns on his music box and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Amai closes the bathroom door, takes off his clothes and turns on the shower:

Amai: -Even the shower water is warm, my God, this is so good, hahaha, I better enjoy it because it seems like they're going to be tough on me, and if the puppies really were killed in three days, I'm going to try to survive longer than that!

Then he showers listening to a song and dancing. After taking a shower, he dried off and got dressed, opened the door and threw himself on the bed. The music box started to stop playing:

Amai: -Oh, I forgot to bring a charger, I'm going to search Marco's things, maybe I'll find one.

So he started going through the drawers of the dresser and suddenly the door opens and Marco catches him red-handed going through his things:

Marco: -Uh… what are you doing?

Amai: -I'm looking for a charger, don't you have one around here?

Marco: -You're very strange, instead of worrying about where you are, you're after a charger, seriously, you're the first one I've seen not worried, I've even seen people commit suicide to avoid staying here, and you're after a charger?? I have one in the bottom drawer.

Amai: -Thanks!

Episode 3

After putting his music box on charge, he was bored, but didn't know if he could go out as it was already night:

Amai: -I'm going to sleep, tomorrow I don't know if I'll be alive.

Then he went to the window and looked at the sky:

Amai: -Mother, do you think I did the right thing? I couldn't let dad die like that...wish me luck.

Then he lay on the soft bed and fell asleep like a rock.


Marco: -Wake up, the boss is calling you, go brush your teeth and put on these clothes.

Marco left the clothes on the bed and Amai, still sleepy, went to brush his teeth and change clothes. After changing clothes, he was taken to the CEO's office:

Amai: -What do you want?

CEO: -Good morning! Are you okay?

Amai: -Why all this friendliness? If you want to tell me something, just tell me!

CEO: -Your father didn't teach you manners?

The CEO got up from his desk, walked towards Amai, got really close to his face and said:

CEO: -I think you better start having manners, first of all remember that you are just another one of my little dogs, secondly call me BOSS because I'm not your relative! So, today you will train, I want you to know the basics of fighting, and at least know how to shoot, and after you finish your first training today, come to my office, do you understand?

Amai: -Yes.

CEO: -Yes???

Amai: -Yes boss.

CEO: -Alright, welcome to the beginning of hell, you can leave, one of my subordinates will take you to train.

So Amai left his office and went to his first training.

The subordinate explained to Amai how things worked as he led him to the training room:

Subordinate: -Here you have to wake up early, as you can see, everyone wears the same uniform, except for training. As you are new you won't be sent on missions, usually the boss's little dogs don't go on missions, so practically you will train every day and do what the boss says. Here we have fighting and weapon training, in the fighting training you fight with another member here, you can't kill each other but can hurt each other, the fight only stops when the opponent gives up announcing the other winner, well I think that's it, you find out the rest in practice, this is the room, you can go in.

Amai enters the room and it is full of people fighting each other:

Subordinate: -You're lucky you won't fight with the veterans yet, those here are also beginners, they arrived recently! good luck, I'll leave you in the hands of the commander!

Then the subordinate shouts: "COMMANDER, HERE'S THE BOSS'S LITTLE DOG"

then the subordinate leaves the room:

Commander: -So you're the new little dog? welcome, let's test your fighting level. Everyone make a circle here, let's see what this kid can do.

Then the commander sends Amai to the middle of the circle and commands someone to go fight him:

Commander: -You know the rules, right?

Amai: -Yes.

So when the commander orders them to start Amai says:

Amai: -I give up!

Commander: -Huh?

Amai: -Wasn't it just for me to give up and announce the winner? so!

Commander: -It's not exactly like that, start.

Amai gets nervous, because he wasn't much of a fighter, so the man who was with him started the fight and when Amai was about to run the people in the circle wouldn't let him leave:

Commander: -You're only going to leave when I want my son!

So the man grabs him from behind, leaving Amai breathless and it made him remember an old memory from when he was a child, Amai thinking while being choked "Oh, I used to do taekwondo when I was younger" and that made him remember a move to save himself when someone was being choked from behind, so he grabbed the man's head and made an effort to make him fly in front of him, and it worked, the man fell on his back on the ground.

The commander then orders everyone to stand up:

Commander: -Today I will teach you some initial attacks so just repeat after me.

So they spent a good time training. After the training was over, Amai drank water and went straight to the boss's office. Upon arrival, the guard stopped him:

Guard: -Wait a moment, there's a woman busy with the boss right now!

Amai: -Busy like... having sex?

Guard: -Yes. You're his new little dog, right? Let me tell you some things you need to know... The boss is a bit impatient, you must have heard that his little dogs last a maximum of three days.

Amai: -Yes, I've heard.

Guard: -So, try not to make him angry.

Amai: -That's all I need, didn't I say I would be an obedient dog?

Guard: -It's up to you! what's your name?

Amai: -My name is Amai, and you?

Guard: -My name is "Jay."

Amai: -Alright Jay.

Suddenly the woman came out, so the guard allowed Amai to enter. When Amai entered, he found the boss only wearing pants and no shirt:

CEO: -I had forgotten about you.

Amai: -What do you want, boss?

CEO: -Calm down, sit here next to me.

So Amai sat down and then the CEO started talking:

CEO: -Are you enjoying it here?

Amai: -It's better than nothing.

CEO: -Did you like the first training?

Amai: -Damn, stop acting like you care about it!

The CEO gets close to Amai and holds his hair tightly:

Amai: -Owww.

CEO: -Didn't I tell you to be polite?

The CEO gets closer to his face, almost kissing him and staring at him.

Amai: -I understand, boss, please let go of my hair.

Amai feels relieved after he let go of his hair:

CEO: -Well, that's it for today, come back after training tomorrow! you may leave. Then Amai left his office.

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