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My Flirty Ex-Husband

Introduction : a cheater

(a/n : in this story, you're name is Kim Hyun-ae)

At the age at of 21, I'm married with a guy that I don't know, it was a forced marriaged between our two families since our family were friends with them for years. I'm an obedient girl, I respect my parents decisions even I didn't want it but I have no choice.

On the first night of our marriage, I suddenly went nervous, I haven't met who this guy is then slowly the door started to opened, I turned my look and it was a guy "are you Jungkook?", I asked just to break the silence.

He nodded "you must be Kim Hyun-ae?", and I just nodded. What are we going to do? are we going to sleep on the same bed? but i'm not ready.

He went closer to my face "don't worry,I wont do anything to you", he smiled then my heart started to beat faster when he smiled. I think i'm falling for him. He's so handsome. Thank goodness i'm married with a handsome guy. I'm so lucky.


After that night, we ate breakfast. Jungkook treated me better, he was taking good care of me. We tell each other lives like high school and any other funny stuff, sometimes both of us laughed.

But after a few nights went away, he went home late. I just understand why he's late since he's a busy man. He is a CEO at a biggest company but after another few nights, he didn't come back home at all and it make me feel kind of lonely. It just a few weeks of our marriage but to be honest we didn't have our night together and i'm still virg*n. I never once in a relationship before.

Then one night, I just laying on my bed. I got nothing to do then I get up from the bed.

"I think I should see Jungkook", I said to myself with my determined face so I droved to his company.


"Is Jeon Jungkook here?", I asked "are you here to meet him or make an appointment?", asked a woman on the counter "I'm here to meet him", I said "then please wait there", she said while pointing the place for me to sit on.


I wait half an hour and Jungkook didn't came out, I went furious so I stand up and opened the door of his office.

"J-Jungkook?", I was shocked "yah! get out!", he shouted at me.

I went out from the door, I can't believe what I just saw. He's with another woman..?! and they even making out, my heart sank and it's hurts so much, my eyes started to went teary.

I just run away from the building and went back home. I cried even more.

What a cheater.


*A/N : it's my new story, hoped you guys like it so much💗 To be honest, It kinda make me stressed a little because I have been making 3 stories at a time but don't worry I will update all of them as soon as I can😊 So please subscribe,like,comment or a tip if you guys like it so much😁*

Chapter 1 : dinner

Hyun-ae POV.

I went to my house furiously then slowly I could hear a door opened "oh,here you are!", said Jungkook. What..?! doesn't he have any shame..?! but then I looked outside, there's a woman but it was different woman from what I see before

"Yah! I want to divorce!", I said furiously, I felt angered inside of me "yeah,we should divorce, it's not like I care about you", he scoffed and the same time he smirked "what?"

"So all this time you think I would fall to a woman like you?", he said while lifting up my chin "looked at the mirror first,I've got many woman waiting in the line but you don't fit one of them", he smirked while looking at me. I went furioused even more. My heart hurts.

"You better packed up your stuff if you wanted to divorce", he ignored me and take the woman inside and put her on the bed infront of me. I've got disgusted just by looking at him. I packed up my stuff but they keep doing like I am nothing infront of them then I left the house felt annoyed but at the same time I felt really hurt that I fell for someone like that. I must be stupid.


I went to my parents house, I cried at them and tell them everything. They blamed themselves because i'm married with that kind of guy but since both of our family were friends they still keep hang out each other. Jungkook and I just divorced peacefully.




After 3 years

"Hyun-ae, you got meeting in a few minutes,you have to get ready", said my secretary, I nodded.

After 3 years, I have been doing what I like, I felt so much happy then before after I divorced. I am now a CEO of a fashion designer company, I like fashion clothes ever since middle school. Many people like my work and the past few months, I have been more successful.

My secretary, Yoo Jeongyeon is my bestfriend, she's know everything about me. She helped me to regain happiness and beauty. After 3 years, I looked myself on the mirror, I felt and looked different, I changed so much but no plastic surgery. It's the power of makeup and exercising, even my body had changed

That's the reason I picked her as my secretary because I trust her than anyone else.


"I can't handle it anymore right now", I whined after I just laid my body on the couch "yah! get up! you have a dinner tonight,get ready", said Jeongyeon

"Can I postponed it?", I asked "no,this is an important dinner,you have to go", she said strictly, I pouted.

"I'm doing this for your own good and future", she said strictly again "okay boss"


Before the dinner, Hyun-ae POV

"Are you going to wear that?", asked Jeongyeon "wae? it's pretty", I said dumbfounded.

"It is pretty but-", she hesitated while looking at me up and down "I really like the shape of your body but if only you could showned a little bit of skin", she said.

"Yah! don't you see how much skin of mine had showned! I felt really cold!", I said while showing my bare shoulder since it's an off shoulder dress but she just chuckled at me "okay,we should go".



I didn't know this restaurant could be this cold, I shivered but a little.

Jeongyeon were beside me "we were going to have a dinner with that person", she pointed.

I looked at that person from behind, there were two guys and it looks like the both of them in their 20s. I suddenly looked at one of the person, his back looked familiar to me. We went to them then both of us bowed "you must be Hyun-ae", I just nodded and smiled gently.

But the person beside him, I suddenly realised, it's Jungkook..?! am I dreaming..?! it really is Jungkook. He looked at me dumbfounded and shocked, I went nervous all of a sudden. I hoped you don't remembered me.

"We've been wanting to meet you", said that man beside Jungkook. "Oh,I didn't introduced you yet,I'm Kim Namjoon,the secretary of the company", he bowed "and this is-" "I'm Jeon Jungkook", said Jungkook.

Namjoon just looked at him, a bit confused. I suddenly whispered at Jeongyeon "why are we having dinner with them?", I asked

"They are the biggest company,if we friends and get to know them well,our popularity will get bigger and one day,you will even get more success", she said and I just simply nodded "wae?are there any problem?do you know them?", asked Jeongyeon curiously "I will tell you later".

"Well,we've been wanting to meet you,your fashion clothes are getting more attention,how did you inspired by making it?", asked Namjoon "well,it's my hobby ever since middle school,I inspired from getting to know people more and tried to look more clearly by my surrounding at every details", I said while trying to be calm infront of Jungkook. I could felt the nervous feeling inside of me.

"What are your status right now?married?single?", Jungkook asked me all of a sudden.

I went speechless, Jeongyeon saw me nervous then she helped me "that's her privacy,we can't tell much", said Jeongyeon.

"Wae? it's not wrong,i'm just asking", he said while drinking his champaigne calm.

"Uh,that", I were stuttered. Should I say that I once divorced but Jungkook infront of me "Ms.Hyun-ae are still single,that's the only thing I assured you guys,she never been in any relationship before", said Jeongyeon. I felt relieved when she helped me.

I could see Jungkook smirked while drinking his champaigne, what is he thinking right now?! if he wanted to embarassed me but please not infront of them and other people, I hate it.

"Your name are kind of weird but it's beautiful,who named it?", asked Namjoon "my father named it,my name means love and clear,my father were hoping I could give people love around the world but in a gentle and mannered way not in a forced way", I said while smiling "it's late,we really have to go before the restaurants closed", he said and we just simply nodded.


I went to the ladies bathroom. I hoped I won't see that guy again but he looks like he's not remembered me, my heart were sank low but I shacked the thought away. We have to treat each other strangers, I don't want to be that closed to him.

I went outside the ladies bathroom "I'm going to take a car first,can you wait outside?it might be cold a little", said Jeongyeon worried a little "it's okay,I can wait", I said.

It's really cold when I went outside the restaurant, I felt cold but I tried to keep it up but suddenly I could feel someone were putting his jacket on my shoulder "who-".

I turned my look, the guy infront of me looked a little bit cold on his face "wear it or I strip you", he said while smirking. Are Jungkook playing with me..?! let me see how you played.

"I'm not cold", I said at him back while pulled out his jacket from my shoulder and give it to him "why are you being like this huh?you think I don't remembered you?I remembered everything", he said while looking at me with a smirked on his face.

"Me being like this? this is who I am and what do you want..?! from what I remembered we are strangers", I furiously said at him back. "Strangers?we just divorced,you think we stop there?", he said.

"Yeah that's what I think,we stopped there,not like you cared about me and please just stopped being one", I looked at him a little bit annoyed. Where is Jeongyeon?

"I won't stopped there", he said seductively while lifting up my chin, I pushed his hand away from me. "We are strangers! I remembered that i'm not one of your girls in the line! I hoped I will never see you again. I felt disgusted just by looking at you,i'm not a material", I said angrily and luckily Jeongyeon came in time, I opened the door of the backseat and leaves him.

I'm not sad or depressed when I looked at him, I just felt annoyed "what are you guys talking about just now?", asked Jeongyeon while focusing on the road while driving.

"He's the one I divorced", I said while looking outside and remembered all the past, it's been 3 years, I can't keep calm. I felt annoyed and hatred at him, I have to keep my distant so it won't hurt the feeling inside. I just needed to let go of the past, he looks like he's still the same, never changed.

I sighed, "Just send me home".

On the other side, Jungkook POV

I looked outside from the car, I can't keep calm. I wouldn't have thought Hyun-ae getting more beautiful than before, why didn't I know that? "You're weird today", said Namjoon while focusing on the road, he's driving.

"What weird?", I asked a little bit dumbfounded.

"You know,I always said everything for you everytime we had dinner with someone and you always didn't care who that person is but this time,you're the one who talk,you even asked her if she's single or not", chuckled Namjoon. I rolled my eyes when he chuckled at the end of his word. But seriously why did I asked her that, we once married then divorced but we didn't have our night together, I wonder if she's still virg*n.

"Namjoon,please investigate what Hyun-ae has been doing for the past 3 years", I said firmly. "Why are you going to investigate her?", confused Namjoon.

"Just do it before I send you to the africa for the whole 2 years", I threatened him. "Okay,I will do it!", frightened Namjoon (*why does he want to investigate Hyun-ae all of a sudden?*)

I sighed while looking outside the window, it's nightime. After she have left 3 years ago, I felt different. I changed, i'm getting more bored when I bring woman all the time to my house. I suddenly went cold to every woman. It feels like the moment she left, a part of me have left either.


Chapter 2 : eye contact

At home, late at night, Hyun-ae POV.

After I went home, I showered and wore my night dress. I laid my body on the bed, I keep asking myself, what Jungkook doing all these years? Is he still bringing woman? but I slapped myself. Why would I mind his own business..?! if he still bringing woman, I won't care about him even once.

I sighed, I really can't sleep. I have trouble when I sleep at night but when I was busy working, my eyes tired. It feels like it's better sleeping when I was working than the night. But to be honest, I scared when I sleep alone. I don't know why.

I may look like an elegent and confident woman infront of everyone but I am still young. I scared easily like a little kid, I scared of nightime when I went out alone, I even scared of thunder especially during the nightime. Jeongyeon would always be there for me like a mother since she's older than me, i'm a clumsy person and somehow a little bit of slow in everything.

I just sighed. I need to grow up like a big woman and being mature. My mom always nagging me to get married but I'm still not ready.


The next day, Hyun-ae POV.

I woke up early since I always worked early, I didn't have time to rest. Sometimes, I worked overtime but Jeongyeon doesn't like when I tried to worked too hard.

I went inside the company, many people greeted me "Good morning Ms.Hyun-ae", they all bowed and I bowed at them back. After I went inside they like to gossiped and chatting.

"Ms.Hyun-ae are really an angel" "She suits every clothes,I like her fashion" "she's young, I wonder she's still single or not", all of them keep talking and talking but I didn't hear what they said then Jeongyeon shushed them "get back to work".

Inside the office, Hyun-ae POV.

"You're getting more famous now", said Jeongyeon while I was sitting on my chair "what did they said? is it good?", I smiled a little and hoping that it is good for me to hear.

"Ofcourse it's good!", she said while smiling. "Our boss is an angel,she's pretty,I like her", she said while acting like a fangirling, I chuckled at her act.

"Okay,we should get serious. We got a meeting about your new project in an hour-" "what..?!", I interupt her word.

"I'm not finished yet,in the noon you got another meeting about the stocks of your project" "stocks?we already have enough money to buy the stocks. What's there to be talked about?", I said while looking at her confused but at the same time I was hoping that I wouldn't have any meeting in the noon.

"Is that a reason to escape the meeting? you're not good in business anyway", she said while looking at me straight. Jeongyeon knows me too well. I pouted while looking at her a bit annoyed, she just chuckled "and we are not going to talk about the money,it's a cooperation for our stocks between the top 3 of a biggest company", she said seriously.

"Top 3?", I asked "yes,top 3", she said firmly. I just smiled "get up,we have to get ready", said Jeongyeon, I sighed "okay,let's go".


During lunchtime, Hyun-ae POV.

I looked on the screen of my laptop, my eyes were getting heavier, my stomach were growling but not much but I ignored it.

"Hyun-ae, it's lunchtime, you should eat something", said Jeongyeon. "It's okay,i'm not hungry,you can eat with the others", I said while looking on the screen of my laptop.

"Are you sure?", she asked a little bit worried. "Yeah,i'm fine,if i'm hungry,I can go on my own", I smiled at her then she simply nodded and went out of the office.

I stretched my arm "I'm tired-", then my stomach started to growling "and hungry", I added "I should follow her in the first place", I said to myself. I took my stuff and went out for lunch.

Since Jeongyeon with the others, I droved the car and search for a better place for lunch. I parked my car and thinking where should I eat.

"Why this is so hard..?!", I said to myself. I looked around the area but suddenly I looked beside me from the outside "Jungkook?"

He parked his car beside me, our eyes connected, he looked at me and I looked at him and my heart started to beat rapidly.

Jungkook POV.

I parked my car just to relaxing my mind, what happened to me lately? but then I looked beside me.

"Hyun-ae?", I mumbled.

It's the first time I looked straight into her eyes. Oh god,it's too beautiful to looked at. It feels like time had stopped between us, my heart suddenly beat rapidly.

But suddenly she started her car just to drived but I stopped her. I furiously went out of my car. I ran and went inside her car and sit on an empty seat beside her "what are you doing here..?!", she said furiously.

"Aren't you hungry? let's go", I said while looking at her, she's looking at me confused and dumbfounded. I didn't realise that I stared at her beautiful eyes for so long, I had this feeling that I wanna kiss her so I went closer to her face. She were frozed.

Hyun-ae POV.

"Aren't you hungry? let's go", said Jungkook. What does he want..?! but suddenly he went closer to my face. What is this..?! what is he going to do to me..?!

He were getting closer and closer to my face, I was frozed and gulped all of a sudden but I pushed him "what do you want..?!", I asked him furiously.

"Please get out", I said but he just looked at me. "You want me to get out", he said seductively and suddenly his hand were grabbing my waist. I frozed, my heart felt different, it was beating fast.

"If you want me to get out then begged", he said while slowly went to my ear and blow it with his breath. Oh no, my body can't handle it, he's too strong and we're in the car, I tried to move but the space are so small. "Just get out", I said but he slowly went to my neck.

"J-Jungkook", I called out his name then he suddenly stopped.

"Do you hate me?", he asked.

"Yes! I really hate you! what am I to you..?! a toy..?! find someone else to play with! i'm not playing with you! just please get out", I said then he let go of me slowly. "why", he spoke all of a sudden "why do you hate me?", he asked while looking at me straight into the eyes

Seriously..?! he's the one who's wrong and he didn't know..?! "you asked me why..?! we're already divorced and your the reason! just please", I suddenly pleaded.

"Just please,i'm not a toy like you did to other woman,I hate that kind person,I feel disgusted", I said.

Then he went out of the car furiously then a tear suddenly went out from my eyes. Why am I crying..?! what the hell..?! then I shacked the thought away and started to drive.

Jungkook were still in his car but I don't care about him anymore, why should I?

I just drove and went back to the company, my stomach doesn't feel hungry because of him, i'm not in the mood to eat.


Inside the office, Hyun-ae POV.

I sat on the chair then Jeongyeon suddenly came in "did you eat lunch?", she asked but I just shook my head with my face looking depressed "what happened?", she asked worried just by looking at my face.

"I met Jungkook", I said "what did he want?", she asked.

"I don't know,he just came to me all of a sudden then he talked why did I hate him so I amwered him that I hate about what kind of person of him", I explained and she just simply nodded.

I sighed "then are you hungry? I can asked people to bring some food to you", she said but I just shook my head while smiling.

"Then,you should get ready", she said.

"get ready for what?", I asked dumbfounded "your meeting! don't you remembered", she said and I suddenly remembered. "I should go,I need a distraction anyway", I stand up and went to the meeting room.


In the meeting room, Hyun-ae POV.

"If we cooporate one of the top 3 biggest company,we can get our new project went smoothly", said one of the workers.

"yes and we can get easier if we be friends with them so in the future,we would be successful and will get more attention for the project", said another workers.

I was thinking what they just said "you guys right,it will be easier for the new project", I said seriously.

"and since the cost of our new project are so high,it's easier to buy all the stocks", said Jeongyeon.

I nodded and smiled "so what is the top 3 biggest company we would cooporate?", I asked "how about the top 1? since they are unstoppable and get so much attention", suggest Jeongyeon.

"Then you can called them for our cooporation later", I said and they all nodded.

"Okay,meeting ends. Thank you for your time,you guys make a good job", I said with a smile and bowed.


After the meeting, inside the office, Hyun-ae POV.

I laid my body on the couch "I don't know that meeting could be this tiring", I whined.

"I had called the company that you asked me for", said Jeongyeon "and how did it went?", I asked while turned my body to looked at her "sit straight please", she instructed me.

So I sit straight "they agreed and we will have a dinner with them", she said "dinner..?! I don't want to go", I whined.

"I heard that the CEO of the company are so handsome", she said while looking at me and hoping that I should get up and ready "if it's handsome as you said", I suddenly stand up "I'll defienetly go!".


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