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Fate Bought Us Together


This is my first time writing the novel please support me

If we have crush on someone if that person will fell the same way then its's wonderful but if it one-sided or that person may like other person and ignore your feelings will really hurt bad

Character introduction

Firstly our female lead(fl)Clara Raven

she is pretty, and in the beginning of the high school age:-16 and shinning eyes average in studies little nerd until she knows that person

Next our male lead (ml)Wyatt hale

Name Wyatt hale Handsome with glittering and dazzling blue eyes he was popular with girls and arrogant was happy about being handsome and in same year as the fl, but he is in class 1 has his study is excellent and first rank

...(Next the introduction of our fl friend Annie valley)...

Annie valley friend of our Clara best friend always in the same class from the childhood, and currently they are in the same class the class 5 and also they are neighbors she is gorgeous beautiful and got so many love letters never once proposed directly, and she is not bothered by it loves her family and her best friend Clara

Our ml best friend (Silas Wesley)

Our ml best friend same age as him and is the second handsome after the Wyatt and also in the same class as the Wyatt and hard worker

(Author's POV)

When the beginning of the high school everyone will be excited about their studies making new friends and hanging out with friends and some to see their crush 🥰 and some to achieve their goals ....

In this story what all will go on let's see

(Clara's POV)

*I am so excited to go to school today because it is going to high school and end of the middle school from now on I should score extra marks and improve myself and make new renovations * in this thought I got ready for the school 🏫 🎒 and had my breakfast 🥞 🍳 and went to Annie's house to go to school Annie was packing her bag and I called her, and she came out with bag and went to the school laughing and talking and reached the school and there was checking for the'd card I then remembered that I forgot the'd card I was furiously nervous and at this timer used. Outside many people were walking then I by the hitting someone and I got injured then I raised my to see how it is I was amazed by his handsomeness whose hair is well-dressed, and his blue dazzling eyes caught my attention and his long nose and pink lips I think I fall in love 💕 at first sight with him, I have never seen such a handsome man I was wondering who he is and crowd gathered around,, and he offered his hand and help me to get and suddenly I said to him, you are so handsome what's your name (end of Clara POV)

(end of the episode )

Episode 1

Episode 1

Clara was wondering 🤔 who is this handsome man that she haven't seen this much handsome in this school 🏫 and she wanted to know his name and she took the initiative and asked for his name then Wyatt with the cold gaze but still little smile on his face acting kind he said iam soory I was not watching my way and he moved into his class but clara was still in daze

(Clara's POV)

What did I just ask him what did he told me I am not understanding anything and I am confused what did he think of me I just asked his I didn't ask his apologies. Oh,, right I forgot one thing I was the one bumped into him,, but he apologized me I think I need to apologize him. But wait a minute do I know in which class is he studying I think,, so I don't have brain 🧠 Annie was right,, and now I need to go to class it's already late.(end of Clara's POV)

Whereas Annie waiting for Clara keeping one seat empty beside her

(Annie's POV)

Where is Clara class is about to start and Haven't come to class and sir entered the class I should inform her (Annie message Clara sir entered the class)

Clara saw the message and rushed towards the class and asked teacher permission and get into the class. As this classes continues until lunch break and Clara and Annie were attentive because this time they have a goal to score more marks

(in lunch break)

Annie and Clara went to cafeteria there Annie asks Clara why she was late to class then Clara remembers everything, and she smiles little and says all about the incident before coming to the class and at last Clara says he was handsome, and I need to know his name I get to know by the uniform that he studies in the same school, and he is also high school, so I am wondering will he come to school cafeteria.

Annie says so many things have happened . Ok let's see how much handsome he is show me when he enters the cafeteria. After sometime some girls started scream Annie and clara was surprised and saw why they were screaming and saw two handsome boys entering together to the cafeteria and Clara in excited manner says to Annie to look at them and said the one with the blue dazzling eyes I bumped into him and fell in love with him at first sight what do say about it and Annie was shocked with what Clara said and she says are you gone crazy you don't know anything about him,,, and you are saying you are in love with him do you know his name and Clara answered no but I will ask him know and she went to ask his name.

( Clara's POV)

(in mind) if I need to know his name then I must be brave and go and ask for him, I need to be brave let's go then I have gone near where the girls for surrounded around them, and they were eating the lunch peacefully then I asked sorry for the incident in the morning can I know your name and I watch him into the eyes then I saw that there was no expression in him, and he was coldly looking at me and didn't say anything and he at last he said that it was none of my business.

(End of the chapter please subscribe for more updates)

Episode 2

 Clara was in daze after hearing that,, and they finished there lunch and went out of cafeteria but was there still in daze what did I ask him just his name right why did he act like that and Clara went to her seat where Annie was sitting and suddenly Annie started laughing 😅😂 and teased her by saying it's none of your business and Clara said I will find out his name no matter what you will just see what I am capable of.

 After these class go on continued and as usual they took notes and in the evening when class everyone was going there way home and the same Clara and Annie was about to go home then at the gate of the college Annie said Clara to go and ask your crush name he is just standing there. Then Clara was serious about if she wants know the name she wants to know that's all like persistent then she again went towards Wyatt and started with greeting like saying hello and good evening in awkward trying to start conversation and Wyatt said what do you want why are you stalking me. So Clara replied nothing just your name can you say that and I am not asking your property just your name and by hearing these Wyatt in cold ❄️ voice you are so annoying then Silas came he left with Silas.

   Clara in mind (s his name that costly how do I know his name it's too tough as if any discovery)

At the same time some random boy asked Clara do you want to know his name then ask me then I will say you I know his name because we study in the same class, but I have one condition if you agree to that condition then I can say you his name Clara in a surprise manor do you know his name then can you saying I am ok with any condition what's the condition then the random boy said you have to finish my this four papers can you do that Clara reply I can do that then the random boy said his name is Wyatt hale and he is smartest and intelligent of our class and always rank 1st after hearing these Clara amazed and said is it his name Wyatt what an amazing name and was about to leave then the random boy stopped her and said classmate you are already forgetting you are promise and hand out the four question papers and says I need this by next week please solve it Clara was happy after hearing Wyatt's name and took papers as if she can solve it and saw Annie was waiting for her and Clara was so much happy 😊 that Annie did you got know his name, so you are smiling like a monkey 🐵 right. Clara said do you know his name is so cool 😎 his name is Wyatt hale, and he is the intelligent kid in the class only this much information I got. So Annie thank God today only you got know his name I thought it 🤔 it will take at least 1 month, and you know got to know his name then what next.

Clara says to Annie shall I tell him that I fell for him at first sight and propose him, but I think it's too early for it or else shall ask him to be my friend and then to be my boyfriend what do you say Annie and Annie said you and your ideas are terrifying I am really thinking 🤔 are you really my friend or alien 👽 came from another planet what are you talking you want to his friend but if you ask for him to be your friend then he will refuse you and says you are annoying so Clara what ever may he say I will ask him to be my friend that's all.

(end of the chapter 2 like and subscribe for more chapters thank you)

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