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Saikyo And The Special Eye

Episode 1: The Man Blessed with a Special Eye

My name is Saikyo Gastara. My story started when I was 16 years old. Me and my brother, Pakiso were leaving by our own, just the 2 of us. Our parents died in a car accident 6 years ago.

It was another Monday, I was sleeping like a baby in my bed, dreaming that I could become a hero someday. But that dream didn't last long. My brother woke me up using a horn. Because I was startled, I banged my head on the ceiling. It left me with a bump on my head which really hurts. My brother woke because he said we were gonna be late for school. So, I just followed my brother and got ready for school

When we arrived at school, I took a big sigh because I know that this day is not gonna end well, just like any other school day. Right when we were inside, two bullies named Taisaku and Naraku blocked our way. They said that they had unfinished business with me. They wanted revenge after I spilled their juice box last Friday. "What kind of pathetic losers would want revenge after their juice boxes were spilled" I said to myself. But they were just regular high school bullies, of course they would be jerks.

"We're gonna beat you up until you're pulverized." they said. At that moment, I dropped my bag and stared at them. "Go away and leave my sight, or else.."I said. But the two of them laughed it of, like it was somekind of joke to them. They lifted me up and started to threaten." Ha! you, beat us up. Please, you're just a regular kid. You can't match our strength." Then, as they were going to beat me up and land their first hit, my brother, Pakiso stood up before them. "Let my brother go!" he said loudly. But the two bullies ignored him. But before I got hit with his punch, the bell rang. The two bullies dropped me on the floor and swore that I will get the beating of a lifetime. Pakiso helped me to stand up and we walked to our classrooms. " Huh, those two bastards think their so tough, well, I just hope karma is real." I said to myself. At that moment, those two will now become my rivals for the rest of the school year.

Inside the classroom I see Himera Yume, a very intelligent and kind girl who seems interested in me. When I sat down on my chair in front of Himera, she looked at me like I had something of hers. That's when I realized that I still had her pencil with. So when I realized it I quickly gave it back to her. That's the moment when class started. Takoto Mirasu, our sensei, opened the door and walked to the teacher's table. That's when I started to get bored. I asked Takoto-sensei if I could go to the bathroom. He said no, because we can't go to the bathroom until break time. But, I refused. Sensei started get mad, and at one moment, he got pissed of. He sent me to detention for not participating in class. Of course, I can't deny that so I went to detention. Pakiso started to feel that something wasn't right about me, so now he's starting to get worried me. Inside detention, I finally realized something

To Be Continued

Episode 2: Reawakening Part 1

When I was put in detention, I realized something. My father told that if I had sudden mood swings and become more aggressive towards others, it's a sign that my left eye is starting awaken. Of course, I didn't understand what he meant, but now, I think I'm now realize what he said.

The bell just rang, which means school is over the day. Takoto-sensei released me from detention. But as he was going to release me, he said something strange to me. "Keep that left eye of yours in tact. If it releases its powers, it could destroy thus whole city. So please, control yourself." That statement freaked me out, so I just said to him "Sure". When we were about to walk out if the door, the two bullies showed up in front of us.

"Where do you think you're going, punk. I told that we were gonna give you the beating of a lifetime. And that time is today." Taisaku said to me. I quickly ignored them, knowing that they would soon walk away from me thinking that I'm not interesting enough. But, as I was going to go passed them, Naraku held me up and said " You're not going anywhere, you coward. Come and fight us like a man." That immediately pissed me off. And that's when things started to get out of hand. My left eye glowed repeatedly in a bluish color. Then, It took over my left eye. It became glowing blue eye. Without a minute to spare, I quickly punched Naraku in the stomach. I didn't I could do that, like my eye has a mind of its own. But with all the anger I possessed, I didn't care if Naraku got hurt.

Full of anger, I approached Taisaku and punched him from a distance. Taisaku and Naraku were badly hurt and almost couldn't stand up. It was the perfect moment for me to finish them of completely. But, as I was gonna deliver the final blow, someone sttod in the way and blocked my attack. When I looked closely at the person, I realized that it was Takoto-sensei who blocked my attack. But my strength is far more powerful than his, so I put all my force in my fist and pushed Takoto- sensei about one meter away from. Full day f anger, I charged at him with all of my force, but that didn't stop him. He was able to block my attack again, like his hands were made of metal or something. Distracted, I didn't notice that he was about to make an attack. He pulled out his hand away from mine and forcefully punched really hard. Because that punch was so hard, it flew all that way to the end of the hallway. I couldn't do anything at that point. I was ready to give up, but my eye is telling to not give up and fight him head on. I had no other choice. I must fight Takoto-sensei.

To Be Continued

Episode 3: Reawakening Part 2

We were about to fight, I was almost ready preparing my first punch, but my eye has a mind of its own. Even though I wasn't ready, I attacked anyway. But because I was unprepared, Takoto-sensei easily blocked my attack like it was just a piece of paper. Now that I was suppresses, there was nothing I can do but wait for Takoto-sensei's attack. Surprisingly, his attack was a punch. But not just one, nor two, nor three, but a lot of punches to my abdomen.

His attacks were so painful that I felt like my rib cage was broken. I couldn't do anything, I really want to give up. When he was about to land the final blow, something strange happened. My eye controlled my hand to punch him before he could land the hit. I couldn't do anything so I just let my eye take control. I was able to punch him very hard, so hard he flew about two meters away from me. Now that he was down, I was able to land some blows on him. I punched Takoto-sensei a bunch of times that my hand was starting to get tired. But me eye didn't care. But before I could punch him one last time, Pakiso held my hand before I could punch Takoto-sensei. "Stop it Saikyo, I can't take this anymore you have to stop RightNow" he said. I stared at Pakiso, he was right, I needed to stop. But my hand was suddenly going to perform a punch directly to Takoto-sensei. But before it could land, Pakiso stood in the way, punching him instead.

He spitted blood all over the floor and some on my pants. I felt guilty, I just punched my own brother. I felt so guilty that I couldn't forgive my self. But at least Pakiso was still alive. He only passed out from the pain. Finally, my eye deactivated. I had full control over myself again. But I still couldn't forgive myself for hurting Pakiso. It was like my greatest sin ever. Takoto-sensei stood up, and walked to me and said " Don't feel bad Saikyo. We all make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, remember that." All the guilt inside my body left and I felt happy.

But when my classmates saw Pakiso lying on the ground while I was holding out my fist, they thought I purposely punched Pakiso. Desonu, one of my classmates said in an aggressive way " Why did you do that Saikyo. Did you hate him? Did you hate Pakiso?" "No, it's just that well.... well....nevermind" I said to him. Desonu shouted at me and said " YOU MONSTER, GET OUT OF THIS SCHOOL RIGHT NOW. YOU HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS SCHOOL. YOU'RE JUST A BIG JERK" My heart broke when I heard what he said. All sense of reality has left me. All I could here was his words "YOU MONSTER" I angrily walked out the door and slammed it that it broke. " Even though Takoto-sensei forgives me, do the others forgive me?" I thought. At that moment, I never wanted to show my face to my class mates ever again

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