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I Stuck In Yeshua's Time

Episode 1 Mission

Ms. WM
Ms. WM
October 31, 2022 around 8am Washington Airbase There was Lady Doctor Navy named Gabrielle Arch... She is 25 yr old, blonde wavy hair, tall 5'5 , slim. She is half French from father and American mother. Her birthday was July 4,1990. She was angelic face and wearing US navy uniform and braided her long wavy blonde hair... She was carrying her first aid kits all around the duty.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
" Good morning everyone! "She greeted her colleagues
"Good morning, Dr. Arch" and saluted to her one of the soldiers.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"How your day everyone ?" she asked them
"We are great, no mission to deploy yet." the lady navy who was eating breakfast
The Commander enters...
Deep Silenced
Commander: Good Morning everyone!!!!
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Good Morning Sir!!!"
COMMANDER:" I have very important announcement for you... All of you will be deployed to Israel for special mission for war crimes against the extremities"... he announced .
Everyone is silence.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
COMMANDER: "You will be deployed in to your units on next week and wait for my itinerary. We will help the Israelites for peace treaty of their country."
Commander: "Any questions?before I go to the meeting everyone? "
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"None sir, we will wait for our deployment. thank you sir" she said bravely
Commander:OK everyone,dismissed and saluted to them
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"I will miss my family; I hope the peace treaty went well" she prayed . but excited same time... "Holy Land my dream destination and feels like I win in a lottery ticket to go there." she sigh
Ms. WM
Ms. WM
Everyone is busy for the task and duty in Army base.

Episode 2 Deployment

Ms. WM
Ms. WM
November 10,2022 Time: 4:00am US airbase Gabrielle and her team were on board mission to Israel... She called her family before leaving US..
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Hello my dad, I'm boarding any minute..where is mom?" asking her dad
"Hello honey, your mom is not awake yet... How is your work?"
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Well dad, We are going to deploy mission in Israel for peace Treaty...."she said proudly but sad at the same time
"Today?!" he freaking surprised
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Yes dad... This is a dangerous mission for us.. Before I leave, I want to tell you I love you and thank you because you are a great loving parents to me." she began crying. "I don't know this mission, If we're going to make it back home alive or not.." she bravely cried.
"Oh honey, I prayed to the lord Jesus Christ that you and your team, safely into your destination back and forth". He said calmly. Because he is retard Navy and enjoying his senior years.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Tell mom I missed her and were living now, dad I will be your daddy's girl. Bye now!" and boarded in air force 333.
"See you soon Honey, we are soldiers of God." he said farewell to his daughter.
Ms. WM
Ms. WM
And they all boarding in Air force 333 singing praise to the lord Jesus Christ for safety deployment.

Episode 3 Israel

Ms. WM
Ms. WM
About 15 hours and 58 minutes, they landed in Israel airbase and welcome by the General Hamza Al; armed forces of Israelite and General Allen Smith of US forces.
General Hamza Al: " Welcome to Israel Doctor Arch and Team. I'm very grateful that you are all here, to gather the peace treaty to the militants Palestinians." he shook hands to her.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Very much appreciated and peace of our countries".
General Allen Smith: " We're going to tour you guys in your barracks to have dinner and quick rest. Because, anytime the enemies will attack.." he informed them.
Ms. WM
Ms. WM
They went on to the barrack to have some dinner and rest.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"Hello dad, We are here in Israel, beautiful place and sad at the same time.. I ts a war zone."she called her dad.
"I'm glad for your safe landing with your team. Just keep updating us in your Skype. I love you and take care." he ended the call.
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
"I hope it will go well, dear Jesus Christ please guide us in our mission.."before eating their dinner..
Gabrielle Arch
Gabrielle Arch
" Time check its 8pm we are going to sleep now".she recorded to her tiktok vlog. " I hope the treaty,went well. see you in my next blog." as she bade farewell to her account.
Ms. WM
Ms. WM
They were all fell asleep and recharge for tomorrow.

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