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Dream Life


Author Pov:

      “You women are the same. You all are gold diggers and whore” He said with a disgusting look

She scoffed and said “Yeah! I think you got this idea from your mom”

She pressed the wrong button. He pushes her to the wall and chocks her neck. She was struggling to break free. His grip tightens around her neck which cuts her air supplies.

“Dare to talk about my mother I will snap your neck” He was losing control.

“L-Leave M-Me” Struggling to talk. Her eyes are rolling up because of his hold on her neck. It is getting difficult for her to breathe. Her face turned red.

Left her neck! She falls to the floor and started to cough roughly. She was taking the Oxygen as much as she wants. Rubbing her throat which is burning due to his act.

“I will never accept you as my wife” he roared at her

She gained her balance and stood up from the floor. She glared at him with hatred.

“Same goes for you. Don’t ever think I will accept you as my husband” She said with the same intensity

“Who do you think you are? Women may throw themselves at you. Not me! You are nothing to me. If you are the last person in this whole world, still I will choose another option but not you. Because you disgust me” She spat those words on his face

She was insulting him and poking his ego. She doesn’t want this to happen. She hates the fact that he is her husband now.

“I will make you regret marrying me,” He said

“Oh please! I’m already regretting many things” She said with an irritated look.

She is getting on his nerve. He smirk at her and moved close to her. She didn’t bulge or avoid looking at him.

“Non preoccuparti mia moglie. Ti spezzerò a poco a poco” He said with a evil tone

(Don’t worry my wife. I will break you little by little)

“Voyons ce que mon cher Mari” She replied in French (Let's see that my dear husband)

He was surprised that she knows the Italian language. By looking at his surprised look she smirks at him.

“Don’t underestimate me, Mr. Marcello” She said with a teasing smile

“Ah! It will be interesting when I break your this confidence. Wait for it” He said and left the room.

There is no love between them. Only hate. They hate each other. Will he succeed in breaking her? Or…


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Chapter 1

Florentine Pov:

            My alarm went off indicating its time for me to wake up. It’s a new day new learning. I woke up from bed and did my morning routine. I made a hot coffee for myself. I went to my balcony with my hot coffee. Sun is still waiting for the right time to rise and shine.

I look forward to and admire the Eiffel Tower. It is also alone like me. Still, everyone admires the beauty of the tower. Though it is alone, standing with pride.

I am not an orphan. I have a family but I am happy to be an orphan rather than have a family like them. I have a father, Stepmom, Stepsister, and stepbrother. My mom died when I was 5 years old. She became sick once she gave birth to me.

She risks her life to give birth to me. Dad and mom argued about this and my mom end up giving birth to me. I think I am like my mom. Suborn and adamant! I am happy about that.

After I was born my dad was caring toward me. He loved me that is what I still believe. When my mom died everything became a dream. My dad is not the dad I use to know. He never comes home with full consciousness. He drinks a lot.

Sometimes he beat me for god knows what. I don’t remember I did something to deserve this. This went on for two years. Then all of sudden everything went upside down when my dad married a bitch who calls her my stepmom.

I thought my dad will change one day and love me as he did before. But it went worse when he married that bitch.

She used to treat me like a servant. She will never give me proper food. Even my dad didn’t ask anything. My dad considered me a jinx in the family.

Now he has a daughter and son to take care of. He adores them. I can’t stand that for so long. When I turned 17 I left the home. They never care for me. My father didn’t search or call for me.

I never leave home or beg for anyone. I can take care of myself. I studied hard and also work my *** off to be here. Now I own a coffee shop. “Dreamy Café” is like a baby for me. That café is my hard work.

I did all the work that I can do. After college, I worked in a café, and I took home tuition. I saved money for that. I was staying in my friend's home as a pain guest till I complete college. Her family helped me a lot.

Because of them, the rent amount was reduced. So that, I could save a little more money. Sometimes I feel jealous of her for having such a wonderful family. Not everyone will be lucky, right?

I promised my mom that I will be a brave girl and never cry for anything. I will keep that promise till I die. I will be her brave little girl.

After my morning coffee, I went to get ready. I took my bike and went to my shop. I am proud of myself that I am the owner of this Dreamy café.

I opened the shop and arranged the tables. When everything is set I went to the kitchen to prepare today’s menu. I love to bake. My mom used to bake pastry and I help her with that.

Whenever I bake something I feel like my mom is with me. That’s the main reason I started this café in memory of my mom. She once told me that she had a dream of owning a Bakery but it didn’t happen.

Now that I fulfilled her dream, I hope she can rest in peace. I took all the fresh Pastry to the counter.

“bonjour bel ange” my friend Juliette wished me with a bright smile. (Good Morning, beautiful angel)

She came forward and hugged me. I hugged her back. “Bonjour”

She is like my family. Without Juliette and her family's help, I don’t want what I could have done.

“Pourquoi n'es-tu pas rentré hier ? Maman est en colère contre toi” She asked me. (Why didn't you come home yesterday? Mom is angry with you.)

I sighed. Yesterday was the weekend. I always spend my weekend with them. Yesterday I have other work to do so I was busy. Mom will not accept this. Oh, I forgot to mention that I call her mom and dad mommy and daddy.

They requested I call them the same way she used to call. The care I never got from my own family but got it from Juliette's family.

“J'étais occupé avec de la paperasse. Vous savez bien que nous devons collecter des fonds pour "Mother orphelinat". I said to her.

(I was busy with some paperwork. You know right we need to collect funds for 'Mother orphanage')

I used to visit this orphanage with my mom and dad when I was little. My mom cares for the kids a lot. After her death, I never stop visiting them. In fact, the sisters in the orphanage helped me to come out of my house.

They very well knew how I suffered there. Because when I visit them they have seen my bruised face or arm. So, they help me to come out and asked me to stay with them. But, in later days Juliette's family took me under their wings.

“oui, je connais ça chérie. Avez-vous rempli vos papiers ? Attends, as-tu eu des sponsors” she asked me in shock. (yeah, I know that honey. Did you complete your paperwork? Wait did you get any sponsors)

“Oui Bien sûr. Qui crois-tu que je suis?” I asked her with a smirk. (Yes of course. Who do you think I am?)

“Comment? Lorsque? Pourquoi tu ne me l'as pas dit avant ? Qui est le parrain ?” She started to throw many questions. At the same time, she took the pastry to eat.

“Une de mes mères étudiantes m'a présenté à son client. Elle dirige une NGO en Italie. Ils organisent la charité pour notre orphelinat” I explained her

(One of my student moms introduced me to her client. She runs NGO in Italy. They are arranging charity for our orphanage.)

“C'est génial. Ensuite, vous irez en Italie ? Quand pars-tu?” She asked me

(That's great. Then you will be going to Italy? When are you leaving?)

“Pas si tot. Je dois remettre ces papiers à l'NGO. Une fois qu'ils auront approuvé, j'irai là-bas pour représenter notre orphelinat. J'irai avec 'Mère supérieure'” I said with a shrug.

If this got approved then we will not have any trouble with the kid’s life. They need good education without that they can’t survive in this world.

“Ne vous inquiétez pas, tout se passera comme prévu.” She said and patted my back. She took another piece of cake. I slap her hand and glare at her.

If you give her this whole row of pastry she will eat without any trouble. Such a glutton!

She gave me puppy eyes with a pouting of her mouth. I shake my head as no. But she took that piece of cake in her hands and ran away. She is a thief from my shop.

Customers started to come so my day went busy as usual. My shop is famous for its pastry. From kids to elders they all love to buy Pastry from my shop.

I have few regular customers. In the middle of the peak hour, my phone vibrated. I took my phone to check. When I see the name of the person who is calling I furrowed my eyebrow.

I cut the call but she started to ring again. I called Juliette to take my place meanwhile I will attend the call.

“What you want Nathan?” I asked my stepbrother.

“Oh! So you remember me. Then you should remember what day is today?” He asked

I got confused about this. What today? I was thinking when it hit my mind with the answer. Today is Nathan's birthday.

My step-siblings love me. That’s weird actually. Because their mom will not leave any chance to hurt me. But they both love me. I don’t know what I have done that them love me. I hate that woman who took my mom's place but I will not show that to my siblings. They are kids who don’t know about their mom’s deeds.

“I am really sorry Nathan. I was too busy that I forgot today’s date” I said to him. By the way, He is half French and half English. That mother of his is from States. He speaks English with me I don’t why.

“I know you will forget. You don’t love me anymore Floy” He said. I can say he is pouting on that side.

“Boy, cut the crap and tell me where I need to come,” I asked him straight

“Great, today mom and dad arranged a family dinner. So I need you to join us” He said

“No way Nat” I declined the offer immediately

“Floy, will you not do this for your poor brother?” He asked with a sad tone

“No! It’s a family dinner. I’m not that part of the family anymore. So, if you want we can meet outside” I said

Who wants to be at that family dinner? I never considered it as a family. Then why should I give a ****?

“Floy, only this time Please. Just for me. Considered as this poor birthday boy's wish” He was trying to convince me.

“What are you five?” I asked him in annoyance

After a long drama, he made it to convince. I hate to see that bitch face but I need to go for him. At least I can see my dad. I’m still that five years old girl who wants her dad to carry her on his shoulder and take her to the park to play.

It was all a dream for me. Only a dream! I sighed and went in to continue to do my work. This is reality. I have to go back to reality after all it's just a dream.


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Chapter 2

Florentine Pov:

           After a tiring day, I left my shop by 5 to get ready for the so-called family dinner. Thank god, Juliette will manage my absences. It's high time for the shop in the evening. Since we have some part-time workers it is easy for us to manage.

I still don’t want to go there. I was getting ready when my phone went off. I attended the call.

“Floy, Where are you?” before I even speak he started with his random questions.

“Hello, Nat. I am getting ready. I will be there in the next 30 minutes” I said while applying my lipstick.

“I know you will be late as always,” He said

“Nat, if I have other options I could avoid this dinner. Just because of you I am willing to come” I said

“Okay! Just come soon. Adaline is waiting for you. She is asking me for god knows how many times” He said with an annoyance

“Tell her I am on the way. Now bye” I said and hung up the call

I took my bag and the cake I prepared for Nat. He loves the cake I bake. I went out and locked the door.

When everything is set, I left my home. I booked a cab since my bike is with Juliette. I reached the place in 40 minutes. Nat was waiting for my arrival. When he saw me he rushed to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and said “Happy birthday Nat” I kissed his forehead

“Thank you, Floy. I thought you will not come” He said with a smile

“How will I not? It’s my little one birthday” I said and pinch his cheek

“Floy, I’m not that little. I have a girlfriend” He said with a pout

“Even when you turn 60 you will always be my little one,” I said

When I first know that my father is gonna have a baby with that bitch I hate it. I hate my dad for that. How can he do that to me and momma? Then later when Nat was born I didn’t even look at him.

One day that bitch was busy with a phone she didn’t see that her baby is gonna fall from the bed. Before he slips and rushes to him. I hold him strongly and made him sleep in the bed. He holds my hand tightly. I tried hard to take off my hands but his grip was strong. He was smiling at me as he knows me very well.

I’m not that cruel to hate that baby. I started to care for him. That bitch will do for the party leaving him in my care. I use to bathe him, feed him, and teach him. I was playing his momma role. He is close to me. He never leaves me alone. He uses to tag me wherever I go.

When my stepmom beat me for her pleasure he come in the middle and distracts his mom. At night he will sneak into my room with food and medicine. I never cry when she beat me. That’s why I use to get a lot of beating from her.

I will never give that pleasure to her. I’m my momma’s strong girl. I will never cry in any situation.

We went inside the house. This was my home once. The home my mom and dad loved me. The same place I lost that love.

Nat entered the house first and informed everyone. “Look dad, who is here,” He said happily

The food was already served and Dad was sitting in the head chair. That bitch is sitting near my dad where my mom uses to sit. Near her, Adaline is waiting for me. When she saw me she rushed to me and hugged me.

She is still a small girl. My baby. I was not there with her like I was with Nat. I left this nightmare. Oh! If you are thinking what my age then it's 23. Nat is seven years younger than me and Adaline is 3 years younger than Nat. Now you know why I am calling them a baby.

“Adaline, come sit and have your dinner,” said the bitch

My dad didn’t say anything. He just nodded his head. I went to sit with my brother. The cake was taken by my maid.

“Dad you know sister is going to Italy for the orphanage,” Nathan said

I looked at my dad from the corner of my eyes. He said ‘hmm’ and nodded his head as he heard it.

He knows very well why I am hanging out at the orphanage. Even though my dad doesn’t like me, she loves my mom dearly.

I feel that he lose weight lately. He has dark circles under his eyes. I got my dad's eyes. Forest green eyes. But I got my mom’s hair and skin. My hair is red and has milk-white skin.

The corner of my heart still craves my dad’s love. I didn’t speak anything. Nathen and Adaline were cracking jokes. It’s time for the cake-cutting. The maid brought my cake. Nat cut the cake happily and feed the cake to his parents and then to me.

We were sitting in the hall. Nathan was opening his gifts. He opened dad’s gift first. It was the latest mobile phone. Then he opened the bitch gift. She gifted him his new bike. Is she serious? He is not even at the age to get a license.

My sweet sister gave him a greeting card that she made. How cute! Then he finally opened my gift. I was cufflinks. I brought that with my savings. I can’t gift him like his parents.

I need to pay for the people who work for me. I can’t delay their payments. They have families to take care of. Many students are working part-time to pay their fees. I can’t be selfish and delay their payment. Nathan has his parents buy all the expensive gifts.

“Is this your gift?” Nathan's mom aka bitch looked at the gift and asked me.

“Yes. He can use that even now. My gift will not spoil him” I said with a cold tone

“You telling us that we are spoiling him?” She asked

“I didn’t say that. It’s you who are saying this now” I said with a smirk

“You!” She was fuming in anger

“Enough! Stop you both. Not today” my dad said

“She is your mother. You should respect her” Dad said

That bitch was smiling at me as she won. “Mother? She will never be my mother. My mother is a kind and beautiful woman, not a plastic bag” I said

“How dare you call me a plastic bag?” She screamed like a crazy bitch

“Florentine, apologies to her” Dad said strictly

“I will not. I didn’t do any wrong to apologize” I said and took my bag to leave

That bitch came to me and hold my arm and pulled me back. “You can't leave just like that,” she said

“If you don’t leave me now then I will break your teeth and smash that plastic face of yours,” I said and glared at her. She immediately left my arm

I went near to her face and said “I’m not that 8 or 10 year old girl who use to get beatings and shut my mouth without saying anything”

I'm not the type to hate a stepmom without a reason. Even though she hurt me but if she take care of my dad then I could not hate her. But, she cheats on my dad. I have seen many times she use to kiss someone when my dad is on a business trip.

She will be high on alcohol and when she comes home she will be with some fucker.

I never tell this to dad. I don't want my siblings to face any problems due to their mom's mistakes.

I rushed out without turning back. I heard my sibling's voice and stop near the gate. I turned and said “Sorry Nathan. I spoiled your birthday. Take care you both” I kissed both their cheeks

“Sister Floy, don’t hate us,” said my little bun with tears ready to fall

I hugged her to my chest and kissed her head. “I will never hate you both. You are my babies how I will hate you. I love you the most” I said

“Then will buy a dress for me when you come from Italy,” She asked me

“Of course, anything for my baby bun,” I said and pinch her cheek. She smiled at me.

“I am the birthday boy today. Floy this is not fair” Nathen said with a pout

I hugged both of them and said “I love you both a lot. Take care of yourself. Call me if you need anything” I break the hug

“You know where to find me,” I said and moved to the cab.

“Take care sister Floy” They both wave me bye.


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