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A Killer Machine

01: Ying Yue

"Your Excellency, the time had come. Everything was prepared upon your command." Despite the feeble voice, a huge figure arrived in the middle of a wrecked palace.

The giant had an austere bearing plastered on his sculpted features as he advanced with heavy steps towards the stairs. When he prostrated to the ground, he took his precious weapon, and offered it upwards.

It was a long, ivory bow that engulfed the heavens with its terrifyingly murderous aura. Even a god would shiver before its might. However, the powerful giant was not ashamed and waited patiently for his master.

Not a moment later, another voice reverberated in the area. "Your Excellency, I came bearing some bad news. The walls have ears. After everything that we have done for them, the children still bore ill intentions towards Her Excellency. My heart ached for the innocents, however, those who dared to block your path, kill without mercy!" The speaker was a young man, adorned in a golden fancy robe. He ambled towards the throne.

His entrance illuminated the surrounding area. An immeasurable aura with the style of a monarch surged around him. Eyes as sharp as blades, and long, vibrant hair as white as silver. As soon as he reached the center, he quickly prostrated beside the giant.

"Your Excellency, just give a command, and we would immediately wash the Celestial Realm with blood. We would be your vanguard as Your Excellency swept through the nine heavens. Their blood and bones would pave the path as Your Excellency once again ascend the throne. It would be the birth of a brilliant era under Your Excellency's rule."

The two did not dared to speak more after this. They patiently waited for a response.

In front of them was a woman sitting on a high chair located on top of the stairs. Her long, slender fingers rested on her perfect jawline. Her eyes were closed. Although there was no smile or any emotions on her face, her peaceful demeanor made it seemed as if she was lost in a beautiful dream.

In reality, she was too lazy to even care for the heavens with her supercilious bearing. All would be gobsmacked with flaring eyes with only one glance. The woman possessed a beauty beyond comprehension.

The nine heavens were filled with countless, Celestial Fairies and Goddesses, however, all of them was overshadowed by this woman. Words failed to convey the sight of her as she lazily sat on her chair.

After a while, she slowly opened her eyes. She had an immaculate and profound gaze that stole the light from the nine heavens. It caused the Celestials to be too ashamed to even show themselves.

Even the two servants were immediately drowned in admiration by her supreme and unparalleled beauty. In their mind, she was an impeccable masterpiece of all the epoch. Someone that was groomed for an eternity with the aura of time itself.

"Everything grew until the nine heavens shattered." Her voice was intoxicating. It was the sound of the heavens itself.

The two quietly glanced at each other. They immediately knew that this single sentence encompassed an eternal secret.

"Among the countless epoch, there has not been one that was considered the end of time yet," she took a deep sigh before continuing, "it could only be considered a collapse. A real destruction was when everything ceased to be, and time itself became nothing, but ashes."

The woman slowly stood. She wore a plain, white dress which accentuated her flawless, and perfect hourglass curves. It was beyond anything the heavens had to offer. The supreme of all creations. Its simplistic style created the most alluring charm.

"It is time." With that, she casually pointed her finger. The fabric of space was torn, and a dark vortex appeared in the middle.

Without any second thoughts, she ambled forward. Her two two followers could only look at her as she walked towards a new beginning.

02: Rebirth

Life was short, but in the most important days, life seemed longer than one could ever imagine. It can make days seemed years, seconds would feel like minutes and minutes seemed like days. However, in this case, every second seemed like hours.

From every corner of the Sacred Immortal World came the signs that the end was coming. The once alluring lands were no more than ashes, and charcoals. The air was heavy with the smell of burnt flesh and blood. The thick smoke hung in a haze that partially covered the giant, bloody sun. The world was now a colossal graveyard for all Immortal Beings. Their bodies laid among dandelions and peonies as their souls had long departed to walk with their ancestors.

Even the great ocean started evaporating at a rapid speed due to the magnitude of the sun's solar radiations. The skies were also barren. No winged creatures flew or sang as the oppressive heat shone down like the breath of hell.


Somewhere in an underground arena, the Imperial Family gathered to discuss whoever was behind the terrible apocalypse.

"It has been exactly twelve hours already! Father, whether you like it or not, I will go and avenge mother! I am already strong enough to..."

"Atrocious!" a baritone voice cut whatever he had to say, "you are the only heir to my throne, and I will not endanger your life by sending you out there!"

Upon hearing this, the third occupant in the room immediately snapped his head towards his Emperor. "Calm down, Your Majesty. With our current situation, anger won't do us any good. And that goes to you too, Crown Prince." Stepping forward, an old commander bowed down before the two. Doing so, the mask covering his face fell flat to the cold floor, revealing a long jagged scar that snaked down the left of his neck. It was an odd mixture of pink and light yellow.

His long, silver beard also reached the dusty ground, but he did not care. He was more worried about their problems at hand. He also ignored the smell of dried blood on his large cape. He needed it to protect his body. Apart from being durable, it had the symbol of the Gargoyle Clan.

The emperor gave out a tired sigh upon hearing this. Normally, he would always keep his emotions under control, but after what happened, he finally snapped. "You are right, old friend." He then diverted his gaze to his son. "Now, tell me. What should I do with you, Callus?"

Upon realizing the hidden message on his father's words, the prince instantly knelt. "My deepest apology, father! I allowed my emotions to get the better of me. This prince deserves a punishment!"

Ignoring his son's drama, the emperor turned to his commander with a serious look. "Gallick, go and get everything ready. It is time to go for a hunt."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Without any second thoughts, the old war veteran walked away.

"Callus, prepare yourself. Sooner or later, you will know the feeling of staining your hands with the blood of traitors."

Seeing the look on his father's face, the young prince grinned. He was barely a three thousand years old and had yet to kill his first prey. Just the thought of it makes his adrenaline rush to the highest level. "Understood, Your Majesty." Bowing slightly, he turned towards the exit, leaving his father to his thoughts.

'I am coming for you, dear brother!'


A few miles away from the disaster, a man was carrying his pregnant wife as he dashed up the rocky mountain like a madman. It has only been a few hours, however, he could already hear his heart pounding on his ears. Beads of sweat flowed like a waterfall on his face. His lungs are on fire, thighs burning and breath came in small spurts: hot and rapid. His limbs are trembling in exhaustion. He wanted to rest, however, he did not have that kind of leisure at the moment.


The man stopped as soon as he heard the soft voice of his wife. Looking down, he saw her smiling lovingly at him, but her emotions were not hidden on her innocent face. Her pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow. Her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep pool of restless blue, an ocean of hopeless grief. As Alaric looked at her, he knew, all the beauty of nature could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: determination.

It was her strong will that turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire. In them, he knew that she would fight until her final breath for her love ones.

"What is it, sweetheart?" A forced smile etched on his face as he kept a calm guise. He already had a hunch of what she has to say.

Instead of answering, the woman stayed silent. She just kept on staring at him, memorizing every angle. Her husband had an imposing figure of 6 ft (1.83 m). A complexion fairer than any Immortal as well as a perfectly toned body. His silver hair was tousled which complimented his strong and well-defined facial features. His brows sloped downwards in a worried expression.

As soon as she saw his eyes, Miriella lets out a small smile. They were cold, yet mesmerizing shades of gray. Others would say that he had the coldest gaze, but it was only because the warmth was reserved for her. She then focused on his red lips. It was her favorite part of his face.

"Everything is going to be alright. I promise."

"Please, stop. I..."

She was abruptly stopped by a quick kiss.

"Let us take a short rest, shall we?" Alaric smiled, but his attempts on keeping a happy facade backfired when he felt some liquid sliding down his face.

He already knew the inevitable outcome, yet, he chose to ignore it. For now, his top priority was to get his wife and unborn child to safety. He was about to plop on the ground, when she suddenly reached for his face, wiping the tears with her soft hands.

"Thank you for everything." Miriella kept her smile as she fought to keep her burning eyes from tears. Just then, a strong gust of wind passed making her long, silky blonde hair swayed lazily around them.

"What are you talking about, sweetheart?"

"I could feel it. I am already at my limits."


"You have to be strong. As soon as I gave birth, take our daughter and go."

The man remained silent. How he wished for a time turner, so he could go back and be a better husband. However, it was impossible.

"I love you so much, Miriella. Please don't leave me." It was all that he could say. He could already feel an icy wind choking the breath out of his lungs. Its brutal and sharp blasts pierced through all of his organs, and gripped his brain in its freezing claws. His heart constricted in its wake. Not sure if it should go on beating.

"I love you too, Alaric. I will never leave you. I will always be here with you, in your heart." Miriella could not help it anymore. She already felt the hot liquid rushed down her face, however, she stood her ground. She knew she had to be strong for her family.

Alaric was about to say something when a loud voice reverberated in the area.

"I saw them!"

The couple immediately turned when they heard a loud, buzzing sound that suddenly rang. Waves of bright light emerged from the mountains along with rare visual phenomena. Not a second later, a middle aged man walked out from within and stepped through the hills.

Each of his steps seemed to create a new phenomenon. The couple faintly heared the song of Phoenixes as if they were preaching the man. Nevertheless, he continued on without stopping.

Alaric's face turned serious when he saw his traitorous friend's entrance. He knew that the old General would never leave the Emperor's side unless necessary.

Sure enough, an immortal light shot up from the deepest location of the mountain. It soared all the way into the sky with rays flashing everywhere. Alaric narrowed his eyes when he saw the rays that slowly formed a golden, immortal crown.

It might be a spectacular scene, however, Alaric knew that it was bad news. The crown seemed to be illuminating the barren land.

As soon as the light disappeared, Alaric finally saw his furious nephew, Crown Prince Callus as well as his royal brother, the current Emperor.

Upon their arrival, he carefully set his wife to the ground before moving in front of her.

"You seemed to be in a hurry, older brother?" Stepping forward, the Emperor smirked as soon as he saw Alaric's condition. The man was full of dried blood and bruises all over his body.

"What more do you want, Elric? I already gave you my rights as Heavenly Emperor. Why must you do this to me?" Clenching his fists, Alaric readied himself for any attack. He won't go down without a fight.

Instead of answering, the emperor felt his blood rose as soon as his eyes landed on Miriella's baby bump. "What I want was none other than the life of your unborn child!"

"Don't you dare!" Alaric hissed. He won't let any harm befall his family, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

"Don't you understand, dear brother? You are in no position to threaten me. Besides, that thing was a monster! It was the fruit of your forbidden love with a..."

"Shut your filthy mouth! Don't take away what little respect I still have for you."

Elric immediately stepped back as soon as he saw the look on his elder brother's face. Cold sweat started to fall on his forehead. His body trembled slightly.

He would never forget that expression. It was the same as the one he saw tens of thousands of years ago when he was still young. A nightmare he buried deep within his mind.

"Insolence! You dared to speak nonsense in front of His Majesty. Father, someone was definitely tired of living. It seemed like I have to sharpen my blades! A mere firefly still dared to compete with the brilliance of the moon!"

Before anything could be said, Prince Callus immediately rushed towards Alaric. He concentrated almost all of his energy on his fists as he appeared in front of the older man. With a loud yell, he brought down his attack with a mighty strength. Upon impact, several chunks of earth and dust surrounded them causing all of them to close, and cover their eyes.

"Was that all you've got, Royal Uncle?" There was an obvious sarcasm on Callus' voice as he smirked evilly. He should have known that the man was weak.

"Get out of there!"

Before his mind could register his father's words, Callus felt an iron grip from his throat. His hands automatically moved to do something, but to no avail. His eyes widened as soon as the dust cleared.

"I should have done this a long time ago, my dearest nephew." Alaric smirked. If it wasn't for his brother, then he should have taught the kid some hard lessons.

"Let go of him!" The emperor felt a burning rage hissed through his body when he saw his only son being held on the neck. It was like a volcano waiting to explode. His wrath slowly engulfed his principles and destroys the boundaries of his moralities.

"Don't move or you would regret it!" It was a lie, of course. Even though Callus was ill-mannered and arrogant, he was still a part of his family.

Blinded by his anger, Elric prepared to battle, but Gallick stopped him. "Calm down, Your Majesty. Now is not the time. The precious vase might be broken while we chase the rat."

Before he could react, a loud and terrifying sound filled their realm. The sky suddenly opened, followed by millions of doves and pigeons. The atmosphere immediately darkened upon their arrival.

At the same time, a pained scream echoed throughout the area.

All of them turned to look at Miriella who was now on the ground with only a rock as her support.

"The baby's coming!"

Upon hearing this, Alaric felt his mind and body go numb. He was momentarily astonished by the recent turn of events. In their world, a dove and a pigeon symbolized the birth of a powerful deity, but millions of them! He does not know what to think at the moment.

He only snapped out of his trance when he heard the emperor's orders.

"Kill it, now!"

"Over my dead body!" Without any second thoughts, he threw Callus to the side as he sped off to fend his family.

"Alaric! It hurts!" m

Meanwhile, Miriella did not know what to think anymore. As soon as her labor began, it was more intense than anything she had ever imagined. Nothing would be more brutal than this. Not even the torment from getting stabbed multiple times could compare to this.

Soon enough, it became a prison in her mind as it slowly dulled all of her other senses. She could barely hear her own voice, or even the surrounding battle.

A few moments passed and cold sweat had already filled her face and body. With each contraction came an excruciating pain that dominated her entire being. There was nothing she could do, but wait for the agony to subdue.

She laid there for what seemed like an eternity. Soon enough, Miriella found herself on the brink of fainting. Her body was starting to give up as she had lost too much blood. "Alaric, I'm so tired!" Her vision was already failing her. She could only see blurs of images in front of her.

"Miriella, please! You're almost there! Just a little bit more!"

A tear slid from Miriella's eyes as she recalled her unconditional love for their precious child. Alaric was right. She could not give up now. With that in mind, she slowly gathered all of her remaining strength. Soon enough, she felt the baby's head as well as the brutal stretching of her thin flesh. She gritted her teeth as she closed her eyes. The pain was unbearable, but she knew she had to hold on. Breathing in, she let out a powerful grunt. With this, the baby was finally born.

Miriella immediately slumped back while catching her breath. It was as though her lower part was forcefully ripped out of her body. Seconds later, she was hit by the strong smell of her own blood and urine, but she ignored it.

She was too tired to move. Her energy was constantly drained out of her. She just wanted to lie down and give in to the darkness, however, she knew her daughter comes first. With trembling hands, she managed to reach to her newborn. Carefully cutting the umbilical cord with a small dagger that she brought for an emergency, Miriella proceeded to wrap her with a golden cloth.

"You are so beautiful, my baby girl!" As soon as she saw her child, it was as if the realm was ushered into a perfect harmony. All of her physical pain was worth it. She was like a beam of light to her soul. Just then, tears began forming in her eyes, and in that moment, she knew that she would do anything to protect her.

Not any second later, all the birds flew on a circular motion. Their vast numbers created a mini maelstrom as they sang happily. It was as though congratulating the new parents.

The battle between Alaric, Gallick and the Emperor also came to a halt as soon as the first cry of a newborn hits their ears. They immediately snapped their heads towards the new mother.

"No! That thing must be killed! It must not walk with the living!"

Before they could do anything, Miriella suddenly screamed. "Alaric, go! Now!" She already made up her mind. She had to do this for her family. Her body had already reached its limit. It won't be long before she walks with her ancestors, but she didn't regret anything. She was a mother and would always be.

'Forgive me. I love you!’

03: Sacrifice

Before Alaric could say or do anything, he suddenly found himself inside a huge bubble. It was floating as far away from the crowd.

"Stop them! Don't let that thing escape!"

"Don't you dare touch my family!"

For what felt like hours, Alaric stayed rooted on his spot. He could feel his daughter stirred on his arms, but he was too overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. He just stood there as he watched his brave wife foght to her last breath.

They were already a distance away when Alaric heard his wife's words.

"Forgive me. I love you."

Blinking a few times, the vision of his beloved sacrificing herself for them invaded his mind like a tsunami.

Falling on his knees, he screamed as loud as he could. "Miriella!" It echoed until the depths of the abyss. He wanted to go back, but he knew that it was already too late. Their strong bond that kept his heart beating was utterly severed.

Alaric's mind lingered on the notion of hope that has now become useless. His heart shattered into millions of pieces as he continued to whisper her name. Just then, a single tear slid down from his eyes, followed by another one. Before he knew it, a steady stream of salty water flowed down on his pale cheek.

His eyes burned as his chest felt heavy as if it was filled with water. He could no longer see clearly. All he knew was that she was gone. Forever.

Thinking back, he already prepared himself for this day, however, he did not expect a wicked trick that played with his plans. The result was as cruel as any deserted mirage.

He was only snapped out of his daze when he felt slight movements. Glancing down on his sleeping daughter, Alaric could not help, but marvel on how her birth caused so much pain, destruction and mystery.

Tracing her face carefully, a bitter smile etched on his face. She was perfect in every way. At that moment, time seemed to stop, and he somehow forgot all the recent events as he held his tiny girl in his arms. Her small body was delicate, like a fragile doll. She also felt so light and smelled divine.

"Don't worry, little one. I would be your protector for as long as I lived, and my love for you would last for a lifetime." Alaric carefully kissed her forehead. He was afraid of hurting her.

When he felt her tiny movements, he smiled even more, but it soon disappeared on his face. His eyes almost bulged out of its sockets. He even felt his blood draining from his face. His body was temporarily incapacitated, and he was rendered speechless as he stood there with an incredulous expression.

Alaric could not believe what he was seeing. He had never seen anything like this even in his worst nightmares. The adrenaline flew through his veins, but he could not even move a muscle. In front of him, his child's right eye was like a flame of burning inferno. However, her left eye was a black flame that formed a brilliant star. Soon enough, he saw the formation of a crown that slowly appeared on her forehead.

"How?" Alaric's brain stuttered for a moment as every part of his body tried to catch up. His face was already white as chalk, while his mouth was frozen wide open.

Before Alaric could do anything, a sudden flash filled the bubble. As soon as it was gone, he witnessed how her eyes morphed into a shade of dark blue. Upon seeing the familiar color, he sighed like a slight spring breeze. They were exactly like his wife's.

His beloved. It was like a punch to his guts. How could he forget her! Just then, a sense of resolve suddenly returned to him as he hugged his daughter. He loved her more than himself, and he would do everything to protect her. He would not let his wife's sacrifice to go in vain. "We love you so much, little one."


Another few minutes passed, and they were already floating a few meters above a huge skull entrance. It was situated near a steep cliff. The highest point within their realm.

Looking around, Alaric saw a barren land with nothing, but several fragments of precious stones that was scattered everywhere. They glinted from aquamarine-blue, and dull crimson beneath the scorching heat of the sun.

As the bubble descended, Alaric prepared himself for the impact, being careful enough to avoid unnecessary injuries.

As soon as his feet touched the rocky ground, he held his gaze at the entrance of the cave. It had an ample amount of light, but not enough to reveal all of its secrets. From where he stood, Alaric heard droplets of water inside. He even smelled its ancient age. The stalagmites and stalactites were like huge fangs. Even the stains on them looked like dried blood. The howling from the wind coursing through it was not helping his bravery, however, his father instinct got the better of him.

Alaric knew that he needed to act fast, but before entering his doom, he slowly walked towards the edge. He saw everything from there.

Their world was severely damaged. The large forests no longer held the vibrant emerald color as it was now charcoal and ashes. The oceans have become a deserted vast land. Countless bodies of sea creatures were scattered everywhere.

Billowing from the ground were formations of thick smoke. It extended unto the horizon: touching the sky, tainting it with its menacing darkness and suffocating despair. It did not help that flames of fire escaped from time to time from the hold of the increasing smoke. As it reached the heavens, it moved along with the strong gust towards him. The revolting scent of rotting flesh, blood, death and decay immediately filled his nose. It caused a chill to seep deep within his soul. He also felt the oppressive rays of the sun. It's becoming unbearable as the seconds passed.

For the first time in his life, he was yet again petrified by the powerful sound of a trumpet that filled their entire realm. The howling of winds crashing towards the lands, the breath of hell and the pained scream of his fellow brethren. He helplessly watched how they were tossed around like rag dolls before being swallowed by a huge fire.

It was a terrible sight! Never in his life have he seen and experienced something like this! Who would have thought that their Immortal Race would go extinct?

He was only forced back to reality when he felt an overwhelming heat touched his bare skin. Whincing in pain, he rushed towards the cave, but the never-ending darkness soon consumed him.


Alaric sighed a breath of relief as soon as he finally got out of the cave. However, nothing prepared him for what he saw next. His eyes widened like saucer plates.

Who would have thought that such a paradise existed? 'This is really breathtaking!'

He had heard of this place before, however, he always thought that it was only a Myth. A Fairytale that was born from their ancestors imaginations.

The place was a definition of perfection. From where Alaric stood, he saw the sky. It was night-time, but the bright rays from the giant moon gave the surrounding its needed light.

In a distance, some animals roamed around freely. The pleasant breeze was like music to his ears. It was blowing softly, enough to let the glowing flowers dance and fill the area with their sweet and fresh fragrance. Colorful butterflies and other winged creatures flew everywhere, followed by a sparkling diamond on their path. Glancing around, he was momentarily astonished as soon as his eyes landed on some trees. Their fruits were something that he had never seen in his entire life.

For the third time, Alaric was hypnotized. He did not dared to set a foot on the grass in fear that he might ruin this paradise.

He was in perfect harmony, yet his senses screamed at him. His guts told him that everything was wrong. Soon enough, his body became rigid. From his back, Alaric felt a sinister presence in the form of a thick, black smoke. It slowly crawled all over his shoulders, making its way towards his mouth and nose. He resisted, but it was stronger than he was. Soon enough, he could not even feel his daughter anymore. Just the thought of it made his heart raced at an alarming speed.

Suddenly, Alaric jerked his head upwards as the smoke continued to enter his body. His eyes started to turn black, but before the entity could take control, a strong quake snapped Alaric out of his trance. Out of reflexes, he jumped on top of a huge boulder. The entity was already gone when his visions cleared.

Looking down, his eyes almost fell out of its sockets. In front of him was no longer a paradise, but a massive graveyard. It was spooky. All the gravestones were covered in all kinds of slime and weeds. There was also an eerie sound as all the graves started to bulge while some collapsed. Due to the continuous trembling of the ground, skeletons started to rise out of them.

A single glance was all he needed to realize where he was. The true nature of this place was none other than a necropolis that was built by their ancestors!

'I don't have much time!' Alaric quickly shifted his daughter to a more comfortable position as he scanned the area.


Another few minutes passed, but Alaric could not find what he wanted. Dozens of what if had already clouded his mind.

'What if the tree does not exist? What if it was just a fairytale? The paradise was only an illusion so what if...'

He instantly jerked his head when he caught something in his peripheral view. It was dim, but Alaric was sure that he saw something glowing on the far edge of this place. He was not certain, however, it was now or never.

As he reached the other side, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

'It was real!'

There in the center of million grassy wands stood the infamous Divine Tree. An enormous mighty feat of nature. It stood out from the rest of the landscape as it was bathed in shimmering diamonds with different colors. The stars, and the moon that dotted the sky lit up the place. Everything was in awe of its beauty. Even the waters shushed in admiration.

According to Fairy tales, this primordial tree was nurtured by a Supreme Celestial. It also served as the portal to the thirteen worlds. Most importantly, it bore a single fruit once every thousand years. One bite was enough to seal the powers of even the most powerful Immortals.

Alaric smiled. It would be his ultimate gift for his daughter.

Without wasting time, he advanced forward. As soon as he touched the trunk, he was instantly thrown backwards. Good thing he regained his balance, or he would have dropped his child. Glancing back, a huge blue-like thing suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"A barrier!" Alaric said to no one in particular as he began to observe its complexity.

"How am I suppose to know something like this?" Cursing himself, Alaric racked his brain to work. He did not have much time, but as long as the barrier stood, then he's stuck.

He had already planned on using force, but it would only speed up the process of the disaster.

Left with no other choice, he inhaled as he closed his eyes, calming his mind. It won't do him any good if he panicked. He stood still for a moment as he tried to recollect his memories.

"If my stock knowledge was correct, then this tree was the heart and the center of our realm so using force was out of the question. I needed to know its weakness before breaking it."

Alaric tried, but to no avail. As the seconds passed, he grew more and more anxious. His slender fingers were pressed into the skin of his forehead. His bones were rattling in a constant panic. His heart pounded so hard against his ribcage as his pulse pressed outward, jerking the veins from within.

Glancing down on his baby girl, he saw her already staring at him curiously, as though scanning his face. Alaric knew that she was only an hour old, but children in their world was much more advance than those children from the thirteen worlds.

Just then, Alaric saw how she slightly tilted her head to the side. At that moment, he could have sworn that he saw her eyes glinted for a split-second. The next thing he knew, the barrier was gone! He could not even react as it was immediately followed by a masculine voice.

"Which vermin dared set foot upon this holy land!"

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