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Scared From Loving You Again Ex

Episode 1 Game

Yuki pov(point of view)

What is love?

I used to think love is really the purest feeling and the

most happy feeling that anyone would like to feel it but for me I wish now that

I never knew how it is, it was beautiful at first. feeling the warmness of the

person you love surrounding you but once this person abandon you the world love

change to other meaning jealousy, hatred, depression and sometimes you may went

to revenge.

I Yuki, I have felt all this kind of feeling once I got betrayed by the most person I

loved my childhood friend Levi who was also my boyfriend he was the only one in

my heart for 9 years since I was 10 years old, but the worth of all of it,

after separating from him for 3 years now he is standing in front of me and he

is asking me to be in relation once again ,I do not know what should I answer

him right now my heart is beating so fast ,to think the person I really loved once

is coming back to me once again, but I once again remember all the hurtful

words he said to me and how I have struggled for the past 3 years to forget him

and to move forward , my mind is blank and I do not know what should answer and

all kind of feeling is mixed in my heart.

If the ignorant and boyish me from the past saw me I do not think I would recognize myself,

I changed so much just for the sake of him.

He is tooclose to my face, does he really like me.

Levi “sowhat is your answer Yuki”


Yuki was notanswering and was so nervous, for Levi was so close to her face and she was trapped

like a rabbit in a cage as she was keeping looking away from him without

meeting eye to eye to him.

Yuki pov(point of view)

Yuki why are you so nervous about, remember how he hurt you, how can you be you idiot and

fall for his sweet words once again, you deceived me once and hurt me but not

this time”

Yuki “go to hell with this feeling you have, do you think I still have feeling for jerk

like you, do not show me your face again, everything between us ended that day.”

Levi “wait, you are the one who asked for breakup and you throwing the blame on me, I never

said I want breakup”

Yuki “I do not have time for your nonsense”

Levi “you still do not list to the others”

Levi pushed Yuki back to the wall as he putted her hand above her head and started questioning

her questions.

Yuki “what are you doing?, let me go”

Levi “let me see if you have feeling for me or not”

Yuki “move, you idiot people might come see us”

Levi “do not worry no one will come to this room, I have close the door already so we can

take our time talking. Now let’s play little game.”

Yuki “”

Levi “I will ask you questions if you do not answer me and give the right answer I will get

closer and closer to you till our lips meet and I do not think you want to be

kissed by the person you hate ,right?. And if you lie I will go further a kiss,

I think you are smart enough to understand what I mean, right”




Hi everyone

I am z sensei, I hope u will enjoy this novel and I will make sure to make you

heart beat with this novel, and u will fall in the charms of the characters,

that my aim to write story to make the readers enjoy it and cannot wait for the

next chapters.

I hope u

keep supporting me and please like and share also leave comment so I can I know

your thoughts.

Be healthy and

enjoy the story. ^-^


Episode 2 Time for your punshment

Yuki was afraid of Levi words as she felt he have changed a

lot from the way she used to know him, during the time they were dating he

never was this close to her and the way he was looking at her it was something

she never expected the shy person she used to know is now looks like totally

different person to her.

But yuki did not want to let Levi how nervous she is and kept

her cool as she looked at him with angry eyes.

Levi “first question do you have boyfriend?”

Yuki “it is none if your business”

Levi “second question are you in love with anyone”

Yuki “get lost”

Levi “third question who give your first kiss since it was

not me I want to know and have you gone beyond kiss with anyone”

Yuki “what are you sa..ying…let me go you dump”

Levi “looking at your face it means you are still my little


Yuki “to whom you are saying mine , damn, you jerk”

Levi “you still good at avoiding answers and also at cussing;

I thought you become more lady like, given to the clothes you are wearing now.”

Levi was looking at yuki clothes as he was putting a little

smile around his face, yuki was wearing off shoulder black top with

eye-catching pink earring and sliver necklace in form of heart around her neck

and blue jeans with black high heels, while he was enjoying  scanning all over yuki body, Yuki face was

blushing so much and she was like tomato but with every question Levi was

asking he was getting closer to her.

 she tried hard to get away from him but levi did not let her move as he kept asking questions as he

know now  that his little yuki  was not in relation with anyone and started to

tease her.

Levi “Yuki, am so happy you did not let anyone touch you, you

are only mine. Final question now, do you still love me, think before you

answer we are close enough to kiss if you give wrong answer right now, you may

regret it.”

Yuki “no I do not, why would still love someone like you, I

have forgotten all about you. those three years I have spend in hating you

and  nothing is left except hate for you”

Levi “wrong answer, now time for your punishment”

After saying those words while smirking in Yuki face she got

angry as he was inches from kissing her she kicked him in his stomach by her

leg strongly, as Levi felt strong pain and moved away from her, mica looked at

him and shouted at him with loud voice “you are the worst” and hurried to the

door, just when she was about to unlock the door to open it, Levi come from

behind and stopped her.

Levi “..i sho.uld not have forgotten how strong you are for a

girl like you who was so boyish”

After this word he dragged Yuki by force away from the door

as he let her sit on the chair and putted both of her hand behind her back as

he holds it tightly by his left hand as his other hand on her cheeks.

Yuki “no, stop, I do not want to get kissed by you”

Levi “shut up”

Yuki “no….n..umm”  my first kiss has been  taken by my ex now.

Yuki kept on resisting him strongly but it was pointless he

was stronger than her, and she started to fall for his kiss slowly, but then Levi

stopped and looked at her saying “Yuki be mine, I love you”, and started to

kiss her passionately once again but this time using his tongue.

After Yuki heard the word I love you she starts to resist

once gain and bitted his lips so she can stop him from kissing her.

Yuki “you big liar, get away from me, I do not want to hear

the world love from you, I hate you”

Levi “Yuki do not think it is so childish from you to act

like that, I knew I did mistake in the past by kissing that girl, but you cannot

just end our relation because of such childish reason”

Yuki “childish you say, you think that is the only reason?”



Episode 3Childhood promise

Levi stopped from forcing himself to Yuki and takes steps

away from her and told her that he want to know the reason that she went a

breakup from him three years ago.

But Yuki remained silent and did not answer him, tears were

about to fall but she controlled herself and stayed silent ,Levi was waiting

for her answer and kept looking at her ,just then Yuki phone ring, it was her

big brother Yoongi called to pick her up from college ,she answered him “hello,


Yoongi “hurry ,am waiting you outside the entrance”

Yuki “ok, am coming”

Levi “wait, where do you think you are going”

Yuki “leave me alone , you did what you want so leave me

alone and let pretend like nothing have happened today for the sake of the old

times and for our friends”

Levi stood up and moved steps to toward Yuki and told her

while leaning his face to her “nothing will end but I will let you go today so

prepare yourself for the next time”

He said those words and left, Yuki who was mentally broken from

all this, was shocked and could not process what exactly happened.


Later on while she was in the car she was silent looking outside

the window and her brother looked how rare for someone so noisy like her to be


Yoongi “did anything happen today”

Yuki “no, everything is fine, it just am little tired”

Yoongi “I bet once we arrive to our new house you will not be

tired anymore”

Yuki “whatever, once we arrive wake me up, I will take a nap”

Yoongi “ok”

Yuki pov (point of view) &FLASH BACK

How did things got like this between me and Levi,

I remember the first time I met him I fought with him after

he destroyed the castle I was making from sand when I was nine years old by his


He went without even apologizing and never said a word and

looked at me and left as he was looking down on  me , at that time I really hated his attitude, but he turned out to be

hyon friend my childhood friends and also my brother yoongi friend, and he

started coming to our house almost every time with my brother after school even

though they were in different class they always hangout together, he was my

classmate but we never talked to each other, even though he was coming to our

house he was always ignoring me and never talked to me, as for me I did not

care about him and did not want to talk him, so I ignored him .

I was quite boylish and ignorant girl I likes to spend my

time with boys more than girls ,I always spend my time with jin,tadashi and

hyon they were always with me but they become friend with Levi, to be honest I

was quite jealous from him.

One day I saw him surrounded by some boys and they were

pushing him to the ground and started hitting him, I got angry and went to

defend him as I pushed them away from him and I hit them by the stone that I

picked and some of them got serious injured, after that were crying and were saying

that they will tell teacher, I looked back at Levi as he was sitting on the

ground looking at me saying “you..Why did you that, they will tell the teacher,

you will be in trouble now”.

Hearing his word I thought to myself he is really worried

about me without looking even to the wounds in his face.

“Do not worry about me, what about you why do you let those

boys harass you, why do not you tell the teachers. From now on if anyone harass

you just tell me I will protect you, am stronger than you so rely on me, ok”

After that I was punished by the teachers and my family for

hurting those boys, but the most things that moved my heart back then how he

stood firm with me for not getting punished harshly by telling the teachers

that those boys are the one who started it.

“Am sorry Yuki for getting punished because of me?”

“It is ok, they punished me for not going to school for week,

and it is not punishment for me it is vacation, do not worry I told Tadashi ,jin

and hyon to protect you till I come back, so be man and wait for me”

“I will, yuki can we be friend”

“You idiot because you are my friend I am punished now”

“Friends, me and you”

“Yes, friend forever lets promise each other to be friends

forever you Tadashi Jin and hyon will be friends forever”

“Yes, I promise”

I still remember his beautiful innocent smile ,it is like his

smile was engraved in my mind.

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