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You Are My Mistake


"love is something that make person do against his/her will"- JJ


i always love her , my cute little jeni ,but how can i make her my.

she is always my but now she is going to married To someone else who is not me and i can not bear to loose her.

she is my life, my love ,my everything but because of my past mistake i will going to loose her.

i hate my life, without her i can not imagine my world.

i meet her when she is only 15 and me 22, she always come to her aunty's house on holidays to met her.

when i first see her she was wearing cute black dress, her face is like some angle, when i see her first time their are lust in my eyes, i want to hug her tightly, i want to kiss her pink lips i want to touch her very small but cute **, i want lick her every body part ,i want to touch her badly. at that time i thought that i am only attracted to her. but now i know how much i love her. right now i am just want to go in past and want to change everything. but i know that i broke her heart i make her hate me she will never forgive me but i will do any think to make her my again. after 2 year i come back to say her that i love her but when i am back she is going to merried to someone else, no i will definitly not allowed her to do that she was, she is and she will only my .


He was my life back then but now i am going to merry someone who is not jez but i have to move on. i hate my self for loving someone who does not deserve me. how can he do those thing to me, in past i used to love him but now i hate him.i will never forgive him. i am regreting. he was only using me for his lust, only for sex how can he do that to me , he made love to someone in front of me. back then i always thinks that after my perent died their are someone who can love me the way i want, i am not money person who go after money ,fem etc. i always have small dream to live in my small little house with the one i love, i want to make every day every mint every second sepecial to our life, i want family who will be with me no matter what future have for us. after meeting jez i thought my dream will complete but jez broke my dream, not only my dream but my heart, he made me like a living dead. now i am like zombi who does not know what they are doing and this all beacuse of the person i used to love jez.

After two year first meeting


after 2 year i come back to take what is my, my little jeni who have wedding after some week with some idiots, i decided to go to meet jeni and say sorry than get jeni back.


when i arrived at airport i have called my secretry lucas to get every information about jeni and get the current addres of jeni, back then jeni used to stay with me in my house but after what i done to her see left house without saying anything, and i am idiot at that time i did not even search for her.


after 30 mint i arrive in front of jeni 's house, as i am step forword house what i see boil my blood, my younger brother joseph was kissing jeni and jeni did not resist. i stand their shock my jeni who used to be only kissing me now kissing my brother, no i can't accapt this.

i immediatly rush and punch my brother, jeni is in shock as well as my brother, i stand between them and glare towards my brother and said" she is fucking my , how dare u touch her, i will k....." but before i can say more jeni slap me, i was shock but that slap did not hurt but after was jeni said broke me. she said " who are u? ,how dare u touch my fiance ,who are u to say i am your, i am not your and i will never ,it was you who broke our relationship and also broke me, it was your brother who help me at my worst time, and now i am going to marry him, he is my love everything now, and u know i hate u, i hate to see your face ,to hear your voice, i hate everything related to you, and you know what i am hate most is my self because it is me who was fall in love with someone like you jerk, i regreting loving you.i hate you so don't ever come in fornt of me, i hate to see your face that make me hate my self more. now get lost.


i am in front of my house and going to say good bye to joeshp but he stop and say " i know jeni you still love jez, but after what he done to you, you have to move on, he will never love you, so jeni will you atlest try to fall in love with me"

fall in love again is never going to happen again but i have to move on , and joshep is very good person and friend, he was always their whenever i need him, when i leave jez' s house i have no where to go but he help me settle down, he is perfect fiance but he is not jez, i am still in between my thinking and joshep suddently kiss me, it was first time after jez someone kiss me, first i was shock what is he doing but suddently my mind goes to his word and i tell my self to try and accept joshep so i did not resist his kiss , but suddently jez from nowhere come and punch joshep,we both are shock to see jez, jez who always protective towards his brother just punch him i was in shock, but what jez said make me think of him again he said "she is fucking my , how dare u touch her, i will k....."

but before he can make me fall for him again i just snap him and say " who are u? ,how dare u touch my fiance ,who are u to say i am your, i am not your and i will never ,it was you who broke our relationship and also broke me, it was your brother who help me at my worst time, and now i am going to marry him, he is my love everything now, and u know i hate u, i hate to see your face ,to hear your voice, i hate everything related to you, and you know what i am hate most is my self because it is me who was fall in love with someone like you jerk, i regreting loving you.i hate you so don't ever come in fornt of me, i hate to see your face that make me hate my self more. now get lost.

Past-You are my mistake


today is jez birthday, after 2 month hard work jeni get some money to buy gift for jez.

she is student but she work for her college fees and never depend on anyone, jez always say her to quit part time job and focus on study but she always reply to jez that after we merried you have to handle my all expense but before that i have to rely on my self.


jeni call jez but he was not taking calls so she message jez that she will come home late because she have to work very late today.

jeni want to give jez suprise by coming earlier for his birthday. but jeni never ever have imagine that their are some suprise who is waiting for her.


after 1 hour

jeni come home , and as she come in front of jez room she hear girl noise who was enjoying something and calling jez name, jeni was shock and then slowly she open the door which is not locked, and what jeni show at that time made her body froze. in bed blond girl is under jez body and jez was thrusting her and enjoying her body his hand was on girls boobs and he was thrusting depply like she was his world. jeni in carying voice called "jez.....what the hell are u can u do that to me?..... you are cheating behind my back".

jez was in shock suddenly seeing jeni in his room while he was having sex with some other girl. jez start to wear clothe.. and shouted angerily " how the hell are u come earlier, didn' t u say u will come late today, you don' t have any manner before you come to someone room u have to knock...bloody stupid idiots, u spoil my night"

jeni was like tree standing n shock in thinking how can jez blame for something wrong which is done by him.

in trembing voice jeni said " it was you jez who is doing wrong things behind my back, you said you love me, you said you will never leave me, and it was you who said that you love me, how can you do this to me jezz.. you are my only family, how can you betryal me? how can you?...and..." before see can complete her word jez starting kissing blond girl and after deep kiss he turn to face jeni and said to her" hey jeni meet my new girlfriend leesa, we are dating now and i really start to like her, she is amazing so let's break up because i got bored with u".

after listing jez world jeni is in deep shock how can jez end 7 year of love that easily.

so she said in between crying " jez.. what the hell are u saying... we are in love for 7 year, how can u broke our relationship that easily for some random" suddenly blond girl come in between jez and jeni and slap jeni hard, and said " you was just his toy for his lust baby girl, see your face in mirror before talking to my boy friend you ugly bitch.." then in that girl word jez add some word which was jeni never had thought " little jeni, i love but not you but your body.. i love to to you..but now you discoverd something which is not good for our sexual relationship so now let' s breake up."

after hearing those word which is said by jeni know that he was only using her , so all this are fake, for him her love is only sexual realtionship, their are tear in jeni's eyes, their are sadness in her sob but their are no emotion in jezz eyes. seeing how easily jez broke and betryal her..see smile to jez and said " hey jezz happy birthday and as a birthday present i was leaving our... no your house so congratulation to both of u, i hope that you always be happy jezz...goodbye...and plz i want something from u can you give me that? in future plz don't appear in front of me, because i always had thought that you are my love, but now i know that you are my mistake which cause me most are my terrible mistake....Mr.jez....." after last sentence jeni turn around and left the house without looking back.

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