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"I Am The Yellow Primordial" Tensura Fan-Fiction

Prologue: The Beginning of Time

Before Time Began there was A being called Veldanava, He is an Existence That can be called God.

He floats in this endless darkness He's loneliness leads him on creating Seven Individual they are What is Called Angels Veldanava called the seven Primordial Angels.

After He Created the seven Angeles came the birth Of another Seven Individuals namely the Sever Original Demon They are the opposite of the Seven Primordial Angels Together they maintain the balance of Power.

Veldanava then Created Countless worlds And Universes and my other race.

But amongst those Individuals that he had created one Had caught the eyes of Veldanava himself, Her Actions and Her Way of thinking are very different from the other, She was the only one that shows full Emotions Among those individuals that he first created.

The girl Veldanava had been Observing Was One of the Seven Original Demons Jaune The primordial Yellow her action resembles that of a Human.

As time passed By Veldanava became even more interested in Jaune when she Once Ask Veldanava about herself.

She said that every day she had A feeling that Something is missing inside her she always had a memory that is about a certain someone that she doesn't know, she didn't know what he looks like or know his name but she felt like the person in her memories is some important to her.

Veldanava then Tried to See through Jaune's soul what he found out made him Sock.

Even though his the creator of all being He was shocked Because Jaune's soul was Broken, Yet It remained in Tack Half of her soul was missing, Even so, her soul was so strong and pure Unlike the Others her Soul was Pure white that is not possible for a Demon.

After Juane left Veldanava let out a Voice that only he can hear

"Jaune you are the most unique Amongst all of my Creations Your soul had been broken yet you didn't Disappear I hope in the Future You will be reunited With that One that is important to you"

Time passes by And Veldanava Loved A Human Which leads to his death.


The world, Veldanava Created In a dense forest called the Great Jura Forest.

It's a place Sacred for all living things In that world, Because it's a place where the Storm Dragon Veldora is sealed, he is one of the four True dragons That excited, True Dragons are the most powerful being that ever lived they are immortal and cannot be killed.

But the whole world had been in chaos Since the mighty Storm Dragon disappeared but Unknown to them, the one Responsible was A Little Blue Blob.


Inside The Great Jura Forest, a Goblin Village Is rebuilding, Burns of fire can be seen in the Surroundings indicating that a fight broke out.

In one of the tents in the Village, Two individuals are inside talking.

One was a Girl with Black Hair The other was a blue Slime

The Girl was named Shizue and the Slime Was named Rimuru two individuals that are fated For each other

"I'm Sorry for troubling you with my burdens slime-san," Shizue said

"Don't worry about it Shizue-san I'll definitely save those Children" Rimuru replied

"Thank you slime no Rimuru-san Even do we've only meet for a few days I can't help but development Feelings for you"


"I know right I'm pathetic, For The years I have Lived I in my last moment is when I found a person that I want to spend My life with, But I guess that's impossible now," Shizue said while Tears Fall down from her eyes

Rimuru dint responds But deep inside his Heart, he was Crying her destained one is in front of him but he can't do anything to save her, he was Blaming himself Because he was powerless.

"Hey Rimuru-san Would you Let me rest Inside you" Shizue ask Rimuru

"Shizue-san are you sure" Rimuru ask Shizue

"I am I hated this world but if you eat me I Can rest peacefully," Shizue said

"I...I Understand Shizue San"

"If I will be able to get reborn Again I want to be with you Rimuru-san," Shizue said as she slowly close her eyes her body Was slowly ageing

"Shizue-san I hope you can rest Inside me my Destained one," Rimuru said as he Used Predator to Eat Shizue's Body

Unknown to Rimuru When Shizue was Saying her last Goodbye her Soul Slowly crack And Then her soul was split into two, One had stayed in Rimuru's Stomach the other was sent Back to the beginning of Time.



I just want to get rid of this idea in my mind So if you guys like more be sure to tell Since I don't know if I will continue this hahaha

Anyways thanks for reading.

Ch 1: Nuclear Demon

In the Underworld A Girl with Yellow hair Can be seen in her Castle, she Was Sleeping Peacefully Her Face Can be defined as Beautiful, she was one of the Seven Progenitors or most commonly known as The Seven Primordial Demons.

They are the highest-ranking demon who Exists since the Dawn of Creation.

The girl that was Sleeping was Called Jaune she was the Yellow Primordial Demon.

Amongst all of the Primordial, she was the only one who Has Human habits such as Sleeping or Just Going on a Walk.

She was special, Unlike the other six primordials that required Physical body to stay in the material World, she on the other can go In and out of the Material World as she, pleased.

But she Didn't like staying in the Material World for too long and she sometimes gets angry at the World itself for some reason.

She also had another name given to her by the people that lived in the Material World.

She was called the Nuclear Demon, How did she Obtain such a name well it all goes back Hundreds of Years ago when she was walking in the Material World She Stubble upon a Place called El Dorado and when she meet the Ruler of the said place.

Named Leon Cromwell she Feels Angered deep inside her So every time she Was bored or something happened That she didn't like she would go to El Dorado and Fired Nuclear Magic at that Kingdom.

Ofcourse she only fired her magic away from people, She dint know why she Cared for Humans But She can't just bring herself to kill an innocent person.


She spent most of her life in the Underworld Not caring About the Material World, she had Fought with The Violet Primordial on some occasions but that was nothing but a mare sparing for the both of them.

Weaker Demon chooses to serve her even though she doesn't want any servant.


The Girl who was sleeping Slowly opened her eyes Reveling her Beautiful blue eyes

The girl then slowly gets up and Changes her clothes She then walks out of her castle.

The guards greeted her and she just smile and walks Pass them She was wondering what will she do by today

"What should I Do?, What should I do?" She said as he walks then suddenly she had an idea

"I should probably Go to the Material World," She said with a carefree attitude

On her way of walking, she was Challenged by Many newborn demons and all of them died in an instant.

The demons that lived for many years Choose to hide and run when they saw the Girl.

While she was walking and thinking about what would she do once she arrived in the Material World she happened to see One of her old acquaintances namely the Black Primordial Noir.

Amongst the Primordial, Noir was One of The Weirdest but for Jaune, He was a good old Freind.

"Noir what are you doing?" Jaune asks

"Kufufufu if isn't it Yellow, did you come here to fight?" Noir asks

"Nope I thought I told you I don't like fighting" She replied

"I see"

"Anyways what are you looking at," Jaune asks while looking at the orb Noir was holding

"Ohh I was just Observing an interesting individual," Noir said as he showed the ball towards Jaune

When she looked at it she saw a Blue hair Girl With golden eyes eating and drinking what seems to be a meat skewer and Tea.

Jaune then suddenly feels something inside her, she doesn't know what feeling it is since it's the first time she feels it but for some reason, the figure that is shown in the Magic Ball seems Familiar to her.

She was deep in thought until Noir disturb her train of thought.

"He is interesting isn't he?" Noir asks

"Wait it's a He, not a she?" Jaune asks with a little bit of a Suprise expression on her face

"Kufufufu are you getting Rusty old Friend" Noir said

"Don't you dare call me old even though I can remember how long I have lived, I still think of myself as Young you know?" Jaune said while Punting

"Your human attitude is what really makes you Unique amongst us all" Noir said

"Yes, But you're the oddball amongst all of us, but..." She stops as she looks again at the ball that Noir is holding

"I do think that he is interesting," she said

"Your right" Noir said As he continue to look at the Ball


After Jaune left Noir she was still thinking about the person she saw In the Magic Ball.

She had a feeling that She Somehow Know about who this person was so she monitored that person And Continue to observe him.


In the Cardinal world, Rimuru just Defeated The Orc Lord and The Charybdis and he was now heading towards The Kingdom of Ingracia To save the children that Shizue Left To him.

he was travelling with the Idiot Trio who just Poke another ants nest and Chase them.

Leaving Rimuru no choice but to Defeat the ants by himself, After Rimuru Defeated the Ants they rest and eat while talking.

"Rimuru-san You are quite energetic today compared to the other day," Eren Said to Rimuru

"Really," Rimuru said and the three just nodded

Rimuru himself didn't know why his this Energetic but he just feels like someone important to him is watching over him.

Unknown to Rimuru His Destained one is looking after him And their Fated Reunion is nearing.



New Chapter hope you guys like it.

Ch 2: Disaster

{A/N: This is an AU so Personality and Timeline will be different so don't complain why this why that, Just leave if you have nothing good to say thanks.}


Juane had been watching Rimuru ever since She saw Noir Stalking the man she saw How Rimuru teach and Gain the Trust of the Children that was Waiting for their death.

When she first saw the Five children she felt as if those Children had some sort of connection to herself.

She also saw Rimuru easily defeating a Sky Dragon and saving the City that the sky dragon was attacking.

For two months she saw how Rimuru find a way to save the Children, even doe she had little interest in the Material World, but when she was watching Rimuru she felt joy and a Sense of wanting to be on his side.

She also saw Rimuru on the Dwelling of the Spirits, one of the things that interest her While Rimuru was On the Dwelling of the Spirit was the Spirit that Chloe Õ Bell summon Juane felt that it was not a Spirit but What caught her attention is that the Being the Chloe Summoned Is a Being from Other Timeline.

Even though it's her first time seeing someone That came from other time she Imidiatly Recognize it since she was once been trained by Veldanava himself.

"It's really Interesting When I'm watching you!, Who are you really?" She asks as she continues to Watch how Rimuru is doing.


Rimuru who now had Fulfill His promise to Shizue was now Planning to head home back to Tempest but he decided to Stay for a few more days since He wanted to spend time with the children.

And today He and the children are having a picnic on the hill that they use to go to.

"Sensei had been More energetic Every since You save us," Ryota Said to Rimuru who sitting on the Blanket under the Tree

"Really?" He replied

"Yes Sensei, You have been smiling ever since you Save us is there any reason for it Sensei?"

"Well I don't know maybe I'm just happy that I manage to save all of you," Rimuru said with a smile on his face

"Sensei can be Weird sometimes," Alice said with her usual Tsundere act

"Well I don't care if Sensei is weird," Chloe said as She Hugs Rimuru's arm

The Teacher and Students Continue to have their Lively picnic.


Two weeks had now passed since Rimuru was able to save the Children and now he was in front of the Gate of Ingracia with The Kids and Yuuki.

"Sensei do you have to Leave?" Ryota asks while Having tears in his Eyes.

"Look it's not like I'm saying goodbye forever I'm coming to visit you guys whenever I have free time," Rimuru said

The children then rush to Hug Rimuru, Chloe was acting all spoiled and doesn't want Rimuru to go so she Holds Rimuru tightly.

Rimuru seeing Chloe like This decided to Push Chloe ways from him and He lowered his body To The Level of Chloe who was Crying.

"Look Chloe I'm not Leaving forever you know we will get to see each other again that is why I want you to have this"

Rimuru then Take out Shizue's Mask from his Storage and Give it to Chloe Who stops crying.

"It's no Fair Sensei" The other Kids complained so Rimuru also Take five sets of new Uniforms that He ask Shuna to make For the Kids.

"Thank you Sensei," The kids all said together Rimuru then Hugs them and Stand up and look at Yuuki

"Take care of them will you," Rimuru said to Yuuki who was standing behind the Children

"I will, and have a Safe trip Rimuru-san," Yuuki said To Rimuru

After that Rimuru went out raiding on the back of Ranga, after a while they went to a place where few people can see them.

Rimuru then tried to Actives spatial Travel but it didn't Activate Rimuru was Confused about why It was not Activating then a Man with dark skin With one black horn on his forehead appeared.

"Rimuru-sama you have to flee"

"Souei what happen to you," Rimuru said as he Rushes over to Souei

"Please don't worry about me this is just my Clone Rimuru-sama But you have to Get out of here" that was the last sentence that Souei said And his Clone disappeared.

"Ranga Get in my Shadow now" Rimuru ordered Ranga who say behaid him

"But Rimuru-sama"

"Ranga that's an order"

"As you wish" Ranga then Goes into Rimuru's shadow

After a While, a Holy Barrier Covered the Entire Place where Rimuru was in

Holy Barrier is a natural counter for monsters since holy Barrier Purified the Magicules that are inside the Barrier and it weakened monsters that needed Magicule to Leave.

Rimuru was asking Great sage to analyze the Barrier until Rimuru heard a Woman's voice.

"Rimuru Tempest Leader of the Monster nation Tempest I came to hear to Exterminate you," The Woman said

"Ehh I think You might have mistaken me for someone I'm nothing but an adventure," Rimuru said trying to get out of the situation

"Trying to find a way out of this is pointless Rimuru Tempest, You see Your nation was In the way Of Humanity so I'm going to destroy it"

"What?" Rimuru now decided to face the Woman since he knew that finding a way out of this was impossible and the Woman's words Just add up to fuel of wanting to know why The Woman wanted to Destroy his Nation.

"Well its one of my job to Destroy your national but I came here for a Completely different Reason," The Girl said

"And What is that reason?"

"I came to average my Master Whom you killed," The girl said

"Master you mean Shizue-san," Rimuru said as he now realize who the girl in front of him was she was one of Shizue's students the Leader of the holy Knights and strongest Human saint Hinata Sakaguchi

"Ohh so you remember her name"

"Look I don't kill her, I'm an Other worlder like you Too"

"Talking is useless," Hinata said as she Attacks Rimuru

Rimuru who was weekend by the Barrier had Trouble defending since he was weekend and some of his skills were not Useable


The two fight for 30 Minutes Rimuru was On the defensive and He knows that winning by Using brute force was Useless since his enemy was stronger than him and he was out-class in swordsmanship.

So he ask Great sage for a solution and Great sage suggested using Gluttony to unleash all of the power of the monster he had eaten so he did as that.

Hinata then use disintegration to kill the Monster She then left only leaving the words "I have avenged you master"

Lucky for Rimuru he manage to survive by leaving a body double that Hinata Didn't notice.

"Wooh that's scary I thought I would Die there," Rimuru said

"Great Sage Teleport me to Tempest"

[Affirmative... Teleportation Failed]

"Huh why?"

[Answer:The Place called Tempest Doesn't exist]

"What do you mean by it doesn't Exist?"

[Answer: the place called Tempest might be isolated by barriers So Teleportations Cannot be used]

"Then Teleport me to a Place near Tempest"

Rimuru then Teleported to the sealed cave and there he was met up by Vesta, Gabiru and Souei who were Injured

"What happened here," Rimuru asks

Souei report to Rimuru that a human Kingdom attacked tempest using Other worlder And Using a Barrier that they Weekend monsters.

Rimuru then decides to enter the Barrie but he asks Souei to Scout the Surroundings and report to him if he finds anything.

Souei was Hesitant at first since he doesn't want Rimuru to enter by himself but he realizes what Rimuru meant by Scouting the Surroundings, Rimuru also Give him a Trend that will connect the two of them allowing the two to communicate even inside the Barrier.

After Souei Left Rimuru headed inside what he saw was a Building that was destroyed Blood and Fire were everywhere.

When He arrived at the Sentral plaza He was Greeted many people who were Injured.

Rigurd who saw him run towards him and he did a 360° Bow

"Rigurd what happened?" Rimuru asks he still can believe what was happening in front of him but before Rigurd can say something he got interrupted by the dwarven brothers.

"Rimuru-dana it's good to see that you are alright," Kijin said with a Sad Expression the same goes for the others

"Kijin what happen?"

"Ano Rimuru-sama I will Report What happened Later but first"

"Stop avoiding my Question," Rimuru said and they heard an Explosion nearby

"Benimaru," Rimuru said as he Rush towards where the explosion came from Rigurd and the others followed him.

When he Arrives He saw Benimaru Holding Grucius by the neck.

"Stop Benimaru" Rimuru yelled

"Rimuru-sama" Benimaru then Turns around And Kneel to Rimuru Along with Geld and a Few Orc that is with Benimaru

"What happened here"

"This Girl named Mjurran Activate a Barrier that weekend us Monster and when we tried to arrest Her Youm and Grucius gets in our way and Because of that..."

"Benimaru-duno" Rigurd yells at Benimaru

"I'm Sorry Rimuru-sama I'll report it later"

Mjurran then Lead Rimuru to the place where all of the deceased are place

Rimuru seeing his people dead was shocked He was Angry and wanted to kill Mjurran On the spot but Great Sage said that Mjurran was trying to take all the blame for herself so that Youm and Grucius be affected by her Sins.

Rimuru controlled his Anger and call of an Executive meeting after that Rimuru head to where Shuna was treating the wounded.

Rimuru after arriving there heals Hakuro who had a Spatial Injury he Uses gluttony to remove the injured part.

And Heal Hakuro, also healed Gobuta who also Suffered Injury, with Gobuta's careless attitude he accidentally called Hakuro An old man Which Made Hakuro Angry and Wanted to Gut Gobuta.

Seeing that the two are back being a Lively Master and Students Rimuru asks a Question that made the atmosphere Darkened

"By the way Whares Shion, Don't tell me She went on her own to get revenge, well knowing her she might be doing it hahaha..."

Rimuru seeing that his Sabordenates were silent decided to ask

"What's wrong?"

The others didn't answer but Benimaru was the only one who said the words "Please follow me"

Rimuru just Followed Benimaru in silence he didn't dare to ask questions

After a while, they were back in the Place where all the dead was Place there Benimaru walked into one of the places where one of the bodies was covered in a White Blanket

He grabs the blanket and lift it and There Shion's Lifeless body was Laying on the Ground, Rimuru seeing the body of Shion Unconsciously release his Aura that he was Surpassing.

Everyone Got shocked by the sudden outburst of Dense magic Power that made the Residents who were near Kneel on the ground.

Rimuru realize that he release his Aura and suppress it and said

"Sorry I would like to be alone," Rimuru said and the other left

Rimuru was Asking himself why all of this happened, he was Blaming himself for not arriving here On time before the Attack, he was Blaming himself for being powerless,

Suddenly he remembered Shizue he ask himself Why did all of those important to him Died, is the power that he has now was nothing but Decorations, he asks himself that what if his powerful enough will he might be able to Save Shizue and prevent this Tragedy.

He stayed there for 3 days not doing anything Only Blaming himself for being powerless.


In the Underworld, the girl with Yellow hair was watching the Blue-haired man blaming himself for being powerless.

The girl had this feeling of wanting to comfort the man She wanted to head to the man's side even though she and him didn't know each other.

Just when she was about To Go and tried to enter the Material World Three Figured arrived at the place where Rimuru was and told Him about the Old Tail of an ancient Demon Lord.

The Girl was happy since the man Had A chance to Bring back the Freind that He lost.

Then the girl made a Decision to serve the man that she was watching to know more bout why she was feeling the way she was when she was watching the man.



New Chapter Hope you guys like it

Up next: Birth of a Demon Lord and Summoning

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