My sister Li Shu Ye and my parents Li Gong Do and Li Je Yong are on a hunt in the forest they teaching her a archery.That time they hunt at night....
At the forest my mother saw a deer, they started to hide and prepared to attack the deer.They killed the deer but..
They didnt kniw that a clan watching them... The clan of "Glamors" they are Vampires they want my family die beacause they hate us. But first... they attack slowly and gently without noise... all the guards has been slain.Suddenly the leader of the clan came to there front and says " You shall surrender... your guards is has been all slain by my family. If you dont surrender well then you and your family is been killed.."
His name was Zhin Glamor the leader of the clan of Glamor. They are cruel as you think? No they are evil.. Evil that you cant ever imagine.. Thats why everyone in the country hate them..
My father fight them with all his streght but its no use.. My father had noore streght to fight them but in the name of our family he wont let the family be shamed by other people.. So he kept fighting until he almost die, he got no more time thats why my sister and my mother protect them and fight for our father.. Li Shu Ye had a special blood that only born every one hundred of years. Zhin Glamor fall them asleep and get them without any mark of them.
*Present time*
Its been a 6 years now after they venished like an ash and dont leave anything,no clues,no marks...
This upcoming 2 weeks there will be crowned as an emperor. Li Won Feng
my brother in my father he was older than me that means he had a chance to be the Emperor.. But i wont let him to be an Emperor beacause he abuse me whenever my parents arent home yet with my sister..
I was a master in Kung Fu. Eveey single wowen in the country loves me. Some say i was handsome,some say i was shy, and some say i was... cruel like the others. But i just let them be i dont care what ever they want to say to me i just let them be..
While im at my chamber i was looking at the leaves falling from the ground.. i call one of the musician in the palace to play a lullaby music for me or a sad tune.
"Your majesty~.. How i can help you?" she said with pleasure to me. "Can you play me a music that is good for fall season?" i answered. "Yes your majesty" she replied to me... in the time i was talking to her she was at my back.. I know that this musician is sent by Li Won Feng to kill me and tell nothing happend and he was the inocent one.
So i ask her, "Who sent you here?".
"Master Li Ge Yu... What are you talking about?" she replied to me. " I know you were sent by Li Won Feng to kill me.. Am i right?" i said to her.. "Well then... I HAD TO FINISH YOU QUICKLY!!! " she shouted..
I vanishied tike an ash that my move didnt see by the ***** eye... "Looks like you dont have any skills to fight me.. i guess that your master is not a real master... Everyone calls me the Time traveller.. The mive i used to you is the lowest rank of my speed,lets say in the numbers,0... I cant believe that this is happening in my chamber.." I said to her.
"Your talking non-sense your majesty... "
she said back to me. " Ok then. you said so then... *snap and time has stop* Your out of this world...*stab her with a knife and time came to normal* Aww~.. Weak..."
The guards had came in my chamber but i sat down like nothing happend..
"Your majesty! Are you alright?" a guard said to me. "Yes.. im fine.." I replied...
I started to spoke to the guards that make sure to guide me in my chgamber. Even i can fight by my self, i have a fear inside of me and thats my heart...
The guard report me that they put more guards in the area mostly in the secret passage have guards..
* At night, at the forest *
"Mong Do Wa!!!!" Valir Glamor shouted to Mong Do Wa... "He is faster than i thought... ohh.. i forgot that he was a Vampire..TSK.." Mong Do Wa said to his self.. "DO YOU THINK YOU Can escape?! Well then lets try so!!!!" Valir added..
They reach the "So Dong kingdom",where i was live in.. They ran to roofs of the villagers in the kingdom. Until they reach my chamber..
"That... that is the chamber of the crowned Emperor! I must hide there!" Mong Do Wa said to his self. "Mong Do Wa?! Where you going? Are you going some where? Well~ this place is familiar-...Where is he? I... I cant see him.. Mong Do Wa you have a day on me!" Valir shouted... Suddenly the guards are appeared so he got away...
"Thank God!~.. Arg... My wounds... *panting* I cant stay as a human anymore... i need to change back as a wolf again...*transform*".. Mong Do Wa transform into a little cub, he cant handle the transformation as a human, he faint until morning..
" Huh? How this little cub get here?.. GUARDS!!" I shouted.. "Yes your Majesty!" they greet to me.. " How can we help you? Your majesty?" They added.. " Go and get a doctor of an animal! On a hurry! " I command them, soon they call the doctor to check the little cub. They still wondering thet did a little cub get over the walls even a human can't jump into that walls... But i dont mind them i just take care of the little cub..
Li Won Feng look at my side greedly like he was a lion that fails on a hunt..
"Looks like you are so kind this day!"
"Li Won Feng... I know that you dont like my attitude except on killing without mercy on me...."
"Heh... I see you in the field later so i can see what your real attitude is...*laugh* ".
I just agree what he says but im still worriried about the cub.. The cub waked up and healed his wounds then he run to me and transform as a human, im shock what i saw..
"What's your name? Emperor?"
" Wait!,.. Im not crowned Emperor yet so dont call me an Emperor."
"But your-..*fainted*"
"Great... Guards!"
I call the guards to put him in the bed.. after that momment i go in the field dressed as a fighter..
*At the field*
"So... Li Ge Yu... You arived so long~" Li Won Feng said to me,"Did i wait you so long?" i answer him.. He quickly attacked me i cant even see his movement in one sec. He his going to stab me at the back but i didnt know that he was in my back. Suddenly the cub i saved block and scared him..
" What the hell?! Did i say its allowed to brought a back up?! Your cheating!!"- Li Won Feng
"I wont let you hurt him... If you wanted too you will come to me first!"-Mong Do Wa..
" You... What are you doing? "- Li Ge Yu
" Follow me~" -Mong Do Wa
He grab me and jump very high all through the forest.
"*Bro... i didnt know your name.. and you carry me as a girl? Pathetic" *- I said to my self..
"By the way.. My name is Mong Do Wa.. You must hate me beacause im a wolf blood.. I mist hide this time cause the vampires is hunting you.. I know where you are so they kidnapped me,they want to kill you beacause yoir blood is more preacious than any one.."
"* I dont know what are you saying*.."
"I know that you dont kbow what im saying but youll understand later on.."
I dont know what he saying but im worried about his wounds in his legs and arms.. Wait... Vampires? Thats why he had many bites on his boby.. Poor Mong Do Wa..
We stop in a cave to rest i saw his bandages are full of blood and cant stop bleeding. I take of his bandages and saw a sword wound.
"Is Vampires using swords too?" i ask to him..
"No not literaly but some of them using swords like a leader guard..Arhg.. it hurts ... can you gently take it off?!"
"Sorry.. i just remember somebody that i lost in my life.." i answered while crying..
"Oh.. im sorry.." He gently said to me..
"Thats alright! you can ask if you want to!" i replied..
"Who are they? What is your realation to them?" he ask..
"They are my family... they was been slain by the vampires in the woods long time ago. With my little sister,my father,and mt mother... Li Shu Ye is my little sister, Li Gong Do is my father and Li Je Yong is my mother... They where hunting in the woods at night and teaching my little sister to be an archer so she can fight on her own.. thets the info of my family and vampires... in my life..." i answered to him..
"Such a cruel..." he added to me
"Whats yours?" i ask back.
"Its none of your bussiness!!", he shouted to me... I hesistant to him, i feel weird to it, i didnt ask any question to him if it makes feel him better.. I dont judge...
"I dont judge..." i said to him whisper... He notice and said.. "Remember that im in family of a dog... I can hear you even you whisper.." he says grumpy. I hate the person like him, he looks grumpy person that i hate very much!
We stop on a cave and put me down safely. He walked away, and says "Wait here im just gonna get some food for you.." "Then your gonna leave me all of the sudden thats it right!?" i said to him. "What you scared?" he added to me while smiling. "Yeah.... Kinda... JUST LET ME GO WITH YOU!!" i yelled at him but i didnt mean too, he smirk at me and he howl loudly. "Why did you do that? You make me terrified!" i said to him while covering my ears. He smiles and says "I just call a mythical creature to keep an eye at you" he said and i added "What!? Are you crazy!? Do you know what they can do to me? They might ate me! Then when you came back, i was only a bones!! *shivers*". I dont know what to do while im saying that when suddenly... "W-What is that!?" i almost cried. "Whats your name kid?" a fox asked me, "What the heck are you? You have many tails, long horns.... Your not a normal fox! Your a monster! *run behind Mong Do Wa* *shaking*". "Dont be afraid, Yes im a monster but isnt that means im a bad monster... 😅" He explained, "Whats your name?!" i asked to him. "My name is too long, how about you can call me.... um.." he answered then thinks. "How about i call you.... Foxy! Its really suits to you!" "Well.... I never had a nickname before, over a million of years they call me in my full name though! Thats great! I have a nickname!" Foxy happly said to me.
"Looks like they are getting along well... Then its my time to get him something to eat! Well! im gonna go now!" he says to us then leave. "Now.... How did you meet Mong Do Wa? Did he do something to you huh? 😏 " with a suspicious face he said to me. I didnt say any word, beacause i dont want Mong Do Wa angry at me. In the first look he looks very angry but no, he's not and i hate his grumpy face. I keep wondering why he took me away in my own battle with my cousin....
Its already dawn but he still not coming back.... Im getting worried.. Wait! Not worried that you think i mean about a.... Friend only not like on other person who had an relationship. Foxy suddenly speak, "What makes him too long?... Huh? Hey! little pal! are you alright?! *shakes Li Ge Yu* HEY! DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!! *cries*". "What the hell! im sleeping! stop shaking me!!!" i yelled at Foxy. "Oh! Your alive! I thought your dead!!! *cries*", "How can i be dead? Your shaking me!" i explained...
Were still waiting in the cave but he didnt came back. Im worried this time, i wonder what is he doing by now? Did he got cought by the Vampires? I hope not! Its beacause of me.... I have the Yoir blood and im the intension of the vampires.... I make someone in trouble.. Oh.... Am i really a mistake?
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