It was five years ago that I had made this promise. not knowing that I would ever be able to keep that promise. But as the crown princess of the dragon tribe, I am obliged to keep my word. Now I was on my way to the fox tribe to marry their crown prince.
In order to know how that promise was made, let us go back five years in time.
five years ago in the dragon tribe.
"Miss it is time to get up"
Her personal maid entered her room and said
"today is your birthday. I know you like sleeping, but you really have to get ready now"
Kaida opened her eyes and looked at her maid. her maid was dressed in a traditional dragon tribe party dress which did her figure well. she had her long black locks up with pins. She looked beautiful.
Rei was her personal maid and she came from the branche family. Rei was only three years older than Kaida, even though you will not think so. she was very wise for her age.
Kaida stood up and walked to the bath. Rei followed her and said you do not look happy.
"why should I be happy? It is my birthday, but my father, the king is not here. simply because my uncle is conspiring with the wolf tribe, and war could break out at any moment. And then I must happily celebrate my birthday?"
Rei sighed and helped Kadia in her dress.
"I know how you feel. my father and his army went with uncle. it will be fine. let's celebrate your tenth birthday. everyone is anxious about the news, so give the people something to be happy."
Kaida sighed and walked out. Just then she heard a loud dragon roar. and a dragon stopped in front of her.
"you are already awake? you look beautiful, are you ready to celebrate our birthday?"
the dragon dropped her head and Kaida rubbed her nose.
"let's go our mothers are waiting for us."
Her dragon flew into the air. Kaida looked up. She saw countless dragon flying in the clear sky.
Everyone of the dragons tribe had a dragon. With the exception of her uncle. His dragon saw her uncle true nature and refused to follow him. Cruel as her uncle is, he had used all means to subservience his dragon, with the result that the dragon took his own life.
Kaida was pulled out of her thoughts by the loud music. The people were partying because their crown princess was ten years old. Too young to marry but old enough to fight.
Kaida walked into the square and was greeted by her nine brothers and sisters. Of all her brothers and sisters she was the only one who had inherited her mother's red hair and rubies eyes.
Kaida looked up and saw her mother sitting on her throne. Her mother's red thick curly hair was like fire and came to her waist, her eyes were as red as rubies. She was small and despite the fact that she had given birth to ten children, you could not see it. She was neither fat nor thin. Her mother had a soft appearance and was loved by everyone. You will not think she was the most feared warrior of our tribe. Yes, more fearful than Kaida's father.
People say it is a miracle that her mother married her father. Her mother did not want to marry and wanted to pass on the crown to her brother or sister. She had made a rule that she would only marry the one who could beat her in a duel. Kaida's father lost nine times until he won the tenth duel. Rumor has it that Kaida's mother had let him win, because his determination had won her heart.
Next to her mother stood a dragon. This dragon was the greatest of all, just like her master. The dragon was red as fire with eyes like rubies. This was the strongest dragon of all dragons, worthy to stand next to her master.
Kaida walked to her mother and greeted her.
"Mother I have arrived."
Her mother laughed and gestured for her to sit next to her. Kaida sat down next to her.
"My darling enjoy, because this will be the last birthday with so much joy."
Her mother showed a gloomy smile. Kaide knew that her mother probably had a vision and knew what was coming.
There was plenty of dancing, eating and singing. Kaida watched if she could see Rei. She saw Rei talking to someone. Her cheeks were red and she smiled shyly.
"Hmm what does my cousin kyro tells her that Rei should laugh like that."
Kaida did not want to dance herself, so she stayed next to her mother.
Her nine brothers and sisters were everywhere and nowhere and occasionally came to be pampered with hugs by their mother, the queen.
"I wish your father was here"
the Queen laughed with a gloomy look and looked at the sky.
"You will see him soon again"
Then my mother stood up and walked forward. everyone in the square stopped and looked at her.
"As you know, we are a tribe of warriors. As soon as our children can walk, they immediately receive warrior training. The time has arrived to show your strength. It's time for the dragonfight. "
The dragonfight was a custom with every birthday. Through a competition, the youngsters were given the opportunity to show their strength. Kaida could not wait and called Rei to help her dress.
Rei was already in her combat uniform. Kaida quickly changed clothes and walked back to the square. Just then she saw something in the corners of her eye. Had she seen it wrong? Yes it much be, cause nothing could have slipped past her mother.
The moment Kaida walked into the square she knew something was wrong. The square, which was just very busy, was now with less people. She did not see elderly people and most of the children were gone too. Only children of ten years and older were still present. Had she seen it well? No, if I see my brothers and sisters then nothing is wrong. Kaida looked around and did not see any of them.
"What are you dreaming about there, are you starting to get scared?"
Kaida looked up and saw her cousin Kyro. He stood together with 2 other boys and a girl.
the boy Kaën and girl kayra were the children of her mother's sister, and her cousin Kyro and the other boy Koto were the children of her mother's brother. Because they did not differ much in age, they grew up together.
Kyro was the same age as Rei. He was tall with dark red hair and dark eyes and just like his father. His wide shoulders and muscular body showed that he took his training seriously.
koto was just like his mother. He was twelve and was a few centimeters shorter than his brother. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was not as muscular and broad as his brother.
Kaën and kayra were twins of eleven years and looked just a like. They had light red hair and light eyes. Kaën was not as tall as kyro and koto, but just like them he had a muscular body. Kayra was small and was filled in the right places.
Her mother was still standing in front of her throne and looking around the square.
"Although all children from the age of ten years are enough to go to war with us, I will make an exception today. I want all children aged 10 to 15 to leave the square through the south path now. "
This news came unexpectedly and nobody knew what to do. Until kyro opened his mouth.
"But Auntie what about the dragonfight?"
The queen looked at him and said
"we do not have time for that anymore. The news that ensured that the king is on his way to the wolves tribe is fake. My brother is already in our tribe and I already have a strategy to undermine him. However, I need experienced warriors for that. How many times have you fought in a war?"
Kyro wanted to say something but the queen interrupted him and said
"we have no time for this. I have already sent the dragons along with the weaker ones. Now go fast. Only when you are at the shelter can it be locked."
Kaida looked up shocked. Locked? But then no one can enter? What about my mother and our warriors? Was my mother sure she would win this fight or....
Rei pulled Kaida along and said
"come on we have to go. despise How skillful we are, we will only get in the way."
The children of ten to fifteen years were just away when with a great speed a big wolf came up the square. A man with an iron look in his eyes was sitting on the wolf. It was a look that gave the warriors of the dragon tribe an quiver..
"My little brother what brings you here? And what a grand entry? If I did not know any better I would think you have bad ulterior motives."
The Queen walked towards the wolf. The man on the wolf looked into her ruby eyes and swallowed. Although he had the support of the wolves tribe, this will not be an easy task. His sister was not afraid to die and was a worthy opponent. He would not be able to handle her alone, but maybe with ten people.
In the shelter
Kaide did not know what to do and walked back and forth. Outside you could clearly hear that a fight was going on. Dragons who had lost their master fell down. But nobody knew how it went. Was it the right choice to leave? Shouldn't we help? What was she supposed to do?
Kaida looked around, where was Rei? Maybe she can calm me down. Rei, normally the clamest, was calmed by kyro.
mm she wouldn't be much help to me now. Will I really stay here without doing anything?
Just then, Kaën and kayra came to her. Kayra was crying heartbreaking. And kaën was comforting her. In his eyes you could see hurt and pain.
"What's going on?"
Kaida walked over and grabbed kayra by her shoulders, and Kaën looked at Kaida and said
"my mother's dragon is gone".
Kaida's face turned pale and her eyes went wide. That could only mean one thing. No, they could not have beaten my aunt? How? I refuse to believe this!
Kayra fell to her knees and continued to cry. At this point, kaën could no longer hold his self and collapsed while he cried softly. Koto sat next to them and mourned his aunt.
Kaida walked to her mother's dragon and gently stroked her. The dragon of Kaida slept next to that of her mother.
" what should I do? I am just a child. "
"Your mother was not much older than you, when she became the mother of all dragons."
Kaida was shocked and stumbled backwards. Did she hear a voice? Where did it came from? What was that voice? She looked up and looked exactly into the eyes of her mother's dragon. No that is not possible . right? Did I hear her voice?
"The fact that you only now hear my voice means that you are not ready to become the mother of all dragons. Yet you will have to accept your task because it is certain that your mother will not make it through the night "
Upon hearing these words, Kaida collapsed with her arms in front of her mouth. What? my mother wil not make it through the night? How is that possible? Did my mother know her fate? Probably yes and she had accepted her fate. Then Kaida thought about her mother's words. Was she supposed to enjoy her birthday for this? Tears ran down her cheeks.
"Admonish yourself crown princess I give you the chance to see your mother before she takes her last breath. However, the condition is that you can only take 5 warriors with you "
Kaida looked up. "Do I get the chance to save her?"
"No, that is not what your mother wanted. She only wanted her people to be safe. I give you the chance to get the knowledge of your mother to become the mother of all dragons. However, it is an art that you will have to make your own. And that takes time. If you can not keep the dragons in line, chaos will follow."
Kaida was not happy with this answer and did not see the point if she could not save her mother. But she could not go against her mother's request. Her mother must have had her reasons.
"How long will I need?"
"That's something I do not know. As soon as I have let you out, I will let the remaining dragons fall into a deep sleep inside this cave. When there is someone strong enough to become the mother of the dragons, we will wake up by ourself. The dragon dance wil speed up the process. Bear in mind that the dragons tribe will lose a strong ally and this can be detrimental in the rising war. And i will perish with your mother so i will not wake up. "
"You got so much support and you're still no match for me"
the Queen walked to the man who was lying on the floor.
"Why brother? Where did it go wrong?"
The Queen looked down with a sombre look in her eyes.
Even though he had his bad deeds, she loved him. Because their mother died early she raised her two brothers and sister. She was the one who sat next to his bed when he was sick.
The man looked at her with cold-blooded eyes, there was no trace of love in his eyes. Rather hate and a lot of hate. Its only one against so many, en she is still too strong. But this I knew therefore I have a trump card. the look in his eyes changed and became warm.
"Sister you know how my nature is. I'm just bad. Yet I have not forgotten how much love you have given me. With my injuries I will not make it through the night. Still, I would like to have one last hug from my big sister"
The man knew her weakness and knew she would give in.
I will go peacefully if I can take her with me. If only she did not refuse to make me king, then this would not happen. But instead she told me i was not fit to be a king!
The queen approached him and sank beside him. She looked at him. Did he really think she did not notice? Only when he is dead will this end. Unfortunately, it will not end the war but it will end his suffering.
She leaned forward to embrace him, just at that moment she felt a sharp pain in her side. She looked at the man and smiled as she hugged him.
"My dear little brother"
Kaida ran up the square and looked around. This was her first battlefield and it was overwhelming. She became light-headed and did not know what to do.
Kaën was on his knees next to his mother and kayra was crying on her chest. Their mother looked so peaceful.
The square was full of dead and wounded warriors. it was clear to see that there had been a fight.
the square which was full of love and celebration a couple of hours ago, was now full of grief and pain.
Was this the result of a war? are these the times that are coming?
none of the wolf tribe warriors were still alive. The big wolf where my uncle was sitting on, when he came laid lifeless in the middle of the square.
This was the first time that Kaida saw a wolf of the wolf tribe. they were indeed big and terrifying.
"Kaida, come quickly"
Rei and Kyro stood next the queen. Kaida came and sank down beside her mother, her mother had a wound in her side, but it was not a wound that could kill a warrior like her mother.
"Do not cry honey, you must be strong. Especially now that the dragons are not here. I have an important task for you. you have to travel with the rest of our people to my other brother. You are safe there. Do not worry about your father, he will save himself. Your uncle will teach you everything you need to learn "
Kaida looked at her mother and wept.
"Mom the wound is not so bad. You will not die here! You are too strong for that ".
Her mother smiled
"if it had only been that wound, then I could have given birth to five more children for your father. However, the knife that stabbed me was treated with poison."
Her mother looked at the sky and smiled
"What would I have liked to see your father again. I pray that my children will find love like their parents "
at that moment the queen blew her last breath.
Kaida and the warriors who survived the battlefield cried and mourned their fallen queen.
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