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Blood, Status, Ethnicity, And Nationality


...This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, countries, ethnic names, institutions, agencies, organizations, businesses, as well as the events, issues, and incidents produced from those matters above are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, issues, and incidents is purely coincidental....

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In a small room with dim lighting, a young man was being slapped multiple times by his stocky fellow. The slap was very hard, causing the young man's lips to tear. Blood is poured from the torn lips. However, the stocky man is still eager to make him suffer, by beating him again, thus letting the young man lose his balance and then fall to the ground.

"Actually it's still not enough for you, you loser Lismesan! So don't lie down like a lump of filth, it makes me sick. Get up!"

The stocky man kicked his bullied fellow. Trying to ignore the pain he suffers, the young Lismesan man whose posture is much smaller than the stocky Jupitune man who bullied him now supports himself with great difficulty, then changes his position to kneel on all fours like a dog.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

"We have entered into this agreement, how dare you make a dispute right now! Sh*t, all words coming from the Lismesan people are all no more than a lie! But why do they send a such person like you to attend this crucial operation... sh*t!" The Jupitune man groaned.

Clenching his teeth against the pain, the young Lismesan man bites his lip in silence.

The stocky Jupitune man then spits, his splatter of saliva falls right on top of the young man's head. And besides, it also splashes onto a laser pen which was still displaying the electric screen in the air, while the Lismesan man continues to observe it with a stiff expression like a statue.

..."Project of Chrono Organization: Sapphire Genocide Project"...


Do you believe that, beyond this Planet Earth, even beyond this Milky Way Galaxy, another life on a remote, unknown planet is existing?

And do you believe that, the kind of life on this unknown planet is not much different from our Planet Earth?

There is land and sea on that planet. As well as the sky and the soil. The planet possesses a very enchanting natural world, just like Planet Earth. There are mountains, lakes, rivers, valleys, forests, deserts, beaches, meadows, ice plains, and so on. The seasons always change from spring to summer to fall and finally to winter, then turn back to spring. Day and night come and go. Sunshine, rain, fog, rainbow, wind, and other changes in the weather do exist. Besides, this planet is inhabited by the same creatures the Planet Earth also owns - plants, animals, and humans. In short, everything here is almost the same as the condition on Planet Earth.

But of course, it will not be 100 percent identical. We assume that a mirror will always reflect the same motion of a creature, but actually, the motion it reflects is different, since the actual left and right are reversed with left and right in the mirror. Another example is the twin, we can always find the difference in them, at least in their respective nature.

When it comes to the difference, the human beings who live on this planet have the difference in the matter of race. Neptune people - Neptunians, with eyes in shades of orange, the girls have pink hair and the boys have violet hair. Jupiter people - Jupiterians, with their red hair and bright yellow eyes. Saturn people - Saturnians, whose hair is in a color range of shades of blue, and whose eyes are indigo or dark purple color. Ralara people - Ralarans, with their grey hair and black color eyes. And several other races whose colors of their hair and eyeballs are the result of the mixture of these three major races. On this unknown Planet, the most preferred races are those with the brightest hair and eyeball colors since the brighter the color, the more attractive the races seem; and the darker the color of their hair and eyeballs, the more disliked that races become, and the humiliations they received thence increase.

The people of Neptune and Jupiter races have similar facial and body postures, so people on this planet make the term 'Jupitune' - the Jupitunese, for the merge of both races. Meanwhile, Saturn people have similarities with other people from their nearby countries, such as Callisto, Io, Ganymede, and so on, the whole planet then calls all of them 'Lismesa' people - the Lismesan.

The countries existing on this planet are also different from Planet Earth, and it is the same with the provinces, the districts, the cities, the street names, and so on. It leads to the difference in the system of government and politics, making it not the same as Planet Earth. Likewise, the political elite organizations and the upper-class institutions formed are also different. There are several continents on this planet, such as the Aurora Continent, the Nature Continent, and the Essence Continent. Jupiter is located in the Nature Continent, Neptune is located in the Aurora Continent, and Saturn is located in the Essence Continent. Pluto is a unique country located in both the Nature Continent as well as the Aurora Continent, only Pluto has qualifications that other countries don't have.

In technology, the Planet is more advanced than Planet Earth. Some matters, like fashion, or some systems of health management or medical appliances, are still the same with Earth, but the different matters are much more than the same ones.

However, some problems and disasters that emerge on this planet are similar to the problems and disasters faced by human beings on Planet Earth. For instance, the uncontrolled spread of disease, which can harm people by letting them seriously ill. And those issues also exist - political conspiracies, even, victimization, and even wars between ethnic groups and among the countries. Which can easily transform a situation, from safe and peaceful, to warfare full of wounds and deaths, and cries and screams of suffering.

Then. The most crucial things. The mind and soul possessed by the people on the planet, are exactly the same as the humans of the Planet Earth possess. Happiness, sadness, joy, sorrow, anger, anxiety, panic, frustration, disappointment, hatred, resentment - and love. As well as, the desire for a long and healthy life, fear of getting sick and infected with serious illnesses; the vanity of owning higher status, wealth, power, and privileges; racial discrimination, hatred between ethnic groups, confusion about their respective blood, ethnocentrism, and patriotism.

All of these kinds of emotions, are exactly the same as the emotions felt by the people from Planet Earth.

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Additional Information:

The names of the fictional countries in this novel are inspired by the names of the planets in solar system, and the satellites that orbit them.

The citizens of most countries in this novel share the same traits with the planets and their accompanying satellites in the astrological zodiac, which are named after ancient gods. These planetary characteristics have an impact on the citizens' way of thinking and behavior, and further, on the interactions and political relationships between countries, includes political alliances, tensions, and even war. Therefore, it is crucial to discuss the influence of these planetary characteristics in the novel's plot.

Some of the fictional countries that will often be discussed here are:

Pluto, the motherland of our female lead, is portrayed differently from its representation in zodiac astrology. While Astrology describes Pluto as a tiny, dim, and chilly planet, in this novel, Pluto is depicted as a country that is neither a major power, nor excessively small or outdated nation.

Jupiter. The homeland of our male lead. Different from Pluto, the personality traits of Jupiterians (citizens of Juputer) resembles the Jupiter in the real astrological zodiac.

In ancient mythology, Jupiter is the King of Gods, and so is the country of Jupiter in this novel. Jupiter is recognized as the planet associated with abundance. It demonstrates tolerance and vastness. Jupiter is widely acknowledged as the planet of fortune, fostering opportunities and enhancing the advantages within the domain it influences. This auspicious celestial body also governs prosperity and substantial financial and material gains. Jupiter instills a sense of vision, hope, positivity, confidence, and smartness. It presents a broad perspective and inspires one to think on a grand scale.

In terms of size, Jupiter surpasses the combined dimensions of all other planets. Hence, it is referred to as the expansive planet, symbolizing its role as the Great Benefactor. However, it is important to note that Jupiter can also have negative traits such as excessive optimism, indulgence, and overabundance.

Neptune. The ancestral country of the female lead. Although Neptune in zodiac astrology and the Nation Neptune in this novel have some common characteristics, there are also notable distinctions between them. Neptune is known as a planet that inspires creativity, imagination, and sensitivity. It governs spiritual matters and subtle aspects of life. On a positive note, Neptune is linked to intuition, enlightenment, and empathy. It is also associated with mercy and compassion.

Saturn. The ancestral country of the male lead. Saturn Country is almost similar to Saturn in astrological zodiac.

At first sight, the concepts associated with Saturn may appear gloomy, but in reality, this planet plays a vital role in providing order and significance to our existence. Saturn is often linked with traits such as concentration, persistence, tangible benefits, determination, ambition, and efficiency. However, this planet is also known for governing aspects such as caution, postponement, restriction, responsibility, obligation, regulations, suffering, apprehension, power, self-restraint, and negation.

Saturn is associated with restriction and limitation. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn constricts. Jupiter encourages you to have self-assurance and to aim for ambitious goals. On the other hand, Saturn helps you stay organized and focused on the present task. Saturn is associated with qualities such as discipline, restriction, obligation, and ambition, which set high expectations. However, these standards are necessary for achieving success. Saturn believes that success comes from dedication, hard work, and even sacrifice. Therefore, it instills a sense of commitment in you to attain your objectives. Saturn is a symbol of diligence and hard work.

Hence, in this novel, since Saturn and Jupiter have different views on how to achieve success, frequently have disagreements. Jupiter believes that success can only be attained by being open, flexible, and expanding, while Saturn may view that ones must take more rigid and even suffering paths to achieve success. But, it is only one of numerous causes of the disagreements.

Numerous other countries exist, with many of them bearing names inspired by the companion satellites of the four primary fictional nations' planets described above. However, their impact is not substantial enough to warrant specific discussion within this context.

Sources for The Facts of Zodiac Astrology:

*) Not all of the relations as well as conflicts of these fictional countries relate with Roman mythology in this novel. Some of them are really different.

Chapter 1

The sun shines brightly over the city of Sapphire, its bright rays are occasionally blocked by the thick clouds which appeared on a winter morning in the middle of the Winter Month. Winter always brings more chill for the residents living in one of the largest cities in Pluto Country, especially since it is located quite far from the sea. This chilly winter is a pushover for Pluto residents, yet it becomes a quite hard struggle for those who come from other continents.

In one of the houses in a cyber mansion, Daphne Yalle tucks her ultra-cyber minipad * and laser pen into her pants pocket. Daphne Yalle is an enchanting twenty-three-year-old Pluto girl. Her taffy-pink hair is slightly wavy and it flowed down her back. Her nose is dainty. Her lips are plump, blossom soft. Her body is slim, lined, but not too thin. Her skin is delicate, as white and smooth as fine silk. However, maybe the most alluring among her enchanting beauty is her tiger-orange eyes; not only they are round and beautiful, more than that, they have an enticing, strong allure that would captivate the men to get interested in exploring its deepest under space. They are filled with mysteries - the mysteries which are enticing and fascinating to be explored. Perhaps, it is that part of Daphne's body which can make every man who looks at her, will quickly fall in love with her.

*) Ultra-cyber minipad is one of advanced technology in the Planet. It is similar to smartphone, but the technology is more advanced. Here is some ways to use it:

the minipad can be folded to become small-sized as a smartphone in Planet Earth (or even smaller), and when the user wants to use the wider screen, he/she can unfold it and it'll turn bigger, as big as a laptop or even a television monitor.

To open the icon or utilize the button on the monitor, is by pressing it, or simply by blinking the eye at the icon/button.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

Daphne is studying at Sapphire Medical University, aiming to get a medical degree. Now she is in the final year of her study. However, recently Fuxa Pathogen is sweeping across the planet with great ferocity it then forces most of the schools to change their system to be online, with the students are learning more from home and only once or twice they go to school and study offline. Moreover, there are bad rumors that Neptune would soon attack her country. Most people in Sapphire city ignored the news, because the upheaval occurring between Neptune and their country does not just happen in one or two days, but nothing bad happened so far. Many people have fled from Pluto, including her fellowmen, Neptunian-Plutonians, who have fled to other countries - another reason for this is because of the polemic of ethnic discrimination that has been rampant for too long and make them suffer a lot for it. But Daphne's family had no home anywhere other than this house in Sapphire, and Daphne herself had never experienced such ethnic discrimination in person. Daphne lives only with her mother. They are from a middle-class background, not too rich but not too poor, and they are happy with their lives right now.

*) Neptunian-Plutonians \= people who are born as Neptunian ethnic (the descends from Neptune Country), but hold citizenships as Pluto people.

"Daphne, come here! The breakfast is ready!" Her mother calls from the dining room.

"Yes, Mom!" Daphne gets up from her seat, then made her way into the dining room.

A distinctive, appetizing aroma soon fills her nose as soon as Daphne steps into the dining room. His mother is setting Licorice and Albizzia Toast, and Vanilla Shake on the table.

"Wow, Mom, you are the best. You know what I want!" Daphne said cheerfully. She quickly takes a piece of Licorice and Albizzia Toast, and chews it.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

Mrs. Yalle, Daphne's mother, is a woman in her mid-fifties. Having slightly curly carmile pink hair, the middle-aged woman has a face with a pleasant aura, and she appears to love her only daughter so much. Now, she smiles happily at Daphne who is eating her breakfast.

"Today is your first day in the hospital, as you will do your internship, so you have to eat nutritious food." Mrs. Yalle replies with a smile.

Daphne takes a chair and sits on it. "That's right. This is the moment I've been waiting for so long!"

"But, don't study so hard, okay? You have to maintain the balance between study and relaxation, moreover, you're on a diet right now."

"You know, every student at the university cares so much about good looks. Before, we study more online so a good look is not so important, but now we do internships personally in the hospital. That's why I can't lose to them."

"Gosh, actually what kind of job do you want to do, doctor or artist? You should eat properly so that you can have your brain do its best in studying. Remember your Daddy's words; Seventy percent of the brain needs glucose to think well."

"Alright, alright!" Daphne puts down her half portion of Licorice and Albizzia Toast, then rises out of her seat then headed for the main door. "I'm done. I'll take my leave."

"Oh my, here she leaves her food again. Kids nowadays, most of them watch movies with barbie-bodied artists so they're obsessed with dieting." Mrs. Yalle could only shake her head as Daphne disappeared from the dining room.

True, this is the day Daphne has been waiting for all this time. So far, she just learned without doing anything instead of watching the doctors and other healthcare workers doing their jobs, especially when the spread of the Fuxa pathogen reaches its peak and most of the classes are taught online. But now, everything is different. She is going to be the real healthcare worker - the doctor, and treats patients in person. How could she not be happy about it?

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe


Chapter 2

Arriving at the hospital, the Advisor does not immediately take the interns on duty, but gives them an exam first. The exam aims to measure the students' readiness for internships. Most of the interns do not expect that the Advisor will give them an examination, they immediately scream in horror. Daphne, on the other side, calmly looks at the questions displayed on the Electric Screen in front of the class, then begins to write down the answers on her ultra-cyber minipad.

Daphne is a calm and taciturn girl, and in some ways, she can be extremely serious. Just like when she is taking the exam at this moment. Because Daphne is very passionate about medicine, as a kid she always dreams of becoming a doctor when she grows up. She really wants to follow the trail of his father who has just died.

"Okay, time is over." Various kinds of exclamation (joy for those who are sure they can do the test well, and disappointment for those who are trapped in difficulties) follow after the Advisor announces that the time to do the exam has been over. "But before we begin the internship, I want to announce something to you."

The class turns quiet. Daphne, along with her classmates, is now paying close attention to the Advisor who calls someone. "Please come in, Sir!"

Shortly after the call, a young man steps into the classroom. His face that is in stark contrast to the appearance of the people of the Aurora Continent leading Daphne to immediately guess that this young man is a foreigner. She is even very sure that this young man is Lismesan people, she just has no idea about which country this Lismesan young man comes from - Saturn, Callisto, or Ganymede...

Hmmm, maybe Saturn? I once met one of the Saturnian people. I heard that Saturnian people can be found everywhere, Daphne starts to wonder and observe the young man more closely while the Advisor introduces him. "Welcome to our school, Mr. Rivers... and many thanks for... your compliance to... become one of our lecturers." The Advisor keeps smiling wide when he speaks out, clearly showing that he is full of joyfulness.

"Thank you very much, Doctor, but you don't have to worry, I can speak Plutonian language." Noticing that the Advisor is not fluent in Jupiterian language, the young Lismesan lecturer answers him with a smile.

"Ah... I see..." The Advisor feels embarrassed. He is not very good at the Jupiterian language. Every Plutonian really wants to master the Jupiterian language, but to be able to speak it fluently, especially with foreigners, not everybody can do that incredible thing. Curving a little smile for the second time, the Advisor continued, "Okay Class... let me introduce, this is Mr. Stairmount Rivers..."

Ha, that surname! I guess it right, then!

"... comes from Jupiter. Mr. Rivers graduated from Millennium University, which is very well known in the sector of biological science. Such a great honor for our faculty since Mr. Rivers is willing to give lectures in medical and clinical laboratory technical matters. Especially as you have to intensively study laboratory test results..."

"What, this Lismesan lecturer is a Jupiterian?" Daphne moves her seat a bit forward to observe Mr. Stairmount Rivers more further. Expecting from his face, Mr. Rivers is too young to be a medical faculty lecturer, since he seems to be in his late twenties. His facial expression shows that he is a quiet, even a little rigid man. However, he has a gentle and pleasant handsome face. Not the type of action actor with a mannish face, yet he has the typical drama film actor's sweet, cute face. His indigo-color eyes glowed warmly, making a great match with his carolina-blue hair. While under ordinary circumstances, communicating with strangers - especially with the Jupiterians - will make the people from small towns like her feel nervous, then a different case appears now since Mr. Rivers has an aura that will lead everyone to feel at ease with him. And besides, the impression we get from him is that we can put our trust in him, that he will be able to be a good guardian - a savior. Mmm, laboratory technical expert from a well-known university in the field of biological science? Wow, can I ask a lot of medical questions to him? Daphne quickly became interested in Mr. Rivers because of her deep passion for medical science. All kinds of questions started to pop up in her mind, and of course, the question of why the Jupiterian has the face of Lismesan and the surname of Saturnian still becomes the main question in her mind. Because she knows, all Jupiterians have Jupitune-race postures, just like the Plutonians have.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe 

"Anyway, Class, you'd better not speak Plutonian with Mr. Rivers, okay. Use Jupiterian language. I wish that I can see some of you study for the master's degree at Millennium University. It's a really great happiness for me to see that!" The Advisor utters, but unlike before, his utterance is followed by a very loud, cheerful 'Yes!'

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

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