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The Stories Of Sahaba

Abbad bin Bishr 

Abbad bin bishr (RA – may Allah be pleased with him) was a companion who was known for his worship and knowledge. One day he stood up for prayer. While absorbed in recitation, a stranger stalked the outskirts of the valley in search of Muhammad ﷺ and his followers. From a distance, the man saw the figure of Abbad so he silently drew his bow, and fired an arrow which embedded itself in Abbad’s flesh. Calmly, Abbad removed the arrow and went on with his recitation, still absorbed in his salah (prayer). The attacker shot two more arrows, which also found their mark. Abbad pulled them out and finished his recitation. Abbad continued the prayer to its end and then said to Ammar (another famous companion of Muhammad ﷺ – may Allah be pleased with him): “Get up and stand guard in my place. I have been wounded.” Ammar stood up, and seeing them both, the attacker fled into the darkness. Ammar turned to Abbad saying: “Why didn’t you wake me when you were hit by the first arrow?” Abbad replied: “I was reciting verses of the Qur’an which filled my soul with awe and I did not want to cut short the recitation.”

Abdullah bin Amr

Abdullah Bin Amr (RA – may Allah be pleased with him) was son of the famous companion Amr bin ‘Aas (RA). He was committed earnestly into serving the deen of Allah. So much so that he had to be forced by his father to get married. On his wedding night, Abdullah bin Amr asked his new bride the permission to offer 2 rak’aat of salah. She granted him permission so he went off to pray. In his khushoo of conversing with Allah, he forgot all about his bride and continued praying until the Adhaan of Fajr was heard. Next day he promised himself to tend to his bride. The 2nd night he requested his wife once more to allow him to offer 2 rak’aat of prayer. Again he forgot all about his marriage and prayed until Fajr. This happened thrice in a row. Until Amr bin Aas came on the 3rd day to check up on his daughter in law and asked her about his son Abdullah so she told him the whole story. Amr bin Aas grabbed his son by the neck and took him to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to remind him about the rights of others and of our body on us. Abdullah bin Amr hence reported that Prophet ﷺ asked:…”Have I not been informed that you offer prayer all the night and fast the whole day?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Do not do so; Offer prayer at night and also sleep; Fast for a few days and give up fasting for a few days because your body has a right on you, and your eye has a right on you, and your guest has a right on you, and your wife has a right on you. I hope that you will have a long life, and it is sufficient for you to fast for 3 days a month as the reward of a good deed, is multiplied 10 times, that means, as if you fasted the whole year.” I insisted (on fasting more) so I was given a hard instruction. I said, “I can do more than that (fasting)” The Prophet said, “Fast 3 days every week.”…I said, “I can fast more than that.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Fast as Allah’s prophet David…1/2 of a year (i.e. he used to fast on alternate days)” . . He wasn’t given further permission!

Abu Dahdaa

Abu Dahdaa (RA – may Allah be pleased with him) was sitting in the company of Rasoolullah ﷺ and an orphan came complaining about his neighbour, Abu Lubabah, who wouldn’t give nor sell a palm tree that is a cause of problem for him in building a wall around his garden. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ called the man and asked him to give or sell that one single palm tree to this boy and he refused and got upset. Later Prophet Muhammad ﷺ offered him a tree in jannah in return of that tree and as he was so upset, he refused and left. Abu Dahdah asked the messenger of Allah ﷺ if that bargain is still valid if he buys that tree? And the Prophet ﷺ said yes! Hearing that, Abu Dahdah got up and rushed after Abu Lubabah. He offered his meadow to him in return of that tree. The man asked, are you kidding? It was an offer no one could refuse because who in Madinah didn’t know of that heaven like garden with approx. 500 palm trees and a well surrounding a house. Hence Abu Lubabah gave that one palm tree to him, which Abu Dahdah gifted the boy and went towards his house in those meadows. He called his wife Umm Dahdah from the outside asking her to come out of the house as he has sold it to Allah and His messenger ﷺ – upon which she replied, without any question or resistance: “Allahu Akbar, what a successful bargain!” She then gathered her kids, checked their pockets for any dates from the garden, took them out and threw them in that garden, stating that they are for Allah now. They are not their property anymore. And hence the whole family left a house with a well amidst a garden of 500 palm trees behind so they could own a tree in jannah

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