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General's Bride

Ch 1.

kill the target
he is 29 years old
and is the one who bought slaves from the black market
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
Roger that
I am Ashley
right now, I am 22 years old
and I work as the sniper
Good one...
and the person who is giving me instructions is telling me to kill the most dangerous person I haven't been able to kill for a few months...
I aim my gun as I loaded it with the most lethal bullet
"Vanilla" bullet, as I call it
the target is here
kill him
as I heard the instruction from him, I prepared my gun and aimed it at the door
Once the doors opened, the target came in
but I couldn't kill him
the one whom my boss ordered me to kill...
he is someone I can't even look at...
how am I supposed to kill my own husband?
to what level did I stoop that I was obliged to kill my own husband?
Ashley Clifford, shoot him right now
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
fuçk you from the other side
I put my gun down and fairly enough, he noticed me
and he smiled
how many things have I gone through as I finally saw you again?

Ch 2.

6 years ago:
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
how about marriage?
this is my father, who is the General in the army
recently, I joined the program in which if I pass the test, I get to study at the elite school abroad
my father allowed me to join it but now...
he is too worried that something will happen to me
my father can't go with me because generals aren't allowed to go abroad
so now he is asking me for permission whether I would want to get married
Well...he would never come up with this idea unless he is too desperate
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
I agree for the marriage
I trust my father so much that I am not even a bit worried about who my husband will be
but there is one thing...
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
dad, I am only 16
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
you can get engaged and then when you come home 2 years later, you can call off the engagement if you want to
I nodded

Ch 3.

Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
she will agree to it
persuading my mother into marriage will be the most difficult thing
she has barely gotten used to the idea that I am going to study abroad
I am the eldest child, with my sister just 10 years old
it would be hard for my mother to get used to my absence
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
I smiled at my father as he turned to leave my room
while I continued to read one şhitty novel, which I am only reading because the wording is nice
i had just completed this novel 2 hours later and smiling at this achievement when I heard a knock on the door
my father came in to my room while I stred at him back
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
I found someone for you
hold on...
it just took him 2 hours to find someone?
how many connections does my dad have?
I had been sitting at the table and secretly took out a sheet of paper that I had written a few hours ago
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
he is...kind
the sheet of paper Ashley was having:
good-looking ☐ kind ☐ Good education ☐ father's friend's son ☐ Good family background ☐ eldest son ☐
she ticked off the "kind" box happily and resumed to listen to her father
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
he has graduated school with excellent grades
she ticked off the box "good education"
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
he is my friend's son
woah...she ticked off another box called "father's friend's son" in amazement at her acciracy
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
his father is my comrade in army and he is determined to be the General in the army, too
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
while her mother is a doctor
another tick for "good family background"
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
he has an elder brother, who is a teacher at the elite school you are going to study
she frowned
she thought that her father will find a husband for the "eldest son" category
she sighed...
one wrong tick
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
how old is he?
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
his parents are going to come soon
hold on, hold on, hold on
she is going abroad in three weeks and her father is going to get her engaged today?
isn't it too rushed?
Ashley Clifford
Ashley Clifford
dad, when is my engagement?
Cole Clifford
Cole Clifford
we will discuss it today with his parents

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