“Lady Myra; are you alright?” A young maid asks with much concern as she
watches Myra clutch onto her stomach.
“Chime, I feel that its time. My child wishes to become a part of the world.”
Myra says as she looks at the young girl.
“Oh, oh my; lady Myra we should get you to the medical room.” She gently
takes Myra’s free hand.
“I fear we may not make it that far.” She says then once again
clutches her stomach.
“Lady Myra?”
Two servants hear Chime form down the hall they come to help. They pick
up Myra and carry her to the medical room as quickly as possible.
Chime stays at Myra’s side the best she can.
Lady Myra; seems the child is finally ready to come into the world.”
The Doctor says as Myra is helped onto the medical cot. The doctor
turns to look at Chime.
“My help is not here tonight; would you stay to give me a hand?” he
asks her before she leaves the room.
“Yes, of course.” Chime gives a bow.
Then with two hours she gives birth to a child; the infant doesn’t cry
the doctor hands the child to Chime, she wraps it into a cloth.
“Doctor what’s going on is my child… AH…” before she can finish she
has another contraction.
The Doctor goes back to Myra.
“Another?” he whispers.
“What?” Myra asks.
“Give another push Myra.”
Then after another four pushes she gives birth to another child. He wraps
the child into a cloth. Then he looks over at Chime who is still
holding the first born.
“Could you step out with me for a moment Chime?” the doctor asks.
“Yes of course.”
They lay the children together on a small cot. Then they step out of the
“I must report to the king. You are not to tell Myra about the children;
we must first be told what to do by the king.”
“I understand.” She looks down sadly.
The doctor leaves; he is quick to return with the king. The doctor enters
the room he returns with the first born. He hands the child over to
“As an order from your king you are to never tell anyone about the events
of today, you are not to tell Myra bout her birthing of two children
nor about what sex they are. Now you will take this child to the edge
of the kingdoms border and you will leave the child there. If you
refuse you shall be exiled from the lands.” The king says.
“Is there something wrong with my child?” Myra asks the moment the
doctor re-enters the room.
“No, there is nothing wrong with your child; you have given birth to a
beautiful baby girl.” The Doctor says.
“Once the girl is old enough she will wed my eldest grandson, it has
already been documented.” The king says then leaves the room.
The doctor gives Myra her child.
“She is beautiful.” Myra says with watering eyes.
“You need to get some rest Lady Myra. Your daughter will be cared for just
as the rest of the children are.” The doctor looks over at her and
the child.
He takes the girl from Myra and leaves the room. Myra rolls onto her
side and closes her eyes.
Chime takes the infant into her arms. She goes out to the edge of the
castle border.
“Is anyone out there?”
She’s answered by the night’s silence.
“Please someone, are you out there?” she calls out again.
“I am out here.” A hooded man answers.
“Who are you?”
“I cannot give you a name as of now. Is the child you carry one of
“Yes, this is Myra’s first born; it is her son.”
“So why are you calling for someone way out here at the edge of the
castle borders?”
“The King has ordered me to do something unforgivable and cruel; he wants
me to leave this child alone to die. I can’t do it, even more so
knowing this is a child of Myra. I couldn’t betray someone who has
only ever been kind to me. Please will you take this child and care
for him?”
“I give you my word that the boy will be well taken care of. If you ever
have to tell anyone about this night; who you gave the boy to…”
He whispers a name into her ear then carefully taking hold of the child
then he and the child disappear as if they were never there.
“Thank you.” She calls out to the emptiness, whipping the tear from her
face she bows and returns to the castle grounds.
“Ari, congratulations.” A guard who’s walking with Captain says.
“I don’t understand.”
“Myra has given birth ...” Before the Captain can finish what; he’s
saying Ari has already started running down the hall.
Suddenly there is a loud bell ringing. Myra gets to her feet then she leaves
the medical room slowly. She takes a deep breath to gather some
strength. Then she continues. Soon she and Ari meet as they both come
to the end of the hallway.
“Why are you out of bed? You just gave birth to our child.” Ari says as
he holds onto her shoulders.
“I’m fine; the signal bell the castle is being attached.” Myra says
“We should go and make our stand.” Ari says
“No we need to first get the innocent out of danger; if we don’t the
future of the kingdom may not exist.” Myra.
“Ok, you’re right. You guide the children I’ll follow from behind
we’ll protect them together.” Ari
“Mr. and Mrs. Arrows is there anything I can do to assist you?” Chime
asks as she comes around the corner.
“Yes, we’re going to get the children and bring them to safety.” Myra
Chime gives a quick bow of her head.
“Alright we should move quickly.” Myra says as she starts on her way to the
children’s chamber.
They make it to the children’s chambers.
“Wait, where is my baby?” Myra calls out worriedly as she looks around the
room the children are all crowded together.
“I believe the child was placed in your chambers, it’s a tradition for
new families to spend the first night together.” Chime says.
Without hesitation, she runs out.
“Mrs. Arrows!” Chime calls out behind her but she’s stopped by a hand
on her shoulder.
“Let her go; let’s get the children to safety. Guide them to the willow
tree, that’s the safest place to be; do not worry I will protect
you and the children.”
“Thank you Mr. Arrows; Follow me children, make sure to stay close
together.” Chime says to the children as she gathers them together.
Fighting off the creatures as she makes her way to the bed chambers; she busts
through the doors to see a creature looming over the child.
“Leave my child alone.”
The creature looks at her and lets out a whining squeal. Then it charges
at her they begin to battle until the creature gains the upper and
has her pinned. As the creature goes to make the final hit, it’s
taken out by an air and fire combination hit.
“Are you ok?” Ari asks while lending his hand to help Myra to her feet.
“Yes I am thanks to you.”
“What about our child?”
Myra walks over to the bassinet and peers in at the child.
“The baby is still fast asleep; only a few hours old and already showing
traits of you.” Myra smiles as she takes the child into her arms.
“We should be on our way to get the child to the willow tree.” Ari says
as he checks the hallway making sure it’s clear.
They make their way out and start on the way to safety. They battle as
they move forward protecting the baby and each other. They make it to
the garden where they are quickly surrounded with no path in sight to
“Myra;stay behind me.”
“Ari they’re all around us.”
“I will protect you and our child; even if it means giving my life.”
“Ari we can do this together.”
“The moment you see an opening I want you to take it, don’t look back;
just keep going.”
“Ari I…”
“You have to for the future to exist remember?”
“I love you Ari.”
“I have loved you from the moment we met Myra.”
Then he starts to battle with the creatures. Soon there is an opening; she
takes it she holds her child close to her as she runs as fast as her
feet will carry her. When she finally sees a place, she can seek
safety her path is blocked by a wall of rock.
“Look what I have found.”
“Stay away.” Myra says as she takes a slow step back.
“Is that really any way to greet your first love?”
“Just stay away Asriel.”
“Oh, what do you have there? Is that the only heir to the Arrow family
“What?” She quickly glances down at the child in her arms. “Asriel just
leave the child out of this.”
“Oh you must not have been told. I also get the feeling that you never
actually told Mr. Arrows the truth of your pregnancy.”
“How dare you Asriel this child is innocence. This is and always will be
the child of Ari and myself.” Giving him a glaring look she takes
another step back.
“You may say that, yet deep down you know the truth; but you still insist
on hiding from it. Allow me to make you an offer. You hand over the
child to me and I’ll put a stop to the attack on the castle then
you can return to Mr. Arrows the two of you will lead a happy life
together, all you have to do is give me the child.” Asriel says as
he slowly reaches out for the child.
“I will never give you my child.” She says turning so the child is
even further out of his reach.
“You leave me with no other choice.”
Asriel makes an attack; Myra barely dodging the attack then without much
thought she sends an attack back.
“You think that you can defeat me because you’re lucky to be able to use
all the elements?”
“I will not back down, and you will not take my child.”
“You always have been a strong and brave woman; but I think your
forgetting that I have already severely wooded you, you couldn’t
possibly hope to escape.” Asriel says.
“You shouldn’t be so confident; you haven’t officially defeated me
She quickly uses the air element to pick up the leaves blocking his
vision momentarily, and then she uses the earth element to make a
wall of tree branches blocking his way. Hugging the child to her
chest she pushes herself to keep moving. She reaches a village and
goes to hide in the open barn. After a short time, a young girl
enters the barn. Seeing Myra, the girl drops the bucket she was
“Mrs. Arrows?” then the girl quickly kneels
“Please there is no need for that; please treat me as a regular villager.”
Myra says
“I… I couldn’t possibly treat you as a regular villager your… your
royalty to us of the village.” The girl says in a shaky voice.
“Please tell me, what is your name?”
“Rivers… Mila Rivers; Mrs. Arrows your injured, allow me to help you.”
“No, Mila it’s too late for that now.”
“At least allow me to bandage your injury to slow the bleeding.” Mila
says as she stands up. Mila leaves then quickly returns with
bandages. She tends to the wound.
“If I may; could I trouble you with a huge favor?” Myra asks as she
turns to look at Mila.
“Yes, what is it?” she asks.
“There is a new born baby sleeping in some hay over there, can I count on
you to raise the child?”
“Yes, I’d be more than honored to take care of the child.”
Mila hurries over to where the child is sleeping soundly. She picks up the
child carefully doing her best not to wake it.
“Mrs. Arrows is this child yours…?”
She turns around to see that Myra is no longer there.
“Mrs. Arrows?” she calls out.
Mila looks down at the infant in her arms. She smiles then slightly moves
the blanket to see more of the baby’s face.
“Well little one let’s head into our home.” she smiles once again then
she carries the baby into her home.
Ari makes his way to the willow tree ignoring his injuries he searches
for Myra and their child; only to not find them.
“Mr. Arrows, please allow me to tend to your injuries.” One of the maids
says as she follows him.
“Have you seen Myra?”
“I’m sorry I have not, but there are a lot of people here she should turn
up soon. May I please attend to your injuries now?” she asks again.
“I just need to drink some water.” He says as he continues to look
“Ari… Ari…” a servant calls out from within the crowd of people.
“Yes, what is it?” Ari asks as the servant comes into view.
“The Captain wishes to see you at the gates, he says it’s urgent.” The
servant gives a bow.
Ari immediately gets up and heads to the gates. As he gets closer he sees
two others carrying a woman. He quickens his pace as he recognizes
the clothing.
“Myra!” he calls out and starts to run to her, but he is stopped by the
“Ari she’s barely holding onto life; they found her coming from the
south west. She was found alone.”
“Alone! She had our child with her. She shouldn’t have been alone.” Ari
pushes past the Captain and goes to Myra’s side taking his hand
into his own.
“Ari… I’m sorry…Asriel was after our child… I need you to understand
I made sure our child is safe… from his grasp… I had to battle
him… I’m sorry this is how it… turned out.” Myra talks in a
low voice.
“No don’t say that, I should have stayed by your side. Tell me where I
can find our child.”
“The child is in the… village.”
“In which village?” he asks
“In the…” then the hand he’s holding goes limp.
“Myra… Myra!” he uses his other hand and pulls all of her into him he
looks down at her.
“Mr. Arrows, she has passed on. I’m sorry.” One of the servants says.
Ari places her back onto the cot he closes her eyes.
“I will find our child before Asriel can.” He says as he angrily
“Captain, I need time to go and search for my child.” Ari says
“Ari I…”
“Captain… the king he… he was found dead.”
At this statement, everyone starts to panic. Using the ciaos to his
advantage Ari leaves to find his child. Within the year Prince
Hayden, the only son of the king becomes king. While Ari still
desperately searches for his child; having no luck with the search he
returns to the kingdom.
“Ari” The Captain calls out to him.
“Yes Captain?” he says as he takes a handful of water from the fountain
and gulps it down.
“You have been given an order from King Hayden to stop your search you are
to immediately return to your duty as a castle guard.”
“Since it’s an order from the king I have no choice to obey it; correct?”
Ari says angrily then walks away.
17 Years Later
“Captain, Ari the king wishes to see the both of you.” A servant says with a
“I wonder what this is about.” Ari say’s
“Why don’t we just go find out?” Captain says
They both head on their way to the main chambers. Upon entering the grand
hall, they see all the other castle guards are already there. Seeing
the two of them enter King Hayden stands.
“Now that everyone has been gathered together, I would like to announce
that this castle will be recruiting new guards, at least two from
each neighboring village; we shall prepare for harsh times. I have
already sent out servants to place notices in the villages I entrust
Captain and Ari to oversee the process of the recruits’ tests;
after all the two of you will oversee their training as well. I for
one am looking forward to a long and happy future. This meeting is
now over everyone can return to your prior duties.” The king walks
over to Captain and Ari.
“Captain, Ari I would like for the two of you to get ready to leave, I have
full confidence that the two of you will bring back potential castle
guards; Oh, and please if you could start with the fire village.”
The king says before they leave.
Fire Village
“So the King needs more guards.” Garret says
“I thought that the only ones who could become castle guards are those
who can use all elements.” Kent says
“Who cares; it’s a chance to see the castle.” Zora says as she brings
the tray of drinks to the table.
“Are you just going to sit there talking about it or are you going to sign
up to try out. I’m going to sign; it beats being stuck here in this
village. I need the chance to show my true potential. Rexen says from
the next table over.
“You’re always looking for a reason to show off.” Kent says as he picks up
his glass.
“You’re just jealous that he looks better than you doing it.” Zora says as
she longingly watches Rexen leave.
“Why waste your time fawning over Rexen, he’ll never like you that way.”
Garret says.
“Yeah, the only thing that Rexen seems to have any feelings for is his ego.”
Kent says.
“Then I suppose I’ll have to step up my game; show that I’m worth it.
I’m going to sign up and try to be a castle guard myself.” Zora
says then she runs out of the restaurant.
“Hey it’s probably worth a try; what do you say we go sign up too?”
Kent gets up from his seat.
“I’ll be right behind you.” Garret swallows the last of his drink; he
places his glass on the table. He and Kent leave the restaurant.
They all sign the sheet. Each of them head home. Morning comes quickly as
the sun rises, the sound of a horn echo’s and all the villagers
watch as Captain and Ari enter the village. Captain takes the sheet.
“Rexen Fields, Zora Westines, Kent Smoke, and Garret Mills I need the four
of you to step forward.” Captain says as he looks over the crowd.
They all step forward.
Alright there will be five tests each of you will take; at the end of these
tests we’ll tally the scores then the two with the highest scores
will move on to the next village with us. Now let’s begin.”
Captain says.
The four of them try their best at each test. Each test takes thirty to
an hour. Once every one is done with the tests the four of them head
to eat at the restaurant. Captain and Ari go over the scores.
“By the look of these scores only two of them matched the score.”
“I will go tell them who is going with us to the next village.” Ari
Ari walks into the restaurant the four of them look over at him as he
makes his way over to them at the table.
“Based on the scores you set with the tests the two who will be moving with
Captain and I will be Rexen Fields and Zora Westines. Please be ready
to leave at first light.” Ari leaves just as quickly as he came.
“I can’t believe I get to become a guard.” Zora smiles happily.
Rexen gets up from his chair and leaves.
“Mr. Ego has left.” Garret calls out.
“Don’t be a sore loser Garret.” Zora says.
“You know he’ll just become more in love with his ego, you should give
up on your feelings Zora also good luck becoming a guard.” Kent
gives her a shy smile.
She smiles back.
“Thanks Kent.” Zora takes the empty dishes to the counter then she heads
Morning comes fast. With the loud ring of the signaling horn Zora and Rexen
head on to the next village with Captain and Ari.
Air Village
“Can you believe that there will be castle guards here soon?” EL
“I wonder why they are looking for more guards.” Nellen says
“Maybe the king has lost it.” Luna chimes in.
“Why do you feel that it’s ok to only ever say rude things?” Syi asks
while she sweeps the floor.
“Why do you even care about what I say?”
“Well if one thing is definite by your continuous rudeness you’ll never
find love.” Syi says
“Will the two of you ever stop arguing with each other?” EL calls out to
the two of them.
Before anyone can make a reply the signaling horn echoes through the sky.
“Well they sure traveled fast.” EL
“As of a few minutes ago when I signed up there was only four who
actually signed the sheet to try to become castle guards.” Syi says
as she puts away the broom.
“I feel that it’s very unlikely that they would take all four of us.”
Luna says while she leaves the room.
“We should probably go meet the guards who are leading these tests.”
Nellen speaks up, and then makes his way out of the room.
The four of them stand outside to see the two guards and the two others
who had been chosen from the first village.
“Wow he is very good looking.” Syi says as she looks at Rexen.
“You may want to ask for a handkerchief; you seem to be drooling.” Luna
says then pushes past giggling.
She quickly whips her face only to realize she’s fallen for a trick.
“Oh… it is so on.” Syi clenches her hands into fits.
We need the Four who signed up; Luna Skies, Nellen Spar, EL Mathews and
Syi Chains to please step forward. We will start the five tests now.
With the tests started and each one just as competitive as the other; the
tests are completed rather quickly.
“Because of a tie set between two of the signers; we will be taking three of
the four with us. The highest score was Nellen Spar, then Luna Skies
and Syi Chains. We advise that you get some rest we will be leaving
at dawn to head to the next village.” Ari says.
“You’re so lucky to be leaving to get to go to the castle to become a castle
guard.” EL says to Syi as she past her on the shoulder.
“Don’t be so down EL, I’m going to miss you too.” They both smile
“You don’t have to be worried about me; I know you’ll become a great
castle guard. You should go get some rest you have a long journey
ahead of you.” EL gives Syi a hug.
They all head to their homes to pack a few things and get some rest before
Earth Village
“It’s not likely to change no matter how much you stare at it.” Katlyn
“I know. I just don’t know what I should do.” Wenn says as he turns
to look at Katlyn.
“You should listen to your heart; allow it to guide you when you’re
unsure. After all your heart is what knows you the best.” Flora
says as she cheerfully walks into the tavern.
“I’m happy that I signed up. I think this will turn out to be a great
challenge for me.” Katlyn says as she walks by with another tray of
empty dishes.
“Argo was the first to sign up he’s always so bold; He never backs down
from a challenge, does he?” Flora says
“You do know the guards doing the testing will be here in the early
morning hours. They are also likely to start the tests right away. We
should all be resting. Argo says as he’s on his way out.
“I suppose you’re correct.” Katlyn says
Wenn signs the sheet. They all head to their homes. The morning comes
rather quickly as the echoing sound of the guard’s horn sounds off
through the many trees. The villagers gather around in a crowd.
“Argo Grin, Katlyn Peers, Flora Blooms, and Wenn winters; could the four of
you step forward? There are five tests you have to complete you will
gain a score for each, those who score at our set goal or higher will
continue on with us to become castle guards, now let’s begin.”
Ari says.
They each take the tests, once each of them finishes Captain and Ari go
over the scores.
“Based on the scores each of you placed Argo Grin and Flora Blooms will be
continuing on along with us. Please get some rest we leave at dawn.”
Captain says then walks away.
“Good luck becoming castle guards you two.” Katlyn smiles at them.
“Study hard guys.” Wenn says
“Don’t be sad Wenn you will find what you’re destined for soon, just keep
following your heart.” Flora says to him with her same cheerful
At dawn, they start on their way to the water village.
Water Village
“Spanx Where do you think you’re headed this late at night?” Mila asks
as she walks out of the dark room.
“I couldn’t sleep so I thought I would go for a walk, see the moon and
maybe practice using the Air Element.” She says with a quiet
“Air; what have I told you about that? This is the water village you
shouldn’t use the air element here if someone was to see you…”
“It would cause a village rampage and then there would be a lot of
questions and I would be putting myself in danger, so I shouldn’t
use the air element.” Spanx finishes the statement.
“Spanx, I’m only hard on you because I’m trying to keep you safe.” Mila
“I promise you that I’m careful every time I go and practice using the
air element. May I please go now?” she says with a pouting face.
“Just be sure that you are completely alone.”
“Thank you.” Spanx says excitedly then heads out.
She walks slowly so she doesn’t disturb anything or make a lot of
noise. As she goes to turn the corner she sees someone standing by
the wall. She takes a step back but misplaces her foot and crushes a
clay vase.
“Who’s there? Show yourself.”
“Sorry it’s just me. I didn’t know anyone one was still awake.”
The two walk closer to each other
“Is that you Spanx?”
“Hi, Maxen.”
“You’re hurt.” Maxen says pointing at her foot.
“Oh, No it’s just a scratch.”
“Allow me to look at it.”
Before she can start to reply he’s already taken hold of her hand, leading
her over to a large rock. She sits down and he looks at her ankle.
“This is definitely worse than just a scratch you know?”
“Really it’s ok. I’ll be fine.”
“Why are you even out here this late and alone for that matter?” he
looks at her.
“I couldn’t sleep, but you know I could ask you the same question.”
“Ok, well I was out here to sign the sheet to try to become a castle
“Really; well you would make a good castle guard.”
“You really think so? I just figured because it was for a good cause I
would give it a try.” He says then he sits next to her.
“Yes, I do for one your gentle while taking care of others and you are
smart… and well… so who else signed up?” Spanx stands up
quickly and goes over to the sheet.
“Wow only four people; well if it’s for a good cause I will sign up
too.” She signs the sheet.
“I guess this makes us competitors now.” He stands next to her.
“Why competitors?” she asks with a little confusion.
“It’s a joke Spanx; lets both do our best on the tests they give us.” He
lightly pats her on the shoulder.
“I agree.” She smiles
“We should head back we’ll need to be well rested for the tests as
well. I’ll walk you home; keep you from getting hurt again.”
Maxen says as he gives a small smile.
They quietly walk to Spanx’s house.
“Thank you Maxen.”
“You’re welcome even though there’s no need to thank me.” He says
“Have a goodnight.”
She goes inside. Once he’s completely out of sight she leaves the house
once again. She makes it to her secret spot. She practices using
water and air.
The sound of the guard’s horn wakes her up.
“Morning already?” she sits up then rubs her eyes as she lets out a yawn.
“oh…no.” she gets to her feet as quickly as she can and runs back to the town
she’s able to make it into the crowd making sure no one seen her
direction of travel.
“The five sign-ups are Zena Fli, Specura Smiles, Case Biel, Maxen Blue,
and Spanx Rivers; if you could step forward.” Ari
The five make their way to the front of the crowd.
“There are five tests, let’s begin.” Captain says
Zena stands next to Spanx.
“I saw you last night.” Zena leans over just enough to whisper her
comment to her.
“I have no idea what you talking about.” Spanx says as she takes a
step to the side.
“You were with Maxen late at night; with the moonlight shining over you.
You did seem to be getting a little cozy together.”
“If you say so Zena, it must be true.” Spanx give a half smile.
“So you’re admitting to it?”
“Well it’s my turn to try these tests.” Spanx walks over to the testing
place. With her being the last to take the tests, Captain and Ari
look over the scores.
“Are those scores correct?” Ari asks surprised by the results.
“Yes they are as you see.”
“We will be taking three of the testers from this village the scores that
where posted above the expected. Maxen Blue, Specura Smiles, and
Spanx Rivers. The three of you will need to be ready to leave at
first light we head back to the castle.” Ari says then walks away.
“Good job and good luck guys, you’ll be great castle guards.” Case
“Thanks, let’s just hope that the training is like those tests.” Maxen
“Thank you Case.” Specura gives him a hug.
“Everyone did a great job on the tests but thank you Case.” Spanx follows as
everyone goes inside the restaurant.
“Are you really that clumsy that you got hurt during the tests? You’re
leavening blood everywhere Spanx.” Zena points at the floor.
Everyone’s eyes follow the blood droplets that lead to Spanx.
“Did you really get hurt during the tests?” Specura
“Are you alright Spanx?” Case
“Oh no, this is just a scratch it happened last night, but really I’m
alright is there a cloth I’ll clean up the mess I made.”
“Why didn’t you re-wrap it before the tests?” Maxen
“To be honest I didn’t really feel it was necessary. It wasn’t
bleeding and it still isn’t hurting.”
“Would you like me to re-wrap it for you?” Maxen asks as he steps forward.
“Oh please, why don’t you just take her to a bedroom Maxen?” Zena
says with an irritated tone.
“Here allow me to help.”
Everyone turns to the unexpected voice at the door way.
“Who are you?” Zena asks.
“My name is Rexen.” He walks over to where Spanx sit’s.
“Um… this really isn’t necessary; after all it’s only a scratch.”
“Well it looks pretty bad from where I stand.” Syi
Rexen kneels. He places his hand over the wound lightly. He looks up at
her; she’s already looking at him. Then he gets to his feet.
“You will need to rinse that with some water, but it shouldn’t bleed
anymore.” Rexen says as he turns.
“Thank you.” She says questioningly.
“No need to thank me.” Rexen says without turning around he leaves.
“What was up with that? You have never acted like that before; are you
feeling ok?” Zora asks as she follows after him.
“I feel fine… they were just being obnoxiously loud.” Rexen
“Sure that’s why the two of you were gazing at each other, but to keep
things peaceful let’s just agree that I believe you.”
Everything settles down after everyone went home. The village sleeps.
Spanx sits up in her bed she looks out the window. Unable to fall asleep
she heads towards the door.
“Spanx, I know I cannot make you stay, but while you’re at the castle and
even on the journey to the castle please be careful. Keep yourself
protected.” Mila steps out of the darkness.
“I will be ok. I promise to be as careful as I can.”
Mila gives a sad smile.
“I promise to write to you every chance I get. I will even do my best to
visit you if I have the chance.” Spanx smiles back.
“I’m so proud of you; you have grown into a wonderful young lady.”
Spanx hugs Mila then she walks out the door. She leans against it once it’s
latched closed. With a sigh, she makes on her way to her secret place
for one last practice. Making sure she’s alone she makes her stance
to start. She goes to use air first but instead she somehow uses
fire. Confused by what she just did she puts out the fire as quickly
as she can. She takes a seat along with a deep breath as she calm’s
herself down.
“It’s just like the time I was a child the incident with the air village
visitor. Why does this keep happening to me?”
She wakes up to the echoing of the guard’s horn.
“I fell asleep out here again?” she runs back as fast as she can.
“Spanx; I’m over here.” Mila calls to her
Spanx makes her way over to her.
“Here take this with you; it shall bring you courage and luck. She places
it into the palm of her hand.
“This is my name.” she looks up at Mila.
“It was with you when I found you in the barn.”
“Thank you.”
They share one last hug.
“Ok it is time to move out we have a long trip ahead of us.” Captain
says with a loud voice.
Spanx joins the others. All together they start towards the castle. Spanx
looks back one last time to see Mila waving. With a smile, she waves
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